Photo #: NH 92016 (complete caption)
"Operation Remember" Luncheon
Honoring Navy and Marine Corps Leaders of World War II. Photographed
in the Hunt Room, Club "21", New York City, New York,
2 May 1957.
Those present are (as identified on a key that accompanied the
original print):
Standing, at left, front to back:
Rear Admiral Edward C. Holden;
Vice Admiral Allan E. Smith; and
Vice Admiral Daniel E. Barbey.
Seated, on left side of the left table, front to back:
Vice Admiral Charles A. Lockwood;
Vice Admiral Theodore D. Ruddock;
Admiral Thomas L. Sprague;
Vice Admiral John F. Shafroth;
Major General Robert H. Booth (behind Shafroth);
Rear Admiral Henry C. Perkins;
Captain Barry Brannen;
Admiral James Fife;
General L.P. Hunt;
Admiral Harold B. Sallada (behind Gen. Hunt);
Admiral John J. Cassady;
Vice Admiral Calvin T. Durgin (behind Cassady);
Admiral Thomas C. Hart;
Admiral John H. Hoover;
Lieutenant Colonel Malcolm Beyer; and
General Allen H. Turnage.
Seated and standing at the table in the back, left to right,
from just left of U.S. Flag to just right of other flag:
Fleet Admiral William F. Halsey;
Commander James Farrell;
Secretary of the Navy Thomas S. Gates;
Captain John L. Counihan;
Commander George Beck;
Lieutenant Colonel I. Robert Kriendler (in front of Beck);
Commander Kane W. Lynn;
Rear Admiral John J. Bergen;
Al Kelly;
Rear Admiral Milton E. Miles; and
Richard J. Patterson, Jr.
Seated, on right side of the left table, front to back:
Admiral Harry W. Hill;
General Harry Schmidt;
Vice Admiral Glenn B. Davis;
Admiral Laurence T. Dubose;
Vice Admiral William L. Ainsworth;
Admiral Frederick C. Sherman;
Sergeant Franklin E. Siegler;
Admiral William M. Fechteler;
Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Donald Givens;
Vice Admiral George R. Henderson; and
Admiral John L. Hall.
Seated, just to right of VAdm. Henderson, front to back:
Vice Admiral Bertram J. Rodgers;
Admiral C.T. Simard; and
Admiral Frank G. Fahrion.
Seated, on left side of the right table, front to back:
Commander Robert Proddow, Jr.;
Vice Admiral Robert W. Hayler;
Admiral William L. Calhoun;
R.A. Schoenecker;
Irving Seaman;
Vice Admiral James L. Kauffman;
Vice Admiral Charles B. Momsen;
Admiral Robert B. Carney;
Vice Admiral Frederick W. McMahon; and
Donald Mackie.
Seated, on right side of the right table, front to back:
General Christian F. Schilt;
Vice Admiral Alfred E. Montgomery;
Admiral John J. Ballentine;
General Gerald C. Thomas;
Admiral Matthias B. Gardner;
Vice Admiral Aaron S. Merrill;
Admiral Arthur D. Struble;
Admiral Frank J. Fletcher;
Admiral Aubrey W. Fitch;
General Clifton B. Cates;
Paul Taylor;
Admiral Oscar C. Badger;
Admiral Henry K. Hewitt;
Lyman G. Bloomingdale; and
Irving Mitchell Felt.
Standing, on right side of the room, front to back:
General G. B. Erskine;
General Franklyn A. Hart;
Vice Admiral Ralph S. Riggs;
Major General Roger F. Browne, USAF;
Lieutenant Colonel M.A. Kriendler;
Captain Royce N. Flippin;
Unidentified, possibly a waiter;
Admiral Joseph J. Clark; and
Edwin M. Ost, Jr.
Note the trophy animal heads, horns and beer steins decorating
the walls.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
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