AVAILABILITY OF STUDIES Unless otherwise indicated, the studies listed in this guide are unclassified. Their release to nonofficial and to non-U.S. agencies and individuals, however, is controlled. Agencies and nationals of foreign countries desiring access to the collection should apply for per mission through normal liaison channels. Ninety percent of the studies listed exist only as typed manuscripts. Where multiple copies of studies have been made, either through printing or other wise, this fact is noted in the individual catalog entries. Copies of such studies usually can be obtained on loan by official U. S. agencies. Where only single file copies exist, these must usually be researched in the repository itself.
All reproduced studies may be ob tained on loan for varying periods. They are also available for limited issue on a while-they-last basis from the reproducing agency. Such studies were given an automatic distribution upon publication, and copies may be found in libraries of major installations and service schools. Studies printed as Department of the Army Pamphlets may be obtained from AG publication depots.
A complete collection of these studies is maintained at the Office of the Chief of Military History, Washington 25, D.C. and a nearly complete collection at the Historical Division. USAREUR, APO 164, U.S. Army (Karlsruhe, Germany). Other large collections are located in the following places: The Army Library, The Pentagon, Washington 25, D.C; National War College
Library, Ft. Leslie J. McNair, Washington 25, D.C.; Armed Forces Staff College Library, Fortress Monroe, Va.; Army War College Library, Carlisle Barracks, Pa.; and Command and General Staff College Library, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. The channels and procedures for loans are as follows:
a. U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force Units in the Zl, and in overseas areas not specified below. Requests should be forwarded through channels to the Office of the Chief of Military History, Department of the Army, Washington 25, D.C. Historical channels are authorized.
b. U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force Units in USAREUR, USAFE, TRUST; Re quests should be forwarded through channels to Historical Division, Hq. USAREUR, APO 164, U.S. Army Historical channels are authorized.
c. U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force Units in the Far East: Requests should be forwarded through channels to Historical Division, FECOM, APO 343, U.S. Army. Historical channels are authorized.
d. Non-U.S. Units: Requests should be forwarded to respective Military Attaché in Washington, D.C., who in turn should transmit requests to Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2, Department of the Army, Washington 25, D.C., Attn: Chief, Foreign Liaison Office.
V. E. P A T E
Lt Col Inf
Control Officer Hist Division, USAREUR
A.P.O. 164, US. Army
Historical Division
Headquarters, United States Army, Europe
USAREUR: Copies GS Divs (2); SS Divs (1); Tech Svc (2); Admin Divs (1) 37 SGS (1); Political Adviser (1); ORO Director (1) 3 A (3); CHQ (2); D (1); Area Commands (1); Berlin (1) 19 Intelligence and Military Police School 2 Detachment "R" APO 225 2 7714th Engineer Intelligence Group 1 Historical Division (Special Distribution and Reserve) 75 USAREUR COMZ 2 SHAPE (US Component, ATNN: Historical Section) 5 Twelfth Air Force 10 US EUCOM (5); USFA (5); COMNAVGER (2); HICOG (2) 14 Office, Chief of Military History, SSUSA (for Joint and Army
distribution in the Zl, and in other overseas commands)330 TOTAL 500
This catalog and index is a guide to the manuscripts produced under the Foreign Military Studies Program of the Historical Division, United States Army, Europe, and of predecessor commands since 1945. Most of these manuscripts were prepared by former high-ranking officers of the German Armed Forces, writing under the sponsorship of their former adversaries. The program therefore represents an unusual degree of collaboration between officers of nations recently at war. PREFACE
The Foreign Military Studies Program actually began shortly after V-E Day, when Allied interrogators first questioned certain prominent German prisoners of war. Results were so encouraging that the program was expanded; written questions replaced oral interrogation, and later certain highly-placed German officers were asked to prepare a series of monographs.
Originally the mission of the program was only to obtain information on enemy operations in the European Theater for use in the preparation of an official history of the U.S. Army in World War II. In 1946 the program was broadened to include the Mediterranean and Russian war theaters. Beginning in 1947 emphasis was placed on the pre paration of operational studies for use by U.S. Army planning and training agencies and service schools. The result has been the collection of a large amount of useful information about the German Armed Forces, prepared by German military experts. While the primary aim of the Program has remained unchanged, many of the more recent studies have analyzed the German experience with a view toward deriving useful lessons.
The authors were usually key participants in the events which they described and were able to supply information not otherwise available. In many cases they have supplemented or refreshed their memories by consulting with their military associates. It must be remembered, however, that the contributors are professional military leaders, not historians or writers. While for the most part they have tried to be thorough and objective, they view events primarily in terms of their own experience.
In the initial phases of the program all of the contributors were prisoners of war or internees; participation, however, was always voluntary. While participants were reimbursed for their work, they have been motivated mainly by professional interest and by the desire to promote western solidarity and mutual defense.
In 1948, after most of the contributors had returned to civilian life, the administrative structure and tempo of the program was changed. Contributors now prepare studies in their own homes under the supervision of a small control group, composed of selected high-ranking German officers.
Many of the early manuscripts were inadequately translated and were assigned inappropriate titles. Some of these manuscripts have been reissued in revised versions but in most cases the original titles have been retained to facilitate identification.
During the early years of the program, contributors had to rely largely on their memories, since the basic documents had been destroyed or were otherwise unavailable to them. Within the past few months basic documents have been increasingly provided to contributors, who now place more emphasis on careful documentation. Current studies are now checked against known sources and in some cases are considerably revised in the English version. Although individual studies will continue fo vary in quality, the collection as a whole constitutes a noteworthy contribution to the history of World War II.
As the number of manuscripts increased, it became essential to index the collection in order to make its contents more readily available. This project was begun in September 1951 by General der Artiilerie Friedrich von Boetticher, German
military attaché to the United States from 1933 to 1941. Initially the index was planned to include only those manuscripts which had been translated and were considered to contain useful military lessons. This phase of the project was virtually completed by spring 1952, when General von Boetticher was compelled for personal reasons to give up the work. At that time it was decided to index and evaluate all of the manuscripts in the collection, regardless of their nature. This task was undertaken by General der Artillerie Anton Freiherr von Bechtolsheim, who completed the indexing and evaluated each study with regard to its historical, operational, and technical interest.The present guide contains a catalog of manuscripts and three indexes by topic, by military unit, and by author. Most entries in the catalog include a short statement describing the contents and usefulness of the study.
Certain translation difficulties are reflected in this guide. German military terms do not always have exact American equivalents and cannot be expressed briefly in precise military language. Untranslated terms appearing in this guide are explained in the Glossary, page 252. This difficulty in arriving at standardized and generally accepted translation's of German military terms has been a persistent problem in preparing the manuscripts; the researcher may even feel the need for an expansion and revision of U.S. military terminology.
Studies now in preparation and those projected will also be indexed and catalogued. Errata and addenda sheets will be issued from time to time, but a complete revision of the catalog does not seen practicable in the near future. A limited number of copies of this guide are available to official agencies, particularly to those which possess a substantial number of the studies.
June 1954W. S. NYE
Colonel, Artillery
Chief Historian
Hq. US. Army, Europe
Page Preface by Colonel W.S. Nye iii PART ONE -- CATALOG 1 Chapter 1. ETHINT-Series Manuscripts 3 2. A-Series Manuscripts 7 3. B-Series Manuscripts 14 4. C-Series Manuscripts 51 5. D-Series Manuscripts 60 6. P Series Manuscripts 82 7. T-Series Manuscripts 103 8. Air Force Studies (AF Series) 109 9. DA Pamphlet Historical Studies 111 PART TWO -- INDEX 117 Chapter 10. Topic Index 119 Section I. How to Use This Index 119 II. List of Headings in the Topic Index 119 III. Topic Index 122 Chapter 11. Unit Index 211 Section I. Introduction 211 II. Categories Listed in the Unit Index 211 III. Unit Index 211 1. Units of the German Army 211 2. Units of the Waffen-SS 238 3. Units of the Luftwaffe 239 4. Units of the German Navy 241 5. Non-German Units 241 Chapter 12. Author Index 242 APPENDIX
Glossary of Abbreviations and Foreign Terms252 ILLUSTRATIONS Chart 1 Scope, Status, and Size of the Various Manuscript Series 113 2 Dates and Physical Locations of Writing, Translating, and Administrative Activity (1945 1954) 114 3 CROSS REFERENCE: Studies Published as DA Pamphlets 115 4 CROSS REFERENCE: Manuscripts Published in the EUCOMUSAREUR Foreign Military Studies Series 116