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with One Smokestack, Two Single Masts, Three Raised Hull Islands, and No Paired Kingposts
Thirty-six of the U.S. Navy's WWI era cargo ships had one smokestack, two single masts, three raised hull islands, and no paired kingposts.
To facilitate identification, these vessels have been placed in seven sub-groups, some containing ships of essentially identical design ("sister ships"), while others consist of quite different designs. The latter are further subdivided as to whether they were built in the United States or abroad.
This page features a table (with links to individual ships) of World War I era U.S. Navy cargo ships with one smokestack, two single masts, three raised hull islands, and no paired kingposts, plus a photograph of each ship in this group.
Ships in this group:
Click each ship name to access that
ship's complete Online Library entry.
Click the small photographs to prompt a larger view of the same image, and the words "Picture Data" to access the Picture Data Sheet for that image.
EIGHTEEN SHIPS -- Foreign built
Carolinian, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex British S.S. Southerner, 1906).
4170 Gross Tons; Length 359.8'; Breadth 50.2
Craster Hall, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex British S.S. Craster Hall, 1909).
4319 Gross Tons; Length 380'; Breadth 50'
Dochra, USN 1917-1919 (British built, ex British S.S. Dochra, 1906).
4309 Gross Tons; Length 376' oa; Breadth 51'
Drechterland, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex Dutch S.S. Drechterland, 1903).
3935 Gross Tons; Length 366'; Breadth 46.7'
Eastern Chief, USN 1918-1919 (Japanese built, ex American S.S. Eastern Chief, 1917).
4660 Gross Tons; Length 458' oa; Breadth 51'
Keresaspa, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex Austrian S.S. Franconia, 1903).
4637 Gross Tons; Length 360.7'; Breadth 48'
Kermanshah, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex Austrian S.S. Himalaia, 1910).
4948 Gross Tons; Length 390'; Breadth 52.4'
Kermoor, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex Austrian S.S. Morawitz, 1907).
4795 Gross Tons; Length 378.0'; Breadth 52.3'
Kerowlee, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex Austrian S.S. Campania, 1901).
3550 Gross Tons; Length 341.2'; Breadth 46.7'
Malang, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex Dutch S.S. Malang, 1898).
3526 Gross Tons; Length 332.4'; Breadth 44'
Moldegaard, USN 1918-1919 (Norwegian built, ex Norwegian S.S. Moldegaard, 1906).
2852 Gross Tons; Length 321.1'; Breadth 45.2'
Munwood, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex British S.S. Munwood, 1914).
3190 Gross Tons; Length 345'; Breadth 48'
Pollux, USN 1918-1918 (Dutch built, ex Dutch S.S. Pollux, 1909).
2886 Gross Tons; Length 326.7'; Breadth 44.1'
No image is available (or known to exist) of USS Pollux
Randwijk, USN 1918-1918 (Dutch built, ex Dutch S.S. Randwijk, 1912).
2401 Gross Tons; Length 287.3'; Breadth 45.2'
Santa Rosalia, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex British S.S. Santa Rosalia, 1911).
5409 Gross Tons; Length 406'; Breadth 52.5'
Sherman (later Durham), USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex Chilean S.S. Gobernador Bories, 1893).
4725 Gross Tons; Length 400.25'; Breadth 45.25'
St. Francis, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex British S.S. San Francisco, 1914).
5102 Gross Tons; Length 405'; Breadth 52'
Tanamo, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex Dutch S.S. Tanamo, 1914).
3299 Gross Tons; Length 331.1'; Breadth 45.2'
FIVE SHIPS --Miscellaneous American built.
Californian, USN 1918-1918 (ex American S.S. Californian, 1900).
5658 Gross Tons; Length 413'; Breadth 51'
Elinor, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Elinor, 1917).
4280 Gross Tons; Length 339.25' wl; Breadth 49.1'
Pleiades, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Pleiades, 1900).
3753 Gross Tons; Length 331.4'; Breadth 47'
Robert M. Thompson, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Robert M. Thompson, 1912).
2458 Gross Tons; Length 247'; Breadth 43.6'
Saetia, USN 1918-1918 (ex American S.S. Saetia, 1917).
2873 Gross Tons; Length 310'; Breadth 48.25'
THREE SHIPS -- Delaware River Iron SB 406-foot type
American, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. American, 1900).
5650 Gross Tons; Length 406.7'; Breadth 51.1'
Hawaiian, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Hawaiian, 1900).
5670 Gross Tons; Length 406.7'; Breadth 51.1'
No image is available (or known to exist) of USS Hawaiian
Oregonian, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Oregonian, 1901).
5648 Gross Tons; Length 406'; Breadth 51.1'
FIVE SHIPS -- New York Shipbuilding Co. 377-foot collier type. These ships had up to six pairs of short posts on deck for handling their oversized collier hatch covers.
Fairmont, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Fairmont, 1917).
5400 Gross Tons; Length 377.3' wl; Breadth 55'
Glen White, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Glen White, 1918).
5438 Gross Tons; Length 377.3'; Breadth 55'
Plymouth, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Plymouth, 1915).
5266 Gross Tons; Length 377.3'; Breadth 55.2'
William N. Page, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. William N. Page, 1918).
5438 Gross Tons; Length 377.3'; Breadth 55'
Winding Gulf, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Winding Gulf, 1918).
5438 Gross Tons; Length 377.3'; Breadth 55'
FOUR SHIPS -- Emergency Fleet Corporation Design 1001 (wooden hulls)
Alpaco, USN 1918-1918 (ex American S.S. Alpaco, 1918).
2551 Gross Tons; Length 268.0'; Breadth 45.2'
Banago, USN 1918-1918 (ex American S.S. Banago, 1918).
2551 Gross Tons; Length 268'; Breadth 46'
Baxley, USN 1918-1918 (ex American S.S. Baxley, 1918).
2551 Gross Tons; Length 268'; Breadth 46'
Pascagoula, USN 1918-1918 (ex American S.S. Pascagoula, 1918).
2550 Gross Tons; Length 268.0 pp; Breadth 45.2'
ONE SHIP -- Precursor to Emergency Fleet Corporation Design 1043
Major Wheeler, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Major Wheeler, 1918).
3431 Gross Tons; Length 305.0'; Breadth 46.0'
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Page made 23 December 2007