Photo #: NH 79962 (complete caption)
Admiral Osami Nagano, IJN,
Chief of the Japanese Naval General Staff
(seated in the center of the front row)
Souvenir photograph of attendees at a luncheon given by Admiral
Nagano for foreign military and naval attaches and their assistants,
at the Tokyo Naval Club on 6 May 1940.
Those present are (seated in front row, left to right):
Captain K. Kogawa, IJN;
Commander Luanson-Burana, Royal Thai Navy;
Vice Admiral Nobutake Kondo, IJN;
Air Commodore Bryan, (British) Royal Air Force;
Admiral Osami Nagano, IJN;
Captain Tufnell, (British) Royal Navy;
Lieutenant Commander Henri H. Smith-Hutton, USN;
Rear Admiral S. Maeda, IJN;
Captain H. Kojima, IJN.
(Standing in second row, left to right):
Commander S. Kanoe, IJN;
Lieutenant Sicard, French Navy;
Lieutenant Colonel Levitt, Polish Army;
Captain S. Fujiwara, IJN;
Lieutenant Commander Arthur H. McCollum, USN;
Captain K. Nakamura, IJN;
Major Paskewicz, French Air Force;
Captain S. Horinouchi, IJN;
Lieutenant Mitchel, (British) Royal Navy.
(Standing in back row, left to right):
Commander A. Okamura, IJN;
Commander J. Hosonoya, IJN;
Commander C. Triye, IJN;
Commander S. Otani, IJN;
Commander K. Matsunaga, IJN;
Commander T. Watana, IJN;
Commander Y. Mutsuki, IJN;
Commander Y. Usui, IJN;
Lieutenant Commander M. Suekuni, IJN.
Courtesy of Captain H.H. Smith-Hutton, USN (Retired), via Captain
Paul B. Ryan, USN, 1975.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 143KB; 740 x 600 pixels |