Photo #: NH 42128
Hurricane at Apia, Samoa, 15-16 March 1889
"Jury Rudder for the Nipsic. 22 feet-long, with Bollards
filled with grape shot for weights. Made at Apia, it worked satisfactorily
on a voyage of over 3000 miles from Pango-Pango -- to Fanning
Island and Honolulu -- called by the sailors The 'Admiral's Fiddle'"
Artwork by Rear Admiral Lewis A. Kimberly, contained in his personal
journal of the Apia Hurricane, photographed against the text
of one of the journal's pages. It shows the jury rudder made
for USS Nipsic.
Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. Donation of Miss
Elsie S. Kimberly, January 1958.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
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