This is Ann
she's dying to meet you.
Her full name is
Anopheles Mosquito
and her trade is dishing
out MalariaShe's at home in Africa,
the Caribbean, India,
the South and Southwest
Pacific and other Hot Spots.
She's the only one in the
world who can give you
Malaria, so if you can
beat her, you're safe--.But, don't kid yourself that
it's easy. She works hard
--knows her stuff.
This is how she does it.Ann moves around at night,
anytime from dusk to
sunrise (a real party gal),
and she's got a thirst.
No whiskey, gin, beer,
or rum coke for Ann
And she stands on
her head to get it.
She jabs that beak of
hers in like a drill and
sucks up the juice.
When she picks on a
victim who's full of
Malaria Germs, up
come the germs right into
Ann's nice warm
rumble seat where she
gives them a free ride and
they get together and
make little germs . . . . .
. . . . . plenty.
By and by Ann wants
Just another little drink
and off she goes looking for
a sap who hasn't got sense
enough to protect himself.
When she finds him . . .
down goes
her schnozzle
for more
and all those new little germs
climb down the drain pipe
and into the poor guy who
doesn't know it then, but
he is going to feel awful in
about eight to fourteen
days . . . because he is
going to have
what to do aboutAnn
Never give her a break.
She can make you feel like
a combination of a forest fire,
a January blizzard, and an old
dish mop. She will leave
you with about as much
pep as a sack of wet sand
and now and then she
can knock you flat
for keeps . . .
The Army has anti-
MALARIA combat units
that carry on a steady battle
by draining and filling
ditches and pools where
Anopheles mosquitos breed.
They also spread poison in
the waters they can't drain.
They screen huts and spray
areas to kill them off, but
in many places we have to
go in this war they can't
do any more than help.
the real job is up to
You will be given
sleeping nets . . .USE THEM
Nighttime while you are
pounding the pillow is when
Ann gets in her best licks
and you get
and Remember This . . .
All the mosquito netting
in the world won't do you
any good if you don't use
it the right way . . .
Keep away from the sides
and don't forget that a hole
this big
in your net can cook you.
upor use adhesive tape.
A repellent is just a 75 cent
name for stuff to put on you
that will keep Ann away.
The Quartermaster Corps
puts out some standard
repellents that are a lot
hotter than the old bottle
of Citronella. That used to
be good for about 15 minutes
a dose and then they closed
in again. These new ones
will keep them off for 3 and
4 hours at a stretch.
So if you us stick your
neck out--douse it well with
some of this dope. Ann
won't like it.
Put it on your clothes too,
where they are tight and thin
enough for her to plug her
way through. Your shoulders
and the seat of your pants
are favorite targets.The Army Medical Corps
has made some mosquito
bombs to spray around.
They kill mosquitos and
keep them out of spots like
The best protection you have
with you all the time is your
clothes. if you go running
around like a strip teaser,
you haven't got a chance.
Bathing and swimming at
night where Ann hangs out
Head nets, rolled-down sleeves,
leggings and gloves may seem
like sissy stuff and not so
comfortable--BUT, a guy
out cold from MALARIA
is just as stiff as the one
who stopped a hunk of steel.
Now if you really are
looking for trouble and
you don't want to miss
--just drop down to the
nearest native village
some evening.![]()
The places are lousy with
fat little Anns sitting around
waiting for you with their
bellies full of germs. They
stock up on MALARIA
bugs from the home-town
boys and gals and when
they find a nice new sucker
they give him the works.
If there wasn't enough
trouble waiting for you there
already--good old Ann
would take care of you and
make sure you got fixed up
fine--for keeps.
So, lay off the native
villages if you want to
keep the top of your
head on.
Use a little horse sense.
You can keep from getting
MALARIA if you've got
the stuff to stop a mosquito
from biting you. USE it.
And use your brain.
What to do if Ann gets you.
The Medical Corps can help
you recover if you get
plugged, so report yourself
in if you get a headache,
chills, and fever.DON'T FORGET THIS.
You can't get MALARIA
unless Ann plugs you, but
if she does, she can make
you just as dead as a shell
can, or lay you out flat for a
Never give Ann a break.
She'll bat you down and it
won't be funny.
Washington 25, D.C., August 1943.This booklet is published for the information and guidance of all concerned.
[A G. 300.7 (13 JUL 43).]
Chief of Staff.OFFICIAL:
Major General,
The Adjutant General.
Additional copies of this booklet for
Navy use may be obtained from the
Aviation Training Division, Office of
the Chief of Naval Operations, Navy
Department, Washington, D.C.