Annex 6
Appendix E
Statement of Individual Responsibility for Crimes Set Out in the Indictment.

The statements hereinafter set forth following the name of each individual Defendant constitute matters upon which the Prosecution will rely inter alia as establishing the individual responsibility of the Defendants.

It is charted against each of the defendants that he used the power and prestige of the position which he held and his personal influence in such a manner that he promoted and carried out the offences set out in each Count of this Indictment in which his name appears.

It is charged against each of the Defendants that during the periods hereinafter set out against hi name he was one of those responsible for all the acts and omissions of the various Governments of which he was a member, and of the various civil, military or naval organizations in which he held a position of authority.

It is charged against each of the Defendants, as shown by the numbers given after his name, that he was present at and concurred in the decisions taken at some of the conferences and cabinet meetings held on or about the following dates in 1941, which decisions prepared for and led to unlawful war on 7th/8th December, 1941.

  1. 25th June, 1941 (Liaison)
  2. 26th June, 1941 (Liaison)
  3. 27th June, 1941 (Liaison)


  1. 28th June, 1941 (Liaison)
  2. 30th June, 1941 (Supreme War Council)
  3. 2nd July, 1941 (Imperial)
  4. 7th August, 1941 (Thought Control Council)
  5. 22nd August, 1941 (Cabinet)
  6. 6th September, 1941 (Imperial)
  7. 17th October, 1941 (Ex-Premiers)
  8. 28th November, 1941 (Liaison)
  9. 29th November, 1941 (Ex-Premiers)
  10. 1st December, 1941 (Imperial)
  11. 1st December, 1941 (Cabinet)


The Defendant ARAKI between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Chief of General Affairs Department of the Office of Inspector General of Military Training (19310; Minister of War under Inukai and Saito (December 1931 to July 1934); a full General (1933); Member of the Supreme War Council (1934 to 1936); Member of the Cabinet Advisory Council on China (1937); Education Minister under Konoye and then under HIRANUMA (May 1938 to August 1939); Member of the Cabinet Advisory Council (1940).


The Defendant DOHIHARA between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Commander of the Special Service Section in Manchuria (September 1931); Mayor of Mukden (September to October 1931); attached to Headquarters, Kwantung Army (1933);


Chief Advisor to the North China autonomous Government; Commander-in-Chief Japanese 5th Army Manchuria (1938 to 1940); Supreme War Councillor (1940 to 1943); Inspector General of Military Aviation (1941); full General (April 1941); Commander-in-Chief Eastern Army in Japan (1943); Commander of the 7th Area Army at Singapore (1944 to 1945); Inspector General Military Training (April 1945).

Conferences: -- 5.


The Defendant HASHIMOTO between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- attached Army General Staff (1933); retired from Army (February 1936); author of "Declarations of HASHIMOTO Kingoro" (1936); re-entered the Army (1937); commanded an Artillery Regiment at the Rape of Nanking (1937); in command of Japanese forces which shelled the Ladybird and the Panay (1937); author of a large number of books, articles in the magazine Taiyo Dai Nippon and other publications and public speeches, all advocating aggressive warfare; member of a number of societies form the instigation of army control over politics and furtherance of aggressive warfare; promoter of a number of plots designed to remove politicians and officers whom he did not consider sufficiently aggressive; a founder of the I.R.A.A. (1940); elected to the Lower House of the Diet (1942).



The Defendant HATA between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Divisional Commander in Manchuria (1933); Chief of Army Aviation Department (1935); Commander of the Taiwan Army (1936 to 1937); Inspector General of Military Education and member of the Supreme War Council (August 1937); a full General (February 1937); Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force in Central China (February 1938); Member of the Supreme War Council (January 1939); War Minister under Abe (August 1939 to January 1940)); Commander-in-Chief of the Expeditionary Force in Central China (July 1940 to 10944); Field Marshall and Member of the Board of Marshals and Admirals (June 1944); Inspector General of Military education (November 1944).


The Defendant HIRANUMA between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Founder of the Kokuhonsha and President from 1926 to 1936; Vice President of the Privy Council (1930 to 1936); President of Privy Council (1936 to 1939); Prime Minister (January to August 1939); Minister without Portfolio under Konoye and for a time Home Minister and later Vice-Premier (July 1940 to October 1941); Member of Thought Control Council (August 1941); President Privy Council (1945).

Conferences: -- 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,12.



The Defendant HIROTA between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Ambassador to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1930); Foreign Minister (September 1933 to July 1934) under Saito, and From July 1934 to March 1936 under Okada; Prime Minister and for a time Foreign Minister concurrently (March 1936 to February 1937); Foreign Minister under Konoye (July 1937 to May 1938); Member of the Cabinet Advisory Council (1940).

Conferences: -- 10,12.


The Defendant HOSHINO between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Chief General Affairs Bureau of the Finance Department of the Manchukuo Government (1932); Chief of General Affairs in the Finance Ministry of Manchukuo (19340; Vice Minister Finance in the Manchukuo Government (1936); Chief, General Affairs Bureau in the National Affairs Office of Manchukuo (December 1936); Chief of General Affairs in Manchukuo (July 1938); President of the Planning BOard and later Minister without Portfolio under Konoye (July 1940 to April 1941); Chief Secretary and Minister of State under TOJO (October 16th, 1941 to July 1944); Advisor to Finance Ministry (December 1944).

Conferences: -- 11,14.


The Defendant ITAGAKI between 1928 and 1945 was,


among other positions held: -- full Colonel, Kwantung Army (1929); Major General, Kwantung Army (1932); Vice Chief of Staff, Kwantung Army (1934); Commander 5th Division in China (March 1937); Chief of Staff, Kwantung Army (1936 to 1937); attached to Headquarters, General Staff (May 1937); War Minister under Konoye and HIRANUMA from June 1938 to August 1939 and concurrently President of the Manchurian Affairs Bureau of the Cabinet; Chief of Staff, Japanese Army in China (September 1939); full General (July 1941); Commander, Japanese Army in Korea (July 1941 to 1945); Member of Supreme War Council (1943); Commander 7th Area Army in Singapore (April 1945).


The Defendant KAYA between 1928 and 1945, was, among other positions held: -- Chief Secretary, Finance Ministry (1934); Minister of Finance (July 1937 to May 1938) under Konoye; on the Advisory Committee, China Affairs Board (1939); President, North China Development Company (1939 to 1941); Finance Minister under TOJO (June 1941 to February 1944); Director I.R.A.P.S. (1944).

Conferences: -- 11,12,13,14.


The Defendant KIDO between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Chief Secretary to the Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal (1930); Education Minister under Konoye (1937); Welfare Minister under Konoye (1838); Home Minister under HIRANUMA (1939);


Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal (1940 to 1945); chief confidential advisor to the Emperor and presided at meetings of Ex-Premiers.

Conferences: -- 10,12.


The Defendant KIMURA between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Chief of Staff, Kwantung Army (1940); Vice War Minister under Konoye and TOJO (1941 to February 1944); Member, Supreme War Council (1943); Commander in Chief Japanese Army, Burma (1944); full General (1945).


The Defendant KOISO between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Director, Military Affairs Bureau of the War Ministry (1930); Vice War Minister under Inukai (1932); Chief of Staff, Kwantung Army (1932 to 1934); Commander Japanese Army, Korea (1935 to 1936); a full General (1937); Overseas Minister under HIRANUMA (1939) and under Yonai (1940); Governor General Korea (May 1942); Prime Minister (July 1944 to April 1945).


The Defendant MATSUI between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Representative of the Japanese Army at the Geneva Conference (1931); Member of the Supreme War Council (March 1933); a full General (1933); a founder of the Greater East Asia Society (1933); Commander-in-Chief, Japanese Forces


in Central China (October 1937 to February 1938); Member of the Cabinet Advisory Council (July 1938 to January 1940: Adviser to the Asia Promotion Federation (1940); Adviser to the Greater East Asia Affairs Section of the I.R.A.A. (1943); President of the Greater East Asia Development Society (1944).


The Defendant MATSUOKA between 1928 and 1945 was, among other position held: -- Chief Delegate to the League of Nations Assembly (1933); President of the South Manchurian Railway (1935 to 1939); Member of the Cabinet Advisory Council (1940); Foreign Minister under Konoye (July 1940 to July 1941); author of Show Restoration [sic: Showa?] and other books and articles and public speeches advocating aggressive warfare.

Conferences: -- 1,2,3,4,6.


The Defendant MINAMI between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Commander, Japanese Army, Korea (1929); War Minister under Makatsuki (April 1931 to December 1931); Supreme War Councillor (1931 to 1934); Commander-in-Chief, Kwantung Army (1934 to 1936); Governor General of Korea (1936 to 1942); Member of the Privy Council (1942 to 1945); President of the Political Association of Great Japan (1945).



The Defendant MUTO between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Instructor at the Military Staff College (1930 to 1932); Senior Officer of the Military Affairs Bureau of the War Ministry (1935 to 1936); Chief of a section of the General Staff (1937); attached Headquarters Staff, Central China Army (August 1937); Colonel, attached to Kwantung Army Headquarters; Chief of the Military Affairs Bureau (October 1939 to April 1942); commanded 2nd Guards Division in Sumatra (1943); Chief of Staff of the 14th Area Army in the Philippines under General Yamashita (October 1944).

Conferences: -- 1,2,3,4,6,9,11,13.


The Defendant NAGANO between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Vice Chief, Naval General Staff (1930: Delegate to the Geneva Naval Conference (1931); Member Supreme War Council (1933); full Admiral (1934); Chief Delegate to London Naval Conference (1935); Navy Minister under HIROTA (March 1936 to February 1937); Commander-in-Chief of Combined Fleet (1937); Member of Supreme War Council (1940); Chief of Naval General Staff (April 1941 to February 1944); Supreme Naval Adviser to the Emperor from February 1944.

Conferences: -- 1,2,3,4,6,9,11,13.


The Defendant OTA between 1928 and 1945 was,


among other positions held: -- on the Naval General Staff (1930); Section Chief, General and Military Affairs Bureau of the Navy (1938); Chief, General and Military Affairs Bureaux of the Navy (October 1940 to August 1944); Vice Admiral (1942); Vice Navy Minister (20 July 1944) under KOISO; Commander-in-Chief Chinkai (Korea) Naval Station (September 1944 to June 1945).

Conferences: -- 1,2,3,4,6,9,11,13.


The Defendant OKAWA between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Director General of the East Asia Research institute of the South Manchurian Railway from 1926; and organizer of the Mukden Incident (September 18th, 1931); author of A Japanese History Reader (1935); and of books, articles and speeches advocating aggressive war for the expulsion by force of the white races from Asia.


The Defendant OSHIMA between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Military Attaché in Berlin (1936); Ambassador to Germany (October 1938 to October 1939); and again from february 1941 to April 1945.


The Defendant SATO between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Instructor, Army General Staff College (1935); attached to the Military


Affairs Bureau of the War Ministry; Member of the Planning Board (1937 to 1938); Chief of the Military Affairs Section of the Military Affairs Bureau of the War Ministry (February 1941 to April 1942); Major General (October 1941); Chief of Military Affairs Bureau of the War Ministry (April 1942 to December 1944); Lieutenant General (March 1945).


The Defendant SHIGEMITSU between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Minister to China (1931); Vice Foreign Minister under Saito and Okada (1933 to 1936); Ambassador to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (November 1936 to November 1938); Ambassador to Great Britain (1938 to June 1941); Ambassador to the Nanking Puppet Government (December 1941 to April 1943); Foreign Minister under TOJO (April 1943 to July 1944) and Foreign Minister and concurrently Minister for Greater East Asia under KOISO (July 1944 to April 1945).


The Defendant SHIMADA between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Chief of Staff, Combined Fleet (1930); Vice Chief, Naval General Staff (1935 to 1937); Commander of the Second Fleet (December 1937); Commander, China Fleet (May 1940); full Admiral (1940); Navy Minister under TOJO (October 1941); appointed to Supreme War Council (1944); Chief of Naval General Staff (February to July 1944).

Conferences: -- 12,13,14.



The Defendant SHIRATORI between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Chief of Information Bureau of the Foreign Office (1930); Minister to Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland (1936); Ambassador to Italy (1939); Adviser, Japanese Foreign Office (1940); author of an article in Contemporary Japan pointing out the necessity of a World Conflict to establish the "New Order in Asia" (April 16, 1941); Director I.R.A.P.S. (1943).


The Defendant SUZUKI between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Member of the Military Affairs Section of the War Ministry (1931); attached to the Bureau of Military Affairs of the War Department (1933); Official of the Investigation Bureau of the Cabinet (1935); Regimental Commander of the 14th Regiment (1936); Chief of the Political Affairs Division of the China Affairs Board (December 1938 to April 1941); acting Director General thereof in 1940; President of the Cabinet Planning Board and Minister without Portfolio (April 1941 to October 1943) under Konoye and TOJO; Cabinet Adviser (November 1943 to September 1944); Director of the I.R.A.A. 91944).

Conferences: -- 6,8,9,11,13,14.


The Defendant TOGO between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Ambassador to Germany


(October 1937); Ambassador to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (October 1938); Foreign Minister and Minister for Overseas Affairs under TOJO (October 1941 to March 1942); Foreign Minister and Minister of Greater East Asia under SUZUKI (April 1945).

Conferences: 11,12,13,14.


The Defendant TOJO between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Head of the First Section of the General Staff (1931 to 1932); Chief of the Investigation Section of the Army Communications School (1932); Commander of the Military Police of the Kwantung Army (1935); Chief of Staff, Kwantung Army (1937); Vice War Minister under Konoye (May to December 1938); director General of Military Aviation (1938 to 1939); War Minister under Konoye (July 1940 to December 1941); full General (October 1940); Prime Minister and War Minister concurrently (December 2, 1941 to July 1944) -- during which period he was also, at times, Home Minister, Minister of Munitions, and Chief of General Staff.

Conferences: -- 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,11,12,13,14.


The Defendant UMEZU between 1928 and 1945 was, among other positions held: -- Chief of the General Affairs Department of the War Ministry (1931); Commander of the Japanese Forces in China (1934); Vice War Minister under HIROTA; Hayashi and Konoye


(March 1936 to May 1938); Commander of the Kwantung Army and Ambassador to Manchukuo (1939 to 1944); full General (1940); Chief of General Staff (July 1944 to 1945).


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