Photo #: S-584-184
"13,000 Ton Air Plane Carrier" ... April 23, 1923
Preliminary design plan for an aircraft carrier. This drawing
represents one of a series of alternative designs undertaken
to explore the capabilities possible in aircraft carriers ranging
from 10,000 to 29,250 tons in an attempt to select the best balance
between ship size and the number that could be built under the
total aggregate 135,000 ton displacement limit imposed by the
Washington Treaty of 1922. The calculations supporting this 13,000
ton design were recorded in Preliminary Design Book V-4, which
document probably was discarded in the 1970s.
This plan provides six 8-inch guns, turbine machinery, and a
speed of 28 knots in a ship 625 feet long on the waterline, 68
feet 6 inches in beam on the waterline, and with a normal displacement
of 13,000 tons.
Note: The original document was ink on linen (black on
The original plan is in the 1911-1925 "Spring Styles Book".
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
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