Originally Unity-Linux was a Mandriva based Linux distribution that was started when a number of packagers left PCLinuxOS. Due to multiple differences both parties thought it best to part ways, so Unity-Linux was born. Development started quickly and various packages where added. Eventually though due to lack of vision and what some would say interest Unity-Linux development slowed down crawl until it ended. The domain ended up being pointed to a personal blog, when it was rescued and the project was semi-resurrected by JMiahMan a previous developer/packager. The original purpose for Unity Linux was to create a baseline Linux install to which users could create their own Linux Desktop distributions to share with family and friends for various tasks. The idea was to create scripts and various tools to allow users to learn about Linux and create something on their own. Unity was the trunk and these home brewed distributions would be the branches. Unity Linux is now refocusing on some of these core ideas and visions that it was started with. This time instead of being based on a popular desktop distribution Unity Linux now has it’s own base, for a much smaller footprint and which has lead to depending on MUSL for our C Library and no longer using Glibc. YUM has replaced Smart and OpenRC is being used for the init system.
Distribution Homepage
Distribution Homepage
“Unity Linux,” ibiblio catalog, accessed March 13, 2025,