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Photo # NH 100864:  USS Cobra in a New England port during World War I

Online Library of Selected Images:

USS Cobra (SP-626), 1917-1919

USS Cobra, a 53.7-foot motor patrol boat, was built at Lynn, Massachusetts, prior to World War I as the civilian pleasure craft Cobra. She was acquired by the Navy in September 1917 and placed in service in November of that year. Cobra was operated by the First Naval District in New England waters for the rest of the First World War and was transferred to the Bureau of Fisheries in September 1919.

This page features all the views we have of USS Cobra (SP-626).

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Photo #: NH 100864

USS Cobra (SP-626)

In a New England port during World War I. USS L-10 (Submarine # 50) is in the foreground. The bows of USS Parthenia (SP-671) and USS Marold (SP-737) are visible at left, tied up alongside each other, with Parthenia inboard. The patrol boat tied up inboard of Cobra is unidentified.
The civilian motor boat Cobra was acquired by the Navy on 19 September 1917 and commissioned on 4 November 1917. Following World War I service, she was transferred to the Bureau of Fisheries on 9 September 1919.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 59KB; 740 x 535 pixels

Photo #: NH 100561

USS Marold (SP-737)

In a New England port during World War I. USS L-10 (Submarine # 50) is in the foreground. USS Parthenia (SP-671) is inboard of Marold, and the stern of USS Cobra (SP-626) is visible at right.
The motor boat Marold was built in 1914 as a civilian pleasure craft. She was acquired by the Navy under free lease and commissioned on 2 June 1917. Following World War I service, she was returned to her owner on 9 May 1919.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 67KB; 740 x 445 pixels


If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

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Page made 29 September 2002