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Patriota, a large auxiliary cruiser, was built in 1890 as a passenger liner. Purchased by Spain for Spanish-American War service, she was a unit of Admiral Camara's abortive Philippines relief expedition in June-July 1898. Returned to commercial service after the war, she was scrapped in 1906.
This page features a view of Patriota in 1898, and two others showing her in the background of images of other subjects.
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Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.
Photo #: NH 88729 Patriota (Spanish Auxiliary Cruiser, 1890-1906) At Port Said, Egypt, 26 June - 11 July 1898, while serving with Rear Admiral Manuel de la Camara's squadron, which had been sent to relieve the Philippines. This ship was the former Hamburg-Amerika Line Normannia, purchased by Spain for war service in 1898. After the Spanish- American War, she became the French Line's L'Aquitaine and was scrapped in 1906. Copied from Office of Naval Intelligence Album of Foreign Warships. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Online Image: 43,365 bytes; 740 x 565 pixels |
The following photographs show Patriota in the background of views of another ship:
Photo #: NH 46863 Audaz (Spanish Torpedo Boat Destroyer, 1897-1927) At Port Said, Egypt, 26 June - 4 July 1898, while serving with Admiral Camara's squadron. The Spanish auxiliary cruiser Patriota is in the background. This photograph's original negative was retouched by the photographer to remove Audaz' identification letters on her bow and stern, permitting sale of the image as representing the virtually identical Osada. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Online Image: 66,557 bytes; 740 x 535 pixels |
Photo #: NH 74833 Audaz (Spanish Torpedo Boat Destroyer, 1897-1927) At Port Said, Egypt, 26 June - 4 July 1898, while serving with Rear Admiral Manuel de la Camara's Philippines relief expedition. She has been fitted with four masts to permit the use of sails to extend her cruising range. Note furled sails on some masts, and identification letter A on her bow. Ship at extreme left is the Spanish auxiliary cruiser Patriota. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Online Image: 66,966 bytes; 740 x 570 pixels |
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24 October 1998