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WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060
Online Library of Selected Images -- Photo Albums
Bureau of Ships' "Spring Styles" Book # 3 (1939-1944)
-- (Naval History and Heritage Command Lot # S-511) --
General Description
This album contains 75 individual sheets of U.S. Navy ship
"preliminary design" plans, dating from October 1939
through November 1944. These drawings, prepared by the Preliminary
Design Section of the Bureau of Ships (known as the Bureau of
Construction and Repair prior to June 1940), were used to illustrate
potential ship designs for the Navy's General Board, generally
in response to characteristics proposed by that body.
Termed "Spring Styles" by the Preliminary Design
staff (after ladies' fashion catalogs), the drawings were an important
part of the development of the design of a particular ship class.
The "Spring Styles" plans usually represent only some
of the options presented to the General Board, with the others
existing only in tabular form. They also do not often represent
final designs, which were developed in detail following approval
of basic characteristics and were frequently changed in the process.
However, the drawings in this album provide insight into the designs
of many of the major (and some of the minor) warship types constructed
during the Second World War, and others which were considered
but not built.
This album, labeled "Spring Styles" Volume # 3, was
loaned (less drawing numbers 64 & 65) by the Naval Sea Systems
Command (NavSea 501), successor to the Bureau of Ships, in 1986
for photographic copy work and retention. With the exception of
the two drawings not loaned, its contents were declassified in
November 1985. Drawing numbers 64 and 65 were later declassified,
and they were also loaned for copy work and (re)addition to the
album. Following nearly two decades in Naval Historical Center
custody, in 2005 this volume was returned to Naval Sea Systems
Command for permanent transfer to the U.S. National Archives.
The album is of loose-leaf format, with grey-green fabric covers
measuring 16.9 inches high by 22.35 inches long. Its individual
plans are of a variety of sizes, though most are drawn to a scale
of 1/32 inch to one foot. Plans are drawn in ink and/or pencil
on pale off-white drafting paper or linen, with many of them also
containing informal pencilled notations.
Other volumes in the "Spring Styles" series are presumably
held by the U.S. National Archives. Among the background documents
for the volume presented here is a content listing for "Spring
Styles" Volume 4, giving its location as National Archives'
Record Group 19, Entry 1026P. Its contents are dated from 1946
to 1954, with other drawings in the same Entry (mainly Contract
Plans Books) bearing dates from 1939 to 1951. Persons interested
in this material, as well as "Spring Styles" volumes
predating Book # 3, should contact the National Archives
for information.
The individual plans in this album are presented in two
different sequences:
"Spring Styles" Plans -- Presented
by Drawing Number;
"Spring Styles" Plans -- Presented by Ship Type:
Battleship Preliminary Design Drawings;
Aircraft Carrier Preliminary Design
Cruiser Preliminary Design Drawings;
Destroyer Preliminary Design Drawings;
Escort Vessel and Mine Vessel Preliminary
Design Drawings; and
Auxiliary Ship and Amphibious Warfare
Vessel Preliminary Design Drawings;
Select one of these presentation pages to examine the individual
Note: Some individual drawings are listed under
more than one ship type.
On the picture data sheets referenced
from this page, click on the thumbnail image (small photograph)
to prompt a larger view of the same image.
The following photographs, taken shortly before the book's
return to the Naval Sea Systems Command, show its front cover,
an overall view of its appearance when opened, and details of
labels on the exterior and interior of the front cover:
Photo #: S-511-FC (color)
"Spring Styles ... 1939-1944"
Front cover of "Spring Styles" Volume 3, from the Bureau
of Ships (Bureau of Construction and Repair until 1940) preliminary
design book series, containing drawings of proposed U.S. Navy
ship designs prepared between October 1939 and November 1944.
The original book, featuring 75 individual drawings, measures
16.9 inches high and 22.35 inches long. It was photographed at
the Washington Navy Yard, D.C., on 30 September 2005.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 70KB; 740 x 555 pixels |
Photo #: S-511-M1 (color)
"Spring Styles ... 1939-1944"
Labels and some text on the front cover of "Spring Styles"
Volume 3, from the Bureau of Ships (Bureau of Construction and
Repair until 1940) preliminary design book series, containing
drawings of proposed U.S. Navy ship designs prepared between
October 1939 and November 1944.
These labels provide declassification information and identification
data for the volume. The photograph was taken at the Washington
Navy Yard, D.C., on 30 September 2005.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 101KB; 740 x 475 pixels |
Photo #: S-511-BK (color)
"Spring Styles ... 1939-1944"
Inside front cover and first drawing of "Spring Styles"
Volume 3, from the Bureau of Ships (Bureau of Construction and
Repair until 1940) preliminary design book series, containing
drawings of proposed U.S. Navy ship designs prepared between
October 1939 and November 1944.
The original book, featuring 75 individual drawings, measures
16.9 inches high and 22.35 inches long. It was photographed at
the Washington Navy Yard, D.C., on 30 September 2005.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 132KB; 1200 x 525
pixels |
Photo #: S-511-M2 (color)
"Spring Styles ... 1939-1944"
Labels on the inside front cover of "Spring Styles"
Volume 3, from the Bureau of Ships (Bureau of Construction and
Repair until 1940) preliminary design book series, containing
drawings of proposed U.S. Navy ship designs prepared between
October 1939 and November 1944.
These labels provide a listing of the plan series featured in
the volume. The photograph was taken at the Washington Navy Yard,
D.C., on 30 September 2005.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 114KB; 740 x 560 pixels |
The individual plans in this album are presented in two
different sequences:
"Spring Styles" Plans -- Presented
by Drawing Number;
"Spring Styles" Plans -- Presented by Ship Type:
Battleship Preliminary Design Drawings;
Aircraft Carrier Preliminary Design
Cruiser Preliminary Design Drawings;
Destroyer Preliminary Design Drawings;
Escort Vessel and Mine Vessel Preliminary
Design Drawings; and
Auxiliary Ship and Amphibious Warfare
Vessel Preliminary Design Drawings;
Select one of these presentation pages to examine the individual
Note: Some individual drawings are listed under
more than one ship type.
To the best of our knowledge, the pictures referenced here
are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
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Page made 30 March 2005
Coding updated 10 May 2009