Photo #: NH 42125
Hurricane at Apia, Samoa, 15-16 March 1889
"The Nipsic beached, wrecks of Trenton & Vandalia astern."
Artwork by Rear Admiral Lewis A. Kimberly, contained in his personal
journal of the Apia Hurricane. It shows the southeastern part
of Apia Harbor after the storm's end. USS Nipsic is in
the foreground and USS Vandalia is sunk at right, with
USS Trenton wrecked alongside her.
Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. Donation of Miss
Elsie S. Kimberly, January 1958.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 106KB; 740 x 530 pixels |
Photo #: NH 42136
Hurricane at Apia, Samoa, 15-16 March 1889
"Views of the Trenton, Vandalia, Nipsic, & Olga looking
from the shore"
Artwork by Rear Admiral Lewis A. Kimberly, contained in his personal
journal of the Apia Hurricane. It shows USS Trenton at
left, with USS Vandalia sunk along side her. The stern
of USS Nipsic is at right, and the German corvette Olga
is beached in the distance.
Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. Donation of Miss
Elsie S. Kimberly, January 1958.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 110KB; 740 x 550 pixels |
Photo #: NH 42126
Hurricane at Apia, Samoa, 15-16 March 1889
"View of the bow of the Nipsic and beach before the American
Artwork by Rear Admiral Lewis A. Kimberly, contained in his personal
journal of the Apia Hurricane. It shows the southeastern beach
of Apia Harbor soon after the storm, with the bow of USS Nipsic
at left. The U.S. Consulate was in this part of the town.
Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. Donation of Miss
Elsie S. Kimberly, January 1958.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 117KB; 740 x 555 pixels |
Photo #: NH 42127
Hurricane at Apia, Samoa, 15-16 March 1889
"Nipsic beached, Apia, Samoa"
Artwork by Rear Admiral Lewis A. Kimberly, contained in his personal
journal of the Apia Hurricane, photographed against the text
of one of the journal's pages. It shows the bow of USS Nipsic
at left, where she was beached in the southwestern part of Apia
Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. Donation of Miss
Elsie S. Kimberly, January 1958.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 126KB; 615 x 765 pixels |
Photo #: NH 42128
Hurricane at Apia, Samoa, 15-16 March 1889
"Jury Rudder for the Nipsic. 22 feet-long, with Bollards
filled with grape shot for weights. Made at Apia, it worked satisfactorily
on a voyage of over 3000 miles from Pango-Pango -- to Fanning
Island and Honolulu -- called by the sailors The 'Admiral's Fiddle'"
Artwork by Rear Admiral Lewis A. Kimberly, contained in his personal
journal of the Apia Hurricane, photographed against the text
of one of the journal's pages. It shows the jury rudder made
for USS Nipsic.
Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. Donation of Miss
Elsie S. Kimberly, January 1958.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 151KB; 610 x 765 pixels |
Photo #: NH 42129
Hurricane at Apia, Samoa, 15-16 March 1889
"The Nipsic after being hauled off the beach with jury rudder"
Artwork by Rear Admiral Lewis A. Kimberly, contained in his personal
journal of the Apia Hurricane. It shows USS Nipsic as
she was fitted during the long voyage from Apia to Honolulu,
in May-August 1889.
Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. Donation of Miss
Elsie S. Kimberly, January 1958.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 94KB; 740 x 555 pixels |
Photo #: NH 42113
Hurricane at Apia, Samoa, 15-16 March 1889
"Plan of the harbor of Apia, with positions of the ships
before, and after the hurricane."
Chart drawn by Rear Admiral Lewis A. Kimberly, contained in his
personal journal of the Apia Hurricane.
The chart gives locations for the U.S. Navy ships Trenton,
Vandalia and Nipsic; German Navy ships Olga,
Adler and Eber; and the British Navy ship Calliope.
Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. Donation of Miss
Elsie S. Kimberly, January 1958.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 253KB; 1200 x 875
pixels |
Photo #: NH 42141
Hurricane at Apia, Samoa, 15-16 March 1889
"Sketch of Apia Harbor showing Position of Wrecked Vessels
after the Gale, Etc."
Sketch map by Rear Admiral Lewis A. Kimberly, contained in his
personal journal of the Apia Hurricane.
Courtesy of the Naval Historical Foundation. Donation of Miss
Elsie S. Kimberly, January 1958.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 71KB; 740 x 510 pixels |