Photo #: NH 59236
Virginia Scenes, early 1861
Line engraving published in "Harper's Weekly", 1861,
providing a series of Virginia scenes and symbols on the eve
of the Civil War.
Scenes shown are (clockwise around the edge of the print, from
upper right): Fort Norfolk; Richmond Armory; making gun carriages
at Richmond Armory; USS Merrimack at Norfolk Navy Yard;
inactive warships Pennsylvania, Columbia, Raritan
and United States at Norfolk Navy Yard; fortifications
on the Rip-Raps, Hampton Roads; Craney Island. Fort Washington,
in Maryland across the Potomac River from Virginia, is shown
at top. In the center is a representation of the Virginia state
seal and motto ("Sic semper tyrannis"), with "The
Constitution" and "States' Rights" inscribed above
and below it.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
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