The Axis in Defeat
A Collection of Documents on American Policy
Toward Germany and Japan![]()
Department of State
Page GENERAL POLICY Anglo-American Conference, 1941 [ARCADIA] Atlantic Charter, August 14, 1941 1 Anglo-Soviet-American Conference, Moscow, 1943 Declaration on General Security, Released November 1, 1943 2 Declaration on German Atrocities, Released November 1, 1943 3 Anglo-Sino-American Conference, Cairo, 1943 [SEXTANT] Declaration, Released December 1, 1943 4 Anglo-Soviet-American Conference, Tehran, 1943 [EUREKA] Declaration, December 1, 1943 5 Anglo-Soviet-American Conference, Crimea, 1945 [ARGONAUT] Joint Report (Excerpts), February 11, 1945 6 President Roosevelt's Report (Excerpts), March 1, 1945 8 Anglo-Soviet-American Conference, Berlin, 1945 [TERMINAL] Joint Report (Excerpts), Released August 2, 1945 10 President Truman's Report (Excerpts), August 9, 1945 18 SURRENDER Germany Instrument of surrender of all German armed forces in Holland, in northwest Germany including all islands, and in Denmark, May 4, 1945 22 Act of Military Surrender, May 7, 1945 23 Act of Military Surrender, May 8, 1945 24 President Truman's Radio Address and Proclamation, May 8, 1945 Japan Proclamation Defining Terms for Japanese Surrender (Potsdam Declaration), July 26, 1945 27 Japanese Offer of Surrender, August 10, 1945 29 Japanese Acceptance of Potsdam Declaration, August 14, 1945 31 Japanese Surrender Documents, September 1-2, 1945 33 President Truman's Radio Address, September 1, 1945 38 OCCUPATION Germany Directive to Commander in Chief of United States Forces of Occupation Regarding the Military Government of Germany, April 1945 (Released October 17, 1945) 40 American Organizational Plans for Military Government of German, Released May 11, 1945 60 Declaration Regarding Defeat of Germany and Assumption of Supreme Authority by Allied Powers, June 5, 1945 62 Zones of Occupation 70 Arrangements for Control of Germany by Allied Representatives, September 20, 1945 71 Military Government in Germany: Employment of Nazis in United States Zone, September 26, 1945 82 Displaced Persons in Germany Present Operations, Released May 25, 1945 83 Report of Earl G. Harrison, Released September 29, 1945 86 Reply of General Eisenhower, October 8, 1945 100 German Reparations: Statement by Edwin W. Pauley, Released August 30, 1945 103 Japan United States Proposal for Establishment of Far Eastern Advisory Commission, August 21, 1945 (Released October 10, 1945) 106 U.S. Initial Post-Surrender Policy for Japan, August 29, 1945 107 Authority of General MacArthur as Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers, September 6, 1945 114 Directive of General MacArthur to the Japanese Government, October 4, 1945 115