Photo #: NH 59130
"Departure of the Great Southern Expedition, under General
Butler, from Fortress Monroe."
Line engraving published in "Harper's Weekly", 1861,
depicting the departure of the fleet on 26 August 1861, en route
to attack Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina.
Ships identified in the title line are (left to right): USS Harriet
Lane; USS Wabash; USS Minnesota; USS Monticello
and USS Pawnee.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 142KB; 740 x 600 pixels |
Photo #: NH 66576-KN (Color)
"Bombardment of Forts Hatteras & Clark, by the U.S. Fleet"
"Under the command of Flag Officer Silas H. Stringham, on
the 28th and 29th of August 1861"
Colored lithograph by J.P. Newell after a drawing by Francis
Garland, Seaman on USS Cumberland, published by J.H. Buford,
Boston, Massachusetts, 1862.
Features identified below the image are (from left to right):
USS Susquehanna; transport Fanny; Fort Hatteras;
USS Harriet Lane; Fort Clark; USS Cumberland; steamer
Adelaide; USS Minnesota; steamer George Peabody;
USS Wabash; USS Pawnee; and USS Monticello.
Courtesy of the U.S. Navy Art Collection, Washington, D.C.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 91KB; 740 x 595 pixels |
Photo #: NH 59317
"The Great Expedition -- The Vessels at Anchor at Hampton
Roads Previous to the Departure."
Line engraving published in "Harper's Weekly", July-December
1861 volume, page 725. It gives two views of Flag Officer DuPont's
squadron at Hampton Roads, Virginia, prior to leaving on 29 October
1861 to capture Port Royal, South Carolina.
Ships and geographical features, as identified below the images,
are (upper engraving, from left): ferry boats, store ship, steamer
Marion, USS Seminole, steamer Ben Deford,
ship Grapeshot, Fort Monroe, USS Narragansett,
USS Alabama, USS Pawnee, and new ("90-Day")
(lower engraving, from left): store ship, steamer Vanderbilt,
steam tug (foreground), store ship, steamer Winfield Scott,
steamer Atlantic, USS Minnesota, steamer Baltic,
USS Relief, USS Wabash, USS R.B. Forbes,
steamer Oriental, steamer Matanzas, steamer Philadelphia,
and the Rip Raps.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 218KB; 900 x 650 pixels |
Photo #: NH 59319
"Army & Navy Reconnoissance. Tuesday Morning Nov. 5"
Line engraving published in "The Soldier in Our Civil War",
Volume I, page 189, depicting Federal ships investigating Port
Royal Sound, South Carolina, prior to their successful attack
on Confederate fortifications there.
Ships and other items identified across the bottom of the print
include (from left to right): USS Mercury, with Generals
Sherman and Stevens & staff on board; USS Penguin, with
Hilton Head Battery beyond; USS Pawnee; Broad River (in
distance); CSS Huntress (distance); USS Seneca;
steamer Screamer (distance); USS Ottawa with Capt.
Rogers & General Wright on board; steamer Everglades (distance,
beyond Ottawa; USS Pembina; CSS Lady Davis
(distance); Beaufort River (distance); Bay Point Battery (distance);
USS Curlew; Confederate camp (distance); USS Isaac
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 77KB; 740 x 280 pixels |
Photo #: NH 59256
Bombardment and Capture of Port Royal, South Carolina, 7 November
Engraving published in "Harper's Weekly", July-December
1861 volume, pages 760-761.
It depicts Federal warships, under Flag Officer Samuel F. DuPont,
USN, bombarding Fort Beauregard (at right) and Fort Walker (at
left). The Confederate squadron commanded by Commodore Josiah
Tattnall is in the left center distance.
Subjects identified below the image bottom are (from left): tug
Mercury, Fort Walker, USS Wabash (DuPont's flagship),
Screamer (?), USS Susquehanna, CSS Huntsville,
Commo. Tattnall, USS Bienville, USS Pembina, USS
Seneca, USS Ottawa, USS Unadilla, USS Pawnee,
USS Mohican, USS Isaac Smith, USS Curlew,
USS Vandalia, USS Penguin, USS Pocahontas,
USS Seminole, Fort Beauregard, USS R.B. Forbes
and "Rebel Camp".
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 73KB; 740 x 300 pixels |
Photo #: NH 1099
Bombardment and Capture of Port Royal, South Carolina, 7 November
Engraving by W. Ridgway after a drawing by C. Parsons, published
by Virtue & Co., New York.
It depicts Federal warships, under Flag Officer Samuel F. DuPont,
USN, bombarding Fort Beauregard (at left) and Fort Walker (at
right). Troop transports are standing by in the distance.
U.S. Navy ships present and identified include (from left): Mohican,
Susquehanna, Augusta, Wabash (Flagship),
Unadilla, Pawnee, Bienville, Ottawa,
Curlew and Seneca.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 96KB; 740 x 570 pixels |
Photo #: NH 59175
"Landing of General Potter's and Admiral Dahlgren's Troops
at Bull's Bay, South Carolina"
Line engraving, based on a sketch by John Everding, published
in "Harper's Weekly", March 1865, depicting the landings
made on 16-17 February 1865.
Ships shown include (as identified below the print, from left
to right -- all U.S. Navy): State of Georgia, Pawnee,
Juniata, Harvest Moon -- flagship, Wando,
Winona, Shenandoah and Canandaigua.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 146KB; 740 x 495 pixels |