Photo #: NH 86429
Recruiting Poster featuring Motor Torpedo Boat (PT) commander
Lieutenant John D. Bulkeley:
This 1942 poster's text reads, "Ouch! The Japs don't like
mosquitoes--especially the PT variety, with men like Lieutenant
Bulkeley at the wheel and a picked crew shooting "stingers"
into the sides of their warships and merchantmen. If you like
to be where the attack starts -- there's a place for you right
in the U.S. Navy. Go to your nearest Navy Recruiting Station
The poster includes photographs of Lt. Bulkeley and a PT Boat. The latter, shown flying a Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron TWO flag at its masthead, is probably PT-18 (an ELCO 70-foot type), photographed in 1941.
Courtesy of the U.S. Navy Art Collection, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 94KB; 740 x 605 pixels