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WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060
Online Library of Selected Images
N. Moser
N. Moser was a photographer active in the New York area during
the first decades of the 20th Century. His work included many
photographs of U.S. Navy subjects.
This page provides links to photographs taken by N. Moser.
The following photographs were taken by N. Moser, or bear
his name:
- Photo # NH 106268:
"Sleeping In". A Sailor occupies his hammock in the
broadside gun casemate of large U.S. Navy warship, circa the
mid-1910s. Copyrighted by Enrique Muller, Jr., from N. Moser.
- Photo # NH 106269:
"Pealing (sic) Spuds". Sailors and Marines peeling
potatos on board a U.S. Navy ship, circa the mid-1910s. Copyrighted
by Enrique Muller, Jr., from N. Moser.
- Photo # NH 106270:
"Mining Drill". Sailors practice the employment of
sea mines on board a U.S. Navy battleship, circa the early or
middle 1910s. Copyrighted by Enrique Muller, Jr., from N. Moser.
- Photo # NH 106271:
"A Cock Fight -- Standing By". Crew members of a U.S.
Navy ship prepare to release their fighting poultry, circa the
early or middle 1910s. Copyrighted by Enrique Muller, Jr., from
N. Moser.
- Photo # NH 106272:
"Plotting the trajectory of the 14-inch gun". An officer
instructs battleship crew members in technical aspects of gunnery
and fire control, circa the middle 1910s.
- Photo # NH 106273:
"A Sack race". Recreation on board a battleship, circa
1916-1917. Ship is either USS Pennsylvania
(Battleship # 38) or USS Arizona
(Battleship # 39).
- Photo # NH 106274:
"A pie eating contest". Taken on board a U.S. Navy
battleship, circa the mid-1910s.
- Photo # NH 106275:
"Doing double time". Crew members exercising on board
a U.S. Navy battleship, circa the mid-1910s.
- Photo # NH 106276:
"The Navy Target after many hits". Target raft with
its fabric targets largely blown away, following U.S. Navy battleship
gunnery practice, circa the mid-1910s.
- Photo # NH 106277:
"A night signal gun". Signalman practices with a portable
flashing light signalling device, atop a battleship's conning
tower, circa the mid-1910s.
- Photo # NH 101060:
View on board USS Vermont
(Battleship # 20) during the Nineteen "teens".
- Photo # NH 102651:
Submarine G-2
(Submarine # 27) underway on the surface, prior to World
War I.
- Photo # NH 102650:
Submarine D-3
(Submarine # 19) underway submerged, with her periscope trained
on the camera, prior to World War I.
- Photo # NH 102649:
Submarine D-3 coming to the surface, prior to World War
- Photo # NH 77469:
Same view as Photo # NH 102650, but published in a different
- Photo # NH 102652:
Submarine K-6
(Submarine # 77) operating on the surface, prior to World
War I.
- Photo # NH 104600:
USS Culgoa (1898-1922,
later AF-3) underway in the East River, New York City, circa
the 1910s or early 1920s.
- Photo # NH 106252:
USS Hancock
(1902-1926, later AP-3) "in action" (apparently firing salutes), circa 1914-1917.
- Photo # NH 46235:
USS Mercy (ID
# 1305, later AH-4) passing under the Brooklyn Bridge, circa
early 1918.
- Photo # NH 100426:
USS Perkins
(Destroyer # 26) in camouflage, during World War I.
- Photo # NH 105390:
USS Leviathan
(ID # 1326) arriving in New York Harbor, probably in March
- Photo # NH 73249:
Troop berthing compartment on board USS Leviathan, circa
- Photo # NH 73263:
Engine room on board USS Leviathan, circa 1919.
- Photo # NH 96687:
USS Billingsley
(DD-293) during the early 1920s.
To the best of our knowledge, the pictures referenced here
are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
to Naval History and Heritage
Command home page.
Page made 8 March 2003
New image added 4 January 2009