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Photo # NH 59009:  USS Sagamore and other ships off Ship Island, Louisiana, in early 1862

Online Library of Selected Images:

USS Sagamore (1861-1865)

USS Sagamore, a 691-ton Unadilla class screw steam gunboat, was built at Boston, Massachusetts. She was commissioned in December 1861 and sent to the Gulf of Mexico to enforce the blockade of the coast from Florida to Mississippi. In April 1862, members of her crew captured the city of Apalachicola, Florida. During that year, and in 1863-64, Sagamore and her men made several raids on Confederate property along the Gulf shore and nearby rivers, targeting shipping, salt works and other facilities. She also captured or destroyed more than twenty sailing blockade runners during this time. Decommissioned for repairs in December 1864, USS Sagamore was sold in June 1865. She subsequently became the Japanese merchant ship Kaga no Kami. In 1868-1871, she was a Japanese warship, under the name Yoshun.

This page features our only views of USS Sagamore (1861-1865).

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Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.

Photo #: NH 59367

"Our New Gun-boats"

Engraving published in "Harper's Weekly", July-December 1861 volume.
It depicts ten of the "90-Day Gunboats" constructed for the U.S. Navy in 1861-62.
Ships, as identified below the image bottom, are (from left, all USS): Chippewa, Sciota, Itasca, Winona, Huron, Ottawa, Pembina, Seneca, Unadilla and Sagamore.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 80KB; 740 x 310 pixels

Photo #: NH 59009

"View of Ship Island, Louisiana. -- By our Special Artist on Board the 'Sagamore'"

Line engraving, published in "Harper's Weekly", 1862, depicting several U.S. Navy ships anchored off the Federal base at Ship Island in early 1862. Ships are (from left to right) Winona, New London, Niagara, Sagamore, Wissahickon, and Massachusetts. Other features identified, in the center and right background, are Fort Massachusetts on Ship Island, the 9th Connecticut and 22nd Massachusetts Regiments and a military camp.

U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

Online Image: 128KB; 740 x 520 pixels


If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

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Page made 8 April 2001