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Photo # NH 77601:  Eugene Ely flies his Curtiss pusher off USS Birmingham, 14 November 1910. Online Library of Selected Images --
Picture of the Month Gallery for 2002

This page features all images used in 2002 as the Online Library's "Picture of the Month".

For later "Pictures of the Month", see: Picture of the Month Gallery

For earlier "Pictures of the Month", see: Picture of the Month Gallery, 2001;
Picture of the Month Gallery, 2000; Picture of the Month Gallery, 1999; and
Picture of the Month Gallery, 1998

To the best of our knowledge, all Online Library pictures are in the public domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded and used for any purpose without requesting permission.

If you want higher resolution reproductions than the Online Library's digital images, see: How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions.

December 2002 Picture of the Month:

The sunken USS Arizona burns furiously in Pearl Harbor, 7 December 1941.

Click the picture to see a larger version.
If you want further information about it, see Picture Data


November 2002 Picture of the Month:

Eugene Ely flies his Curtiss pusher airplane off USS Birmingham, 14 Nov. 1910 .

Click the picture to see a larger version.
If you want further information about it, see Picture Data


October 2002 Picture of the Month:

"In Remembrance of My Cruise in China, Japan and P.I." Silk embroidered tapestry from the collection of Henry R. Mousseau, a crewman on USS Cleveland, circa 1907-1910.

Click the picture to see a larger version.
If you want further information about it, see Picture Data


September 2002 Picture of the Month:

View on board USS Memphis, while she was patrolling in the South Atlantic, circa 1941-1942

Click the picture to see a larger version.
If you want further information about it, see Picture Data


August 2002 Picture of the Month:

A "Date under the Palm" at a Gulf Coast Naval Air Station, circa 1945

Click the picture to see a larger version.
If you want further information about it, see Picture Data


July 2002 Picture of the Month:

Tending the Colors on board a U.S. Navy transport, circa mid-1942

Click the picture to see a larger version.
If you want further information about it, see Picture Data


June 2002 Picture of the Month:

SBD bombers from USS Hornet approach the burning Japanese cruiser Mikuma, during the Battle of Midway, 6 June 1942

Click the picture to see a larger version.
If you want further information about it, see Picture Data


May 2002 Picture of the Month:

"Old Salt of the Sixth Fleet" -- Artwork by Frank E. Zuccarelli, 1972.

Click the picture to see a larger version.
If you want further information about it, see Picture Data


April 2002 Picture of the Month:

Officers of USS Vandalia, summer 1886.

Click the picture to see a larger version.
If you want further information about it, see Picture Data


March 2002 Picture of the Month:

USS Louisville in the Bering Sea, May 1943.

Click the picture to see a larger version.
If you want further information about it, see Picture Data


February 2002 Picture of the Month:

Washington Navy Yard, D.C., with shad fishers in the foreground, 1861.

Click the picture to see a larger version.
If you want further information about it, see Picture Data


January 2002 Picture of the Month:

Amphibian tractors move toward the beach on Guadalcanal.

Click the picture to see a larger version.
If you want further information about it, see Picture Data


For earlier "Pictures of the Month", see:

  • Picture of the Month Gallery, 2001;
  • Picture of the Month Gallery, 2000;
  • Picture of the Month Gallery, 1999; and
  • Picture of the Month Gallery, 1998

    For later "Pictures of the Month", see: Picture of the Month Gallery

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the Online Library's digital images, see: How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions.

    Return to Naval Historical Center home page.

    Page completed 6 January 2003