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Online Library of Selected Images
Chief Journalist Robert D. Moeser, USN
Robert D. Moeser spent more than twenty years on active duty
in the Navy, twelve as a Photographer's Mate and eight as a Journalist.
During the first years of the Vietnam War he made several trips
to the combat zone to photograph the Navy's operations. Many of
these images appear in his noteworthy book "U.S. Navy: Vietnam",
which was published in 1969 by the U.S. Naval Institute (Annapolis,
Maryland). Chief Journalist Moeser retired from the Navy in 1968
and was subsequently employed by the U.S. Department of Labor.
This page provides links to photographs taken by Robert
D. Moeser.
The following photographs were taken by Robert D. Moeser:
- Photo # USN
1142206: Mess cook cleans "coppers" on board USS
Ranger (CVA-61),
August 1964
- Photo # USN
1142155: USS Oklahoma City (CLG-5) firing her six-inch guns, off Vietnam, June 1966
- Photo # USN
1142185: Crewman plots a contact on board USS Oklahoma City, off Vietnam, June 1966
- Photo # USN
1142192: Signalman at work with a blinker light on board USS Oklahoma City, off Vietnam, June 1966
- Photo # USN
1142200: Officers exercising on board USS Oklahoma City, off Vietnam, June 1966
- Photo # USN
1142248: Beach scene during Operation "Deckhouse V" in the Mekong Delta, South Vietnam, circa late 1966
- Photo # NH 98397:
North Vietnamese shell hits near USS Canberra
(CAG-2), March 1967
- Photo # USN
1121545: Crewman on USS Canberra monitors ammunition
replenishement operations, March 1967
- Photo # USN
1121549: USS Canberra bombarding North Vietnam at
night, March 1967
- Photo # USN
1122618: Crewman cleaning eight-inch guns on USS Canberra,
March 1967
- Photo # USN
1142153: Scene in USS Canberra's Main Battery Plot,
March 1967
- Photo # USN
1142156: Ammunition handler working with one of USS Canberra
eight-inch shell hoists, March 1967
- Photo # USN
1142158: USS Canberra crewman closes main battery
firing circuits during bombardment operations, March 1967
- Photo # USN
1142159: USS Canberra bombarding, March 1967
- Photo # USN
1142163: Treating a USS Keppler (DD-765) casualty
on board USS Canberra, March 1967
- Photo # USN
1142193: USS Canberra Petty Officers take a coffee
break on deck, March 1967
- Photo # USN
1142110: USS Bon
Homme Richard(CVA-31) catapults an A-4 "Skyhawk"
attack plane, March 1967
- Photo # USN
1142199: A Sailor rests in the shade of an aircraft parked
on board USS Bon Homme Richard, March 1967
- Photo # USN
1142095: Crewman wheels a cart of "Sidewinder"
missiles on board USS Hancock
(CVA-19), April 1967
- Photo # NH 98298:
USS Sacramento (AOE-1) replenishes Boston
(CAG-1), June 1967
- Photo # USN
1142142: USS Hornet
(CVS-12) receives fuel and ordnance from USS Sacramento,
June 1967
- Photo # USN
1142182: A Navy Nurse offers a word of encouragement to a
patient on board USS Repose (AH-16), October 1967
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Page made 16 March 2003
New images added 27 September 2006