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WASHINGTON DC 20374-5060
Online Library of Selected Images:
S.S. Suwanee (American Freighter, originally the German
S.S. Mark of 1913). Later renamed Poznam.
Served as USS Suwanee (ID # 1320) in 1919
S.S. Mark, a 6579 gross ton freighter, was built at
Vegesack, Germany, in 1913 for the North German Lloyd Lines. When
World War I began in August 1914 she took refuge at Manila, Philippine
Islands, and was seized by the U.S. Government when the U.S. entered
the conflict in 1917. Renamed Suwanee, she operated for
the remainder of the War as an American flag civilian freighter.
In April 1919 the ship was taken over by the Navy and converted
to a troop transport.
She appears to have entered commissioned service later in that
month, or in May, as USS Suwanee (ID # 1320) and was presumably
employed thereafter bringing American war veterans home from Europe.
She was placed out of commission early in October 1919 and returned
to the U.S. Shipping Board. As some point during her subsequent
commercial service, she was renamed Poznam.
This page features all the views we have concerning the
freighter Suwanee (ex-Mark) of 1913 and USS Suwanee
(ID # 1320).
Click on the small photograph to prompt
a larger view of the same image.
Photo #: NH 42412
S.S. Suwanee (German Freighter, formerly German S.S.
Mark, 1913)
In port, circa 1914-1917, possibly while still named Mark.
When World War I began in August 1914, S.S. Mark took
refuge at Manila, Philippine Islands, where this photograph may
have been taken. She was later seized by the U.S. Government
and renamed Suwanee. Taken over by the Navy on 11 April
1919, she served as USS Suwanee (ID # 1320) until returned
to the U.S. Shipping Board on 4 October 1919.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 53KB; 740 x 480 pixels |
Photo #: NH 103930
USS Suwanee (ID # 1320)
Tied up in port following conversion for troop transport duties,
She was formerly the German steamship Mark.
The original image was printed on postal card ("AZO")
stock. Its reverse is inscribed (in pencil): "The Ship Vance
came on June, 1919"; and (by rubber stamp): "James
Vance Brown".
Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2006.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 70KB; 740 x 480 pixels |
Photo #: NH 103197
USS Suwanee (ID # 1320)
In port in 1919, while serving as a troop transport.
Built in 1913 as the German freighter Mark, and renamed
Suwanee after being seized by the U.S. Government in 1917,
she was transferred to the Navy on 11 April 1919. The ship was
returned to the U.S. Shipping Board on 4 October 1919.
The original image was printed on postal card ("AZO")
Note this ship's extremely tall ventilation cowls.
Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2005.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 73KB; 740 x 480 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104801
USS Suwanee (ID # 1320)
Arriving in a Southern U.S. port at the end of a voyage from
Europe, 1919.
Note the crowd of homecoming troops on her deck.
Location may be Charleston, South Carolina.
Panoramic photograph by Sargeant, Columbia, S.C.
Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2007.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 74KB; 1200 x 340 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104810
USS Suwanee (ID # 1320)
Troops standing in the ship's forward well deck area, starboard
side, while she was serving as a transport in 1919.
The original photograph was printed on post card ("AZO")
Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2007.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 66KB; 740 x 480 pixels |
S.S. Suwanee may be the steamer in the foreground
of the following photograph of another ship:
Photo #: NH 103173
USS Leviathan (ID # 1326)
At Hoboken, New Jersey, circa 1917-1918.
Note the very tall ventilators on the ship in the foreground,
which may be the S.S. Suwanee.
The original image is printed on postal card ("AZO")
Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation, Washington, D.C.
- USS President Lincoln Collection.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 66KB; 740 x 455 pixels |
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Historical Center home page.
Page made 25 November 2005
New images added 28 May 2007