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Online Library of Selected Images:
Howard C. Moore (Harbor Tug, 1913).
Possibly became USS Howard C. Moore (ID # 2872)
Howard C. Moore, a 350 ton harbor tug, was built at
Tottenville, New York, in 1913. She operated in the New York City
area and was reportedly chartered and placed in commission for
Navy service in early April 1918 as USS Howard C. Moore
(ID # 2872). However, it appears that she was not actually taken
over and presumably remained in civilian hands.
This page features our only view of the harbor tug Howard
C. Moore.
Click on the small photograph to prompt
a larger view of the same image.
Photo #: NH 102041
Howard C. Moore (U.S. Harbor Tug, 1913)
Photographed prior to World War I, possibly in the New York City
area when first completed.
Howard C. Moore was reported to have been commissioned
by the Navy on 2 April 1918 under a charter agreement, with the
registry ID # 2872. She was inspected by the Third Naval District
on 29 May 1918 and was subsequently listed as "not taken
over". She probably performed no actual Navy service.
The original print is in National Archives' Record Group 19-LCM.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 61KB; 740 x 525 pixels |
Photo #: NH 99377
Howard C. Moore (American Harbor Tug, 1913)
In port, possibly when she was inspected by the Third Naval District
on 29 May 1918.
This tug was reportedly chartered by the Navy and placed in commission
as USS Howard C. Moore (ID # 2872) on 2 April 1918. However,
it appears that she did not actually enter Navy service.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 68KB; 550 x 765 pixels |
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Page made 23 March 2002
New image added 6 June 2004