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Online Library of Selected Images:
USS Zeppelin (ID # 4042), 1919-1919
USS Zeppelin, an 21,753 ton transport, was built in
1914 at Vegesack, Germany, as the 15,200 gross ton German flag commercial passenger liner of the same name. She was acquired by the Navy in 1919, and was placed in commission in early March of that year. During the following months she brought nearly 16,000 passengers home
from Europe, mainly American World War I veterans. USS Zeppelin
was decommissioned in late November 1919 and, a month later, was turned over the the British. She was operated as S.S. Ormuz during much of the following decade.
This page features, and provides links to, all the views
we have concerning USS Zeppelin (ID # 4042).
For additional images related to this ship, see:
USS Zeppelin (ID # 4042)
-- On Board and Miscellaneous Views.
Click on the small photograph to prompt
a larger view of the same image.
Photo #: NH 63241
USS Zeppelin (ID # 4042)
Underway in 1919.
Courtesy of the Caraway Co., Rutterfort, New Jersey, 1936.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 78KB; 740 x 535 pixels |
Photo #: NH 103320
USS Zeppelin (ID # 4042)
Halftone reproduction of a photograph of the ship. This view
has been retouched, adding two small steamers and a tug in the
This image is one of ten photographs published in a "Souvenir
Folder" of views concerning USS Zeppelin.
Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2005.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 79KB; 740 x 485 pixels |
Photo #: NH 103331
USS Zeppelin (ID # 4042)
In port during 1919, while serving as a troop transport.
The original image was printed on postal card ("AZO")
Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2005.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 65KB; 740 x 470 pixels |
Photo #: NH 74703
USS Zeppelin (ID # 4042)
Panoramic photograph of the ship arriving at New York, July 1919.
She is being assisted by tugs, among them U.S. Army Tug #
5 (in the foreground).
Courtesy of Donald M. McPherson, 1971.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 116KB; 1200 x 480
pixels |
Photo #: NH 44091
Navy C-type Blimp
Greets USS Zeppelin as she arrived off New York, circa
28 June 1919. The transport was bringing crews of the seaplanes
NC-1, NC-3 and NC-4 back to the U.S. after
their trans-Atlantic flight attempt.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 72KB; 740 x 585 pixels |
Photo #: NH 103408
USS Zeppelin (ID # 4042)
In port in 1919, probably at Hoboken, New Jersey.
U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
Online Image: 65KB; 550 x 765 pixels |
For additional images related to this ship, see:
USS Zeppelin (ID # 4042)
-- On Board and Miscellaneous Views.
Return to Naval
Historical Center home page.
Page made 23 December 2005
Link added 17 April 2007