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Photo # NH 59287:  Bombardment of Ft. McAllister, Georgia, 3 March 1863.  USS Dandelion is among the ships present.

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USS Dandelion (1862-1865)

USS Dandelion, a 111-ton screw steam tug, was built at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1862 under the name Antietam. The Navy purchased her in November 1862 and placed her in commission in December of that year. Assigned to the South Atlantic Blockading Squadron soon after, Dandelion operated in the waters of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida during the rest of the Civil War. She was present during the 3 March 1863 bombardment of Fort McAllister, Georgia. A month later, she rescued crewmen from the sinking ironclad Keokuk. In July and August 1863, Dandelion took part in operations against Morris Island, South Carolina. In February 1864, the tug participated in an assault on Jacksonville, Florida. She was sent north and decommissioned in July 1865. USS Dandelion was sold the following month and returned to commercial employment.

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Photo #: NH 59288

Bombardment of Fort McAllister, Georgia, 3 March 1863

Line engraving published in "Harper's Weekly", January-June 1863, page 196, depicting the bombardment of Fort McAllister by the U.S. Navy monitors Passaic, Patapsco and Nahant. The engraving is based on a sketch by "an eye-witness" on board USS Montauk, which is in the right center foreground. In the left foreground, firing on the fort, are the mortar schooners C.P. Williams, Norfolk Packet and Para. Among other U.S. Navy ships involved were gunboats Wissahickon, Seneca and Dawn and tug Dandelion.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 74KB; 740 x 295 pixels

Photo #: NH 59287

Bombardment of Fort McAllister, Georgia, 3 March 1863

Line engraving, after a sketch by W.T. Crane, published in "The Soldier in Our Civil War", Volume II, page 39. It depicts the U.S. Navy monitors Patapsco, Passaic and Nahant firing on Fort McAllister (at far left) from the Ogeechee River. Other U.S. Navy ships are in the foreground. Montauk is the monitor in this group (farthest from the artist). Firing on the fort from the right foreground are mortar schooners, including C.P. Williams, Norfolk Packet and Para. Among other U.S. Navy ships involved were gunboats Wissahickon, Seneca and Dawn and tug Dandelion, all screw steamers.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 110KB; 740 x 380 pixels


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Page made 4 October 2001