Photo #: NH 58312 (complete caption)
Funeral of Japanese Admiral Heihachiro Togo, 1934
Japanese and foreign naval officers attend a luncheon party at
the Official Residence of the Minister of the Navy, Tokyo, Japan,
7 June 1934, at the time of Admiral Togo's funeral.
Photographed by the Niimiyakwan Photo Studio.
Those present are, left to right, front row:
Admiral R. Nakamura, IJN, Chief of the Naval Technical Department;
Captain Brivonesi, Commander of the Italian Naval Forces
in the Far East;
Admiral S. Kobayashi, IJN, War Councillor;
Rear Admiral Richard, Commander in Chief of the French Naval
Forces in the Far East;
Admiral H. Kato, IJN, War Councillor;
Admiral Sir Frederick Dreyer, RN, Commander in Chief of the
British China Fleet;
Admiral M. Osumi, IJN, Minister of the Navy;
Admiral Frank B. Upham, USN, Commander in Chief of the U.S.
Asiatic Fleet;
Admiral H. Yamamoto, IJN, War Councillor;
Rear Admiral Wang, Commander of the Chinese Training Squadron;
Admiral Kichisaburo Nomura, IJN, War Councillor;
Admiral Osami Nagano, IJN, Commander in Chief, Yokosuka Naval
left to right, second row:
Captain Fred F. Rogers, USN, American Naval Attaché;
Commodore G.P. Thomson, RN, Chief of Staff, British China
Vice Admiral K. Hasegawa, IJN, Vice-Minister of the Navy;
Captain Chester W. Nimitz, USN, Commanding Officer, USS Augusta;
Major General Hsiao, Chinese Military Attaché;
Vice Admiral Viscount T. Kato, IJN, Vice-Chief of the Naval
General Staff;
Captain J.G.P. Vivian, RN, British Naval Attaché;
Captain E. Manners, RN, Commanding Officer, HMS Suffolk;
Captain Joseph V. Ogan, USN, Chief of Staff, U.S. Asiatic
Captain S. Shimomura, IJN, Naval General Staff;
Captain Kao, Commanding Officer, Chinese cruiser Ning
left to right, third row:
Captain T. Honda, IJN, Naval General Staff;
Lieutenant Commander Graziani, Commanding Officer, French
Aviso Tahure;
Commander Jên, Senior Staff Officer, Chinese Training
Captain K. Yukishita, IJN, Naval General Staff;
Captain Leloup, Chief of Staff, the French Naval Forces and
Commanding Officer, cruiser Primauguet;
Captain I. Sato, IJN, Navy Department;
Commander Alberto Ghe, Italian Naval Attaché;
Captain S. Iwamura, IJN, Secretary to the Minister of the
Commander Aubry de la Noë, French Naval Attaché;
Captain G. Sekine, IJN, Navy Department.
left to right, top row:
Commander H. Kojima, IJN, Secretary to the Minister of the
Lieutenant Commander F.B. Tours, RN, Flag-Lieutenant, British
China Fleet;
Lieutenant Bachy, Flag-Lieutenant, French Naval Forces;
Lieutenant Commander C. G. Moore, USN, Flag-Lieutenant, U.S.
Asiatic Fleet;
Commander K. Shibazake, IJN, Secretary to the C-in-C, Yokosuka
Naval Station;
Lieutenant Intrito, Flag-Lieutenant, Italian Naval Forces;
Lieutenant Commander Y. Yamamoto, IJN, Private Secretary
of the Minister of the Navy.
Collection of Fleet Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, USN.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
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