This page features all the views we have related to USS Passaic's actions and activities.
For additional views of and on board USS Passaic,
If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions." |
Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.
Photo #: NH 58735 USS Passaic (1862-1899) Line engraving published in "Harper's Weekly", 1862, depicting Passaic "trying her large gun at the Palisades", during gunnery trials in the Hudson River on 15 November 1862. The ship was armed with two large Dahlgren smooth-bore guns: one XI-inch and one XV-inch. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Online Image: 170KB; 740 x 600 pixels |
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Photo #: NH 59288 Bombardment of Fort McAllister, Georgia, 3 March 1863 Line engraving published in "Harper's Weekly", January-June 1863, page 196, depicting the bombardment of Fort McAllister by the U.S. Navy monitors Passaic, Patapsco and Nahant. The engraving is based on a sketch by "an eye-witness" on board USS Montauk, which is in the right center foreground. In the left foreground, firing on the fort, are the mortar schooners C.P. Williams, Norfolk Packet and Para. Among other U.S. Navy ships involved were gunboats Wissahickon, Seneca and Dawn and tug Dandelion. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Online Image: 74KB; 740 x 295 pixels |
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Photo #: NH 59287 Bombardment of Fort McAllister, Georgia, 3 March 1863 Line engraving, after a sketch by W.T. Crane, published in "The Soldier in Our Civil War", Volume II, page 39. It depicts the U.S. Navy monitors Patapsco, Passaic and Nahant firing on Fort McAllister (at far left) from the Ogeechee River. Other U.S. Navy ships are in the foreground. Montauk is the monitor in this group (farthest from the artist). Firing on the fort from the right foreground are mortar schooners, including C.P. Williams, Norfolk Packet and Para. Among other U.S. Navy ships involved were gunboats Wissahickon, Seneca and Dawn and tug Dandelion, all screw steamers. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Online Image: 110KB; 740 x 380 pixels |
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Photo #: NH 59278 "Map of the Environs of Savannah, on the South ..." Engraving published in "Harper's Weekly", Volume 7, January-June 1863, page 164. The map shows the position of the Confederate Privateer Rattlesnake (ex-CSS Nashville, 1861-1862), the Ogeechee River, Beulah Battery and "the present Field of Operations of the 'Passaic' and other Ironclads under Commodore Dupont". U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Online Image: 141KB; 410 x 765 pixels |
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Photo #: NH 59269 "Panoramic View of Charleston Harbor. -- Advance of Ironclads to the Attack, April 7th, 1863" Line engraving published in "The Soldier in our Civil War", Volume II, page 172, with a key to individual ships and land features shown. U.S. Navy ships present are (from left to center): Keokuk, Nahant, Nantucket, Catskill, New Ironsides, Patapsco, Montauk, Passaic and Weehawken. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Online Image: 107KB; 900 x 350 pixels |
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Photo #: NH 60906 Monitors engage Confederate batteries on Sullivan's Island, Charleston, South Carolina. Photographed from one of the Confederate emplacements, the ships are identified as (from left to right): USS Weehawken, USS Montauk and USS Passaic. The monitor on the right appears to be firing its guns. Date is given as 8 September 1863, when other U.S. Navy ships were providing cover for Weehawken, which had gone aground on the previous day. She was refloated on the 8th after receiving heavy gunfire from the Confederate fortifications. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Online Image: 59KB; 625 x 675 pixels |
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Photo #: NH 51964 Monitors engage Confederate batteries on Sullivan's Island, Charleston, South Carolina. Photographed from one of the Confederate emplacements, the ships are identified as (from left to right): USS Weehawken, USS Montauk and USS Passaic. The monitor on the right appears to be firing its guns. Date is given as 8 September 1863, when other U.S. Navy ships were providing cover for Weehawken, which had gone aground on the previous day. She was refloated on the 8th after receiving heavy gunfire from the Confederate fortifications. This image is a detail of that seen in Photo # NH 60906. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Online Image: 61KB; 740 x 605 pixels |
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For additional views of and on board USS Passaic,
If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions." |
Page made 12 September 2001