Photo #: NH 1673
"Wood versus Iron"
19th Century photograph of an artwork by Acting Second Engineer
Alexander C. Stuart, USN, 1864.
It shows CSS Albemarle engaging several Federal gunboats
on Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, on 5 May 1864. USS Sassacus
is in left center, ramming the Confederate ironclad. Other U.S.
Navy ships seen are (from left): Commodore Hull, Wyalusing
and Mattabesett. The Confederate transport Bombshell,
captured during the action, is in the right background.
Albemarle was not significantly damaged during this action,
which left Sassacus disabled by a hit in one of her boilers.
Collection of Surgeon H.P. Babcock, presented by George R. Babcock,
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 140KB; 740 x 505 pixels |