Photo #: NH 43043 (complete caption)
USS Florida (Battleship # 30)
Officers and Crew, photographed on board the ship by E. Muller,
at the New York Navy Yard, circa 1912.
Officers present include (seated on deck, front row):
Ensign Lucien B. Green II;
Ensign John F. Meigs, Jr.;
Ensign James M. Cresap;
Ensign Delavan V. Downer;
Ensign Norman R. Van der Veer;
Ensign Ezra G. Allen;
Ensign Thaddeus A. Thomson, Jr.;
Ensign Joseph Baer; and
Ensign Alexander Macomb.
(Seated in chairs, second row):
Ensign Leland Jordan;
Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Joseph S. Evans;
Lieutenant Richard Wainwright, Jr.;
Lieutenant William Norris;
Captain William C. Harlee, USMC;
Surgeon Middleton S. Elliott;
Chaplain Curtis H. Dickins;
Captain Harry S. Knapp, Commanding Officer;
Rear Admiral Aaron Ward, Commanding 3rd Division, Atlantic
Commander Jay H. Sypher, Executive Officer;
Lieutenant Commander Ridley McLean;
Paymaster John R. Sanford;
Lieutenant Commander Walter G. Roper;
Lieutenant Commander Zachariah H. Madison;
Lieutenant Samuel M. Robinson; and
Passed Assistant Surgeon Thomas W. Raison.
(Standing, third row, with Chief Petty Officers):
Chief Boatswain's Mate Cook;
Chief Boatswain Gustav Freudendorf;
Lieutenant Leigh Noyes;
Lieutenant Roger Williams;
Chief Carpenter Thomas W. Richards;
Second Lieutenant Joseph C. Fegan, USMC; and
Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Alfred W. Atkins.
Courtesy of Lieutenant Commander Richard Wainwright, Jr., USN.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
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