Appendix XXXIX
Notable Day Attacks by German Fighter-Bombers, 1943(Compiled from British and German Sources)
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 Day Target Aircraft: Bombs: Col. (6)
as % of
Col. (5)Sent Lost Aimed On Target Jan. 20 London 28 3a 28 22 79 March 7 Eastbourne 18 - 16 16 100 11 Hastings 27 -- 27 25 93 12 London 19 --b 17 16 94 24 Ashford 17 1 15 14 93 April 3 Eastbourne 16 -- 12 12 100 May 7 Yarmouth 20 1 19 7c 37 11 Yarmouth 20d 1 20 14 70 12 Lowestoft 3e -- 3 1 33 12 Lowestoft 24 -- 24 15 63 15 Felixstowe-Southwold 26 2 25 8 32 23 Hastings 20 2 17 15 88 23 Bournemouth 26 2 25 22 88 25 Folkestone 19f 1 4 --g 0 25 Brighton 24 1 24 16h 67 30 Frinton-Waltoni 21 2 19 19 100 30 Torquay 26 5 22 18 82 June 1 Niton (I.O.W.)j 10 -- 9 9 100 1 Margate 20 1 19 17 89 2 Ipswich-Felixstowek 17 1 17 5l 35 4 Eastbourne 17 I 15 14 93 6 Eastbourne 16 I 13 13 100 NOTES
a Six escort fighters also lost. b Two escort fighters lost. c In addition 12 bombs fell on neighbouring villages. d In addition 8 aircraft attacked patrol-vessels. e In addition 26 aircraft attacked patrol-vessels. f Only 4 aircraft completed task. g One bomb fell in swimming-pool. h In addition 4 bombs hit land but bounced into sea. i Alternatives to Colchester. j Alternative to Ventnor. k Alternatives to Harwich, where balloon-barrage prevented attack. l In addition 10 bombs fell on neighbouring villages.
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