- characteristics, 5, 29, 94;
modification, 630, 661-62
A-30, characteristics, 29, 94
A-36, radius, 494, 570
Aachen, 702
Abadan, 19
Abbeville, 216, 219, 237, 255
Abbotts Ripton, 648
ABC-1, 209
Abu Sueir, 95
Accra, 119
ACID, 442, 451, 453, 456
Acireale, 462, 470-71
Acquafondata, 590
Acquapendente, 558
Adige R., 506
Adler, Brig. Gen. E. E., 6-7, 15-16, 26, 34, 99
Admiralty (Brit.), 245, 253, 316, 406, 452, 523, 652
Adrano, 462, 468-70
Adriatic Depot, 562
Advisory Committee on Bombardment, 354
Afrika Korps, 153, 205
Agadir, 186
Agedabia, 94-96
Agira, 463, 466
Agrigento, 458
Agropoli, 521, 524, 533
Ain Beida, 159, 168
Ain M'lila, 151
Airborne operations:
- in Africa, 56-57, 71-72, 79, 87, 132;
in Italy, 456, 496, 499-500, 519-20, 531-34;
in Sicily, 443-44, 446-49, 453-56
Air Corps Ferrying Command, 5-6
Aircraft production problems and priorities, 211, 274-75, 288-95
Aircraft replacement:
- in No. Africa, 110, 118-31, 287, 619;
in UK, 110, 260, 287, 616-17, 630, 651, 653, 660-63
Airfields, Allied:
- in Corsica and Sardinia, 560-63;
in Italy, 491, 498, 501, 526-27, 530, 539, 542-43, 555-57, 560-68, 574-75, 723-24;
in ME, 3-6, 10, 11, 16, 18, 20-21, 25-26, 29, 40, 95;
in Nonh Africa, 83, 89, 95, 100, 116-20, 127-28, 132, 138, 168-70, 182-83, 198-99;
in Sicily, 458, 466, 494;
in UK, 604-9, 611, 624, 644-52
Air Forces (numbered):
First AF, 409
Second AF, 409-10
Eighth AF:
A-4, 743-44;
A-5, 355;
activated and committed to BOLERO, 21O-11;
aid to MTO, 478, 483, 494-95, 536, 543, 550-51, 564, 568, 638-39, 646, 716-17, 744;
aid to 9th AF in ETO, 642-43, 649, 660, 744;
aid to North Africa, 24, 51-52, 59-66, 98, 107, 110, 119-20, 128, 130-31, 134, 182, 211, 219, 231-33, 235, 248, 258-60, 277, 303, 309, 311, 600, 619-20, 624, 628-29, 683, 713;
bases, 601-9, 611, 624, 644-52, 658;
CG, 63, 106, 374, 749-50, 754
communications, 607, 610
cooperation with RAF and Brit., 113-14, 116-17, 228-29, 231, 267, 346, 602, 605-12, 617- 19, 648-49, 652-56, 688-89, 741
coordination (with 15th AF) 566-67, 572, 574, 582, 706, 722-29, 741, 744-48, 752, 754
directives, 213-16, 237-42, 305-8, 312, 319-21, 374, 665-66
(see also CBO Plan; COA)
Hq., 605, 752, 754
maintenance, 258, 261, 602-5, 621-30, 657-64, 719, 727
morale, 216, 303, 322, 641
need for long-range fighter, 228-31, 238, 267-68, 303, 334-37, 570, 654, 668, 679-81, 705-6
rate of abonive sorties, 261
rate of battle damage, 261, 341-42, 623, 663-64, 718
rate of loss, 265, 336-37, 341, 663, 682-83, 687, 708, 715, 724
rate of opns., 370, 668, 719, 724
replacements, 235-36, 259-61, 309-10, 338, 600-602, 616-17, 651, 660-61, 716, 718-19
shuttle bombing, 474, 684-87
as "strategic" air
force, 150, 164, 632
strength, 210-11, 230-32, 235, 258-61, 280-81, 288, 308-11, 337-38, 370-71, 376, 388, 409, 599-602, 608, 636-41, 645, 663, 668,. 687-88, 690, 713, 716-19, 729
supply. 209. 258-61, 602-5. 609-24, 637-40, 643-60, 664, 742
tactical problems. 209, 212, 233-34, 252, 263-72, 300, 321-47, 666-69, 672-76, 689-703, 720-21, 728-30 (see also Formations)
training. 51, 229, 231-32, 235-36, 241, 343-44, 370, 608, 62324, 640-41, 659-60, 664, 697
in USAAFUK, 743-44
in USSTAF, 752-56.
See also CBO CBO Plan Commands, VIII Bomber; Day bombardment Target priorities Eighth Strategic AF (proposed), 636
Eighth Tactical AF (proposed), 632, 634-36, 639, 641-43
Ninth AF: in AEAF, 736-40
air transport service, 657;
CG, 39, 64243
contributions to NAAF, 161-62, 416-18, 424, 495-96, 535, 585
(in African campaigns) 10, 39-40, 96, 98-99, 103-4, 120, 131, 155, 170-80, 182-84, 199,
(in HUSKY) 43575 passim,
(in Italian campaign) 503-4, 506, 509, 514-17, 524, 535, 585,
(in Pantelleria) 419, 424,
(at Ploesti) 10, 478, 683;
(in Med. area) 24-25, 39, 99, 104, 495-96, 747,
(in UK) 496, 642-43, 645-49, 736, 738-40, 752, 754
strength, 171, 178, 198, 416, 642, 663
supply and maintenance, 652-53, 655-57, 660-62, 743-44, 754
as "tactical" air force, 164, 642, 739, 752.
See also USAMEAF. Tenth AF, 7, 15, 32
Eleventh AF, 739
Twelfth AF: A-3, 54, 68;
CG, 25, 52, 167, 749
deployment, 84, 105, 110, 126, 128
(in HUSKY) 450, 453, 458, 463, 465, 474,
(in Italian campaign) 496-545 passim, 550,
(in North African campaign) 118-25, 128, 130-32, 146-49, 152-53, 185, 204,
(in Pantelleria) 419, 431
orgn., 50, 60, 84, 98, 107, 110-11, 119, 127, 162-63, 167, 416, 564-68,
(chart) 569, 725, 747, 749-51
photo rcn. wing, 569
status under NAAF, 162-63, 167, 416, 502
strength, 54, 59-60, 82, 116, 128, 130-31, 167, 416, 642
and maintenance, 90, 125-31, 287, 496, 500-501, 561-63, 571, 628, 630
target selection, 120-21, 150
training, 58-59, 134, 138, 146, 162
units assigned or attached, 25, 59-60, 66, 82, 98, 119-20, 128, 130-331, 134, 167, 231, 248, 259, 311, 382, 416. See also NAAF.
Thirteenth AF, 751
Fifteenth AF:
CG, 566-67, 749, 751
coordination with 8th AF, 566-67, 572, 574, 582, 596, 706, 722-29, 741, 744-48, 752, 754
deployment, 56769
functions, 564-67, 572-74, 582-84, 593, 596, 725, 741, 747-48
Hq. (same as Hq., NASAF), 567
opns., 582-86, 593, 729
orgn., 418, 564-71, 575, 580, 724-27, 747-52
strength, 564-72, 638, 725, 728, 744
supply and maintenance, 571
in USSTAF, 752-54
Air-ground cooperation:
autonomous command of air units, 27-29, 160-61, 205, 445, 484, 486-87, 536, 544-45
difficulties, 134, 140, 181, 485-86, 527-28
doctrines, 137, 139-40, 164-65, 167-68, 204-5, 277
as function of NAAF, 418, 428, 433, 443, 572;
in HUSKY, 449-77 passim, 484-87
importance, 210, 213, 275, 494;
in Italy, 489-91, 493-500, 51244 passim, 546-59, 585, 589-91, 596
in Libya, 102-3;
in ME, 27-29
notable examples, 102-3, 179, 462, 468-69, 486, 530-35, 544-45, 551, 578-79
plans, 631-36
techniques, 27-28, 157, 174-75, 179, 199, 486, 530, 535, 545
in Tunisia, 109, 134, 136-45, 150, 157, 160-61, 164-65, 167-69, 174-75, 179-81, 199-202, 205-6.
See also AEAF Airborne missions Eighth Army Fifth Army
XII Air Support Comd. Air Ministry (Brit. ):
on antisub. warfare, 245, 252-53;
on B-17, t. 27
on bombing techniques and claims, 180, 240, 346, 695, 704
on Brit. units for TORCH, 54, 85, 119
cooperation in target selection, 214, 351, 354-55, 363-64, 375, 728, 752
responsibility for Bomber Comd. 737
Air Offensive against Germany, 346
Air-sea rescue, 99, 442, 476-77, 500, 554, 585, 727
Air Service Comd., USAMEAF, 16, 20
Air Service Comd., USSTAF, 752-54
Air support. See Air-ground cooperation.
Air transport:
- Axis, 188-92
in Italy, 500, 543, 563, 585
in Libya, 95
to ME, 5-6
to UK, 614-15
within UK, 618, 656.
See also Air Transport Comd.; MATS; NATCC.
Ajaccio, 543, 562
Alam HaIfa, 30-31
Albacore, characteristics, 186
Albania, 481, 559, 580, 583
Albatros, 75
Albatross, 497
Alconbury, 692
Aldis lamp, 533
Aleppo, 10
Alexander, Gen. H. L., 29, 45, 114, 136, 145, 161, 166, 168, 173, 196, 198, 203, 415, 455, 536
Alexandria, 30-31, 430
as Allied base, 82-83, 112, 126, 132, 135, 163, 172, 423, 478
Allied conquest of, 70-74
in pre-TORCH planning, 42-43, 47, 50, 56
Alghero, 192, 435, 518
as Allied base, 79-84, 107, 111-12, 116, 118, 120, 135-36, 145, 163-64, 169, 182, 186-87, 259, 489, 501, 520, 548
Allied capture, 67, 74
Axis air attacks, 85, 105, 510
conference, 96, 106
in pre-TORCH planning, 42, 47-50, 54, 57
Allen, Maj. Gen. Terry, 74
Allied Air Force:
A-3, 140
abolished, 162-63
orgn., 106-13, 287
in Tunisian campaign, 140, 189
Allied Air Support Comd.:
organized, 140
reorganized as NATAF, 157
in Tunisian campaign, 144-45, 154-55, 159, 164
Allied Expeditionary Air Force:
Air Cin-C, 735-40
build-up, 635-64
orgn., 631-35, 736-39, 752, 754
Allied Force (Headquarters):
C-in-C, 47
Force, 141, 415
Forward AFHQ, 84, 105
functions, 53-55, 107, 120, 746-47
liaison with MAAF, 750
opns., 74, 85, 90-92, 94, 103, 107-8, 136-37, 141, 147, 149, 151, 170, 188, 191, 193-94, 202, 204
orgn., 107-9, 112-14, 126, 161-62, 424, 567, 750
plans for Italian campaign, 488-89, 494, 500
plans for TORCH landings, 53-57, 60, 65.
See also Eisenhower.
Allison, Col. Dixon M., 72
Altamura, 517
AltavilIa, 524, 531, 535
Alynbank, 68
Amendolara, 491
American Embassy (London), Economic Warfare Div., 355
Amiens, 217, 328, 687
Amsterdam, 672
Ancon, 451, 499, 523
Ancona, 552-54, 557, 572, 578-81, 594
Anderson, Maj. Gen. F. L.:
CG 4th Bomb. Wing, 338, 365;
CG VIII Bomber Comd., 720, 754
D/Comdr. for opns. USSTAF, 754
Anderson, Lt. Gen. K. A. N.:
command of Brit. First Army and EAC, 78
in Tunisian campaign, 85-86, 88,90-91, 106, 108, 116, 120, 135-36, 140-41, 163, 169, 173, 196-98, 201-3
Anderson, Brig. Gen. O. A., 297, 741
Andrews. Vice Adm. Adolphus, 410
Andrews, Lt. Gen. F. M.:
CG ETOUSA, 115, 171, 309, 3I I, 322, 365, 654
CG USAFIME, 39, 96, 100, 120
death of, 635
Anfa, 113, 136
Ankara, 10
Anklam, 224, 697, 699
Anna Maria, 98
Annecy, 583
Ansaldo steel works, 558, 583
Antheor, 559, 581, 584
(in Italy) 520, 58687,
(in North Africa) 79, 127
(in Austria) 551,
(in ETO) 225-26, 248, 251, 263-64, 268-72, 323, 327, 341-42, 663, 673, 677, 695, 724,
(in Italy) 506, 510, 537, 548,
(in North Africa) 124,
(in Sicily) 447, 472-73
Antisubmarine warfare:
Arnold-McNarney-McCain agreement, 406-8;
(in Atlantic) 277, 311, 377-411,
(in Bay of Biscay) 394-96,
(in Moroccan Sea Frontier) 396-400
change from defense to offense, 379-80
Combat score, 248-49, 252, 257, 410
control question, 377, 383-92, 400, 4JI;
crisis of spring 1943, 316-17, 387-88, 392, 665-66
"killer" tactics, 380, 389
in Med. during HUSKY, 441, 476
"Swamp Hunt "585
Tenth Fleet, 390-92, 402, 404-5
threat by enemy aircraft, 395, 397-99
U-boat tactics, 392-96
Antisubmarine Warfare Operations Research Group, 380, 401
Antwerp, 216, 237, 239, 317-18, 320, 329, 336, 338-39, 672
Anzio, 558, 577
Appold, Maj. N. C., 481
Apulia, 489, 504, 538
Aquila, 558, 578, 590
Aquino, 465, 475, 577, 591
Arado, 697
Araxos, 550
ARCADIA conference, 7, 42
Arce, 549, 578, 591
Archer, 58, 77
Arezzo, 580-81, 592
Argonaut, 146
Argos, 352, 550
Argus, 79
Ariano, 527, 530
Arlesiana, 122
Armando, 98
First Army, 114, 117, 126, 140, 151, 163
airdrome construction, 119, 170
opns. in Tunisia, 78, 81-83, 86-89, 135-36, 141, 145, 157, 199, 203
as part of 18th Army Gp., 161
role in TORCH plans, 50, 53-54
Fifth Army: activation, 112
airground cooperation, 525-26, 530-36, 538-39, 542, 544-45, 548-49, 551-52, 557, 576-77, 589-91
capture of Naples, 544;
CG, 136 (see also Lt. Gen. M. W. Clark)
in Italian campaign, 548-49, 552, 576, 578, 589-90
in Salerno landings, 493, 499, 516-17, 524-25, 529-31, 535-39, 541-42
in TORCH plans, 50, 53, 84
Seventh Army, 453, 455, 459-60, 462-63, 465, 468-72
Eighth Army:
air-ground cooperation:
(in Africa) 27-29, 102-3, 137, 163, 169, 175, 181, 200, 205,
(in Italy) 548, 551-54, 557, 577-79, 589-91
attack on Mareth Line, 160, 170-74, 177-80
in battle of El Alamein, 36, 40;
CG, 29
on defensive in Egypt, 11, 13, 16-18, 22-24, 28-30, 33, 36
in HUSKY, 442, 446, 450, 454-55, 45~0, 462-63, 466, 468, 470, 472
in Italian opns., 492-93, 506, 512, 514, 516-17, 519, 528-29, 534, 538-40, 542-44, 562, 576-79
as part of 18th Army Gp., 161
pursuit of Rommel to Tunisia, 91-97, 100-104, 114, 135-36, 144, 149, 153
in Tunisia, 188, 196-g8, 200, 203
Ninth Army, 17
Army Air Forces, Med. Theater of Operations, 567, 750
Army Air Forces, North Africa Theater of Operations, 567
Army Air Forces Air Service Comd.:
AAF Reg. 65-1, 602-3;
Atlantic Overseas Air Service Comd., 615 established, 602, 644
New York Air Service Port Area Comd., 615
services to 8th AF, 612, 614, 627, 635, 653
training program, 640
Army Air Forces Air Transport Comd., 563, 615-16, 656
Wings, 129, 651
Army Air Forces Antisubmarine Comd.:
CG, 379
communications, 384
dissolved, 409-10
evaluation, 410-11
functions, 379, 383
inactivity of units in Western Hemisphere, 400-401, 410
intelligence, 384;
morale, 385, 400-401
need for B-24, 245, 378-79, 388;
opns., 377, 381-83, 392-401;
orgn., 378, 385-91, 402;
relations with Navy, 379-80, 383-94, 397-411;
research in antisub. devices, 401, 410-11;
strength, 378-80, 388, 392, 409;
supply, 377-78, 382, 387;
training, 377, 384, 401, 409
Army Air Forces Engineer Comd. (MTO), 750-51
Army Air Forces Headquarters:
on aircraft, 288-95, 340, 656, 663;
on airground cooperation, 28;
on antisub. warfare, 252, 277, 379, 401, 409-10;
on AWPD papers, 277-79, 285, 288-90, 29293. 353. 368;
on BOLERO, 211. 25~0. 280-81, 289;
on bombing accuracy, 226, 270, 288-89, 298-99, 302;
on COA, 349, 353;
on cross-Channel invasion, 284-86, 289-90, 301;
on daylight bombardment, 222, 224, 278-79, 289, 295-304, 596;
on ETO vs. Pacific, 275-82;
on gunnery accuracy, 290;
on orgn. of USSTAF, 754;
on personnel, 626, 633, 637-38;
on post-TORCH Med. opns., 284-88, 568;
on theater air force, 105, 276, 279-88;
on TORCH, 61, 276-77;
on 12th AF, 131
Army Air Forces Materiel Comd., 654
Army Air Forces Service Comd. (MTO), 750-51
Army Ground Forces, 212, 276
Army Groups:
15th Army Gp., 747
18th Army Gp., 145, 157, 161, 163, 166, 170, 173, 181, 184, 187, 203
Army Services Forces, 609, 621, 649. See also SOS.
Arnim, Col. Gen. Jiirgen von, 116, 141, 160, 205
Arnold, Gen. H. H., 111, 128, 161, 247, 338, 660;
on AEAF, 736-38;
on aircraft production, 292-94;
on antisubmarine warfare, 388, 393, 405-8, 410;
on build-up of 8th AF, 235, 388, 635, 640, 657, 716-19;
on build-up of 15th AF, 723-24;
on CBO, 273, 276, 278-83, 286, 296-301, 310-11, 372, 388, 495, 582-83, 596, 633, 66366, 714, 721;
on cooperation with Brit., 374;
on damage to the GAF, 704, 7II;
on independence of air power, 205;
on MAAF, 750;
on 9th AF in UK, 642;
on P-38, 59, 130-31;
on Ploesti opns., 478, 683;
on shuttle bombing, 687;
on theater air force, 105-6, 114-15, 276;
in TORCH planning, 24, 51, 53, 61-63, 65;
on unified command in Europe, Africa, and Middle East, 284, 287, 737;
on USSTAF, 742, 749, 756;
his work with COA, 349, 353-55, 363;
on YB-40, 680
Arnold-McNarney-McCain agreement, 40 6-8
Arnold-Portal-Towers agreement, 14, 25, 33, 35
Arzeu, 68, 72, 73
Asa, 527
Ascension 1., 5, 25, 125, 129, 131
Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Intelligence, 226, 352-54, 383, 574, 712
Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Management Control, 353-54
Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Personnel, 409
Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Plans, 52, 59, 245, 297, 495, 557, 728
Assistant Secretary of War for Air, 295
Astra Romana refinery, 479, 481
Atar, 129 Atcham, 608-9
Ateliers d'Hellemmes, 220-21, 255
Ateliers et Chantiers Maritime de la Seine, 217
Atena Lucana, 531
Athens, 550, 559, 593
Atina, 591
Atkinson, Brig. Gen. ]. H., 123
Atlantic Convoy Conference, 387, 393, 403
Auchinleck, Gen. Sir Claude, 13, 15, 17, 28-29, 33
Augsburg, 243, 550, 573, 594, 724
Augusta, 75-76, 184, 453, 510, 512
Auletta, 517, 527, 530-31, 534-35
Auna, 594
Aurora, 68, 146
Ausonia, 542
Austria, 473, 506, 546, 560, 593, 683
AVALANCHE: 491-512, 520-45;
AVALANCHE Drop, 533;
mission "Avalanche, "519
Avellino, 517, 527, 531, 533-34, 541-42
Aversa, 506-7
Avezzano, 578
Aviation engineers:
in Italy, 498, 501, 526, 560-62, 568, 575;
in North Africa, 116 19, 155, 170, 183;
in UK, 616, 646.
See also numbered units.
Aviation gasoline supply, 31, 58, 79, 501, 561-63, 616-17, 651-52
Avions Potez plant, 217-19, 221, 317
Avola, 442, 453
AWPD-I, 6, 210, 277, 368
AWPD-42, 277-79, 285, 288-90, 292-93, 296; 301, 353, 368, 370
Azores, 76, 398
characteristics, 86, 98, 105, 120-21, 123, 193-94, 217-21, 225, 227-28, 257, 264-66, 268, 339, 659, 699;
in ME, 15;
modification in UK, 628-30, 662;
radarequipped, 449, 692-93;
in U-boat war, 392. See also YB-40
characteristics, 9-13, 21, 95-96, 120, 225, 233, 257, 262, 264, 266, 339, 568, 659;
modification in UK, 629-30, 662;
modified for supply drops, S60;
radar-equipped for U-boat warfare, 378-79, 383, 388, 390, 397-98, 402;
use by RAF, 12, 18
characteristics, 27, 34, 124, 192-93;
in U-boat war, 392, 409
characteristics, 124-25, 129, 186, 33941, 659, 680;
modification in UK, 653, 661-62;
proposed as escort for heavies, 680
B-29, 6, 407
BACKBONE, 50, 54
Badoglio, Marshal Pietro, 519, 537
Baer Field. 60
Bagaladi, S12.
Bagnara. 512
Bagnoli, 507, 548, 586
Bahrein, 19
Balearics, 145
aid to allies there, 554, 560, 585, 591;
as Axis base, 487, 546, 587;
made responsibility of AFHQ, 746-47;
targets, 441, 491, 554, 558-59, 565, 572-73, 584, 588, 591
Baltimore. See A-30
Barcellona, 470-72
Bardia, 92
as Allied base, 539, 550, 562, 567, 571;
Allied capture, 538, 544;
Allied raids, 184, 191, 459, 506, 509;
as enemy base, 184, 189, 463, 529;
GAF raids, 587-88
BARK, 442, 451, 453, 456
Barker, Col. J. De F., 140
Barker, Brig. Gen. R. W., 633
Barnham, 616.
Barré, Gen. L. J., 81-82, 136
Barrea, 578
Barrett, G/C G. G., 163
Bartron, Brig. Gen. H. A., 53, 111, 571
Base Air Depot Area, 644-45, 648-51, 656-57, 661, 744, 754-55
Basra, 7
Bassingbourn, 652
Bastia, 538, 543, 61-62
Bathurst, 4, 125, 129
Battalions (numbered):
1st Ranger Bn., 68
3 Paratroop Bn., 57, 79
809th Engineer Aviation Bn., 117-18
812th Engineer Aviation Bn., 183
814th Engineer Aviation Bri., 117
815th Engineer Aviation Bn., 117
817th Engineer Aviation Bn., 117, 526
835th Engineer Aviation Bn., 183
871st Airborne Engineer Aviation Bri., 117
Battipaglia, 465, 474, 506-7, 517, 521, 527, 529, 534-35
Baverstock, 648
Baylor, Col. J. W., 638
BAYTOWN, 492-520, 537-38, 544
Beam, Col. Rosenham, 53, 112-13
Beaufighter, characteristics, 441, 494
Beaufort, characteristics, 12
Beaumont, 237
Bednall, Colin, 227
Béja, 166, 181, 196, 198, 202
civilian casualties, 320;
targets in, 318, 687-88
Belgrade, 558
Belvedere, 491; 528
Benevento, 507, 517, 527, 530, 535, 541-42
Ben Gardane, 103, 152, 170-71, 178
Bengasi, 17, 19-21, 31-32, 39, 92, 95-98, 102, 149, 182-84; 253, 478, 482-83, 550, 586, 642
Benina, 182-83
Bentley, Col. W. C., 56-57, 71
Bergen, 675
Berka; I82-84
Berkovista, 482
Berlin, 306, 338, 372, 584, 678, 696;
1st USAAF attack, 655
Bernberg, 706
Berteaux, 125, 152
Beverley, CoL G. H., 111
Billancourt, 318
Bir Dufan, 102
Biscari, 435; 443
Biscay, Bay of, 238, 244-45, 250-51, 253-54, 269, 305-6, 312, 318, 378, 381, 383, 387, 394-96, 398, 403, 406
Biskra, 118- 19, 122-23, 126-27, 151-52, 155, 181
Bisleys, characteristics, 108, 168
Bissell, Brig. Gen. C. L., 32
Biter, 68
Allied attacks, 86-88, 90, 98, 111)20, 122-i3, 126, 148, 152, 186-88, 195, 200, 419;
capture, 202-4;
as enemy base, 78, 81-82, 92, 97, 116, 121, 135, 141)-50;
GAF raids, 476, 510, 518;
Lake of, 188, 195;
plans for Allied capture of, 48, 50, 85, 153
Blackburn, Brig. Gen. T. W., 52, 132, 134
BLADE Force, 79, 85, 88
Blida, 116, 118- 19
Blind-bombing experiments, 233, 279, 303, 322, 690, 706, 720. See also Radar.
Boccadifalco, 190, 192, 435, 439
Bocholt, 681
Boiano, 527, 548
Boise, 530
Boisson, Governor Pierre, 129
defined, 15, 45;
diversions, 46, 492;
strategic priority, 61, 210-11, 274, 280-81
Bologna, 463, 474, 506, 542, 550, 580-81, 594
Balzano, 194.
Bolzano, 506, 542, 581, 592-93
Bombsights, 134, 479
as Allied base, 83-84, 89, 116, 146, 148, 168, 186, 191;
Axis air attacks, 81, 86, 145
capture, 79;
in TORCH planning, 48, 57, 71
Bordeaux, 237, 244, 474
Borgo San Lorenzo, 593
Borizzo, 190, 435
Boston. See A-20.
Bottomley, AM N. H., 727
Bou Arada, 139, 166, 201
Bougie, Ill, 257, 586
Bouzarea, 489
Bova Marina, 512
Bovingdon, 608
Bowles, Dr. E. L., 388-89
Bradley, Maj. Gen. Follett, 376, 635, 644, 659
Bradley, Lt. Gen. O. N., 196, 198, 443
Bradley committee, 636, 641, 643, 645, 657, 742
Bradley Plan, 635, 637-38, 640, 644-45, 725
Brady, Brig. Gen. F. M., 338
Brampton Grange, 211
Brasov, 573
Brazi, 478-79
Brazil, 4-5, 25
Bremen, 224, 241, 243, 312, 314, 317, 324-25, 330-33, 337, 344, 372, 670, 672, 695-96, 699
Bremerhaven, 243, 313, 372
Brenner Pass, 506, 593
Brereton, Maj. Gen. L. H.:
CG 9th AF in Med., 39, 64, 96, 98, 106, no, 205, 416, 478;
CG 9th AF in UK, 642-43;
CG 10th AF, 7, 17;
CG USAMEAF, 15-16, 18, 26, 28, 32-33;
comdr. Desert Air Task Force Hq., 34;
on strategy in ME, 21-24, 40
Brereton Detachment, 16, 20, 26
Brest, 237, 244, 246, 249, 253, 315, 3l8, po, 327-29, 333
Brett, Maj. Gen. G. H., 5, 7, 9
Briatico, 5 I 3
Brigades (numbered):
1 Parachute Brigade, 87
3 Infantry Brigade, 428
9 Armoured Brigade, 38
11 Brigade, 90
201 Guards Brigade, 203
Brindisi, 19, 538
Bristol, 615-16
aid to, 3-4, 6, 8, 13-15, 584;
aircraft used in Africa, 17, 29, 86;
air defense, 374, 606, 738;
airdrome construction gps., 526, 560-61;
Air Staff, 214, 241, 303-4, 307, 364-65, 713, 723, 725;
on antisub. warfare, 25 1-52, 312;
area control in Italy, 562;
army-air cooperation technique, 27-29, 102, 167-68, 205;
Chief of Imperial General Staff, 13, 634;
civilian employees for AAF, 625-27, 646, 649;
for cooperation with AAF in Africasee RAFME;
cooperation in combined bombing program, 213-14, 228-29, 278, 283-86, 371, 374-75, 716;
cooperation in logistics, 602, 606-19, 622, 625-27, 64656, 660-61, 735-36;
cooperation in target selection, 214, 351, 355-56, 363-65;
on day vs. night bombing, 212-13, 227-29, 246, 286, 296-300, 302, 322, 346, 351, 375;
on 8th AF opns., 306, 310, 323, 339, 670;
on 15th AF, 723-27, 748;
forces in eastern Med., 550, 558, 593;
in HUSKY, 441, 443, 446-77 passim, 484-87;
Imperial War Council, 298;
intelligence, 633, 70810, 740;
in Italian campaign, 488-544 passim, 578;
Ministry of Aircraft Production, 602-4, 606, 627, 653-55;
Ministry of Economic Warfare, 243, 354, 36364, 672;
Ministry of Home Security, 678, 704;
on MTO vs. ETO, 372-73;
opns. in U-boat warfare, 381-82, 393-96;
in OVERLORD planning, 632-34, 734-40;
in Pantelleria opn., 427-30;
paratroopers in HUSKY, 446, 454;
Petroleum Board, 617;
on plans for air opns. from Italy, 563-66;
on POINTBLANK targets, 722-23, 728;
predominance in planning, 633-34, 733-37;
radar bombing devices, 690-92;
transportation system, 615, 618
U.S. dependence on bases, 735;
War Cabinet, 319, 321;
War Office, 606. See also Admiralty; Air Ministry; Brit. Chiefs of Staff; Eighth Army; NAAF; RAF.
British Chiefs of Staff:
in ARCADIA conf., 7;
on bombing of occupied countries, 306;
in Casablanca conĀ£., 113;
on combined air command, 106, 109, 114, 283;
on COSSAC, 6J1-33;
on Med. opns., II, 23, 284, 30G-30I, 496, 566;
proposal for South Atlantic ferry route, 4;
proposal for U.S. aid in ME, 8;
in SEXTANT conf., 746;
in TORCH planning, 46-47, 49;
on USSTAF, 748.
See also members.
British Joint Staff Mission, 307
Brittany, 233, 318, 320
Broadhurst, AVM Harry, 163, 174, 179
Bronte, 468, 470
Brooke, Sir Alan, 13, 145, 634
Brooklyn, 75
Brussels, 693
Bucharest, 23, 481
Buchholz, Maj. Gen. Ulrich, 191
Budapest, 23, 573
Buerat el Hsun, 97, 100, 102
Bufton, A/Cdre. S. O., 365
Bulgaria, 481, 546, 584
Burma, 7-10, 277
Burtonwood, 604-5, 613, 615, 618-20, 623, 625-27, 641, 644, 648-49, 659-62
Bushy Park, 60S, 754
Butler, Maj. Gen. W. O., D/Comdr. AEAF, 739
BUTTRESS, 489, 491-92
characteristics, 71, 126, 618, 656, 659;
modification in UK, 630, 661-62;
as tow for gliders, 446
Caen, 257
Cagliari, 86, 152, 188, 191, 195, 437, 440
Cairo, 5-6, 13, 15, 24, 28, 33, 137, 149, 161, 737, 749
Cairo conference, 746, 748
CAIRO Task Force, 8
Calabria, 489, 491, 504, 507, 509-10, 512, 514, 516, 530, 538
Camigliatello, 512
Campina refinery, 478-79, 481-82
Canadian troops:
in HUSKY, 463, 466, 469;
in Italian campaign, 512, 590
Canary Is., 43, 76
Cancello, 506-7, 524
Candee, Brig. Gen. R. C., 633-35
Candia, 32
Cani Is., 122, 146
Cannes, 559, 581
"Cannibalism," 232, 624
Cannon, Brig. Gen. J. K.:
C-in-C Northwest African Training Comd., 163, 416;
CG 12th AF, 749, 751;
CG XII ASC, 5354, 56, 83, 111;
CG XII BC, 113, 120, 126, 130, 152
Canrobert, 86, 116, 134, 155, 159, 168, 181
Cant. Z-1007, 44J, 456
Cap Bon, 19, 149, 189, 191, 193, 196, 198-99, 200, 204-5, 419, 424, 441
Cap Murro di Porco, 442
Cap Ténès, 54, 548
Capaccio, 526, 533
Cape Aamer, 103
Cape Finisterre, 66, 397-98
Cape Orlando, 470-71
Cape Peloro, 472
Capodichino, 191, 4J9, 434, 465, 475 516
Capoterra, 517
Capri, 521, 538
Capua, 475, 509, 516-17, 519-20, 524, 535, 539, 541, 549, 551-52
Cardiff, 615
Caribbean Sea, 24, 378-79, 400, 409
"CARPET," 695-96
Carpione, 578
Carthage, 124
airfields, 117, 125, 129;
as Allied port, 145, 397, 497, 501;
capture, 67, 74-78;
plans for seizure, 25, 42-43, 47-50, 53-58;
under XII ASC, 105, 111
Casablanca conference:
on African opns., 136;
on build-up in UK, 376;
on crossChannel 0pns., 634, 734;
on daylight bombardment, 1J5, 273, 286-88, 300-307, 312, 317, 323, 346, 348, 365-66, 372, 374, 631,, 665, 690;
on Med. command structure, 114 140, 144, 161;
on post-TORCH Med. opns., 113-14, 301, 415
Casablanca Directive, 305-8, 31,9, 369
CaSale, 558
Caserta, 507, 541
Cassibile, 519
Cassino, 527, 552, 558, 577, 589-91
Castel Benito, 103, 151
Castellammare, 534
Castellano, Brig. Gen. Giuseppe, 519
Castelnuovo, 527, 530, 535, 541-42
Castelvetrano, 192, 435, 439
Castiglione, 47 2, 593
Catania, 184, 415, 434, 440, 442, 454, 458-60, 462-63, 466, 468-70, 512, 521
Catanzaro, 507, 513-14, 516, 528
Catenanuova, 466
Caucasus, 10, 22, 99
Causeway, 172, 178
Cazes, 77-78, 83, 130-31
CENT, 442-43, 450-51, 453
Center Task Force, 50, 54, 56, 68, 72
Centocelle, 519
Central Algerian Composite Wing, 111-12
Cerignola, 561
Certaldo, 593
Cervaro, 591
Cerveteri, 519, 539, 558, 577
Cesaro, 468, 470
Ceuta, 50
CG-4A glider, assembly, 501
"Chaff, "548, 694
Channel Is., 240
Chantiers et Ateliers de Penhouet, 249
Charmy Down, 648
Chateaudun-du-Rhumel, 12 3, 151, 159
Chauncey, Brig. Gen. C. C., 752
Cheddington, 608
Chemische Werke Hiils, 671
Chemsi Pass, 180
Chenangoa, 58, 75, 77
Cherbourg, 237, 255
CHESTNUT Nos. 1-4, 454
Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, 213, 635, 748
aid to, 7, 14;
bases, 9
China-Burma-India theater, 15, 311, 570, 617
Chiusi, 581 Chivilani, 518
Chorley, 601-2, 609, 641
Chott Djerid, 139
Chottel Fedjedj, 180
Chouigui, 198, 203-4
Churchill, Prime Minister Winston, 199;
on Battle of the Atlantic, 394;
on CBO, 728, 737;
on cross-Channel invasion, 4546, 734;
on 8th AF opns., 115, 32 2, 346;
on Med. opns., 47, 113, 566;
on MTO vs. ETO, 284, 492, 733;
on U.S. aid to ME, 13-14
Ciampino, 464-65, 539, 584, 594
Ciano, Count Galeazzo, 149
Cisterna, 539
Città di Savona, 188
Civita, 558
Civitanova, 579
Civitovecchia, 507, 550, 558, 572, 577, 589-91, 593
Clark, Col. HL, 446
Clark, Lt. Gen. M. W.:
CG Fifth Army, 112, 135-36, 536;
D/C-in-C, Allied Force, 57, 85, 126, 280
Cleveland, 75
Clutterbuck, Maj. Gen. W. E., 423, 429-30
Coastal Air Force. See NACAF
Cochran, Maj. Philip, 138
Coldstream Guards, 429-30
Cologne, 243, 298-99, 372
Colombia Aquila refinery, 479, 482
Colonna, Col. John, 117, 119
Combat Commands:
(in Italy) 450,
(in Tunisia) 142, ISS, 157;
(in Oran) 68, 71-72,
(in Tunisia) 88, 91, 139-40, 142-43, 157-58;
C (in Tunisia) 142;
D (in Tunisia) 142-43
Combat fatigue, 473-74, 526, 547, 718
Combat Support Wing, 656
Combined BOLERO Committee, 638
Combined Bomber Offensive:
command question, 307, 563, 735, 737, 741, 748;
(of 8th and 15th AF's) 56367, 572, ' 574, 582, 596, 706, 716, 722-29, 741, 744-48, 751, 754,
(of 8th and 9th AF's) 483, 683-84,
(of RAF and 8th AF) 371, 374-75, 722-23, 741;
counter-air campaign, 668-81, 700-13, 730;
critical week, 696-707;
directive of 10 June 1943, 308, 348, 374-76, 665;
evaluation, 367, 706-20, 729-30, 740;
for GAF as threat to CBO and as intermediate objective, see GAF;
inaugurated, 348, 665;
intelligence need, 351, 354-55, 369;
(from Med. ) 477, 482-83, 492, 494, 511, 550, 560, 573, 575, 580, 582-83, 592,
(from UK) 669-89, 692-706, 720,
(from UK preliminary to CBO) 209, 216-21, 245-50, 254-58, 296, 311-33, 336-46, 599
POINTBLANK designation, 631;
purposes, 573, 631-32, 665-66, 668, 706-7, 714, 719;
strength tables, 636, 638-39;
turning point, 705-7, 711-12, 723.
See also CBO Plan; 8th AF; Target priorities.
Combined Bomber Offensive Plan:
adoption, 373;
directive, 374-76;
origins, 308, 317, 346-49, 365, 631;
preparation, 34968, 370-73;
revision, 668, 720-22, 727-29;
target priority in final plan, 367, 572
Combined Chiefs of Staff:
on antisub. measures, 386-87;
on build-ur in UK, 637-38, 651;
on cross-Channe invasion, 210, 534, 632, 634, 733-36, 739;
on ETO vs. Pacific, 61;
on Med. opn., 8, 14, 42, 46-50, 58, 85, 90, 113-l5, 150, 415, 442, 464, 489-92, 495, 519, 536, 539, 584, 7464~pers, 280, 303-7, 725, 727, 739;
on strategic bombing, 213, 237, 286, 297, 303-8, PI, 348, 372-74, 478, 564-66, 570, 572, 599, 631, 665, 683, 712, 714-15, 722, 724-28, 735, 741-42, 748;
on unified command, 64, 106-10, 161, 287
Combined Operational Planning Committee, 374, 705, 722, 728, 741
Combined Staff Planners, 45, 275, 285-86, 376, 534, 738
Comiso, 43-5, 439, 443, 453, 458, 531
Commandos (Brit. ), 521, 525
Commands (numbered):
I Air Service Area Comd., 750
I Bomber Comd., 378, 409. See also AAFAC.
1st Service Area Comd. (Prov. ), 111
II Air Service Area Comd., 571, 750
2d Service Area Comd. (Prov. ), 111
III Air Service Area Comd., 501, 571, 750
III Ground-Air Support Comd., 53
3d Service Area Comd. (Prov. ), 111, 151
VIII Air Force Composite Comd., 608, 636
VIII Air Force Service Comd.: A-4,
Advanced Air Service, 605, 645;
aid to IX AFSC, 660;
aid to TORCH, 60, 65, 130, 232, 321-22, 619-20;
aircraft assembly and modification, 622, 626-30, 651, 660-63;
air transport service, 618-19, 651, 656-57;
base air depot areas, 644-45, 648-49;
CG, 602, 629, 649, 74243;
construction of bases, 603-9, 646-48;
functions, 599, 602-3, 605, 617, 619, 622, 649, 657-60, 743-44;
labor supply, 603, 625-27, 646, 649;
maintenance, 321-22, 603, 605, 621-30, 643-44, 657-64;
militarization of depots, 649, 661;
mobile repair units, 625, 630, 664;
orgn., 602-5, 613, 615, 618, 622-23, 637, 643-45, 648-50, 657-59, 742-44,
(chart) 745, 754;
RAF liaison, 602;
SOS/ETO relationship, 602, 609;
station complement sqs., 624, 643;
strength, 601, 636-37, 649, 660, 664;
supply opns., 601-5, 609-23, 644, 648-56, 659;
as theater service comd., 744;
training, 624, 641, 659-60, 664;
trucking service, 618, 653, 655-56.
See also Depots.
VIII Air Support Comd.:
absorbed by 9th AF, 642-43;
CG, 633;
functions, 341, 603, 634, 685;
strength, 601, 636, 645
VIII Bomber Comd.:
bases, 603-8, 645-48, 676-77;
bombing directives, 213-16, 237-42, 305-8, 312, 319-21, 374, 665-66, 721-22, 729;
CG, 64, 754;
claims, 221-27, 257-58, 339, 670, 673, 679, 683, 695, 699, 704, 708-11;
Combat wings, 266-67, 272, 329-32, 645-46, 676-77, 694;
dissolved, 75254;
divisions formed, 645-46, 684;
maintenance, 232, 260-62, 603-4, 623-24, 629-30, 658, 662, 664, 719;
(over Germany) 313-14, 317-21, 323-27, 330-33, 337-39, 343-46, 669-73, 677-88, 692-706,
(over occupied countries) 216-21, 246-50, 254-58, 296, 311-13, 315, 317-21, 325-30, 336-41, 344, 67 2-77, 687-89, 720,
(against U-boat) 242-73, 306, 311-20, 323-33, 381;
orgn., 211, 634, 642, 645-46;
rate of loss, 265, 336-37, 341, 670, 673, 678, 682-83, 687-88, 695, 698, 703-5, 708, 715;
strength, 258-60, 308-10, 338, 601, 604, 63536, 638-39, 645, 681, 687-88, 713, 718-19;
supply. 23S. 603-4, 623-24, 652;
training, 229, 232, 235, 259, 608, 624, 697;
wing areas, 604-5, 607,
See also CBO; COA; Daylight bombardment; 8th AF.
VIII Fighter Comd.:
aid to TORCH, 231-32;
bases, 606-8, 645-48;
CG, 720;
functions, 214, 375, 603, 619, 658-59, 688;
maintenance, 658-59, 662;
opns., 221, 336, 339, 679, 68S, 693 (see also Escort fighters);
orgn., 608, 752;
strength, 230, 601, 604, 608, 636, 638-39;
supply, 603, 6 19, 651, 654-55, 661;
training, 231, 609, 624
IX Air Force Service Comd.:
CG, 99, 649, 742;
organized as IX Air Service Comd., 39, 99, 418, 642;
orgn. in UK, 645, 648-49, 652, 660, 754
IX Bomber Comd.:
CG, 161, 171, 183;
deployment, 40, 95, 103-4, 182;
opns., 10, 39-40, 96, 98-99, 103-4, 182-84, 199, 435, 437-38, 503-4, 506, 509, 514-17, 524, 535, 585;
orgn., 33, 39, 104, 182-83, 642
IX Fighter Comd., 34
IX Troop Carrier Comd., 6S6
XII Air Force Engineer Comd. (Prov. ), 560-61, 750
XII Air Force Service Comd.:
CG, 571;
Detachment, 53;
Ferry Pilot Service, 500;
functions, 500-501, 750;
orgn., 52, 111, 119, 127, 163, 560, 562, 750;
strength, 569;
supply, 496, 500501, 526, 543, 562, 571
XII Air Force Training & Replacement Comd., 750
XII Air Support Comd.: Detachment, 112;
functions, 56, 58, 74-75, 78, 84, 105, 112-13, 117, 135-37, 168-69, 460, 493-94, 498, 559, 577;
(in HUSKY) 451, 460-62, 469, 471, 485,
(in Italy) 52 1-23, 526-27, 545, 577, 590-91,
(in Tunisia) 138-44, 154-60, 173-82, 199-200;
orgn. and command changes, 53-54, 62, 77, 111, 120, 123, 140, 145, 159, 199, 499-500;
placed under NATAF, 163;
strength, 138, 141, 168, 417, 495, 498, 555, 569;
training, 138, 141
XII Bomber Comd.:
deployment, 84, 105, 111, 118, 151-52, 555;
functions, 147, 150, 152, 502;
opns., 121-25, 144, 147-S3. 154, 158, 189, 506, 550-51;
orgn., 52, 84, 105, 111, 113, 120-23. 502, 567, 571;
placed under NASAF, 163;
reorganized as 15th AF, 565-67;
strength, 56, 495, 502, 569;
supply, 151, 232
XII Fighter Comd.:
deployment, 84, 111-12, 127, 132-34;
opns., 88, 134-35 (see a 150 NACAF);
orgn., 52,105, 111-12, 132, 163;
strength, 56, 231, 569
XII Ground Air Support Comd., 53
XII TrainingComd. (Prov. ), 569, 750
XII Troop Carrier Comd., 495, 569
XV Air Force Service Com d., 750
2690th Air Base Comd., 424, 430
Committee of Operations Analysts, 349 65, 368-69, 721
Compagnie de Fives-Lille, 220-21, 255
Compton, Col. Keith, 182
Concordia Vega refinery, 479, 481
Coningham, AVM Sir Arthur:
C-in-C NATAF, 157-58, 161, 163-64, 167-70, 174-175, 200, 416, 455;
comdr. WDAF, 17, 28-29, 34, 95, 112, 138, 140
Constantine, 84, 111, 110, 123, 125-26, 138-40, 145, 151, 159, 163-64, 167-68, 170, 423-24, 478
Contessa, 58, 75
Continental Gummi-Werke, 677
Controne, 534
Convoy protection:
Allied in Atlantic, 378-411 passim;
Allied in Med., 11-12, 31, 40, 145, 15 2;
Allied in TORCH, 4748, 53, 68-70, 75-76;
Axis in Med.; 2022, 32, 145-50, 185-87, 193, 199;
by NAAF, 440-43, 449-50, 460, 489-500, 513, 519-44 passim, 579, 585.
See also Antisub. warfare; NACAF.
Cooke, Rear Adm. C. M., Jr., 275
Coordination of Current Air Operations, Committee on, 214
Coriu, 32, 441, 481-82
Corinth Canal, 19-21
Corkille, Col. J. D., 171
CORKSCREW, 423-24, 430-31, 433
Corleto, 527, 530
Cornwall, 56, 105
Corps (numbered):
I Provisional Corps, 460, 468
II Corps, 460, 468, 486, 590;
air support for, 112-14, 140, 163, 169, 173-75, 181;
under Fredendall at Oran, 68;
opns. in Tunisia, 135-39, 144-45, 153-58, 166, 172-76, 180-82, 196-98, 200-205;
as part of 18th Army Gp., 161
VI Corps, 493-94, 521, 524, 516, 528, 529, 531, 590
9 Corps, 181, 198, 201, 203-4
10 Corps (Armoured), 38, 493-94, 521, 524-29
13 Corps, 492
XIX Corps, 141, 161, 196, 198, 201, 203
as Allied base, 543, 546, 560-63, 591, 596;
Allied raids, 186, 537;
as Axis base, 509, 511, 538
Cos, 550
Cosenza, 512-13, 527, 531
COSSAC, 632-35, 735, 738-39
Courcelles, 237
Courtrai, 217, 220, 237, 338-39
Craig, Brig. Gen. H. A., 53, 113, 135, 13738, 140, 161, 205
Creditul Minier refinery, 479
Crete, 4, 11, 19-21, 32, 98, 430-31, 550
Cross, A/Cdre. K. B. B., 163
Cross-Channel invasion:
date of 1 May 1944 set 373;
plans, 23, 45-51, 113, 110-11, 274, 284, 301, 371-73, 492, 546.
Crosthwaite, Col. J. C., 123
Crotone, 182-83, 458, 465, 475, 489, 506, 509, 512, 514
Csepel, 573
Cunningham, Fleet Adm. Sir A. B., 4, 53, 107, 114, 148, 161, 163, 423, 452
Cuxhaven, 669
Cyprus, 23, 26-27, 482
Cyrenaica, 11, 22, 43, 94-96, 100, 418, 435, 459, 550, 559. See also Libya.
Czechoslovakia, 338, 546
Daba, 27, 35, 39, 95
Dakar, 42-43, 76, 129
Dakota. See C-47.
Dallas, 77
Danube, 481, 546
Danzig, 696-97
Darlan, Adm. Jean, 75, 79
Darragh West, 102
Dasher, 68,
Davison, Brig. Gen. D. A., 117-18, 561
Dawley, Maj. Gen. E. J. 493
Dawson, AVM G. G., 161
Daylight bombardment:
area vs. precision bombing, 112-13, 227-29, 246, 286, 296-302, 322, 346; 351, 375. 665, 707, 712-13,
720-23, 734;
doctrine, 212-13, 237, 275, 278, 281, 288-90, 295-307, 342, 349
DB-7, characteristics, 121, 134. See also A-20.
DC-3. See C-47.
Dean, Lt. Col. Fred, 159
Dechret bou Dabouss, 136, 139
Decimomannu, 153, 192, 435, 542
Defiant, radar-equipped, 234
De Gaulle, 41
De Guingand, Brig. Sir Francis, 180
Delhi, 68
Delta, 5, 10, 16-17, 20, 25-26, 33-34, 40, 98-99, 103, 183
Depienne, 87, 105
in Italy, 562, 571;
in ME, 6, 16, 26;
in UK:
(advanced) 604-5, 607, 613, 616, 618, 622-25, 628-29, 644-45, 656-58, 662,
(ammunition) 616,
(base) 604-5, 613, 615-16, 618, 621-23, 625-30, 641, 644, 648-49, 656-64,
(engineer) 616,
(intransit) 615-16, 644,
(replacement) 601-2, 609, 641, 651,
(storage) 621, 648,
(strategic) 645, 648, 657-64,
(subdepots) 645, 656, 658-59, 664,
(tactical) 645, 648, 657, 660
Depots (numbered):
1st Base Air Depot, 645
2d Base Air Depot, 645
3d Base Air Depot, 645
12th Replacement Control Depot, 601-2
14th Replacement Control Depot, 602
Derna, 19, 94--99
Dernaia, 157
Desert Air Force:
in HUSKY, 437, 453, 460, 485;
in Italian campaign, 492-93, 497, 500, 512, 528, 534, 541, 555, 561, 577-79, 591.
See also Western Desert Air Force.
Desert Air Task Force, 34, 99, 171
Deutsche Werke (Kiel), 313
Devers, Lt. Gen. J. L., 494, 634-35, 637, 688, 717, 725, 736, 749;
CG ETOUSA, 635, 643
Deversoir, 26, 99
Dewoitine 510,
French use at Oran, 67
Dieppe, 216
DIME, 442, 450-51, 456
Directissima Line, 580
Directorate of Bombardment (AAF Hq. ), 297
Directorate of Bomber Operations (Air Ministry), 375
Dittaino, 468
Divisions (numbered):
1 Airborne Div., 446, 528
1st Armored Div., 68, 88, 135, 139, 142, 154, 174, 96
1 Armoured Div., 38, 179-80, 201
1st Bomb. Div., 645, 684-85, 693, 695, 699, 703
1st lnfantr Div., 68, 72-74, 174, 196, 446, 450, 53, 454, 460, 466, 468-69
1I Infantry Div., 423, 427
1 Maintenance Div., 429
2d Armore Div., 75, 450, 460, 462
2d Bomb. Div., 645, ~3, ~7, ~9
2 New Zealand Div., 30, 38, 92, 97, In. See also New Zealanders.
3d Bomb.D iv., 645, 684, 687, 695, 699, 704
3d Infantry Div., 75, 450, 460, 468, 471
4 Indian Div., 203 5 Div., 447
6 Armoure Div., 139, 181, 201, 204
7 Armoure Div., 37-38, 97, 102, 203, 205
8 Indian Div.
9 Australia
9th Infantr Div., 158, 196
l0th Panzer Div., 139, 166, 172
15th Panzer Div., 36-37, 172, 177, 179, 205
21st Panzer Div., 36-38, 153, 166, 172, 177, 179, 03
29th Panze Grenadier Div., 468
34th Infantry Div., 157, 181, 196
36th Infantry Div., 521
45th Infanty Div., 449-50, 466, 468, 533
50 Infantry Div., 178-79
78 Infantry Div., 81-82, 85, 87
82d Airborne Div., 449, 455, 460, 499-500, 519-2, 53
190th Light Infantry Div., 38, 97
164th Infantry Div., 179
Djebel Abiod, 8, 91
Djebel Achkel, 04
Djebel Ahmera, 198, 201-2
Djebel Ang, 196
Djebel bou Aouaz, 201, 203
Djebel Cheniti, 204
Djebel Garci, 158
Djebel Hamra, 158
Djebel Ksaira, 154
Djebel Lessouda 154
Djebel Melab, 178
Diebel Mourdjadjo, 70
Djebel Tebaga, 177-78
Djebel Zaghoua, 203
Djedeida, 86-89, 130, 14S, 203, 424
Djerba, 172, 198
Djidjelli, 79, 81, 116
Do-215, characteristics, 699
Do-217, characteristics, 548, 699
Dodecanese Is., 98, 550
Doenitz, Grand Adm. Karl, 254, 315-16, 392, 472
Dogna, 593
Doolittle, Maj. Gen. J. H.:
C-in-C NASAF, 163-64, 416, 746;
CG 8th AF, 749-50;
CG Isth AF, S6S-67, 572;
CG I2th AF, 25, 51-52, 82-85, 600;
in North African campaign, 86, 105, 107-10, 112, 116, 118, 121-22, 126, 128-31, 138, 146-47, 167, 174, 185. 187, 199;
in TORCH, 51-54, 58-59, 62, 64, 66, 68, 72-74
Douglas, ACM Sir Sholto, 114, 162, 171
Douglas Aircraft Company, 5-6
Douhet, Giulio, 348
Drew Field, 52
Drucat, 216, 219, 237, 255
Duncan, Col. C. E., 52, 84, 120
Dunkeswell, Devonshire, 409
Dunn, Brig. Gen. R. A., 111, 167
Dunton, Maj. Gen. Delmar, 52, 111, 127, 163, 167, 416
Durazzo, 58o
Duzerville, 79
Eagle, 31
Eagle squadrons, 230
Eaker, Maj. Gen. I. E.:
on aid to North African campaign, 66, 107, 119, uS, 127, 232-33, 311;
on antisubmarine warfare, 238, 245, 251-52, 259, 268, 494-95;
on bombing accuracy, 217, 226-27, 229, 697;
on CBO, 307, 370, 372, 494-95, 572, 680, 683, 688, 690-92, 711, 714, 717, 720, 722, 728;
C-in-C MAAF, 745-46, 748-52;
CG AAF/MTO, 750-51;
CG 8th AF, 63-64, 106, 283, 645-46, 743;
CG VIII BC, 211;
CG USAAFUK, 643, 744;
on daylight bombardment, 115, 213-14, 233, 236, 26162, 278, 296, 299, 301-4, 341, 346, 365-66;
on 15th AF, 564-66, 725-26;
on logistics in 8th AF, 259-61, 308-10, 322, 338, 602, 606-7, 614, 621, 646, 656-57, 663, 716;
on 9th AF in UK, 642, 649;
on OVERLORD, 633-35, 637, 640, 646, 736-37
Earle, E. M., 354
East Anglia, 211, 216, 349, 565, 606, 608, 652, 676
East Prussia, 696, 698
Eastern Air Command:
coordination with 12th AF, 107-10, 114, 140, 287;
functions, 54-55, 78, 83, 106, 147, 163;
Opns., 86, 89, 91, 158, 160, 189;
placed under MAC, 162;
strength, 84
Eastern Assault Force, 49-50, 54, 67
Eastern Defense Command, Hq., 409
Eastern Sea Frontier, 400
Eastern Task Force, 68, 442, 444
Ebenfunh, 559
Eboli, 517, 531, 534-35
École Normale, 489
Economic Warfare, Board of, 352, 354
Edwards, Maj. Gen. I. H., 744
Eglin Field, 146
Egypt, 6-7, 9-11, 14-18, 20-26, 29, 31, 39, 95, 103, 168, 172, 189
Eisenhower, Lt. Gen. D. D.;
in African opns., 25, 47-66, 71, 74, 82, 85, 88, 90-92, 96, 98, 107-8, 111-13, 116-17, 119, 131, 135-36, 143;
on air opns. from UK, 213, 237-38, 277, 280, 478, 564, 584, 683, 723;
C-in-C Allied Force, 47;
CG ETOUSA, 171, 309;
CG NATO, II5, 738, 742;
on HUSKY, 415, 455, 463, 474;
in Italian campaign, 464, 488-89, 491-97, 499, 51920, 524, 528, 536, 539, 543, 557, 572, 581, 716-17;
on Med. command structure, 106-10, 114, 161-62, 167, 287, 565-66;
on Pantelleria opns., 423, 429;
supreme Allied comdr. OVERLORD, 748-49, 754;
on theater air force, 105-6, 279-80, 283
El Adem, 94
El Agheila, 9, 43, 94-97
El Alamein, 16, 18, 19, 27, 29, 33
El Aouina, 78, 8S, 88-90, 120-21, 124, 151, 189-91, 203
El Assa, 172, 178
Elba, 543, 550
El Bathan, 198
El Djem, 176, 181, 191, 198-99, 446
Eleusis, 435, 550, 559, 593
El Guettar, 174, 175-76, 180
El Hamma, 178-79
El Haouaria, 191
El Kabrit, 95
El-Ma-el-Abiod, 157
EI Maou, 180, 198
Elmas. 86, 152, 153, 192, 517
Elveden Hall, 211
Emden, 243, 313, 324, 337, 345, 692-93, 702
Empoli, 593
Enfidaville, 176, 190, 196, 201
Engineer Petroleum Distribution Co., 561
Enna, 452, 460
Ent, Brig. Gen. U. G., 106, 183, 481
Erltrea, 6
Erla plant, 596
Escort fighters:
dependence on Brit., 213-14, 216-21, 231,, 249, 267, 328-29, 334, 336-37, 339;
in ETO, 328, 336, 341, 668, 673-74, 710;
in Italy, 546, 555, 579-80, 584-85, 588, 595;
long-range fuel tanks, 654-55, 679-81, 693, 698-702;
long-range need:.
(in ETO), 228-31, 238, 267-68, 303, 334-37, 570, 654-55, 661-62, 674, 679-85, 688, 705-6, 710, 717, 729,
(in Italy) 570, 575;
in North Africa, 122, 192
Essen, 141
Esteva, Adm. Jean-Pierre, 78
Etna, Mt., 462, 466, 468, 469-70, 485
Eureka beacon, 531
European Theater of Operations, United States Army:
African component established as NATOUSA, 115;
air officer, 107, 110;
CG, 47, 115, 309, 365, 633
Evreux, 257
Faenza, 594
Faid, 132, 141-43, 145, 153-55, 175, 185
Falconara yards, 594
Fano, 581
Farbenindustrie, I. G., 671
Fayid, 10, 18, 95, 103
F-boat, characteristics, 20, 100
Fedhala, 76-77.
Fellers, Col. Bonner, 9, 13, 15, 24
Feriana, 111, 125, 141-42, 154, 156-57, 173
Ferrara yards, 594
Ferrying of aircraft, 3-7, 14-15, 25, 125, 128-31, 500, 616-19, 627, 651, 656
Ferry Pilot Service, 500
Ferryville, 123, 188, 195, 204, 518
FertIlia; 517
Fez, 117
Fiano-Romana, 584
Fiat, 583, 592
Field Manual
No. 31-35, 137, 143;
No.100-20, 206
Fiesler plants, 681
Fighter aircraft. See aircraft by type;
Escort fighters;
Fighter control;
Night fighters.
in Italy, 498, 507, 510, 512-13, 518, 525, 527-28, 538-39, 542, 557, 570, 575, 577, 581;
in ME, 29;
in Pantelleria, 417, 424-26;
in Sicily, 452, 458, 466, 469, 471, 473, 475, 486;
in Tunisia, 139, 171, 175.
See also A-36; P-38; P-40; P-51
Fighter control:
by control ship, 428, 433, 486, 499, 523;
in Italy, 499, 523, 545;
in ME, 28;
in North Africa, 85, 127, 143, 168-69, 173, 199, 200;
in Pantelleria, 428, 433;
in Sicily, 458, 486
"The First 1100 Bombers," 225
Fischer-Tropsch plants, 358
Fiume Agata, 450
Fiumefreddo, 462, 468, 471
FLAX, 189-90, 192
Fleet Air Arm, 67-68, 72, 186, 521
Flensburg, 313
Fleurus, 67
Flight control, automatic equipment for, 271-72, 343
Florence, 464, 580-81, 592
Flores, 525
Flugzeugwerk, AGO, 678
Flushing, 324
Focke-Wulf plants, 317, 330, 678, 682, 687, 696-97
as Allied base, 550, 555, 557, 561, 565, 567-68, 574-75, 723;
Allied raids on, 434, 438, 459, 465, 475, 507, 509, 516, 518, 524, 527, 539;
Brit. capture of, 506, 544;
as enemy base, 463, 476, 491, 494, 504, 510, 525, 529, 541
Foligno, 580, 593
Fondouk, 132, 135, 139, 143, 181
Gap, 181
Ford plant (Antwerp), 216, 240, 318, 336, 672
Foreign and Domestic Commerce, Bureau of, 354
Forio, 517
assembly procedure for Combat wing, 676-77;
Combat box wing developed, 266-67, 272, 329-32, 342-43;
coordinated medium-& low-level, 186-87, 192
Formia, 517, 527, 530, 535, 541, 549, 551
Fort Lamy, 150
Fort Rouge, 237
Fossacesia, 578-79
Foster, AVM W. F. MacN., 346
Foum Tatahouine, 116, 171
Axis use of southern, 445, 473, 476, 487, 510-11, 525, 539, 548, 586;
civilian casualties, 218, 220, 239-40, 247, 320-21;
(aviation engineers in Corsica) 562,
(civilians in France) 221,
(civilians in North Africa) 117, 127, 130,
(Corps Franc d'Afrique) 201-2,
(troops in Tunisia) 81, 85, 87, 118, 131-42, 150,
153, 166, 170, 177, 200-202
(see also XIX Corps);
(of Allied bombing) 238-40. 247, 320-21,
(of U.S. policy in North Africa) 321;
fleet, 75-76, 185, 584;
plan for Allied invasion of southern, 546;
resistance of, 47, 49, 55-57, 67-79, 126, 129;
targets in, 215, 236, 239-42, 256, 317-18, 323, 328, 335, 337. 536, 559, 581, 583-84, 586, 673-74, 677, 685, 687-88, 729
(see also targets by name);
as U-boat base, 242-73 passim, 381, 584
Frank, Maj. Gen. W. H., 602
Frankfurt, 692
Frascati, 518
Fredendall, Maj. Gen. Lloyd, 45, 68, 112, 136-37, 156
Freetown, 4
French Air Force:
No. 8 Groupement. 169;
opns. with Allies, 169, 497, 543, 596, 747;
resistance to TORCH landings, 55-56, 67-70, 72-75
French West Africa, 129
Freya RDF, 422
Freyberg, Lt. Gen. B. C., 179
Friedrichshafen, 573
Frisian Is., 323-24, 326, 330-31
Frosinone, 525, 527, 577, 590-91
Fuel tanks,
development, 654-55;
use, 675, 678-81
Fuerstein, 573
Fuka, 27, 37, 39, 95
Furbara, 519, 558
Furious, 68
FUSTIAN, 454-55
characteristics, 121, 134, 230, 670, 678, 711
compared to P-47, 334-35;
replaces Stuka, 201;
use of rockets, 699
Fw-200, protects Axis U-boats, 397-98
Allied attacks, 87-88, 90, 122, 125, 144, 152, 160, 171, 173, 176, 178;
as Axis base, 81, 89, 97, 112, 134-38, 153, 172-73, 175, 177;
British capture, 180
Gadames, 150, 152
Gaeta, 517, 530;
Gulf of, 517, 548
Gafsa. 84, 132, 138-39, 141-44, 154-58, 173-74, 176
Galland, Maj. Gen. Adolf, 35
Gnllico, 492, 512
Gambia, 4, 129
Gambut, 40, 94-95, 98-99, 103, 106, 120, 155, 182, 550
Gandcr Lake, 393
Gardiner, Col. W. T., 520
Gargano Peninsula, 544
Garigliano R., 576
Gates, Col. B. E., 353-54
Gazala, 28. 40, 43, 94
Gdynia, 224, 696-97
GEE. See Radar and radio.
Gela, 430, 443, 446, 449-50, 453-55, 458
Genoa, 186, 474, 558, 577, 580, 583, 592, 594
Gerbini, 435, 438, 439-40, 450, 458, 494
Gcrman Air Force:
AVALANCHE reaction, 520-25, 528, 535, 539;
bomber tactics, 539, 548, 586-87, 699;
deployment, 233-34, 310, 333-34, 366, 587-88;
fighter defense, 218- 19, 233, 248, 268, 323-39, 342, 347, 588, 675, 679, 681, 685-86, 689, 694-95, 702-3, 707, 711-13, 719, 724, 730;
fighter tactics, 256-57, 263-67, 302, 325-34, 337, 344, 476, 551, 588, 666, 669-71, 673, 677-78, 685-86, 698-99, 702-3, 711;
Med. early opns., 4, 19-21;
new weapons, 325, 334, 539, 548, 551, 586, 666, 673, 678, 686, 699, 702-3, 705, 711;
raids on Allied fields in N. Africa, 85, 105, 138, 476, 510, 518;
(in Africa) 36, 115-16, 144,
(in ETO) 2H, 233-34, 256, 304-5, 333-34, 663, 666, 670, 702, 710-13, 730,
(in Italy) 491, 503, 510-11, 586-88, 595-96,
(in Med., May 1943) 424,
(in Sicily) 437-40, 445, 450,
(in southern France) 476, 583-84, 586;
as threat to CBO and as intermediate objective, 238, 254, 304-5, 327, 333, 341-42, 347, 365-69, 373, 563, 572-73, 582, 596, 665-81, 690, 697, 705-8, 711-15, 719-21, 727-30;
training, 711;
Tunisian defeat, 175-77, 179, 188-92, 201. 204-5;
U-boat protection, 395. 397-99;
(at El Alamein) 35-36,
(in Italy) 507-11, 516, 518-19, 523, 530, 535, 539, 541, 544, 547-48, 552, 575, 577, 588-89,
(in Pantelleria) 426,
(in Sardinia) 476,
(in Sicily) 442, 452, 458, 463, 476, 485
Germania Werft, 313
Air Ministry, 222, 224, 695, 708-9;
aircraft production, 707-15, 722, 724, 730;
Central Planning Office, 315;
civilian morale, 673, 712-14, 716, 721-22;
for ground campaigns in Med. area, see Armies and Rommel;
Ministry of Armaments and War Production, 671;
as principal enemy, 209-10, 277, 281, 286, 300;
in U-boat warfare, 378, 384, 393, 395-96.
See also antisub. warfare; CBO; CBO Plan; GAF; German targets by name.
Ghisonaccia, 561
I (Rev.), 531, 533;
II, 519-20, 524;
III, 533;
IV, 531
GIBBON-SLAPSTICK, 493, 528, 538
as Allied base, 48, 54-58, 66-67, 70, 72, 79, 82, 85, 105, 145, 379, 394, 397, 399, 430, 441, 572;
Strait of, 48, 70, 83, 112, 396;
strategic importance, 4, 31, 43, 110
Ginosa, 538
Gioia, 514, 528, 538, 544, 571
Gioiosa, 513
Giraud, Gen. Henri, 79, 136
Giulia, 100
Giulianova, 579, 590
Giuseppo Leva, 98
Glasgow, 58, 615, 627
Glider supply and operations, 444, 446-49, 455, 496, 501
Goering, Hermann, 35-36, 97, 264, 284
Gold Coast, 3, 129
Golfo Aranci, 437
Goodrich, Col. Charles, 25
Goose Bay, 59
Gorizia, 194
Gosselies, 237
Gotha, 706
Gott, Lt. Gen. W. H. E., 29
Goubellat, 201
Gozo, 422, 437, 450-51, 458, 501
Grand Dorsals, 132, 136, 139, 145, 153, 155-57, 182
Graziani, Marshal Rodolfo, 9, 91
Grazzanise, 475, 509, 516, 527, 549
airfields, 550, 552, 554, 558-59, 58384, 594;
as GAF base, 19-21, 425, 435, 587-88, 593;
German capture of, 4
Greenham Common, 605
Greenland, 59, 393
Griggs, Dr. D. T., 692
Grosseto, 192, 465, 527, 550, 554, 557, 581, 584
Grottaglie, 439, 475, 509, 512, 555-57
Ground controlled interception. See Radar.
Groups (numbered):
1st Ftr. Gp., 59, 82, 86-87, H2, 114, 130, 148, 15 2, 230
1st Provisional Gp., 20, 26, 33, 99
1st Sea-Search Attack Gp., 409
2d Bomb. Gp., 192, 311, 431, 435, 476
2 Gp., 672
3 Airfield Construction Gp., 116
3d Photo Rcn. Gp., 501
4th Ftr. Gp., 230-31, 309, 335
5th Photo Rcn. Gp., 501, 571
12th Bomb. Gp., 25-27, 30, 33, 35, 9798, 100, 103, 153, 158-59, 168, 172, 174, 178, 198, 416, 431, 469, 495, 512, 555
14 Airfield Construction Gp., 116
14th Ftr. Gp., 59, 82, 84, 87, 126, 130, 138, 147, 152, 192, 230, 431, 475, 555
14th Transport Gp., 129
17th Bomb. Gp., 60, 125, 129, 144, 431, 55. \
20th Ftr. Gp., 639, 705
26th Air Depot Gp., 99
26 Armoured Brigade Gp., 158
27th Air Transport Gp., 618, 651, 656
27th Ftr. -Bomber Gp., 431, 440, 498, 552
31st Air Transport Gp., 657
31st Ftr. Gp., 57-59, 72-74, 82, 143, 156, 159, 174, 230, 431, 450-51, 453, 462, 498, 541, 543, 555
33d Ftr. Gp., 25, 58, 63, 75, 77, 83, 113, 123, 128, 131, 134, 138-40, 142-43, 159, 175, 181, 427, 430-31, 449, 451, 453, 462, 498, 541, 543, 552, 555
36 Brigade Gp., 79, 87
41st Service Gp., 543
43 Gp., 627
44th Bomb. Gp., 235, 259, 478-79, 481-83, 536
47th Bomb. Gp., 60, 128, 134, 138, 141, 155, 159, 168, 203, 431, 493, 555
52d Bomb. Gp., 154, 156
pd Ftr. Gp., 58-59, 72-74, 82, 86, 143, 159, 174, 176, 181, 230, 497, 562
55th Ftr. Gp., 639, 705
S6th Ftr. Gp., 335
57th Ftr. Gp., 25-27, 30, 33-35, 37, 39, 94-95, 100, 102, 171, 172, 178-79, 191, 198, 416, 428, 431, 493, 495, 551, 555
60th Troop Carrier Gp., 56, 74, 79, 167
61st Troop Carrier Gp., 531
62d Troop Carrier Gp., 83, 87, 167
64th Troop Carrier Gp., 57, 79, 81, 87, 167, 533
67th Tactical Rcn. Gp., 642
68th Observation Gp., 60, 112, 129, 143, 156
78th Ftr. Gp., 55, 131, 268, 335
79th Ftr. Gp., 25, 100, 171-72, 178-79, 198, 416, 431, 450, 493, 495, 551, 555
81st Ftr. Gp., 60, 138, 140-42, 156, 158, 174, 497
82d Ftr. Gp., 144, IP, 431, 475, 554-55, 567
86th Ftr. -Bomber Gp., 498, 539-40, 543, 552
91st Bomb. Gp., 55, 120, 138, 235, 256, 258
92d Bomb. Gp., 66, 138, 219, 235, 338
93d Bomb. Gp., 98, 103, I H)-20, 182, 220, 235, 259, 478-79, 481-82, 536
94th Bomb. Gp., 338
95th Bomb. Gp., 338
96th Bomb. Gp., 338
97th Bomb. Gp., 59, 66, 82, 85, 88, 90, 118, 123, 144, 151-52, 211, 216, 218-19, 229, 231, 246, 248, 431, 435, 465, 476, 524
98th Bomb. Gp., 20-21, 26, F, 33, 95, 98-99, 103, 182-84, 418, 479, 481-82, 496, 559
99th Bomb. Gp., 192, 311, 431,, 435, 465, 476, 524
100th Bomb. Gp., 639, 672, 698-99
201 Gp., 17, 20
205 Gp., 17, 20-21, 99, 160, 203, 431, 502
211 Gp., 28-29, 35, 199
212 Gp., 35 242 Gp., 109, 136-37, 140, 145, 157, 163, 166, 168-69, 173, 176, 181, 189, 199-200, 424, 591
30lst Bomb. Gp., 59, 66, 86, 90, 118, 122-23, 144, l51-52, 188, 2 19, 231,, 248, 435, 476
303d Bomb. Gp., 55, 120, 235, 258
305th Bomb. Gp., 235, 258, 343
306th Bomb. Gp., 235, 257, 259
306th Service Gp., 99
308th Bomb. Gp., 311
310th Bomb. Gp., 60, 83, 90, 113, 124-25, 144, 147, 149, 431, 555
313th Troop Carrier Gp., 531
314th Troop Carrier Gp., 531
315th Service Gp., 99
315th Troop Carrier Gp., 642
316th Troop Carrier Gp., 99, 416, 495
319th Bomb. Gp., 60, 88, 124, 128, 130-31, 147-48, 151, 431, 555
320th Bomb. Gp., 60, 129, 192, 431, 555
321st Bomb. Gp., 60, 129, 192, 431, 555
322d Bomb. Gp., 338, 642
323d Bomb. Gp., 642
323d Service Gp., 26, 99
324th Ftr. Gp., 100, 171-72, 178, 191, 416, 431,, 495, 498, 555
325th Ftr. Gp., 131, '43, 192, 431, 518, 555
350th Ftr. Gp., 60, 156, 163, 186, 497, 562
351st Bomb. Gp., 338
352d Ftr. Gp., 639
3S3d Ftr. Gp., 639
354th Ftr. Gp., 642
355th Ftr. Gp.,
639 356th Ftr. Gp., 639
358th Ftr. Gp., 639
359th Ftr. Gp., 639
376th Bomb. Gp., 96, 98-99, 103, 182, 184, 418, 479, 481-82, 496, 596
379th Bomb. Gp., 338
381st Bomb. Gp., 639
384th Bomb. Gp., 639
385th Bomb. Gp., 639
386th Bomb. Gp., 642
387th Bomb. Gp., 642
388th Bomb. Gp., 639
389th Bomb. Gp., 478-79, 481-83, 536, 639
390th Bomb. Gp., 639
392d Bomb. Gp., 639
401st Bomb. Gp., 639
434th Troop Carrier Gp., 642
435th Troop Carrier Gp., 642
445th Bomb. Gp., 639
446th Bomb. Gp., 639
447th Bomb. Gp., 639
448th Bomb. Gp., 639
449th Bomb. Gp., 568
450th Bomb. Gp., 568
451st Bomb. Gp., 568
454th Bomb. Gp., 568
455th Bomb. Gp., 568
456th Bomb. Gp., 568
479th Antisubmarine Gp., 394-96, 400, 409
480th Antisubmarine Gp., 382, 397-400, 409
482d Bomb. Gp., 639, 692
Grove, 648
Grow, Brig. Gen. M. C., 653
"G" staff structure, 605
Guadalcanal, 280, 282
Guardiagrele, 589
Guercif, 117
Guidonia, 519, 558, 583, 593
Gulf Sea Frontier, 400
Gundelfingen, 550
Gunnery, 8th AF, 217, 2 19-25, 229, 235, 269, 326-27, 339
Gura, 6, 16, 26
GYMNAST, 42-46, 49-50, 60. See also TORCH.
Gyor, S73 881
H2S and H2X. See Radar.
Haarlem, 340
Habbaniyeh, 10
Hadjeb-el-Aioun, 143
Haidra, 181
Hal Sq., 21
Halberstadt, 706
Hale, Maj. Gen. W. H., 405
Halfaya Pass, 13, 92, 95
HALPRO. See Halverson Detachment.
Halverson, Col. H. A., 10-11, 99, 477
Halverson Detachment, 9, 12-13, 16-18, 20-21, 26
Hamburg, 243, 313, 372, 677-78, 692, 696
Hamilton, Fowler, 354
Hamm, 241, 318, 325
Hammam Lif, 204-5
Hammamet, 205
Hampton Roads, 75-76
Hamraiet, 100, 102
Main, 198;
West, 198
Hannover, 372, 677-78, 710
Hansell, Brig. Gen. B. S., Jr., 64, 106, 264, 365, 635
Harmon, Maj. Gen. M. F., 281
Harriman mission, 5
Harris, ACM Sir Arthur, 295, 304, 338, 566, 742
Harrisburg, 222-23
Hartland, 70-71
Harwood, Adm. Sir Henry, 17, 161
Havoc. See A-20.
Hawkins, Col. J. R., 72-73
He-111, characteristics, 548
He-177, characteristics, 586
Heinkel plant, 681
Helgoland, 326, 333
Hemisphere defense, 277
Henschel and Sohn, 582
Hergla, 148, 181, 199, 424
Hermann Goering Div., 472
Heroya, 675-77
Hewitt, Vice Adm. H. K., 75-76, 450-51, 493
High Ercall, 609
High Wycombe, 52, 754
Highway 5 (Italy), 576, 578
Hilary, 499
Hitcham, 648
Hodges, Col. J. P., 211
Hoeffer, Lt. Col. Henry, 117
Honington, 604-5, 625, 648
Hopkins, Harry, 46, 296
Horne, Vice Adm., F. J., 294
Horrocks, Lt. Gen. E. G., 203
Horsa glider, 446-47, 496
Hose Raui, 182
Hotel Splendida, 139
House, Maj. Gen. E. J., 499, 530
Hüls, 671-73, 677, 709, 714
Hurn, 56, 66, 71
characteristics, 29, p, 55;
as "tank buster, "177, 179
airborne opns., 446-49, 453-55;
Allied air strength, 442, 445;
assault opns., 446-60;
conquest of island, 460-77;
evaluation, 484-87;
fighter cover for landings, 449-52;
fighter success, 456;
maintenance, 444-45;
plans, 113-I4, 150, 167, 184, 300-301, 372, 376, 415-16, 422-23, 425, 442-45;
post-HUSKY plans, 488-89;
pre-HUSKY opns., 435, 438-41;
supply, 441, 444, 458, 460
Iceland, 393, 635
Identification friend or foe. See Radar.
Ijmuiden, 338-40
Imperia, 558
India, 7-8, 14-15, 497
Innsbruck, 506, 581, 593
Intelligence, 221, 421-22, 433, 588, 675-78, 704, 707-10, 740;
dependence on RAF, 214, 223, 351, 633;
industrial, 354-55, 369, 672;
on U-boat campaign, 316, 319.
See also AC/AS, Intelligence; Photo rcn.
Iran, 6-7, 14
Iraq, 10, 14, 19
Ireland, 382, 626
Irpino, 527
Iscara R., 506
Ischia I., 517
Isernia, 527, 530, 535, 542, 549, 551, 578
Ismailia, 21
Istanbul, 584
Istres, 476, 548, 583, 586
Italian Air Force:
cover for Axis supply route to Tunisia, 145-46;
opns. with Allied air forces, 554, 585, 596, 747;
strength, 35, 144, 424, 445, 511
Italian fieet, 11-13, 96, 145, 194, 441-42, 537, 546
as base for CBO operations, 563-66, 723-29;
declares war on Germany, 554;
first raids against, 95-96, 103, 182-84;
forces at Pantelleria, 421-33;
forces in Sicily, 449, 462, 464;
invasion, 488-545
morale, 423, 449, 462, 464, 488, 503;
surrender, 519, 537, 546.
Jamaica, 68
Japan, 274-75, 277-78
Jean Bart, 75-76
Johnson, Col. L. W., 482
"Joint Action of the Army and Navy, 1935," 385
Joint American/British Directif, 213, 237
Joint Chiefs of Staff:
on aid to ME, 14, 23 24;
on aircraft production, 291-95;
on cno, 297-98, 304, 307, 310, 366, 342, 724-25, 728;
on cross-Channel invasion, 45, 113, 633, 714, 733-34;
on ETO vs MTO, 284-86, 300-301;
on ETO vs. Pacific, 280-82, 296;
on 15th AF, 564-65;
on TORCH, 49, 62;
on U-boat war, 386, 389-91, 408;
on USSTAF, 741, '749, 754
Joint Intelligence Committee, 353
Joint Staff Planners, 280, 738
Joint Strategic Survey Committee, 285
Joint U.S. Committee on New Weapons and Equipment, 380, 386
Joint U.S. Strategic Committee, 280
JOSS, 442-43, 450-51
JPB-BLACK, 42-43
Ju-52, characteristics, 189
Ju-87, characteristics, 30, 89, 142-43, 176
first encounter in ETO, 324;
protects Axis U-boat, 395, 398
JUGGLER, 483, 683-84
Juin, Lt. Gen. Alphonse, 79, 136
JUNIOR. See 12th AF.
Kairouan, 88, 116, 135. 139, 143, 153-54, 173, 181, 198-99, 449, 499, 555;
Pass, 140
Kalaa Djerda, 138, 159
Kalamaki, 435, 593
Kalberer, Maj. A. F., 21, 33
Kane, Col. J. R., 99, 482
Kano, 129
Karachi, 7
Kassel, 678, 681-82, 710
Kasserine, 134, 139, 149, 153-00, 166-67, 169, 171-72, 175, 185, 189
Kastelli Pediada, 99
Kauch, Brig. Gen. Robert, 99, 171
Kebili, 116, 139.
Keiser, Lt. Col. D. M., 33
Keitel, Field Marshal Wilhelm, 100, 199
Kepner, Maj. Gen. W. E., 720
Keroman, 246
Kesselring, Field Marshal Albert, 35, 97, 486, 511, 517, 529, 552-54
Khartoum, 3-5, 10, 183
Kiel, 224,241, 243, 31l-13, 338-39, 345, 670, 672, 677-78, 681, 710;
"battle of, "670
King, Adm. E. J.:
on aid to ME, 15;
in aid to TORCH, 131;
on aircraft production, 290-93;
on CBO, 297-99;
on cross-Channel invasion, 46;
on relative priority of Europe and Pacific, 61, 282;
on U-boat warfare, 383, 386-87, 390-92, 394, 402-10
Kittyhawk. See P-40
Klosterle, 573
Knerr, Brig. Gen. H. J.;
A-4 8th AF, 743;
A-4 USAAFUK, 744;
as CG VIII AFSC, 652, 742-44, 751-52;
CG ASC, USSTAF, 754-55;
D/CG Administration, USSTAF, 660, 754-55;
as D/CG VIII AFSC, 640, 644, 648-49, 656-58;
as D/Comdr. AAF ASC, 635
Knightsbridge, 11, 13, 30
Knox, Sec. of Navy Frank, 291, 390
Koechy, Maj. Gen. Karl, 204
Korba, 198, 205;
North, 427
Krypton lamps, 531
Ksar Rhilane, 171, 177
Kugelfisher plant, 686
Kuter, Brig. Gen. L. S.:
A-3, Allied AF, 149;
AC/AS, Plans, 537;
on CBO, 714;
CG 1st Bomb. Wg., 264, 266;
on plans for theater air force, 106;
in Tunisian campaign, 142, 144-45,, 154, 156, 170, 202, 205
LADBROKE, 446, 449
La Fanconnerie, 172, 176, 198
Lafayette Escadrille, 131, 138, 140-41, 159
Lagonegro, 541
La Goulette, 123, 188, 193, 195
Lake Bracciano, 552
Lakehurst, 76
La Macta, 73
La Maddalena, 194, 437, 586
La Marca, 191, 200, 750
Lamezia, 507
Lamont, T. W., 354
conquest, 429-30, 433;
defenses, 421;
importance, 422, 429
Lampione, 422, 430
Lanciano, 589
Landing Grounds:
No. 88, 35;
No. 139, 95, 103-4;
No. 140, 103;
No. 142, 98;
No. 159, 98, 103-4;
No. 174, 27, 35
Langford Lodge, 604-5, 625-27, 630, 644, 649, 659, 661
Langley Field, 401, 409
Lanphier, Lt. Col. T. G., 354
La Pallice, 237, 244, 249, 271, 674
Largs, 68, 72-73, 428
Larson, Brig. Gen. Westside, 379, 404
La Sebala, 203
La Senia, 56-57, 67-68, 70-73, 83, 105, 111, 116, 131
La Spezia, 194, 558
Laureana, 513
Lauria, 514
Lawson, A/Cdre. G. M., 107-9
Leach, Lt. Col. W. B., 354
Leahy, Adm. W. D., 24, 46-47, 275, 282, 299, 403
Leapfrogging, 27, 471-72
Lebanon, 17
Le Bourget, 674
Leece, 439, 557
Leclerc, Brig. Gen. Philippe, 150, 170, 177
Lee, Maj. Gen. J. C. H., 602, 606
Leghorn, 437, 506, 543, 550
Le Havre, 237
Leigh-Mallory, AM Sir Trafford:
air C-in-C AEAF, 642, 735-40;
air officer COSSAC, 634-35, 735;
AOC-in-C, RAF Ftr. Comd., 634, 735;
on 8th AF opns., 216
Leipzig, 372, 582, 596, 706
Le Kef, 122, 153, 173, 181
Le Kouif, 138, 155-56, 159
Le Malin, 75
LeMay, Brig. Gen. C. E., 687, 704
to British in ME, 3-6;
to British in UK, 610, 617;
reverse from British to 8th AF, 609-10, 617;
to U.S. S. R., 6, 14, 291, 294
Lentini, 454
Leonforte, 462-63
Le Roger, 237
Leros, 550, 558-59, 584
Les Andalouses, 68, 70
Le Sers, 173, 181, 199-200
Lete, 182-83
Le Trait, 217-18
Le Tubé, 476
Levant, 11
Leverano, 465
Levkas Channel, 554
Liberia, 5, 129
as Allied base, 120, 149, 171,
In, 183-85, 478;
Allied campaign in, 91-104, 150-51;
Axis supplies for, 9, 11, 20, 97, 100, 146, 189;
Axis victories in, 45
Licata, 430, 442-43, 450, 452, 458
Liguria coast, 557
Lille, 220-23, 228, 235, 239, 255, 271, 296
Lingotto, 583
Linguaglossa, 470
Linosa, 422, 430
Lipari Is., 187
Liri Valley, 542, 576
Lisbon, 399
Little Staughton, 604-5, 624-25, 648
Littorio, 464-65, 474, 507, 519
Liverpool, 604, 615-16, 627
Lloyd, AVM H. P., 163, 186-87, 416, 751
Lockheed Overseas Corp., 626, 649
Logistics: See also Depots; Air Forces and Commands
Lom, 481
Longfellow, Brig. Gen. Newton, 211, 264
Long Range Desert Group, In Longstop. See Djebel Ahmera.
Longueau marshalling yards, 217
Longuenesse, 219-20, 237
Lorient, 237, 239, 244, 246-47, 249-50, 312, 315-16, 320, 327-29
Lourmel, 67, 714-5
Lovett, US/W for Air R. A., 295, 297
Low-altitude bombardment:
against land targets in Tunisia, 124, 179-80;
for mediums, 340-41;
Ploesti mission, 477-83;
against shipping, 124-25, 146-47, 149-50, 185-86;
againsrsub. pens, 248-49, 271
Low Countries, 215, 236, 239-41, 256, 313, 328, 685
Luca, 96, 103, 183-84
Lucas, Maj. Gen. J. P., 469
Lucca, 539-4
Lübeck, 243, 313
Lycée Carnot, 567
Lydda, 18, 20
Mc-202, characteristics, 31
characteristics, 588;
flying for USAAF, 554
McCain, Rear Adm. J. S., 406-8
McCauley, Col. J. S., 99
McCreery, Lt. Gen. Sir R. L., 493
MacDill Field, 52
McGrigor, Rear Adm. R. R., 423
McGuire, Lt. Col., G. F., 99
McNamey, Lt. Gen. J. T., 406-8, 635, 640
McWhoner, Rear Adm. E. D., 75
Mahares, 174, 180
(in Africa) 55, 57, 60, 90, 130-31, 134, 232,
(in ETO) 258, 260-62, 602-5, 621-30, 657-64, 719,
(in ME) 6, 15, 22;
(in ETO) 662,
(in ME) 20.
Maiori, pi Maison Blanche, 67, 71, 79, 81-88, 90, 107, 116, 118-19, 127, 501
Maknassy, 132, 139, 141-42, 144, 154, 173-75, 180
Maktar, 139, 143
Maleme, 32, 39
as Allied air base, 4, 9, 19, 22, 31, 54, 86, 96, 103, 106, 145-47, 150, 183, 187, 194, 422, 424, 437, 444, 449, 451, 456, 458, 482, 484, 507;
as Allied naval base, 9, 11, 19-20, 40, 70, 98, 427, 430, 530;
defense, 11, 22, 253, 432-33;
removed from Middle East Comd., 161
Malta Air Command, 162
Manduria, 514, 568
Manfredonia, 506, 561
Marble Arch, 97, 138
Marcigliana, 558, 577
Mareth Line, 116, 135-36, 144, 153-54, 160-61, 166, 170-73, 175, 177-78, 180, 205
Marghana, 425
Marienburg, 224, 696-97
Marina di Catanzaro, 474
Marina di Ragusa, 449, 453
Marine Corps, U.S., 403, 526
Maritime program, 292-94
Marrakech, 76-77, 129, 501
Marsala, 195
Marseille, 149, 476, 537, 546, 580, 592
Marshall, Gen. G. C.;
on aircraft production, 291;
on BOLERO, 46;
on CBO, 295, 299, 304, 307;
on cooperation with British, 100;
on 8th AF, 63;
on HALPRO, 10;
on opns. in Italy, 495, 533-34, 536, 557, 564, 724;
on Ploesti bombing, 683;
in question of comdr. for OVERLORD, 748;
on theater air force, 279;
in TORCH planning, 48-49, 51, 60, 277;
on U-boat war, 379, 387-89, 391, 403-8
Manuba, 40, 94-95
Masefield, Peter, 228
Mason, E. S., 354
Massachusetts, 75
Massaua, 6
Massicault, 134, 198, 204
Mast, Brig. Gen. Charles, 57
Mateur, 81, 85, 87-88, 108, 116, 134, 160, 196, 201-2, 204
Matmata, 171, 177-78
Matruh, 19-20, 27, 39, 92, 95
Maupenuis, 237, 255
Mauretania, 40
Mauritania, 129
Maxwell, Brig. Gen. R. L., 6, 12-14, 16, 18, 23, 39
Mayer, Oberleutnant Egon, 264
Mayo, 530
Mazagan, 76
Mazzara, 472
characteristics, 31-134;
compared to P-47, 334;
use of rockets, 699
Me-110, first encounter in ETO, 324
Me-210, as cover for Axis convoys, 148
Me-323, characteristics, 189, 191
Mears, Lt. Col. F. H., Jr., 25
Meaulte, 217, 2 19, 237, 317, 336, 344
Medenine, 103, 116, 134, 144, 152, 161, 171, 177-78
Mediouna, 117
Mediterranean Air Command:
activated, 161;
functions, 161-62, 164, 425, 527;
orgn., 171, 416, 567;
superseded by MAAF, 594, 746, 750
Mediterranean Air Transpon Service, 543, 562-63, 567;
Continental Div., 563
Mediterranean Allied Air Forces:
C-in-C, 746-49;
established, 746-47;
orgn., 567, 594. '; 96, 746-51,
(chart) 751
Mediterranean Allied Coastal Air Force, 751
Mediterranean Allied Photo Rcn. Wing, 751
Mediterranean Allied Strategic Air Force, 567, 751
Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Force, 523, 567, 751
Mediterranean Base Section, 117
Medjerda, 112, 201, 203
Medjerda R. valley, 81, 97, 117, 119
Medjez-el-Bab, 82, 85, 87, 91, 176, 196, 198, 201-3
Megalo, 559
Mehdia, 74, 76-77
Meknès, 117
Melilla, 71
Membury, 648
Mersat bou Zedjar, 68
Mers-el-Kébir, 67, 73
Messe, Gen. Giovanni, 177, 205
Messerschmitt plants, 594, 682-84, 729
Messina, 103, 182-84, 419, 435, 437, 440, 458-60, 462, 466, 468, 470, 472, 476, 488, 494, 497, 501, 523;
Strait of, 19, 103, 184, 186, 458, 472, 476, 491-92, 512
Mestre, 550
Metaponto, 517, 534
Metkovic, 580
Mexico, Gulf of, 378-79
Mezzouna, 141, 175-76
Miami, 378
Michelier, Vice Adm. Frix, 75
Michie, A. A., 346
Middle East Air Command, 162, 423, 443, 497, 584
Middle East Command, 161
Middle East theater, 3-40, 746-47.
See also 8th Army;
Mignano, 527, 530, 549, 576-77, 589-90
Mikra, 559.
Milan, 75
Milan, 474
Milazzo, 466
Miliane R., 199
Milis, 435
Military Intelligence Div. (WDGS), 352
Miller, Maj. Gen. H. J. F.;
CG VIII AFSC, 602, 629, 743;
CG IX AFSC, 649, 742
Milo, 190, 192, 'l3S:439, 450, 458, 531
Milton Ernest, 605, 754
Minturno, 517, 577
Misserghin, 73
Misterbianca, 468
Misurata, 203
Mitchell, use in ETA, 672. See also B-25.
Modane, 536
Modification of aircraft, 265-66, 626-30, 661-63.
Mohamadia, 116
"Moling" missions, 233, 262, 322, 690
Momyer, Lt. Col. W. W., 77, 134
Mondragone, 548
Monrovia, 451
Monrovia, 5
Monserrato, 192, 517
Montagna Grande, 421
Mont Cenis Tunnel, 536
Montecorvino, 465, 475, 489, 493, 498-99, 501, 516, 521, 524-26, 543
Montgomery, Gen. Bernard:
in battle of El Alamein, 28-31, 34, 36-39;
in HUSKY, 442, 455;
at Mareth Line, 153, 164, 170-73, 177-78, 180, 196-98, 203;
in pursuit of Rommel, 91, 96-97, 102, 104, 138
Montpellier, 548
"Moonshine, "234
Moore, Col. Howard, 393-94
in AAFAC, 385, 400-401;
in 8th AF, 216, 303, 322, 641, 655-56;
German, 240, 278, 303-6, 712-14, 716, 721-22;
Italian, 423, 449, 462, 464, 488, 503;
in N. Africa, 128, 130, 192;
in Sicilian campaign, 470, 473-74,'
See also Combat fatigue.
Morgan, Lt. Gen. F. E., 63 2-34, 735, 738
Moro R., 590
Moroccan Composite Wing, 111-12
Moroccan Sea Frontier, 394, 396-97, 399-400.
as Allied base, 83, 109, 112-13, 117-18, 123, 134-35, 143, 163, 378, 498;
in TORCH, 25, 42-43, 47-50, 56-58, 70, 73-78
Morrison Field, 25
Mosquito, characteristics, 147, 577, 580, 691
Moss, Lt. Col. M. W,; 354
Mostar, 594
Mount Camino, 577, 590
Mount di Chiullzi, 525.
Münster, 224, 696, 699, 710
Muqeibile, 25, 27
Murphy, Robert, 57
Mussolini, 429, 487, 491, 519
Mussomeli, 460
Nantes, 674, 720
as Allied base, 551, 557, 561, 563, 575, 577;
Allied bombing attacks on, 96, 103, 120, 11h-84, 186, 191, 195, 419, 434, 437, 459, 463-65, 474, 506-7, 509, 516, 524, 531, 534;
Allied drive to capture,. 489, 491-92, 494, 499, 513, 541;
as Axis base, 19, 145, 189, 494, 504, 509-10, 529, 539;
Axis raids on, 548, 586;
capture, 544, 547
Natal, 4, 125
National Defense Research Council, 380
Naval operations:
air-navy liaison for Italian invasion, 499;
in HUSKY, 450-52, 468, 471-72, 484;
in Italian campaign, 489-500, 511-12, 519-30, 535, 537-39, 544, 548, 579-80, 586-87
Navarino Bay, 20-21
Navy, U.S.:
Air Antisub. Development Det., Atlantic Fleet, 401;
Bureau of Aeronautics, 402;
Chief of Naval Opus., 297;
COMINCH, 385, 390-91, 400 (see also King);
controversy over control in
U-boat war, 245, 379-80, 383-92, 398, 400-411, 497-98;
controversy over landbased, long-range aircraft for overwater opns., 290, 402-8, 411;
criticism of precision bombing, 253, 298;
Office of Naval Intelligence, 354;
opns., 58, 75-78, 393-403, 411, 451-52, 468, 497-99, 529-30;
priorities, 212, 274-77, 280-82, 287, 290-94;
support of Pacific vs. European offensive, 61, 211, 274-75, 280, 282, 372;
Task Force 34, 75-76;
Task Force 88, 471;
Tenth Fleet, 390-92, 402, 404-5.
See also Antisub. warfare; AAFAC; Convoy protection; Naval opns.
Neaton, 648
Negro units, 655-56. See also 99th Ftr. Sq. (Separate).
Nehring, Gen. Walter von, 81-82, 88, 91, 106
Nelson, D. M., 290-91, 294-95
Netherlands, 217, 325, 335, 677, 687-88. See also Low Countries; specific targets.
Newfoundland, 378, 383, 387-88, 393-94, 399, 403
New York, 75
New Zealanders, 172, 177-80, 198, 590
Nicastro, 528
Nice, 581
"Nickeling" missions, 429, 537, 585
Nicosia, 466, 468
Night bombing:
Allied in Italy, 496, 510, 534, 537;
RAF area bombing opns. in ETO, 211-12, 226, 238, 243, 298-99, 312-20, 318.
See also Daylight bombardment.
Night fighters:
in Africa, 85, 109;
in Italy, 493, 497-98, 520, 523, 579-80;
in Sicily, 456, 486
Nile, 24, 30. See also Egypt.
Nish, 558
Nocera, 521, 525, 542
Nogues, Auguste, 74-75
Nordisk Lettmetal, 675
Norfolk Group Plan, 48, 50, 53
Norfolk House, 48, 632, 635, 735, 739
Normandy, 233, 456. See also Cross-Channel invasion.
Nomad, Col. Lauris, 54, 68
North African Theater of Operations:
established, 115;
orgn., 567, 750-51
North Atlantic convoy route, 245, 252, 293, 311-12, 316-17, 381, 387-88, 392-93
North Atlantic ferry route, 59, 627, 651
North Sea, 325, 330, 672, 688, 696
Northern Base Section, 562
Northern Ireland, 604, 608-9, 651
Northern Task Force, 50, 112, 520
Northwest African Air Forces:
A-5, 489, 496;
aircraft types used, 417, 431;
casualty rate, 595-96;
C-in-C, 416;
communications, 587;
consolidation with MAC to become MAAF, 746, 750;
15th AF relationship, 565;
functions, 162, 164, 170, 416, 418, 438, 443-44, 496-500, 530-34, 543, 575-76;
maintenance and supply, 444, 501, 540, 542-43, 559-62
(see also XII AFSC; NAASC);
orgn., 161-65, 167, 171, 416-18,
(charts) 417, 497;
replacement rate, 474, 537;
strength, 416-17, 431, 445, 495-97, 596;
12th AF administrative relationship, 162-63, 167, 416, 502;
wastage rate, 465
Northwest African Air Service Command:
C-in-C, 416;
dissolved, 750;
opns., 430, 444, 460, 497, 500, 571;
organized, 163, 167
Northwest African Coastal Air Force:
C-in-C, 163; 416;
functions, 163, 185-87, 199, 476, 537, 559, 585;
opns., 185-87, 191, 199, 423-24, 427, 441-42, 444, 449-50, 459-60, 476-77, 497-500, 519-20, 537-38, 543, 559, 585-86, 591, 595;
orgn., 163, 417;
redesignated as MACAF, 751;
strength, 417, 497
Northwest African Photographic Reconnaissance Wing:
C-in-C, 163, 416;
functions, 169, 537;
opns., 169, 194, 440-41, 460, 497, 501, 537-38, 559, Hi', 585, 595;
orgn., 163, 417;
redesignated as MAPRW, 751;
strength, 417, 501
Northwest African Strategic Air Force:
in African opns., 160, 173-200;
aircraft types, 417;
C-in-C, 163, 416, 567;
deployment, 163, 170, 424, 560, 567-68, 575, 592;
in HUSKY, 438-39, 444, 452, 458-60, 462, 473-76;
in Italian opns., 419, 497-98, 500, 502-9, 514, 516, 524, 527-28, 530, 535, 539, 541, 549, 551-54, 557-60, 567, 572-75, 580-81, 583-86, 592-96;
orgn., 163, 417, 502, 567;
at Pantelleria, 424-26, 428;
redesignated at MASAF, 751;
(with 15th AF) 567, 572,
(with XII BC) 150;
strength, 192, 417, 424, 497;
use as tactical air force, 418, 473, 535, 541, 580.
See also 15th AF; NAAF; XlI BC.
Northwest African Tactical Air Force:
aircraft types, 417-18, 494;
over Balkans, 573;
C-in-C, 157, 163, 416;
fighter-bomber emphasis in Sicily, 466;
in HUSKY, 43839, 444, 452-53, 458-62, 466, 469, 472, 474;
in Italy, 493, 497-98, 503-4, 506, 509,
514, 525, 527-28, 530, 534-35, 539, 542, 544, 548-49, 551-54, 557, 559-60, 567, 576-81, 585, 589, 591-94;
orgn., 157, 163, 16771, 181, 417, 567;
in Pantelleria area, 42629;
redesignated as MATAF, 751;
strength, 172, 192, 417, 424, 497;
in Tunisia, 179, 184, 187, 200-201, 203, 205,
See also NAAF; XII ASC.
Northwest African Tactical Bomber Force:
- opns.:
(in Italy) 493,
(in Pantelleria) 428,
(in Sicily) 460, 471, 485,
(in Tunisia) 173-76, 178, 180-81, 199-203;
orgn., 169, 417
Northwest African Training Command, 163, 416, 417, 497
Northwest African Troop Carrier Command:
C-in-C, 416;
opns., 444, 446-47, 454-55, 458, 460, 500, 519-20, 531, 543, 559, 585;
orgn., 167, 416;
strength, 417, 497
Norway, 233, 382, 674-76, 682, 729
Noto, 453
Novara, 471
Nufilia, 97
Oherpfaffenhofen, 573
OBOE. See Radar and radio.
Oggaz, 67
Ogliastro, 533
Olbia, 437, 440
Old Catton, 211
Olds, Col. Thayer, 84
ONS-5 convoy, 393
Operational Research Sec., 225, 342
Operational training unit, 409
Operations Div., War Dept., 24, 277
Oran, 42, 47-50, 53-58, 67-68, 70, 76, 83-84, 111, 116-18, 125, 129, 145, 441, 520, 548, 586;
X, Y, Z beaches, 68, 71
Orsagna, 576, 589-91
Orte, 506, 580-81, 593
Ortona, 576, 578, 590-91
Orvieto, 592-93
Oschersleben, 678-79, 682, 706
Osnabrück, 299
Oudna, 87
Oued Hateb, 157-58
Oued Tine, 198, 201
Oued Zarga, 81
Oujda, 112, 117, 131
Oulmène, 168
valley, 139-40, 143;
village, 13942, 145
air C-in-C, 735, 738-41
comdr., 733-35, 748;
priority over Med. opns., 492, 534, 631, 733, 738;
RAF Bomber Comd. role, 737-38;
relationship to POINTBLANK, 563, 565-66, 573, 582, 608, 666, 706-7, 714-16, 721, 727, 738;
target date, 715.
See also AEAF; Cross-Channel invasion.
Ozieri, 518
characteristics, 59, 86, 121, 130, 134, 192-93, 230, 268, 659, 705, 717;
diverse activities, 495;
as fighter-bomber, 425, 550, 558-59;
as long-range escort, 570;
modification in UK, 630, 654, 661-62;
radius, 494, 705;
use in antishipping, 146-47, 149
characteristics, 60, 141, 186, 568, 654;
range, 494, 570
characteristics, 29, 58, 175, 193, 514;
as fighter-bomber, 139, 175, 425, 518, 551;
modification in UK, 630;
range, 494, 570
characteristics, 659, 685, 705;
compared to Fw-190 and Me-109, 334-35;
1st Combat in ETO, 335;
as long-range escort, 570, 680-81, 693, 699-702;
modification in UK, 629-30, 654, 662
characteristics, 570, 659;
as fighterbomber, 426;
as long-range escort, 705, 717;
modification in UK, 661-62
P-63, 570
P-400, characteristics, 60
Pabillonis, 518
Pachino, 442, 452, 458
air strength, 281;
priority relative to Europe, 61, 211, 274-75, 277-78, 280-82, 287, 296, 311, 372
Padua, 577, 593
Paestum, 491, 493, 498, 519, 521, 526, 533, 538, 540, 543
Pagani, 521, 525
Palata, 551
Palazzolo, 450
Palena, 578
as Allied base, 468, 476, 520;
Allied drive to capture, 415, 423, 442, 460-61;
as Allied target, 103, 120, 152-53, 188, 195, 419, 437, 440, 459;
as Axis base, 19, 103, 145-46, 153, 189, 438;
capture, 46263, 465;
GAF raid. 510
Palestine,, 8, 20-22, 25-26, 40, 95
Palmi, 514
Palm Sunday massacre, 191, 198
Pan-American Airways, 5, 8
as Allied base, 430, 449, 451, 458;
as Axis base, 186, 199, 205, 419-22;
conquest, 423-30
Panzers, 14, 34, 36-38, 135, 153, 166, 172, 177, 179, 529
Paola, 474,507, 528
Paratroop Task Force, 56-57, 71-72, 79
Paris, 234, 256-57, 318, 329, 344
Park, AVM Sir Keith, 96, 106, 162
Parma, 594
Partisans, 585, 591
Partridge, Brig. Gen. E. E., 567
Pas de Calais, 233, 256, 333, 688-89
Pasteur, 15, 26
Paterno, 468
Brit. use, 262;
use in 8th AF, 322, 409, 690, 692-94, 729;
use in Italy, 531, 533
Patterson Field. See AAF Air Service Comd.
Patti, 471
Patton, Maj. Gen. G. S., Jr., 14, 53, 58, 74-75, 173-75, 280, 455
Pavesi, Vice Adm. Gino, 429
PBY, characteristics, 397
Pelagie Is., 422, 430
Peloponnesus, 20
"Pelz doctrine" , 587
Penhouet, 250
Perano, 578
Perara, Col. G. R., 354
Perpignan, 546
Persano, 524
Persian Gulf, 7, 14, 18, 23
Perugia, 558, 593
Pescara, 506, 540-41, 552, 555, 579, 590, 593
Pétain, Marshal, 41
Peterson, Maj. Gen. V. L, 657
Petilia, 528
Philadelphia, 75, 525, 529-30
Philippeville, 79, 107, 126
Phillips, Col. C. T., 120, 124, 211
Photo reconnaissance:
in Balkans, 550;
in ETO, 218, 249, 270, 313, 675, 678;
in Italy, 194, 464, 500-501, 524, 537, 570-71, 580, 587, 751;
limitations, 192, 235, 314;
in Pantelleria, 425-26;
in Sardinia, 194, 517;
in Sicily, 439-41, 460;
in southern France, 476;
in Tunisia, 189, 193;
in western Med., 441.
See also NAPRW.
Piazza Armerina, 459
Pichon, 141, 143
Piedimonte, 548
Piombino, 537
Pisa, 465, 506-7, 541, 543, 550, 557, 580, 583, 593
Pistoia, 547, 557, 593-94
Pitcsti, 481
Pizzo, 514
Plans Div. (Hq. AAF), 51, 478
mission of 1 Aug. 1943, 418, 465, 477-83, 550, 683-84, 716;
raid of 12 June 1942, 10;
as strategic target in plans, 22, 150, 358, 366-67, 370, 373, 546, 564, 573
Podgorica, 559
Poggibonsi, 593
Poggiofiorito, 578
POINTBLANK. See Combined Bomber Offensive.
Poland, 596, 696-98
Polebrook, 216
Polla, 535
Pomigliano, 434, 465
Pompei, 521, 531, 535
Pontassieve yards, 592
Pont-du-Fahs, 87, 134, 139, 176, 196, 198, 201-3
Pontecorvo, 590
Pontedera, 550, 594
Ponte Olivo, 443, 453, 458
Portal, C/AS Sir Charles:
on build-up of 8th AF, 373, 606, 691;
on CBO, 307, 310, 563-66, 681, 683, 714-17, 725, 735, 741-42, 748-49;
on COA target selection, 364-66;
on NAAF opns" 583;
on plans for OVERLORD, 634;
responsibility for CBO direction, 307, 374, 735;
on TORCH, 57, 66;
on U.S. aid to ME, 8
Port Lyautey, 57-58, 74, 76-77, 83, 397, 498
Portolago Bay, 98
Porto Maurizio, 558
Portreath, 71, 105, 119
Port Said, 40
Port Sudan, 5
Port T ewfik, 26, 40
Portugal, 60, 141, 397-98
Positano, 525
Potenza, 517, 524, 527, 530, 535, 539, 544
Pound, Adm. of the Fleet Sir Dudley, 251
Po Valley, 504, 547, 555-57, 580, 583, 588;
river, 564
Pratica di Mare, 475, 539
Prato, 550, 593-94
Predannack, 56, 71
Presque Isle, 59
Prestwick, 616
Primasole, 454, 459
Primauguet, 75
Proserpino, 39
Protville, 200, 204
Qattara Depression, 18, 33-34
QUADRANT conference, 492, 563-64, 631, 713-14, 716-17, 725, 734
Quebec, 492, 631, 638, 642, 712, 734-35
Queen Mary, 52
Rabat, 78, 117
Radar and radio:
Allied use:
(in ETO) 235, 262, 335-36, 610, 668, 689-94, 702, 706, 720, 726-27, 729,
(in Italy) 499, 523, 545,
(in ME) 28,
(in N. Africa) 85, 127, 143, 168-69, 173, 189-90, 199-200,
(in Pantelleria) 428, 433,
(in Sicily) 458, 486,
(in U-boat war) 378, 394, 396, 398-99, 401, 409;
Axis use:
(in ETO) 234, 252, 267, 324, 330, 564, 694,
(in N. Africa) 147,
(in Pantelleria) 422,
(in Sicily) 449;
(Allied) 694-96,
(Axis) 476, 518, 548, 587;
GCI, 486, 499, 523, 545;
German radio-controlled glide bombs, 539, 548, 586;
German RDF, 234, 252, 267, 324, 330, 422, 449, 564, 694;
IFF, 630;
radar bombing:
(development) 689-92,
(1st by 8th AF) 668,
(1st tests) 692-94,
(GEE) 262, 690-91, 702,
(H2S) 691-94, 720,
(H2X) 692-93, 720,
(OBOE) 690-91,
(opns., ) 668, 690, 692-93, 706, 720, 726-27, 729;
radio equipment for P-47, 335-36;
training, 235, 692;
VHF/ DF, 486, 610.
See also Fighter control.
Raddusa, 468
Radiation Laboratory, 691-92
Raff, Col. E. D., 56, 81, 84, 87, 132
Ragusa, 443, 453
Rahman, 37-38
RAINBOW No. 5, 210
Ramat David, 20
Ramsay, Adm. Sir B. H., 452
Randazzo, 462, 466, 468, 470-71
Ranger, 15, 25, 75, 131, 143
Rangers, 68, 70, 77, 450, 521, 525
Rasel Ma, 117
Rask, Col. P. S., 113
Ravenna, 594
Rayak, 26, 99
Re-2001, use in Sardinia, 153
Rebecca beacon, 531
Red Air Force, 511
Red Cross, 240
Red Sea, 3, 5, 18
Regalbuto, 462, 466, 468
Regensburg, 474, 483, 573, 582, 596, 681-87, 689-90, 710, 719
Reggio di Calabria, 103, 184, 189, 437, 458, 463, 492, 509, 512, 534
Regimental Combat Teams (numbered):
18th RCT, 73, 450
26th RCT, 70, 140, 142
504th RCT, 453-54, 531
505th RCT, 454
Regiments (numbered):
5 Leicesters Regt., 158
19th Engineer Regt., 157-58
21st Engineer Regt., 117
26th Infantry Regt., 157-58
168th Infantry Regt., 154
503d Parachute Infantry Regt., 2d Bn., 56 (see also 509th PIR)
504th Parachute Infantry Regt., 531
505th Parachute Infantry Regt., 531
509th Parachute Infantry Regt.,
2d Bn., 79
15IIth Q. M. Truck Regt. (Avn.), 618
Relizane, 122
Renault plant, 318-19
Renfrew, 627, 660-61
Rennes, 318, 320, 328, 337, 344
Rhine area, 362, 712
Rhodes, 550
"Rhubarb" missions, 141, 554, 580
Rhumel R. valley, 118
Richelieu, 75-76
Ridenour, Col. C. H., 120, 123, 186
Rimini, 580-81, 594
Riposto, 471
Ritchie, Maj. Gen. Neil, 11
Rivisondoli, 578
valley, 139;
village, 139, 145, 173, 198
Robb, AVM J. M., 110, 163
Roberts, Col. Jack, 382, 398
Roberts Field, 129
Robinett, Brig. Gen. P. L., 140, 158
Roccadaspide, 524, 535
Rodney, 68
Romagnoli, 579
Romana Americana refinery, 479, 481
Roman Catholic Church, 463-64
Allied bombing, 463-65, 4740 479, 516, 539, 584, 589, 594;
as Axis base, 429, 504, 507, 520, 546-47, 558, 580, 583;
plans for capture, 491, 519-20, 524, 564, 566, 575, 578
Romilly-sur-Seine, 223-24, 255-57, 687
Rommel, Gen. Erwin:
defeat at EI Alamein, 39;
drive into Egypt, 4, 11, 18, 23,
26, 28, 31, 33, 36;
relieved of African command, 172, 177;
retreat to Tunisia, 91, 94, 96-97, 136, 141, 144, 149, 153, 478;
supply problems, 9, 13, 17, 19-22, 24, 125, 134-35;
TORCH plans for his defeat, 42, 49-50, 54, 66
Roosevelt, Lt. Col. Elliott, 163, 416
Roosevelt, President F. D.:
on aircraft production, 277, 290-96;
on antisub. warfare, 387, 406;
on BOLERO, 274, 282;
at Casablanca, 113;
on CBO, 728;
on Italian invasion, 492;
on OVERLORP, 734, 748;
on Pacific opns., 282;
in TORCH planning, 46-47, 49;
on U.S. aid to ME, 3, 5, 10, 24
Root, Elihu, Jr., 354
Rostock, 243, 299
Rotterdam, 217, 219, 325, 672, 692
Roubaix, 220
Rouen, 209, 212, 218, 239, 255-56, 299, 318, 328-29, 344
ROUNDUP, 45-47, 61, 63-64, 210, 274, 281, 372-73, 633, 734;
defined, 23;
"Roundup Planning Staff," 632
"Rover Joes," 545
Rowan, 468
Royal Air Force:
Air Sea Rescue, 99;
Air Staff (see British, Air Staff; for Chief, see Portal);
antisub. patrols, 244-46, 381-82, 387, 394-96;
area bombing opns., 211-12, 226, 238, 243, 298-99, 312-16, 318-20, 338, 671, 674, 677, 689, 707, 709, 715;
autonomy, 734;
control of U.S. units, 33, 147;
(in early combined bombing program) 213-14, 228-29, 278, 283-86,
(in logistics) 602, 606-7, 609-11, 617, 627, 646, 648, 652,
(in target selection) 120, 214, 351, 355-56, 363-65;
defense of UK, 374, 606, 734-35, 738;
diversionary flights for AAF bombers, 214, 248-49, 267, 677, 715;
fighter escort for AAF, 113-14, 216-21, 231, 249, 267, 328-29, 334, 336-37, 339, 673, 685, 702;
ground support, 109, 167-68, 205, 429, 469-70, 472, 514, 517, 521, 535, 551, 576, 589;
liaison with USSAFE, 742;
metropolitan, 119;
night fighter opns., 109, 445;
(in Italian campaign) 504, 507, 509, 512, 514, 517, 521, 527, 551, 576, 589, 595,
(in Pantellerian campaign) 424, 429,
(in Sicilian campaign) 435, 450, 466, 469-70, 472;
opinion of U.S. aircraft types, 227, 230;
in OVERLORD plans, 633-34, 638, 641, 733, 736-37, 739;
radar bombing, 691-96;
rate of loss, 715;
role under CBO Plan, 366, 371-72, 374-76, 665, 707, 709, 712, 722-23, 728;
staff orgn., 740;
strength, 54,. 424, 445, 555, 638;
supply and maintenance, 126, 526, 542-43, 6~2, 609, 617, 627, 657;
training, 6, 27, 162;
training of AAF, 16, 27, 641, 692;
on U.S. bombing of submarine pens, 252;
use of U.S. aircraft, 5, 610-11, 717-18.
See also British; RAFME.
Royal Air Force, Gibraltar, 162
Royal Air Force, Malta;
AOC, 444, 451;
functions, 106, 199;
opns., 185;
orgn., 17, 162, 416, 462, 493, 747, 750;
statistics on opns., Nov. 1942 - Nov. 1943, 585-86
Royal Air Force, Middle East:
collaboration in defeat of Axis in Tunisia, 100, 106, 108, 110, 138, 161
opns., 89, 151, 419, 475, 506, 509;
orgn., 10, l6-17, 104, 162, 416, 747, 750;
principles of air-ground cooperation, 27-29, 205
See also WDAF.
Royal Air Force Bomber Comd.:
AOC, 304, 366, 374;
cooperation in target selection, 214, 741
opns., 194, 211, 238, 243, 315, 474, 712;
prestige, 734, 742;
raids from UK on Italy, 474;
role in CBO, 348, 366, 371-75, 714, 716, 722-23, 741;
role in OVERLORD plans, 737-38;
on U.S. bombing-of U-boat pens, 252
Royal Air Force Coastal Comd.;
antisub. patrols, 244-46, 259, 381-82, 387, 394-96;
under opnl. control of Royal Navy, 385, 406;
opnl. contrpl overll over U.S. units, 259, 394
Royal Air Force Fighter Comd.:
Air Defence of Great Britain, 739;
AOC, 374, 735;
in CBO, 374-75, 74!;
control of STARKEY, 688;
in OVERLORD plans, 634, 735;
Tactical Air Force, 739
Royal Air Forte Maintenance Comd., 602
Royal Air Force Transport Comd., 563
Royal Canaqian Air Force, 387, 393-94
Royal Engineers, 29
Royal Navy:
Control of RAF Coastal Comd., 385;
Force H, 145;
Force Q. 146, 148;
Force X, 114;
opns. in Med., 4, 9, 11, 17-18, 31-32, 109, 146, 185-87, 193, 199;
in Pantellerian opn., 423, 427-29;
in target selection, 120, 720;
in TORCH, 49, 57, 67-68, 71.
See also Admiralty.
Royce, Brig. Gen. Ralph, 5
Ruhr, 215, 262, 325, 338, 362, 366, 671, 682, 696, 712
Rumania, 358, 366, 477, 546, 683
Rush, Col. H. P., 20, 100, 171, 183
Russell, Brig. Gen. C. W., 245, 380
Ryder, Maj. Gen. C. W., 67
Safi, 76
Saint-Cloud, 70, 73
Saint Cyprien, 204
Sainte-Barbe-du-Ttélat, 72
St. Eval, 56, 79
St. George Hotel, 107, 187
St. Jean d'Acre, 20
St. John's, 393
St. Malo, 237
St. Nazaire, 237, 244, 248-51, 254-55, 257, 264, 268-69, 271, 312, 315-16, 320, 325, 327-28, 337, 673
St. Omer, 219-20, 237, 336
Sala Consilina, 531
Salé, 78, 117
Salerno area:
as Allied base, 543-44, 551, 586;
Allied bombing attacks, 437, 465, 474, 504, 507, 514, 528, 530-31, 534;
Allied invasion, 489, 491-94, 498, 516-21, 537;
capture, 525, 539;
German counterattack, 529-31, 534
Salon, 476, 510, 583-84
Salonika, 435, 550, 558-59
Samos, 550, 558-59, 584
Sampieri, 443
Samuel Chase, 499
San Agata, 471
San Antonio Air Depot, 626
Sanders, A/Cdre. A. P. M., 53
San Fratello, 470-71
Sangamon, 75
San Giorgio instrument factory, 558
San Giovanni, 103, 183, 437, 458-59, 474;
Villa. 472
Sangro R, 576-79
San Lorenzo, 594
San Lorenzo, Basilica of, 465
San Lorenzo marshalling yard (Rome), 464
San Pancrazio, 439, 465, 514
San Pietro, 576
San Severino, 531
San Stefano, 466, 468, 471, 513
Santa Elia, 591
Santa Maria, 578-79
Santee, 75-76
San Vittore, 590
Sapri, 504, 507, 514, 527, 538
as Allied base, 542, 546, 555, 560-63, 568, 583-84, 596;
as Axis base, 48, 70, 81, 85, 89, 191, 425, 438, 445, 476, 487, 509, 511;
Axis evacuation, 517, 538, 543;
Axis raid on, 586;
plans for invasion, 113, 489;
as target, 86, 153, 184, 186, 188, 192, 194-95, 419, 434, 439-41, 475, 537
Sarno, 542
SATIN, 135-36, 138
Saturno, 147
Savannah, 75, 525-26
Sbeitla, 138, 141-42, 155-57, 173, 181
Sbiba, 157, 159
Scalea, 475
Scaletta, 472
Scanzano, 524
Schkopau, 706
Schwechat, 573
Schweinfurt, 224, 370, 483, 573, 593, 681-85, 687, 690, 696, 699-705, 709-11, 714
Sciacca, 435, 439, 450, 458, 460
Scientific Research and Development, Office of, 354
Scoglitti, 450
Scotland, 382, 616, 619, 675
Sea-Search Attack Development Unit, 401
Sebala, 200
Sebkra d'Oran, 71, 73
Sebkret el Kourzia, 198
Sebou R., 58, 77
Sedada, 102
Sedes, 435
Sedjenane, 160, 166, 196
Sele R., 524, 525, 529, 531;
field, 526
Seles, 559
"Semaphore Hill, "428
Sened, 142-43, 174
Serino, 542
Serre, 535
Services of Supply, ETO, 602, 606-7, 609-10, 613-18, 620, 649
Services of Supply, War Dept., 126, 292, 562, 609. See also ASF.
Sessa Aurunca, 576
SEXTANT, 728, 746
as Allied base, 198, 427;
capture, 135-36, 138, 180;
as enemy base, 81, 89, 97, 112, 153, 176;
as target, 88, 98, 121-23, 142, 144, 176, 180
Sharpe, A/Cdre. A. C. H., DC/S on 8th AF staff, 602
Shuttle bombing:
opns., 474, 684-87;
plans for, 65, 564, 724, 741
Sibenik, 580, 591
as Allied base against Italy, 489, 545 passim;
conquest, 399, 434-42, 44677;
as enemy base, 4, 11, 19, 48, 81, 89, 145, 147, 153, 180;
establishment of Allied
fields, 458;
plans for conquest, 113-14, 167, 170, 285, 300, 415-16, 442-45;
as target, 86, 95, 103, 176, 183-205 passim.
See also HUSKY.
Sicily, Strait of, 125, 146, 148, 161, 187, 189, 192, 422
SICKLE, 372-73;
defined, 310
Sidi Ahmed, 82, 89-91, 189-90, 200
Sidi Barrani, 92, 95
Sidi-bel-Abbés, 73
Sidi bou Zid, 142, 154
Sidi Hanaish, 34, 95
Sidi Nsir, 166
Sidi Tabet, 90, 134
Siebel ferry, described, 149
Sierra Leone, 4, 70
Simeto R., 454
Sinclair, Capt. L. F., 169
Sirio, 100
Sirius, 146
Sirte, 100;
Gulf of, 19
Skoplje, 558
SLEDGEHAMMER, 45-46, 60, 210, 734
Slessor, AM Sir J. C., 297, 395, 750
Sluman, Col. C. D., 129
SM-82, Axis use as transport, 189
Smart, Col. J. E., 478
Smith, Maj. Gen. W. B., 24, 65, 519, 565, 754
S. N. C. A. du Nord, 317
S. N. C. A. de l'Ouest aircraft factory, 674
Sofia, 558, 573, 584, 593
Soliman, 204
Sollum, 13
Soluch, 182, 184
Somervell, Lt. Gen. B. B., 292, 294
Sora, 591
Sorensen, Col. E. P., 354
Sotteville, 112, 218, 255
Souk-el-Arba, 81, 86, 89, 91, 116-17, 160, 169, 181, 203, 424
Souk-el-Khemis, 117, 163, 169, 173, 199-200
as Allied base, 198, 423, 427, 501;
capture, 86, 135, 188;
as enemy base, 89, 97, 112;
as target, 98, 121-24, 148, 153, 188
South African Air Force, 35, 424, 466, 469-70, 507, 509, 513, 517, 527
South Atlantic route, 129, 131, 615
Southdown, 214
Spaatz, Maj. Gen. Carl:
actg. D/C-in-C for Air, Allied Force, 107, 283-84;
on air-ground cooperation, 205, 455, 536;
Air Officer ETOUSA, 63;
in Allied Air Force opns. 151, 158;
on antisub. warfare, 238, 246-48;
on blind bombing, 690;
on build-up for CBO, 234-36, 259-61, 263, 278, 280;
on CBO from Italian bases, 5~4-66, 571-72, 683, 723-24;
C-in-C Allied Air Force, 108-10, 112, 287;
C-in-C NAAF, 162-64, 169, 182, 416, 566;
CG 8th AF, 51, 85, 105, 115, 211, 226;
CG 12th AF, 167, 566-67;
CG USSTAF, 741-42, 744, 747-52, 754-55;
concerning AASC, 140, 144, 154;
on cooperation of RAF, 22729, 582;
D/C-in-C MAAF, 747;
on MATS, 563;
in NAAF plans, 114-15, 161;
in NAAF opns., 174, 187-88, 194, 423, 465, 477;
on P-38, 231, 495;
on target selection, 213-15;
on theater air force, 63-66, 105-6, 279, 283, 756;
in TORCH preparations, 52, 54, 62-66
Spadafora, 472
Spain, 43, 48-50, 54, 56, 71, 396-97
Spanish Morocco, 43, 48, 50, 54, 68, 71-72, 74, 76, 112, 117, 186
Speer, Albert, 704
Speke, 627, 660-61
Spezia, 577, 581, 594
Spezzano, 538
characteristics, 29, 55, 89, 230, 530;
Spit IX in southern Tunisia, 177;
range, 494, 570;
use by USAAF units, 143, 230, 610
Split, 580, 591
Spoleto, 593
Squadrons (numbered):
1st Antisubmarine Sq., 382, 399, 497
1/3 Sq., 543
2d Antisubmarine Sq., 382
2d Ftr. Sq., 86
2/7 Sq., 543
2/33 Photo Rcn. Sq., 501
4th Antisubmarine Sq., 394
5th Photo Rcn. Sq., 501
6th Antisubmarine Sq., 393
9th Bomb. Sq., 15, 18
12th Photo Rcn. Sq. 01
15th Bomb. Sq. 59, 82, 84, 132, 219
15th Combat Mapping Sq., 570-71
15th Cruiser Sq., 428
15th Photo Rcn. Sq., 501
18th Antisubmarine Sq., 409
19th Antisubmarine Sq., 393
20th Antisubmarine Sq., 393-94
23d Antisubmarine Sq., 409
23d Photo Rcn. Sq., 501
37th Troop Carrier Sq., 495-96
46th Service Sq., 156
58th Ftr. Sq., 139
60 Photo Rcn. Sq., 501
64th Ftt. Sq., 94
65th Ftr. Sq., 94
66th Ftr. Sq;, 35, 94
81st Bomb. Sq., 26, 155
82d Bomb. Sq., 16; 130, 155
83d Bomb. Sq., 26
94th Ftr. Sq., 87
99th Ftr. Sq. (Seperate), 424, 498, 568
111th Observation Sq., 498-500. See also 111th Tactical Rcn. Sq.
111th Tactical Rcn. Sq., 466, 528. See also 111th Observation Sq.
112 Sq., 94
142 Sq., 119
150 Sq., 119
154th Observation Sq., 159, 169
160 Sq., 12, 33, 96
178 Sq. 182-83,
225 Sq., 169, 528
306th Service Sq., 543
307th Ftr. Sq., 159
308th Ftr. Sq., 159
309th Ftr. Sq., 159
3i4th Ftr. Sq., 172, 191
315th Ftr., Sq., 172
316th Ftr. Sq., 172
320th Servicle Sq., 562
340th Bomb. Sq.,. 82, 198, 416, 431, 468-69, 495, 511, 548, 555
344th Bomb. Sq., 20
345th Bomb. Sq., 182
414th Fit. Sq., 497.
415th Bomb Sq., 182
415th Ftr. Sq., 497
416th Ftr. Sq., 497
417th Ftr. sq., 497,
4Wh Bori1p; Sq., 26
513th Borrib. Sq., 120
682 Photo Rcn. Sq., 163, 501
Standard Petrol Block refinery, 479
Stansted, 605, 648
STARKEY, 688-89, 720
State Dept., 354
Steyr, 573,
Steyr-Daimler-Puch, 582
Stilwell, Lt. Gen. J. W., 15, 45
Stimson, Sec of War H. L., 291, 297, 388-90, 407, 692
Stone, 601-2; 609, 641.
Storch, in Middle East, 138
Strafford, A/C S. C., 297
Strahm, Col. V. H., 15
Strategic Air Depot Area, 645, 658, 664, 754
Strategic AIr Force. See NASAF.
Strategic Services, Office of, 352, 354
Stratemeyer, Maj. Gen. G. E., 63, 107, 115, 205, 237, 629
Strickland, Brig. Gen. A. C., 34, 171, 424, 430
Stuka. See Ju-87.
Stuttgart, 372, 573, 688-89, 706, 710
Suda Bay, 20-21, 99
Suez Canal, 4, 10, 13, 17-19, 99
Sulmona, 506-7, 517, 578
Sunninghill Park, 643
(in Africa) 55, 83, 90, 102, J:~0, 125-31, 135, 153.
(in ETO) 20g-12, 238, 252, 258-60, 376, 599-621, 643-57. 742-44, 755-56,
(in Italy) 544, 562-63,
(in ME) 4-6, 16, 19, 26;
(in ETO) 253, 313, 352,
(in ME) 18-21, 24, 31, 49,
(in N. Africa) 92, 95, 97, 100, 116, 134-35, 145-53, 185, 191-93, 199,
(to Sicily) 435, 464;
supply drops:
(in France) 560,
(to Partisans) 585.
See also Air Forces and Commands.
Supreme Hqs., Allied Expeditionary Force, 633
Surri, 558
Suwannee; 75
"Swamp Hunt," 585
Sweden, 675, 686
Switzerland, 686, 726
Swordfish, use by NACAF, 497
Sydenham, 660
Syracuse, 442, 446-47, 450, 452, 455, 519
Syria, 17, 26, 478
Tactical Air Depot Area, 645, 649
Tactical Air Force. See NATAF.
Tafaraoui, 56, 67-68, 72-73, 83-90, 98, 105-7, 116, 118-20, 122, 127, 182
Takoradi, 3-5, 15, 183
Takrouna Hill, 198
Tamet, 100, 102
Tangier, 50, 54, 56
Taormina, 440, 470, 471, 512
Taranto, 19, 493, 506-7, 517, 524, 528-29, 544;
Gulf of, 504
Target priorities and selection:
aircraft factorIes as 1st priority, 215-16, 286, 356, 368;
"air estimates, "352-53
AWPD-1, 216, 368;
AWPD-42, 277-78, 289, 353, 368;
British target analysts, 351;
Casablanca Directive, 305-7;
CBO Plan, 365-74;
COA, 349-51, 354-65, 721;
Comm. on Coordination of Current Air Opns., 214;
CPOC, 374-76;
electric power as 1st priority, 368;
GAF as "intermediate" objective, 238, 305, 365-69, 666, 707, 712, 714, 720;
Joint American/ British Directif, 213-14, 237;
NAAF directive of Nov. 1943, 572-74;
revision of CEO Plan, 721-22, 727-28;
U-boat factories and bases as 1st priority, 215, 304-5, 364, 367, 369.
See also Air Forces.
Targoviste, 481
Tarquinia, 552, 558, 577
Tarvisio, 593
Tatoi, 550, 593
Taylor, Brig. Gen. M. D., 520
Taza, 7
Teano, 548
Tebaga, 161, 175-77
Tebessa, 81, 84, 111-13, 119, 126-27, 135, 138, 153, 155-59, 166, 169
Tebourba, 85, 88, 90-91, 108, 116, 142, 203-4
Tedder, ACM Sir Arthur:
air C-in-C Med., 747;
as AOC Middle East, 11, 15, 17, 28-29, 33, 54, 96, 106, 119, 137-38;
C-in-C MAC, 114, 161, 164, 416, 423, 495, 563, 572, 683, 723, 746;
D/C-in-C OVERLORD, 749-50;
proposed as air comdr. of Allied Air Force, 106-8, 283
Tel el Aqqaqir, 38
Telergma, 118, 126-27, 159
Tenth Fleet. See Navy, U.S.
Teresa, 512
Tergestia, 39
Termini, 520
Termoli, 548, 551
Terni, 506, 552, 580, 590
Terracina, 549, 551, 577, 591
Terrell, Lt. Col. F. R., 134, 203
Texas, 75
Thala, 157-59, 160, 166
Theater air force (Europe & Africa):
early plans, 60-66, 105-6, 110, 113, 119, 276, 279-85, 287;
USSTAF as partial realization, 740-44, 756.
See also USSTAF.
Thelepte, 123, 125, 127, 131-32, 134, 138, 141, 143, 154-56, 169, 181
Thompson's Post, 38
Thorsheimer, 150
Thurleigh, 605
TIDALWAVE, 478-79, 683-84
Timberlake, Brig. Gen. P. W., 33, 96, 98, 106, 161, 171
Tirana, 552, 559
Tito, 591
Tobruk, 13, 17-21, 31-32, 40, 95-96, 98, 102
Tocra, 482
Todt organization, 316, 320, 676
Togoland, 129
Tomahawk. See P-40.
TOPHAT, 489, 491
air plan, 53-58;
decision for, 47;
diversions to, 211, 230-33, 235, 258-59, 309, 322, 335, 382;
opns., 67-91, 105-13, 5-206;
plans, 23-25, 31, 42-50, 76, 106-7, 110, 128, 137, 165, 274-87, 300-304, 379;
strategic priority, 213, 230-33, 237-38, 276, 372, 492.
See also units.
Torre Annunziata, 506, 531, 534-35, 586
Torre del Greco, 531, 535
Toulon, 584
Towers, Rear Adm. J. H., 8
for AEAF, 634, 639-41;
for airborne Opns., 447, 455-56, 500;
of bombardiers, 697;
for Italian campaign, 499-500;
need in air-ground opns., 486;
need for comprehensive briefing, 433;
for P-47, 570;
for Ploesti Opn., 479;
in U.S., 697, 716.
See also traming under Air Forces.
Trapani, 145, 152, 189-90, 419, 435, 439-40, 450, 458, 462, 494, 531
Trebisacce, 504, 514
Trenchard, Marshal of the RAF H. M., 297
Trento, 506, 593
TRIDENT conference, 307, 372-74, 376, 415, 488, 59-600, 608, 613, 631, 713-14
Trieste, 194
Trigno R., 546, 548-49, 578
Trinidad, 378, 400
as Allied base, 18, 164, 172, 441, 520;
capture, 103, 144, 170;
as enemy base, 19, 95, 97, 102-3, 134, 136, 149;
as target, 39-40, 96, 100, 134, 150
Tripolitania, 19, 43, 92, 100, 106, 116, 138, 170
Troina, 462, 466, 468-70
Trondheim, 675-77
Troop carrier groups, 638-39, 656. See also Airborne opns.; numbered units.
Troston, 648
Troubridge, Cdre. Thomas, 68, 70-71
Truck Transport Service, (Prov.), 618
Truscott, Maj. Gen. L. K., 443
as Allied base, 555;
Allied capture
of, 204-5;
as enemy base, 81, 92, 97, 116, 135, 149-50, 186, 190-91, 193;
drive to capture, 71, 78, 82, 86-88, 108,110, 112, 134, 153, 196-98, 202-4, 419;
Gulf of, 89, 191, 195, 202;
as target, 85, 91, 98, 120-26, 152, 188, 190, 195, 200, 202-4;
in TORCH plans, 47-48, 50
as Allied base, 423, 430, 458, 484, 499-502, 555, 560, 567-68, 571, 582, 592;
in plans, 19, 37, 48-50, 56, 78
Turin, 573, 583, 592
Turkey, 10, 482, 746-47
Tuscaloosa, 75
Tusciano, 527
Twining, Maj. Gen. N. F., 749, 751
as bomber, 685;
as escort, 673
Tyrrhenian Sea, 103, 187, 538, 540;
coast, 474, 504, 591
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:
aid to, 6, 9, 14, 23, 45-46, 291, 294, 300, 306, 350, 477, 487, 546, 688, 733;
campaigns in, 45-46, 275, 285-86, 310, 350, 708;
landing grounds in, 10, 278
Unirea Orion refinery, 479, 481
Unirea Speranta refinery, 479
U.S. Army. See numbered units.
U.S. Army Air Forces, North African Theater of Operations:
becomes AAF/MTO, 750;
created, 747
U.S. Army Air Forces in the United Kingdom:
activation, 643, 743;
CG, 643;
orgn. and functions, 643, 739, 743-44
U.S. Army Forces in Middle East, 13, 15-16, 32, 39, 171, 747
U.S. Army Forces in South Pacific, 281
U.S. Army Middle East Air Force, 8, 14-39;
A-3, 33;
Air Service Comd., 26;
Combat score, 18, 21, 37;
diversions, 63;
G-3, 33;
strength, 20, 22, 25, 36
U.S. Military Iranian Mission, 6
U.S. Military North African Mission, 6, 12, 16
U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe:
Air Service Comd., 650, 754;
CG, 754;
established, 753-54;
orgn. and functions, 567, 741, 748-56
U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, 316-17, 357, 359, 362-63, 369, 672, 676, 704, 709
Vada, 506
Valetta, 11
Valiant, 530
Valmontone, 577
Vandenberg, Col. H. S., 52-53, 108
Varagge, 558
Vascœuil, 256
Vasto, 551
Vegesack, 241, 312, 314, 31,9, 326, 343-44, 346, 695-96
Velsen generating station, 339
Venafiorita, 435
Venafro, 548, 576
Venice, 529, 577, 593
Ventimiglia, 593
Ventotene, 538
Vercelli, 148
Verona, 506, 542
Very high frequency radio. See Radar and radio.
Vibo Valentia, 183, 458-59, 465
Vicenza, 594
Vichy, 129, 584
Vickers, C. G., 364
Vietri, 521
Villach, 593
Villacidro, 153, 192, 518
Villacoublay, 674, 687
Villa Literno, 507, 517
Villa Perosa, 573, 583
Viterbo, 465, 475-76, 509-10, 516, 525, 539, 552, 558, 577, 583
Volturno R., 524, 542, 546, 548-49, 552
Vrajedna, 584
Waco, 446-47, 496
Wadi Akarit, 152, 174-75, 180-81, 196
Wadi Faregh, 96-97
Wadi Zigzaou, 177-78, 180
Walney, 70-71
Walrus, use by NACAF, 497
Wanamaker, Maj. Martin E., 81
Warnemünde, 681-82
War Production Board, 290-91, 295, 354
Warspite, 530, 539
Warton, 604-5, 625-26, 641, 644, 648-49, 659-60, 662
Washington conference. See TRIDENT.
Watten, 687-88, 720
Wattisham, 605, 648
Watton, 645, 648
Webster, Brig. Gen. R. M., 562
characteristics, 396, 441, 537;
in sea reconnaissance, 460
Welsh, AM Sir William, 54, 83, 85, 107, 111, 119, 136, 565
Western Algerian Composite Wing, 111
Western Desert Air Force:
comd., 17;
functions, 17, 163, 168;
opns., 27-28, 3435, 37-39, 160, 170-81, 190, 193, 198-200, 204, 424;
orgn., 20, 34, 114, 162-63, 171, 417;
USAAF participation in, 34-35, 97.
See also Desert Air Force.
Western Desert campaign. See operating units.
Western Naval Task Force, 450, 494, 499, 523
Western Task Force, 50, 54, 57, 66, 68, 74, 77, 126, 442, 444
Westover Field, 117
Wevelghem, 217, 220, 237
Wheeler, Brig. Gen. R. A., 6-7
Whitney, Lt. Col. C. V., 478
Wichita, 75
Wiener Neustadt, 418, 483, 546, 550, 559, 573, 582, 596, 683-84, 724, 729
Wiener-Neustaedter Flugzeugwerke A. G., 684
Wigglesworth, AVM H. E. P., 33, 161
Wilhelmshaven, 224, 243, 313, 323-25, 330, 337, 372, 669, 672
Williams, Brig. Gen. P. L., 56, 87, 140, 142-43, 156, 159-60, 163, 173-74, 416, 446
Wilson, Gen. Sir H. M., 749"
Wilton shipyard, 217, 219
"Window," 476, 548, 587, 694, 696
Wings (numbered):
- 1st Air Defense Wing, 112, 163, 186, 447
1st Bomb. Wing, 264, 266-67, 272, 323, 330, 604-5, 607, 616, 623, 645, 684
2d Air Defense Wing, 112, 131, 163, 186
2d Bomb. Wing, 323, 330, 605, 607, 645
3d Air Defense Wing, 112, 169
3d Bomb. Wing, 120, 338-39, 344, 607, 634, 645
3 Wing, 35, 431
4th Bomb. Wing, 51-52, 338, 344, 605, 607, 645, 670, 675, 684
5th Bomb. Wing, 123, 502, 560, 567, 569
7th Ftr. Wing, 123
19th Bomb. Wing, 39
25th Antisubmarine Wing, 378, 393, 409
26th Antisubmarine Wing, 378, 409
38 Wing, 496 40th Combat Wing, 703
42d Bomb. Wing, 502, 562, 568-69, 571
47th Bomb. Wing, 123, 502, 567, 569
51st Troop Carrier Wing, 56, 111, 127, 167, 446, 454, 500, 531
52d Troop Carrier Wing, 446, 453, 500, 531, 639
63d Bomb. Wing, 591
64th Ftr. Wing, 466, 499
90th Photo Rcn. Wing, 571, 751
23 2 Wing, 35, 431, 493
233 Wing, 35
239 Wing, 35, 94
244 vYing, 171
285 Wing, 169
304th Bomb. Wing, 570
305th Bomb. Wing, 570
323 Wing, 163
325 Wing, 163
326 Wing, 168, 431
328 Wing, 163, 441
2686th Medium Bomb. Wing (Prov.), 502
Winter Line, 576
Wood, Col. Jack, 482
Wood, Col. M. R., 611
WOP, 173-75, 177
XB-40, escort bomber, 268, 334
YB-40, escort bomber, 268, 334, 336, 337, 655, 674, 680
"Yellow Line," 443, 459
Youks-Ies-Bains, 81, 84-85, 87, 89-90, 116, 126-27, 130, 134, 138, 154-56, 159-60, 168, 173
Yugoslavia, 4, 481, 554, 558-59, 585, 589, 591-2, 594, 596
Zaghouan, 116, 196, 205
Zara, 580, 591
Zarat, 177, 179
Zuara, 170-72
* GPO 1983 0-416-296 Volume 2 QL 2