Photo #: NH 104363-KN (color)
Iwo Jima Operation, 1945
A Landing Craft, Support (Large) [LCS(L)] operating off Iwo Jima,
probably during the pre-landing bombardment, circa 19 February
1945. Note explosions and smoke ashore, flares falling overhead,
and LCVP underway in the right center.
This ship appears to be either USS LCS(L)-31 or USS LCS(L)-36.
Original 35mm Kodachrome transparency, photographed by Lieutenant
Howard W. Whalen, USNR, Boat Group Commander, USS Sanborn
Collection of Lieutenant Commander Howard W. Whalen, USNR. Donated
by Mrs. Nadine Whalen, 1997.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 49KB; 740 x 525 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104330-KN (color)
Iwo Jima Operation, 1945
A Landing Craft, Support (Large) [LCS(L)] firing from close inshore off Iwo Jima, circa 19 February 1945. Note explosions, smoke
and dust on and near the beach.
Original 35mm Kodachrome transparency, photographed by Lieutenant
Howard W. Whalen, USNR, Boat Group Commander, USS Sanborn
Collection of Lieutenant Commander Howard W. Whalen, USNR. Donated by Mrs. Nadine Whalen, 1997.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 57KB; 740 x 545 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104328-KN (color)
Iwo Jima Operation, 1945
A Landing Craft, Support (Large) [LCS(L)] off the eastern Iwo
Jima landing beaches, probably during the pre-landing bombardment, circa 19 February 1945. Note explosions and smoke ashore, and the change in terrain between the relatively smooth middle section of the island (center and left) and its more rugged northern portion (right).
Original 35mm Kodachrome transparency, photographed by Lieutenant
Howard W. Whalen, USNR, Boat Group Commander, USS Sanborn
Collection of Lieutenant Commander Howard W. Whalen, USNR. Donated by Mrs. Nadine Whalen, 1997.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 59KB; 740 x 520 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104336-KN (color)
Iwo Jima Operation, 1945
Explosions on an Iwo Jima beach, probably during the pre-landing
bombardment, circa 19 February 1945.
Original 35mm Kodachrome transparency, photographed by Lieutenant
Howard W. Whalen, USNR, Boat Group Commander, USS Sanborn
Collection of Lieutenant Commander Howard W. Whalen, USNR. Donated by Mrs. Nadine Whalen, 1997.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 58KB; 740 x 495 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104362-KN (color)
Iwo Jima Operation, 1945
Explosions and smoke just offshore and on Iwo Jima, probably
during the pre-landing bombardment, circa 19 February 1945.
Note the yellow smoke (right center), shell splashes in the water
(center), dark bursts in the air (left center), and boats operating close to shore (left and center).
Original 35mm Kodachrome transparency, photographed by Lieutenant
Howard W. Whalen, USNR, Boat Group Commander, USS Sanborn
Collection of Lieutenant Commander Howard W. Whalen, USNR. Donated by Mrs. Nadine Whalen, 1997.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 62KB; 740 x 520 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104364-KN (color)
Iwo Jima Operation, 1945
Explosions and smoke just offshore and on Iwo Jima, probably
during the pre-landing bombardment, circa 19 February 1945.
Note the yellow smoke (right), shell splashes in the water (center), dark bursts in the air (left center), and boats operating close to shore (left and right center).
Original 35mm Kodachrome transparency, photographed by Lieutenant
Howard W. Whalen, USNR, Boat Group Commander, USS Sanborn
Collection of Lieutenant Commander Howard W. Whalen, USNR. Donated by Mrs. Nadine Whalen, 1997.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 61KB; 740 x 520 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104337-KN (color)
Iwo Jima Operation, 1945
Explosions and smoke ashore on Iwo Jima, probably during the
pre-landing bombardment, circa 19 February 1945. Note what
appears to be a white phosphorus round bursting (center), and
the boat operating close to shore (also in center).
Original 35mm Kodachrome transparency, photographed by Lieutenant
Howard W. Whalen, USNR, Boat Group Commander, USS Sanborn
Collection of Lieutenant Commander Howard W. Whalen, USNR. Donated by Mrs. Nadine Whalen, 1997.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 62KB; 740 x 520 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104367-KN (color)
Iwo Jima Operation, 1945
A Landing Craft, Support (Large) [LCS(L)], in right center, operating off Iwo Jima, probably during the pre-landing bombardment, circa 19 February 1945. Note explosions and smoke ashore.
Original 35mm Kodachrome transparency, photographed by Lieutenant
Howard W. Whalen, USNR, Boat Group Commander, USS Sanborn
Collection of Lieutenant Commander Howard W. Whalen, USNR. Donated by Mrs. Nadine Whalen, 1997.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 61KB; 740 x 520 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104341-KN (color)
Iwo Jima Operation, 1945
A Landing Craft, Support (Large) [LCS(L)], in right center, operating off Iwo Jima, probably during the pre-landing bombardment, circa 19 February 1945. Note explosions and smoke ashore.
Original 35mm Kodachrome transparency, photographed by Lieutenant
Howard W. Whalen, USNR, Boat Group Commander, USS Sanborn
Collection of Lieutenant Commander Howard W. Whalen, USNR. Donated by Mrs. Nadine Whalen, 1997.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 54KB; 740 x 520 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104315-KN (color)
Iwo Jima Operation, 1945
LCS(L), in right center, bombarding the shore, probably during the pre-landing bombardment of Iwo Jima, circa 19 February
Note the splashes just offshore in the center of the photo, and
explosions and smoke inland from the beach.
Original 35mm Kodachrome transparency, photographed by Lieutenant
Howard W. Whalen, USNR, Boat Group Commander, USS Sanborn
Collection of Lieutenant Commander Howard W. Whalen, USNR. Donated by Mrs. Nadine Whalen, 1997.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 61KB; 740 x 505 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104348-KN (color)
Iwo Jima Operation, 1945
Two Landing Craft, Infantry (Large) [LCI(L)] off Iwo Jima at
what appears to be dawn, probably during the pre-landing bombardment, circa 19 February 1945.
These craft, dimly visible at far left and at right, are probably
LCI(R) or LCI(G) variants of the basic LCI(L).
Note the two small bright spots at horizon level (left), which
may be tracer rounds or small rockets.
Original 35mm Kodachrome transparency, photographed by Lieutenant
Howard W. Whalen, USNR, Boat Group Commander, USS Sanborn
Collection of Lieutenant Commander Howard W. Whalen, USNR. Donated by Mrs. Nadine Whalen, 1997.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 53KB; 740 x 495 pixels |