Photo #: NH 107098
USS Philippines (ID # 1677)
In a harbor, 1919.
This photograph has been retouched to enhance the clouds.
Original print from the USS Philippines Collection (Lot S-589-A).
Donation of Charles R. Haberlein Jr., 2009.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 83 KB; 900 x 645 pixels |
Photo #: NH 106360
USS Philippines (ID # 1677)
In port, receiving assistance from harbor tugs, circa Mid-1919.
The ship in the background is either USS Charles (ID # 1298) or USS Yale (ID # 1672).
Courtesy of Commander Peter Joseph Walter, USN (Retired), 2008.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 114KB; 900 x 635 pixels |
Photo #: NH 106361
USS Philippines (ID # 1677)
In Brest Harbor, France, "as she appeared June 29, 1919 when President Wilson departed for America."
Courtesy of Commander Peter Joseph Walter, USN (Retired), 2008.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 74KB; 900 x 680 pixels |
Photo #: NH 107078
USS Philippines (ID # 1677)
Photographed from a launch returning crew members to the ship after a sightseeing trip to Paris, France in August 1919.
The "X" in the lower left may mark the Sailor who originally owned this album.
Copied from the USS Philippines album (Lot S-589), page 2.
Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2010.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 101 KB; 900 x 630 pixels |
Photo #: NH 104161
USS Santa Olivia (ID # 3125), left center,
USS Philippines (ID # 1677), at right
At the Army Dock, St. Nazaire, France, 1919.
Note the truck in the foreground, and barge beyond.
Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2006.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 83KB; 740 x 465 pixels |
Photo #: NH 107097
USS Imperator (ID # 4080)
In Brest Harbor, France, circa June-August 1919.
Photographed from on board USS Philippines (ID # 1677). The view looks forward over the port bow from the ship's bridge.
Original print from the USS Philippines Collection (Lot S-589-A).
Donation of Charles R. Haberlein Jr., 2009.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 122 KB; 900 x 645 pixels |
Photo #: NH 107080
USS Philippines (ID # 1677)
Crew members operating a winch, 1919.
The "X" in the upper center may mark the Sailor who originally owned this album.
Copied from the USS Philippines album (Lot S-589), page 6.
Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2010.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 117 KB; 900 x 635 pixels |
Photo #: NH 107081
USS Philippines (ID # 1677)
Ship's officers, among them representatives of the U.S. Army and U.S. Coast Guard, 1919.
Copied from the USS Philippines album (Lot S-589), page 10.
Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2010.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 127 KB; 900 x 640 pixels |
Photo #: NH 107096
USS Philippines (ID # 1677)
U.S. Army officer passengers on board the ship, while en route home to the United States, 1919.
Original print from the USS Philippines Collection (Lot S-589-A).
Donation of Charles R. Haberlein Jr., 2009.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 103 KB; 900 x 640 pixels |
Photo #: NH 107079
USS Philippines (ID # 1677)
Crew members on a railway train, en route to Paris, France during a sightseeing trip, 13 August 1919.
Copied from the USS Philippines album (Lot S-589), page 3.
Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2010.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 115 KB; 900 x 640 pixels |
Photo #: NH 107082
USS Philippines (ID # 1677)
Members of the ship's crew pose near the Eiffel Tower, while sightseeing in Paris, France, August 1919.
A Nurse and a few U.S. Soldiers are among those present.
The reverse of the original print is stamped "Wardavoir, Rue Mathis 11, Paris", with a date of 20 August 1919.
Copied from the USS Philippines album (Lot S-589), page 12.
Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2010.
U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.
Online Image: 127 KB; 900 x 645 pixels |