List of Abbreviations

AA Antiaircraft
AAF Army Air Forces
Admin O Administrative Order
AFPAC U.S. Army Forces, Pacific
AGO Adjutant General's Office
AGS SWPA Allied Geographic Section, Southwest Pacific Area
AGWAR Adjutant General, War Department
AIB GHQ SWPA Allied Intelligence Bureau, General Headquarters Southwest Pacific Area
AKA Cargo Ship, attack
Amph Amphibious, amphibian
APA Transport, attack
APH Transport for wounded
Arty Artillery
ASCOM Army Service Command
ATIS Allied Translator and Interpreter Section
BAR Browning automatic rifle
Bn Battalion
Br Branch
Bull Bulletin
Cav Cavalry
CCS Combined Chiefs of Staff
CG Commanding General
CINC Commander in Chief
CINCPAC Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet
CINCPOA Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Area
CINCSWPA Commander in Chief, Southwest Pacific Area
CM-IN Classified Message, incoming
CM-OUT Classified Message, outgoing
CO Commanding Officer
CofS Chief of Staff
Com3dFlt Commander, Third Fleet
COMINCH Commander in Chief, U.S. Fleet
CTF Commander, task force
CTG Commander, task group
CTU Commander, task unit
CVE Aircraft carrier, escort


Div Division
DNI Division of Naval Intelligence
DUKW Amphibian, 2½-ton, 6x6 truck, used for short runs from ship to shore
Engr Engineer
ESB Engineer Special Brigade
FA Field Artillery
FE Far East
FEAF Far East Air Forces
FEC Far East Command
Flt Fleet
FM Field Manual
FO Field Order
G-2 Intelligence section of divisional or higher staff
G-3 Operations section of divisional or higher staff
G-4 Supply section of divisional or higher staff
GHQ SWPA General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area
Gp Group
GS General Staff
Hist History, historical
Hq Headquarters
HRS DRB AGO Historical Records Section, Departmental Records Branch, Adjutant General's Office
Inf Infantry
I&HS Information and Historical Service
Instns Instructions
Intel Intelligence
JCS Joint Chiefs of Staff
Jnl Journal
LCI Landing craft, infantry
LCI(R) Landing craft, infantry (rocket)
LCM Landing craft, mechanized
LCM(R) Landing craft, mechanized (rocket)
Log Logistics
LSD Landing ship, dock
LSM Landing ship, medium
LST Landing ship, tank
Ltr Letter
LVT Landing vehicle, tracked
M29 Weasel
MC Medical Corps
MI Military Intelligence
Mil Military


Msg Message
Mtg Meeting
OCMH Office of the Chief of Military History
OCNO Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Off Officer
ONI Office of Naval Intelligence
OP Observation post
OPD Operations Division, War Department General Staff
Opns Operations
PCE(R) Patrol craft, escort (rescue)
POL Petrol oil and lubricants
Prcht Parachute
QM Quartermaster
Rad Radiogram
Rcds Records
Regt Regiment
Rpt Report
S-2 Intelligence section of regimental or lower staff
S-3 Operations section of regimental or lower staff
Sec Section
Ser Series
Sq Squadron
SSUSA Special Staff, U.S. Army
Stf Staff
SWPA Southwest Pacific Area
Tel Conf Teletype Conference
USA U.S. Army
USASOS U.S. Army Services of Supply
USMC U.S. Marine Corps
USN U.S. Navy
USNR U.S. Naval Reserve
USSBS U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey
WD War Department
WDGS War Department General Staff
Wkly Weekly


Table of Contents ** Previous Appendix (Appendix B) * Next Appendix (Bibliographical Note)

Transcribed and formatted by Jerry Holden for the HyperWar Foundation