Appendix XXXIV
Analysis of British Night-Fighter Effort
January-May, 1941

S.E. = Single-engined fighters;
T.E. = Twin-engined fighters;
A.I. = resulting from airborne radar

    Sorties Detections Combats
Month   S.E. T.E. A.I. Visual A.I. Visual

January } 402 -- -- 34 -- 9
-- 84 44 -- 2 --
February } 421 -- -- 33 -- 9
-- 147 25 -- 4 --
March } 735 -- -- 34 -- 25
-- 270 95 20 21 10
April } 842 -- -- 45 -- 39
-- 342 117 10 50 5
May } 1,345 -- -- 154 -- 116
-- 643 204 13 74 6


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