The Naval History & Heritage Command's Photographic Section has extensive pictorial reference files on all aspects of naval history. Its own collections are the principal source of photographs and other illustrations of U.S. Navy subjects made prior to 1920, and contain a wide selection of unique photography from later years. It also holds thousands of references to naval photographs held by other repositories.
Location: Washington Navy Yard, second floor of Building 108
Hours: Monday through Friday: 0900 - 1600 (9 a.m. - 4 p.m.)
CLOSED: Weekends and Federal holidays
Phone: (202) 433-2765; DSN 288-2765
The Online Library of Selected Images is a readily accessible picture index to some of the Photographic Section's images. The Online Library contains thousands of interesting photographs on a variety of Naval and Maritime subjects. Images are added continuously. Click the picture to access the Online Library.
For the latest information on Online Library progress, see
the Online Library
The Photographic Section provides limited research services in response to written and telephone inquiries. Such requests should be as specific as possible concerning names, dates, places, ship hull numbers and other details of the views wanted. Since the volume of research inquiries usually far exceeds the available service resources, responses are not necessarily timely. Send research requests to:
If extensive research is required, it must be conducted in person. Appointments are essential to ensure access to the Washington Navy Yard and the availability of reference staff. Telephone us to make the necessary arrangements.
Research can also be obtained, for a fee, through the Naval Historical Foundation's Historical Service, or by hiring a commercial researcher.
While the Naval History & Heritage Command cannot provide photographic reproductions directly, there are several ways that copies of its photographs can be obtained. For more information, see How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions of Naval History & Heritage Command Images.
Updated 5 May 2009