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Reina Cristina (Cruiser, 1887-1898)

Reina Cristina, a 3042-ton Alfonso XII class cruiser, was built at Ferrol, Spain, and launched in May 1887. During the Spanish-American War, she was flagship of the Spanish squadron in the Philippines. On 1 May 1898, in the Battle of Manila Bay, she was badly damaged by the guns of Commodore Dewey's ships, set afire and sunk.

This page features views of Reina Cristina during and after the Battle of Manila Bay.

While we have no views of Reina Cristina as she was prior to the Battle of Manila Bay, she was of very similar appearance to her sister ship Reina Mercedes

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The following images depict Reina Cristina in action during the Battle of Manila Bay:

Photo #: NH 1256

"The battle of Manila", 1 May 1898

Contemporary halftone print after an artwork by W.G. Wood, originally reproducted by courtesy of F.A. Munsey. It depicts the Spanish ships at left (l-r): Isla de Cuba, Isla de Luzon and Reina Cristina. The Cavite batteries are in the center distance. At right are (l-r): USS Boston, USS Baltimore, USS Raleigh, USS Olympia and USS Concord.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 58,208 bytes; 740 x 445 pixels


Photo #: NH 71839-KN (Color)

Battle of Manila Bay, 1 May 1898

Colored print after a painting by J.G. Tyler, copyright 1898 by P.F. Collier. Ships depicted in left side of print are (l-r): Spanish Warships Don Antonio de Ulloa, Castilla, and Reina Cristina. Those in right side are (l-r): USS Boston, USS Baltimore and USS Olympia.

Collections of the Navy Department, purchased from Lawrence Lane, 1970.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 83,811 bytes; 1000 x 400 pixels

For best printing results, set printer on "landscape".


Photo #: NH 78266

Battle of Manila Bay, 1 May 1898

A rather fanciful impression of the action, depicting USS Olympia, at left, and the Spanish cruiser Reina Cristina, at right, engaged in a gunnery duel. The original, from an artwork by F. Fetherstone, 1898, was printed on a stereograph card.

Courtesy of Commander Donald J. Robinson, USN(MSC), 1973.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 88,714 bytes; 590 x 625 pixels


Photo #: NR&L(O) 18224

Battle of Manila Bay, 1 May 1898

Photograph of a contemporary artwork, depicting the Spanish fleet in action during the Battle. The Spanish flagship Reina Cristina is at left. Cavite is at right.

Courtesy of Mr. L.Y. Spear, Electric Boat Company, Groton, CT, 1948.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 69,344 bytes; 740 x 590 pixels


The following photographs show Reina Cristina's wreck after the Battle of Manila Bay:

Photo #: USN 902936

Battle of Manila Bay, 1 May 1898

Wreck of the Spanish cruiser Reina Cristina, photographed from off its starboard quarter, sometime after the battle.

Donation of Lt. C.J. Dutreaux, USNR(Ret), 1947.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 93,720 bytes; 740 x 635 pixels


Photo #: USN 902943

Battle of Manila Bay, 1 May 1898

Wreck of the Spanish cruiser Reina Cristina sometime after the battle, photographed from off its starboard side.

Donation of Lt. C.J. Dutreaux, USNR(Ret), 1947.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 62,312 bytes; 740 x 625 pixels


Photo #: USN 902937

Battle of Manila Bay, 1 May 1898

Wreck of the Spanish cruiser Reina Cristina, photographed from aft looking forward with four U.S. Navy sailors posing amidships, sometime after the battle. Note poop deck beams distorted by fire, with wooden decking burned off.
This image may be reversed. Other views of the wreck show the after smokestack leaning to port, not starboard.

Donation of Lt. C.J. Dutreaux, USNR(Ret), 1947.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 102,182 bytes; 740 x 560 pixels


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23 October 1998