Abadan: 69, 75-79, 84, 86-87, 90, 92;
capture of, 76, 87
Abyssinia: 39, 41, 222
Adams, Capt. G. H.: 79, 82, 91
Aden: 32-34, 36, 38-40, 47, 50, 53, 61-63, 65, 219-20, 254;
Gulf of, 46, 48
African Forces:
62nd West African Div: 297
2nd West African Bde: 300
2nd King's African Rifles: 38
3rd Gold Coast Regt: 301
81st West African Recce Regt: 260Ahum, Lt. S. M.: 256
Akyab: 104, 106-07, 133-34, 239-40, 244-45, 255, 261-62, 269, 276-83, 289-90, 310-11, 313-14;
assault on, 239, 276;
bombardment of, 261Alexander, General Sir Harold: 251
Ali, Lt. Dabeer; 84-85
Ali, Gulam Mohd: 94
Allan, Lt. Cdr: 267
Allies/Allied Forces: 23-24, 35, 42, 46, 51, 61-62, 70, 73-74, 82, 88, 96, 98-99, 107-09, 111, 188, 221, 252-54, 291-92, 315, 317-18
Amenities and Entertainments: 209-14
Amphibious Forces: 260
Andamans, liberation of: 320
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company: 78-79
Arabian Bengal Ceylon Escort Force (ABCEF): 36
Arakan: 6, 132-33, 239-40, 255, 257, 286, 309, 313, 317, 321;
see also Burma
Armament Supply: 189-91
Ashbourne, Capt. Lord: 251
Alhby, Gdr. R. R. W.: 268
Assab: 37, 39, 57, 62-65;
capture of, 62
Auchinleck, General Sir Claude: 74, 325
Australia: 24, 95, 99, 112, 245
Axis: 37, 84, 253-54
Bab-el-Mandeb: 36, 62
Baber, Li. K. J.: 265
Baghdad: 69-70, 72, 74
Baluch Regiment: 76, 79-80, 82-83
Bandar Shahpur: 69, 82-86, 88-90;
capture of, 82
Bhandari, Sub-Lt. C.L.: 90
Base Victualling Organisation: 179-82
Basra: 69-73, 75-78, 80, 82, 85, 90, 92, 94
Batavia: 101-02, 104
Bawoo Kaka: 89, 91
Bay of Bengal: 104, 108
Bayliss, Lt. Cdr. J. F.: 321
Beamish, Cdr. G.V.G.: 33, 39, 53
Beauchamp, Cdr. H.C.: 33
Bedford, Vice-Admiral A.E.F.: 15
Belfrage, Lt. Cdr. Bruce: 202
Berbera: 38-40, 45, 47-50, 63, 221;
evacuation of, 38-40
Bird, Lt. T. R.V.:106
Birla, Mr. G. D.: 146
Black, Lt. Cdr.: 64
Bolla, Capt.: 64-65
Bombay Fire: 227-28
Bombay Steam Navigation Company:26
Bowen, Lt.: 82
Brander, Lt. S. J: 292
Britain: 10, 69, 72-73, 112
British Forces:
Eighth Army: 252
XII Corps: 252
5th Div, 249: 260
50th Div: 249
51st Highland Div: 249, 252
231st Bde: 249
Auxiliary Pioneer Battalion: 104
1st King's Own Royal Regt: 71
1st Royal Sussex: 44
Eastern Task Force: 249
Royal West Kents: 253British Somaliland: 38-40, 45-46
Burma: 32, 95, 98-99, 104-05, 108, 230, 234, 245, 287, 307-08, 314, 317;
Free Burman Army, 105;
invasion of, 98-99Burmah Shell Oil Company: 268
Campbell, Lt. Cdr. A.: 267
Canadian Division, 1st: 249, 252
Carlyle, the Countess of: 163
Caucasus: 73-74
Caws, Capt. R. R.: 63, 223
Ceylon: 2, 108, 111, 317
Chandu, Miran, 89
Chater, Colonel/Brigadier R. M.: 38, 60
Cheduba: 291
China: 2, 36, 95, 99, 222
Choudri, Lt. H.M.S. : 41-49, 57-59, 157
Christison, Lieut-General Sir Philip: 314
Churchill, Sir Winston: 73
Clairmonte, Cdr.: 202
Coastal Forces: 232, 234-35, 307;
operations of, 253
Cohen, Sub Lt. S. M.: 59
Colthan, Lt. W. G.: 89-90
Chatfield, 8, 11-12, 18-19, 23, 25, 32, 243;
Defence Consultative, 120;
Esher 6;
Imperial Defence, 18;
Inchcape, 6;
Manpower 202;
Rawlinson, 7Communications (Naval): 240-44
Conlon, Capt. W. K.: 203
Conolly, Rear-Admiral: 257
Coope, Cdr. J.E.N.: 106, 252
Cooper, Capt. E. T.: 295
Cooper, Chief Officer Margarat: 162-63
Cornwallis Fleet Club: 155, 210-11
Cunningham, Admiral Sir Andrew: 62, 249, 251, 253
Cuppage, Major: 60
Curtin, Mrs.: 245
Dane, Lt. A. G. T.: 268
Dante: 59-60, 62
Darbyshire, Lt. Cdr. H. M.: 261, 265
Dave, Surg. Lt. Chandra M.: 222
Defence Scheme (Naval): 20-21
Degaussing Organisation: 157
Demobilisation of Ships (1945): 323
Demobilisation and Resettlement: 326-30
D.E.M.S. Organisation: 158-59
Dimoline, Brigadier: 63-64
Discipline: 164-66
Djibouti: 38-39
Dockyards: 222, 230
Douglas: 163
Dredgers' Union: 295
East Africa: 6, 32
East Indies: 95-96, 167
Edmond, Lt. T.: 56
Egypt: 1, 6, 73, 222
Eisenhower, General Dwight D.: 251
Empress of Ana: loss of, 100-01
Eritrea: 39, 41-42, 51-52, 68
Eureka (motor launches): 57, 59, 64, 92
Exhibition and Publicity: 324
Fairbanks, Major: 260
Fauji Dilkhush Sabha: 211;
see also Amenities
Federal Public Service Commission: 118-19
Fitzherbert, Vice Admiral Sir H.: 15, 103
Fleming, Brigadier R. Ie: 92
"B": 79-80, 91
"D": 47
"G": 45, 48, 52-54, 131
"H": 251
"K": 42
"S": 38
"V": 260, 288
"64": 134, 239Fosuni, Capt.: 84
France: 10, 38, 95;
Foreign Legion, 44
French Forces:
75-mm Battery: 66
French Senegalese: 66
French Somaliland: 38-39, 66
Gabbett, Lt. Cdr.: 60
Gahan, Lt. H. J.: 92, 94
German Merchant Ships: 34, 36, 69, 75, 79, 81, 83, 85-86, 88-89, 96
Germany: 10, 23, 33, 36, 70, 73-74
Ghafur, Abbas Abdul: 91
Gill, Lt. S.: 107
Godfrey, Vice-Admiral J. H.: 128, 154, 156
"Golden Square", the: 70
Gore, Dr. S.: 124
Graham, Cdr. C. M.: 72, 75, 92
Greece: 251
Greenhill, Lt. Mc P. W.: 268
Guardafui Cape: 59-61
Hall, Rear-Admiral: 251
Hallet, Cdr. H. P. Hughes: 33
Hallifax, Rear-Admiral R. H. C: 62-64
Hara, Vice-Admiral Teizo: 321
Harbour Defence: 235, 307
Hardy, Brigadier Cambell: 282, 284
Harper, Sub Lt.: 89
Harvey, Major-General CO.: 75
Hawkins, Mr. P.J.: 190
Heanly, Cdr. I. B. W.: 104, 252
Heather, Lt. Cdr. St. J. H: 255
Hill. Gapt. DC: 268
Hirohito, Emperor: 317
Hiroshima: 317
Hitler: 72-74, 222
Kollis, Lt. D. R.: 265
Hong King: 24, 32, 36, 98, 222, 322
Howard, Lt. A. J.: 259, 265 267, 270
Hughes, Cdr. R. D.: 284
Hunt, Cdr. E. G. G.: 33, 63, 65
Hurst, Brigadier: 286
Ibrahim, Mohammed: 247
Illahi, Fazil: 91
Indian Forces:
XV Indian Corps: 258, 260, 266, 268, 313, 315
Women's Auxiliary Corps (I): 121, 160-64, 324
8th Indian Div: 75
10th Indian Div: 70, 72
14th Indian Div: 234, 255
25th Indian Div: 276, 300, 304
26th Indian Div: 304
4th Indian Inf. Bde: 304-05
7th Indian Supply Bde: 44
18th Indian Bde: 76
20th Indian Inf. Bde: 70, 72
21st Indian Inf. Bde: 72
24th Indian Inf. Bde: 78, 92
53rd Indian Bde: 280, 300
74th Indian Inf. Bde: 276-78, 285, 300, 302-031/2 Punjab: 47, 49
2/6 Rajputana Rifles: 92
3/15 Punjab: 47, 49, 62-64
4/16 Punjab: 44
8/5 Rajputana Rifles: 321
12th Frontier Force Rifles: 305
13th Frontier Force Rifles: 305
13th Lancers: 72
18th Royal Garhwal Rifles: 305
I Commando: 283-84
3rd Commando Bde HQ.: 283, 297, 322
5th Army Commando: 263, 283
42 Commando: 272, 283 44
Commando: 264, 283
3rd Fd Regt: 70
5 Fd Company: 92
6 Mobile Surgical Unit: 283
51st Bde: 297
55th Supply Depot: 44
157 Fd Regt 72
Chad Battalion: 42
East India Squadron: 69Indian Naval Discipline Act: 8
Indian National War Memorial: 325
India's Maritime Heritage: 1-9
Iran: 33, 68, 71, 74-75, 79
Iraq: 6, 69-72, 74, 253
Irish Sea Escort Force: 248
Italian/Italy: 10, 18, 36-38, 69-70, 113, 253;
Armistice Commission, 70
East Africa, 33, 39, 41;
Merchant Ships, 37-38, 51, 75, 79, 81, 83, 85-86, 88-89;
prisoners, 43, 45, 50, 57, 60-62, 65;
Somaliland, 39, 41-42, 68
Japan: 10, 18, 23-24, 32, 95-96, 99, 116, 232, 299, 317;
surrender of, 232
Japanese 54th Div HQ.: 299
Java: 2, 99, 102, 221, 245
Jefford, Cdr. J. W.: 65
Jerusalem: 70
Jhirad, Lt. E. E.: 164
Jodd, General: 229
Jones, Cdr. Inigo: 38, 60
Jullings, Lt. J. J.: 268
Kaladan: 278, 281, 287
Kangaw: 288-89
Karmarkar, Lt S. G.: 41-65
Kassala: 41, 55
Katari, Vice-Admiral R. D.: 121
Kavet: 53, 55-56
Kennedy, Lt. G.: 164
Keren: 41-42, 52
Kettle, Lt. R. V: 284
Khor-Kuwai, 41, 86, 241
Khor-Musa: 69, 80, 83
Kimmel, Admiral Husband E.: 98
King, Lt. Cdr. F. W.: 33
King George's Fund: 214
Kirk, Rear-Admiral: 251
Kismayu: 41-42
Krishnan, Lt. N.: 87-88
Kuba: 45, 52-53, 55-56
Kulkarni, Midshipman K. L.: 97
Kurusu, Mr.: 98
Kyaukpyu: 289-95
Leatham, Vice-Admiral R.: 37, 96
LeCocq, Lt. A. J. V.: 10
Lees, Leader D. T.: 282
Linlithgow, Lord: 23
Little, Sub Lt. W.: 56
Livingstone, Major: 290
Local Naval Defence: 18-19, 33
Lodge, Sub Lt.: 59
Loynes, Mr.: 89
Luftwaffe: 253
Macdonald, Lt. Cdr. T. H.L.: 267, 277, 290
Magliveras, Capt.: 43
Malaya: 2, 32, 70-71, 95-96, 98-99, 102, 230-31, 317, 320
Mare, Capt. P. A.: 99-100
Martin, Rear-Admiral B. C. S.: 268
Mascarenhas, Captain: 102
Massawa: 34, 37, 41-42, 45, 50-57, 65-67, 221, 223, 323, 254;
Capture of, 50
Mawby, Rear-Admiral: 6-7
Maxwell, Major: 82-83
McDonald, Lt. D. A.: 41
McFee, Lt. Cdr. R. N. R.: 67
McGrigor, Rear-Admiral R. R.: 251
McSwiney, Surg. Capt. P. M.: 124
Medical Care: 217-20, 226
Mehra, Sub Lt. J. S.: 58-59
Mersa Kuba: 51-52, 55
Mersa Taclai: 42-45, 52
Mettell, Mr. R. W.: 190
Miller, Surg. Capt. G.: 124
Milne, Lt. G.: 267
Minesweeping (Operations): 66, 318
Mogadishu: 41-42, 46
Moger, Cdr. G. T.: 226
Mohammed, Ismail: 247
Mohammed, Khan: 102
Mohal, Lt. Cdr. C. J.: 320
Moody, Rear-Admiral: 252
Morale: 204
Moscow: 74
Mountbatten, Admiral the Lord Louis: 314
Mukerji, Sub Lt. D. N.: 8
Munster Mission: 210
Musgrave, Major: 60-61
Mussolini, Benito: 37
Myebon: 282, 287
Nagasaki: 317
Nagumo, Vice-Admiral: 98
Nair, Lt. K. P.: 266
Naples: 37
Naval Armament Supply Organisation in India: 189-201
Naval Hq organisation, 12;
transfer of, 113
Nazi Infiltration into Iran: 75
New Zealand: 95
Nichol, Cdr.: 286
Nicobar Islands: 108
Nigerian Rifles 5th: 301
Nine Year Plan: 10, 18-19
North Atlantic: operations in, 248
Nott, Capt. H. M. St. L.: 279, 282, 301, 321
"APPEARANCE", 46, 50
"BARBAROSSA" (German against Russia), 72-73
"BEGUM", 41-42
"BREACH", 41-42
"COUNTENANCE", 75-76, 87
"CURTAIN", 265
"DOVER", 92-93
"DRACULA", 311
"HUSKY", 248-49
"MOPUP", 92
"PIONEER", 259
"RAPIER", 92
"RATHUNT", 270
"SEA LION" (German against Britain), 72
"SCUPPER", 271
"ZIPPER/TIDERACE", 231Oreste Shoal: 53-55
Palestine: 70, 73
Passmore Edwards, Lt. Cdr. H. E.: 88, 90-92
Pay and Allowances, R.I.N.: 168-178
Pearl Harbour, attack on: 98
Perim: 32-33, 36, 41, 57, 63
Persia: 73-74, 76, 88
Persian Gulf Division: 33, 69, 86
Personnel Selection Boards: 119-21
Petit, Sir Dinshaw (Baronet): 127
Philippines: 95, 98, 317
Pinfield, Lt. P. C.: 268
P.O. &. L.: 198
Poland: 222
Pollock, Colonel: 48
Post-War Planning: 326
Power, Admiral Sir A. J.: 295
Quinan, Lieut-General E. P.: 72, 75
Rahalkar, S/Lt. R. P.: 109-10
Ramesh Premchand Sanatorium: 220
Ramree: 262, 269-70, 274, 289, 291-92, 294-96, 303-04;
Blockade of, 291-92, 294-96
Rankin, Lt. Cdr.: 103
Rao, Ranga: 163
Rashid Ali el Gailani: 70
Rauiinson, Lord: 7
Recruitment: 115-27, 136, 154
Red Army: 38
Red Sea Force: 36, 38, 41, 53, 60, 62-65
Release Regulations, R.I.N.: 327
Research: 200-01
Revell, Lt. Cdr H.: 268
River Steam Navigation Company: 26
Robins, Capt. G.: 302
Ross, Cdr. Campbell: 202
Russel, Lt. A.H.: 262
Russia: 23-24, 72-74
Ruywa: 299-304
Ryland, Capt. John: 268
Sagu Kyun (Island): 295
Salvage: 200, 323
Scindia Steam Navigation Company: 26
Sea Transport: 308
Security: 202-04
Sen, Kalyani (WRINS): 163
Sethna, Lt. C. B.: 123
Shankar, Eng. Lt. D.: 90
Shatt-al-Arab: 69, 71-72, 76, 78-80
Shewring, Cdr. W.R.: 101, 223
Ship Adoption Scheme: 211
Ships paid off in 1945: 323
Commandant Dubo, 55
Domine, 253
Law Maquesue, 253Admiral Scheer, 34
Bismark, 248
Hohenfels, 81, 84, 86
Marienfels, 81, 82, 86
Stormfels, 81, 82, 86
Weissenfels, 81, 86, 90
Wildenfeh, 81, 82, 86Hobart, 38-40
Napier, 280
Nepal, 280, 288, 292
Parramatta, 52-54
Wollongong, 101, 103
Yarra, 71, 76, 92, 100-03Agra, 309, 311
Ahmedabad, 309-10, 322, 324
Akbar, 121-23, 127, 135, 143-44, 150, 153-54, 157, 181-82
Amritsar, 309
Assam, 314
Bahadur, 15, 124, 145-46, 151, 156, 208, 324
Baluchistan, 248, 309-10, 319-19
Baroda, 112, 308-09
Barracuda, 234, 236, 267, 277, 314, 318
Bengal, 245-47, 309, 318
Berar, 309
Bhadravati, 25-26, 29, 33, 200, 323
Bihar, 309-10, 318-19
Bombay, 309, 311
Calcutta, 309
Cauvery, 248-49, 301, 303-04, 306, 309, 311-12, 314, 318, 322
Chamak, 130-31, 135, 152
Cheetah, 232-33
Clive, 6, 11, 13, 33, 36, 38, 52, 60-65, 69, 144
Cornwallis, 7, 11, 13, 33, 36, 130, 144, 151, 323
Cuttak, 309
Dalhousie, 15-17, 30-31, 143-46
Deccan, 317-20
Dilawar, 79, 124, 145, 156, 208
Dipavati, 25, 34, 96-97, 144, 157
Feroze, 126-27, 162, 166, 218, 239, 328
Godavari, 221, 248-49, 314, 318, 322
Gondwana, 129, 144, 322
Haideri, 25, 33, 106-07
Hamla, 124, 131-33, 150, 238, 240, 328
Hamlawar, 131-32, 238
Hilsa, 233
Himalaya, 126-28, 147-48, 157, 158, 239, 324
Hindustan, 11, 13-14, 33-34, 36, 39, 52-55, 65, 69, 104-05, 309, 314, 322-23
Hiravati, 25, 33, 66-67, 323
Indus 11, 13-14, 33-34, 36, 38, 40, 45, 51-56, 63-65, 69, 106, 279; loss of, 106
Investigator, 13-14, 33, 79, 86-87, 146, 323
Irrawaddi, 25, 309
Jehangir, 131-33, 162, 239-40
Jumna, 36, 99, 101-04, 221, 248, 252, 279-80, 282-83, 286-89, 297-98, 300-01, 304, 306, 309, 323
Karachi, 130, 200, 322
Karnatic, 248, 309, 318-19
Kathiawar, 248-49, 290, 309-10, 318-19
Kedah, 267-68, 277
Khanjar, 133, 144-45, 150, 152, 154, 182, 238
Khyber, 248, 311, 318
Kistna, 248-49, 290-91, 293-94, 297, 300, 303-04, 309, 314, 322
Konkan, 248, 290, 309-10, 318-19
Kumaon, 248-49, 309, 311, 318-19
Lady Craddock, 25, 109-10; loss of, 109
Lady Myrtle, 236, 268
Lahore, 309, 311
Lawrence, 7, 11, 13, 33, 36, 69, 71-72, 75, 79-81, 86, 88-92, 128, 146, 323
Lilavati, 25, 78, 86, 91-92, 94, 309, 323
Machlimar, 124, 128-29, 148, 152, 182
Madras, 13, 33, 130, 152, 309
Madura, 309
Narbada, 221, 248-49, 279-89, 295, 297-304, 309, 320-22; Damage of, 302-03
Netravati, 25, 36, 41, 47-48, 309, 323
Nulchira, 25, 308
Orissa, 248, 309, 311, 318
Oudh, 309, 318-19
Padmavati, 25, 34
Pansy, 25, 33, 309, 323
Parvati, 25, 36, 41, 47-50, 57-59; loss of, 57
Pathan, 7, 13-14, 33, 35; loss of, 35
Patna, 309-11
Patunga, 268
Poona, 311, 322,
Prabhavati, 25, 34, 66-67; loss of, 96-97
Punjab, 311, 313, 315, 317-20
Rajputana, 248, 311, 318-19
Ramdas, 25, 33, 108, 129, 309, 323
Ratnagiri, 25, 33, 36, 41-45, 52-57, 65-66, 323
Rohilkhand, 248, 309, 311, 318
Sabrai, 236, 268
Sandip, 25, 33, 308
Sandoway, 25, 33, 106, 308
Satyavati, 25, 309, 323
Selama, 26, 34, 106, 308
Shillong, 200, 309
Shivaji, 134, 146, 15j, 155
Sind, 322
Sitakhoond, 26, 308
Sonavali, 25, 34, 314, 323
Sophie Marie, 25, 34, 108-10; loss of, 109
St. Anthony, 25, 106, 309
Sutlej, 36, 99-101, 104, 106, 221, 248, 252-54, 309, 311-12, 314, 323
Talwar, 17, 124, 128, 130, 133, 151-52, 162, 239, 242
Valsura, 124, 134, 149-50, 153, 235Anking, 101-102
Arthur Cavanagh, 75, 79-80, 92
Beconsfield, 47-48, 50
Braganza, 133, 227, 239
Caledon, 40, 47-48
Capetown, 45, 52, 223
Ceres, 40, 42, 57-58
Chakdina, 39-40, 47-48, 63-64
Cockchafer, 70-71, 76, 79-81, 88
Derby, 40, 67
Dido, 62-64
Dinosaur, 239-40
Elkebir, 43, 53
Emerald, 71
Eskimo, 296, 304, 306-07
Excellent, 16, 128
Exeter, 101
Falmouth, 38, 71, 76, 86, 92
Flamingo, 43-44, 51, 291, 293, 296-98, 300, 303
Glasgow, 47-50, 96-98
Grimsby, 38
Ihsan, 92, 94
Kandahar, 40, 47-49
Kanimbla, 75, 79-85, 88, 91
Kimberley, 223
King Gruffydd, 60-62
Kingston, 47-49, 52
Neptune, 40
Newcastle, 277, 292
Nigeria, 292
Norman, (destroyer) 292, 296
Paladin, 292
Pathfinder, 290, 292, 296
Phoebe, 277, 290
Prince of Wales, 96, 98
Protector, 40
Queen Elizabeth, 290, 292
Raider, (destroyer) 296
Rapid, 290-92
Repulse, 96, 98
Roebuck, 304, 306-07
Sagitta, 45, 52
Saunders, 239-40
Seabelle, 41, 71, 78, 92, 94
Shoreham, 40, 47-48, 75, 78, 92, 94
Snapdragon, 75, 79-80, 92
Tuna, 47, 63-64
Zenobia, 78, 92, 94Barbara, 38, 69, 81-82, 86, 90-91
Bronte, 38, 69, 81-83, 86
Caboto, 81-82, 86, 89-91
Eolo, 254
Hilda, 82
Roma, 253Sicily: 221, 249-50, 252
Singapore, 14, 24, 32, 95-96, 98-101, 190, 221-22, 231, 317-19;
fall of 98
Smith, Lt. Coverdale: 17
Somaliland Camel Corps: 38
Somaliland Force: 40;
see also French Somaliland and Italian Somaliland
Sopher, Lt. F. S.: 109
South East Asia--Japanese advance in: 98
Stores Organisation: 183
Storey, Lt. Cdr. R. N. K.: 44
Suakin, 43-44
Sudan, 41-45, 51-52, 55
Suez Canal, 6, 37-38, 40, 57
Sumatra, 2, 99, 101, 317
Sutherland, Lt. C. B.: 106
Syria, 1-2, 70, 73-74
Tedder, A. C. M. Sir Arthur: 251
Thailand: 98
Todd, Cdr. K. R. V.: 279
Torpedo Depot: 197, 225
Training: 14-17, 126-30, 134-35, 142-54 159
Troubridge, Rear-Admiral T. H. 251-52
Tug Argan Gap, 39
Turkey, 74, 253
U.K.: 24, 115, 119-20, 122, 129-30, 135, 147-49, 157, 162-63, 167-71, 185, 187-88, 191-92, 197, 201-04, 214, 224, 227, 230, 233, 239, 244-45, 248-49, 278
U.S.A.: 10, 98, 223, 251
1st U. S. Div: 251
3rd U. S. Div: 251
45th U. S. Div: 251
United States "Fortresses": 108
United States Seventh Army: 252
U.S. Pacific Fleet: 95, 98
Western Task Force: 249, 251
Vernon, Cdr.: 48, 50, 64
Vian, Rear-Admiral Sir Philip: 251
Walkar, Lt. Cdr. D. E.: 164
War Cabinet: 70
War Services Exhibitions: 154
Washington, Treaty of: 95
Wavell, General Sir Archibald P.: 70, 74
Weld, Brigadier: 72
Welfare (in R.I.N): 204-09, 225
William, Horseman: 246
Willis, Vice-Admiral Sir Algernon: 251
Wilson, Lt. Cdr. W. J.: 245, 247
Wingate Reef: 44
Women's Auxiliary Corps (I) W.A.C (I): 121, 160-64, 324
WRINS: 160-64 229, 324-25
Yugoslav: 73
Zappert, Lt. Cdr. J H.: 267
Table of Contents
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