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Photo #  NH 70453:  S.S. Lake Sunapee, later USS Lake Sunapee (ID # 4369-B), circa April 1918

Online Library of Selected Images:

S.S. Lake Sunapee (American Freighter, 1918)
Served as USS Lake Sunapee (ID # 4369-B) in 1918-1919. Later S.S. Frank Lynch, Nestor, Otto, Irish Willow, and Veraguas

Lake Sunapee, a 2009 gross ton freighter, was completed at Toledo, Ohio, in April 1918. She was initially manned by a U.S. Shipping Board crew and carried an Army cargo to Europe during the summer of 1918. The ship was commissioned in the Navy at Cardiff, Wales, in November 1918 as USS Lake Sunapee (ID # 4369-B) and was assigned to the Army coal trade, carrying coal from Cardiff, Wales, and Belfast, Northern Ireland to French ports. She remained in this trade until departing Cardiff for New York in June 1919. The freighter was decommissioned in July 1919 and returned to the Shipping Board. S.S. Lake Sunapee was renamed Frank Lynch in 1922, Nestor in 1937, Otto in 1939, Irish Willow in 1942, and Veraguas in 1946. She was scrapped in Belgium in 1960.

This page features the only view we have concerning the American freighter Lake Sunapee, USS Lake Sunapee (ID # 4369-B), and S.S. Frank Lynch, Nestor, Otto, Irish Willow, and Veraguas.

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Photo #: NH 70453

S.S. Lake Sunapee
(American freighter, 1918)

This freighter was completed at Toledo, Ohio, in April 1918. She was in commission as USS Lake Sunapee (ID # 4369-B) from November 1918 to July 1919.
Note the life raft on her forecastle gun platform.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 81KB; 740 x 600 pixels


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Page made 10 December 2007