Chapter XIX
Rennes, Lorient, and Nantes


1. VIII Corps Opns Instrs, 31 Jul (fragmentary verbal orders), and FO 9, 1600, 1 Aug; Ltr, Wood to OCMH, 24 Mar 54, OCMH Files. Unless otherwise indicated, all messages in this chapter are from the VIII Corps G-3 Journal and File.

2. 4th Armd Div AAR, Aug; Koyen, Fourth Armored Division, p. 21.

3. MS # B-731 (Fahrmbacher); Zimmerman Telecon, 1925, 1 Aug, OB WEST KTB, Anlage 1010.

4. Msg, Wood to Middleton, 0955, 2 Aug.

5. Msgs, Wood to Middleton, 1525, 1 Aug, and 1100 and 1115, 2 Aug; Msgs, Middleton to Wood, 2 and 3 Aug; VIII Corps G-3 Jnl, 1-3 Aug.

6. 8th Div AAR, 8 Jul-4 Aug, and Msg, 2200, 2 Aug; VIII Corps Msg to Officer in Charge of Truck Co's Furnished by Third Army, 2 Aug.

7. Ltr, Wood to OCMH, 24 Mar 54.

8. 4th Armd Div Plan of Attack and Routes of Advance, 3 Aug, with penciled note, and FO 5, 3 Aug; Ltr, Wood to OCMH, 24 Mar 54.

9. VIII Corps FO 10, 2 Aug; 4th Armd Div FO 6, 0730, 3 Aug.

10. The Armored School, Armor in the Exploitation, p. 26.

11. VIII Corps Msg, 1000, 3 Aug; Msg, Col John P. Evans to Gen Wood, 1430, 3 Aug.

12. Msgs, Wood to Middleton, 1315, 1555, 1630, 1821, 3 Aug.

13. The Armored School, Armor in the Exploitation, pp. 26-27.

14. 13th Inf AAR, Aug.

15. MS # B-731 (Fahrmbacher).

16. 8th Div AAR, 8 Jul-4 Aug; VIII Corps G-3 Jnl, 2-4 Aug; Msg, Evans to Wood, 2040, 3 Aug; VIII Corps FO 9, 1600, 1 Aug; VIII Corps Msgs to 4th and 6th Armd Divs, 1645, 2 Aug.

17. Msg, Evans to Wood, 2040, 3 Aug.

18. Msg, Wood to Middleton, 0310, 4 Aug, and penned notation by member of the VIII Corps G-3 Sec on the msg.

19. Review Panel Min, OCMH, 9 May 56; Msg, Wood to Middleton, 1610, 4 Aug.

20. VIII Corps Msgs, 4 and 5 Aug; Memo, Gaffey to Middleton, 5 Aug; Msg, Army Info Patrol with the 4th Armd Div to VIII Corps, 5 Aug.

21. The Armored School, Armor in the Exploitation, p. 27; Ltr, Wood to OCMH, 24 Mar 54.

22. 4th Armd Div AAR, Aug; TUSA Info Serv Msg, 2330, 5 Aug; Koyen, Fourth Armored Division, pp. 22-26.

23. 4th Armd Div G-3 Per Rpt 24, 9 Aug; Msg, Wood to Middleton, 2116, 8 Aug.

24. Penned Msg, probably in Middleton's hand, on Msg, Wood to Middleton, received at the VIII Corps CP, 1145, 8 Aug.

25. For the rest of the war, Lorient was contained, in turn by the 4th Armored Division until 15 August, by the 6th Armored Division until it was relieved in mid-September by the 94th Division, and finally by the 66th, to whom Fahrmbacher surrendered his troops and the fortress on 10 May 1945. MS # B-731 (Fahrmbacher).

26. Msg, Wood to Patton, 6 Aug.

27. Msg, Wood to Middleton, 1000, 7 Aug.

28. Ltr, Middleton to Wood, 6 Aug.

29. Msgs, Wood to Middleton, 1300, 7 Aug, 0233 and 2116, 8 Aug, and Msg received at VIII Corps CP, 1100, 8 Aug.

30. Ltr, Wood to OCMH, 24 Mar 54.

31. Penned Msg, cited n. 24, above.

32. Notation on Msg, Wood to Middleton, received at VIII Corps CP, 1100, 8 Aug.

33. Memo, Middleton for Wood, 8 Aug.

34. Memos, Patton for Gaffey, and Middleton for Wood, 8 Aug.

35. Evans to Wood, 8 Aug; Memo, Evans for BCT, 5th Div, 8 Aug; The Armored School, Armor in the Exploitation, p. 30; 4th Armd Div AAR, Aug.

36. 4th Armd Div AAR, Aug; Koyen, Fourth Armored Division, p. 26.

37. Min of Review Panel, OCMH, 9 May 56.

38. TUSA Memo, Situation as of 0600, 6 Aug. 39. Koyen, Fourth Armored Division, p. 13.

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