National Security Agency
Central Security Service


Table of Contents

Appendix   Page
1 Graphic Representation of U-boat Activity 1
2 Master List of U-boats 11
3 Captured Documents 85
4 North Atlantic Convoys and U-boat groups 91
5 U-boat Group Operations Against U.S. and British Convoys Bound For or From North Africa 119
6 Miscellaneous Operations 127
7 U-boat Operations Summary 135
8 England-Gibraltar Convoys and U-boat Groups 145
9 U-boat Deployment Summary: January 1943 - May 1944 153
10 Blocked Running Ships Between Europe and the Far East 155
11 Blockade Running U-boat Operations 159
12 Confirmed Cases of Allied Cipher Compromise in 1942 179
13 Cases of Presumed and Confirmed Compromise 1943-1945 181
14 Accuracy Studies of High Frequency Direction Finder Fixes 201
15 German Weather Reporting Activities 213
16 U-boats Sunk by U.S. Forces with Aid of Radio Intelligence 219
17 Vichy French Navy 229
18 The JOLLE Operation 251

Transcribed and formatted by Rick Pitz for the HyperWar Foundation