Chapter XXIII.
Courts-martial--PunishmentsGeneral Limitations--Miscellaneous Limitations and Comments--Maximum Limits of Punishments
- COURTS-MARTIAL--PUNISHMENTS--General Limitations.--Cruel and unusual punishments of every kind, including flogging, branding, marking, or tattooing on the body, are prohibited. (A.W. 41.)
Courts-martial will not impose any punishment not sanctioned by the custom of the service, such as carrying a loaded knapsack, wearing of irons, shaving the head, placarding, pillory, stocks, and tying up by the thumbs. Military duties, such as guard duty, drills, the sounding of calls, mill not be degraded by imposing them as punishments. Solitary confinement, a bread-and-water diet, loss of good-conduct time, and the placing of a prisoner in irons will not be imposed as punishments by a court-martial.
For other limitations, see 101 (Contempts), 103 (Miscellaneous limitations), and 104 (Maximum limits).
- COURTS-MARTIAL--PUNISHMENTS--Miscellaneous Limitations and Comments.
- General courts-martial.
--The death penalty is mandatory in the case of spies (A.W. 82); dismissal is mandatory for conduct unbecoming an officer and gentleman (A.W. 95); either death or imprisonment for life is mandatory for murder and rape (A.W. 92); punishment is mandatory in part and discretionary in part for false muster (A.W. 56), false returns (A.W. 57), officer drunk on duty in time of war (A.W. 85), and personal interest in the sale of provisions (A.W. 87). Punishment as adjudged by the court for any such offense must be in conformity with the pertinent article. For instance, the sentence of the court upon conviction of a violation of A.W. 95 must be dismissal; nothing less in any event, and, if convicted of that alone, nothing more. However, upon conviction of an offense under A.W. 92, dishonorable discharge may legally be imposed with life imprisonment.The death penalty can not be imposed, except for an offense expressly made so punishable in the Articles of War. (A.W. 43.) See 14 for a statement of the particular articles. Although an offense may thus expressly be made punishable by death, the death penalty can not be imposed for that offense if the applicable limit of punishment prescribed by the President under A.W. 45 (see 104) is less than death.
A court-martial in imposing the sentence of death will prescribe the method, whether by hanging or shooting. Hanging is considered more ignominious than shooting and is the usual method, for example, in the case of a person sentenced to death for spying, for murder in connection with mutiny, or for a violation of A.W. 92. Shooting is the usual method in the case of a person sentenced to death for a purely military offense, as sleeping on post.
- Special and summary courts-martial.
--Special courts-martial shall not have power to adjudge confinement in excess of six months, nor to adjudge forfeiture of more than two-thirds pay per month for a period of not exceeding six months. (A.W. 13.) Summary courts-martial shall not have power to adjudge confinement in excess of one month, restriction to limits for more than three months, or forfeiture or detention of more than two-thirds of one month's pay. (A.W. 14.) Neither a special nor a summary court-martial can impose dismissal or dishonorable discharge (A.W. 108, A.W. 118), but these courts are not limited to the kinds of punishments stated in A.W. 13 and A.W. 14. See 17 as to apportionment that may be required if a summary court-martial wishes to impose both confinement and restriction.
- Officers, warrant officers, members of the Army Nurse Corps, aviation cadets.--In general, any limitation as to the punishments that may be imposed on an officer by court-martial is applicable to the case of a warrant officer, nurse, or aviation cadet. An officer can not be reduced in grade (e.g., from captain to first lieutenant) or to the ranks, or to the grade or status of a warrant or noncommissioned officer, or sentenced to confinement at hard labor unless the sentence includes dismissal, or to hard labor without confinement in any case. Similar limitations apply in the case of a warrant officer, nurse, or aviation cadet.
- Enlisted men; general prisoners.
--For the maximum limits of punishment for certain offenses by enlisted men, see 104. A sentence in the case of a noncommissioned officer or private first class, which as ordered executed or as suspended includes either dishonorable discharge, whether suspended until release from confinement or not, or hard labor, whether with or without confinement, immediately reduces such noncommissioned officer or private first class to the grade of private. Authorized punishments for enlisted men, subject to any limitations applicable in a particular case, include reduction to the seventh grade from the sixth or any higher grade. Loss of specialist rating, loss of all rights and privileges arising from a certificate of eligibility to promotion, and reduction of a noncommissioned officer to a lower noncommissioned grade are unauthorized by sentence of court-martial.
The fact that a general prisoner is at the time of sentence in the status of a general prisoner under suspended sentence of dishonorable discharge does not prevent the imposition of dishonorable discharge and other forms of punishment, but if the general prisoner is not in such status the imposition of any form of punishment other than confinement at hard labor would in general be futile.
- Reprimand; admonition.
--There is no restriction either as to the court which may impose these punishments or as to the persons subject to military law on whom they may be imposed, but the court will not fix the terms or wording of the reprimand or admonition.
- Restriction to limits.
--This form of punishment is rather a deprivation of privileges than confinement. There is no restriction either as to the court which may impose this punishment or as to the persons subject to military law on whom it may be imposed, but it will not be imposed in excess of three months and will not in any event operate to exempt the person on whom it is imposed from any military duty.
- Forfeiture; fines; detention of pay.
--To be effective any forfeiture, fine, or detention intended must be imposed in express terms. Forfeiture of pay, without mention of allowances, does not affect allowances, and vice versa. Fines and forfeitures accrue to the United States and can not be imposed by sentence of court-martial for the benefit of any individual. A court-martial has no authority to provide by stoppage, ,assignment, or otherwise, for the settlement of any pecuniary liability whatever, including any liability to the Government and any liability to a government agency, such as a company fund. Forfeitures of deposits or of the interest thereon can not be imposed by sentence of a court-martial. A sentence requiring a deposit or contribution of pay or other funds is illegal. See, generally, as to forfeitures, Army Regulations relating to the Finance Department, particularly AR 35-2460 (Court-martial forfeitures--enlisted men).Fine is expressly recognized as a form of punishment in A.W. 80 and A.W. 94. Detention of pay will not be imposed by sentence of a court-martial except on enlisted men of the Army.
- Loss of rank; loss of promotion; suspension from rank, command, or duty.
--Loss of rank is accomplished by a sentence directing that the accused be reduced in rank a certain number of files, or that he be reduced in rank to the foot of the list of officers of his grade, or that he be reduced in rank so that he shall be and remain at the foot of the list of his grade for a certain length of time.Loss of promotion is, if the name of the accused is on the promotion list, accomplished by a sentence directing that the accused be reduced on the promotion list a certain number of files. If the
accused is entitled to promotion after a certain period of service, the sentence should direct that he be suspended from promotion for a certain length of time after his promotion would otherwise be due.
Suspension from rank includes suspension from command. It does not affect an officer's right to promotion nor his right to rise in files, but renders him ineligible to sit as a member of a court-martial, court of inquiry, or military board, and deprives him of privileges depending on rank, such as any priority dependent on rank in the selection of quarters.
Suspension from command merely deprives the officer of authority to exercise military command, and consequently of his authority to give orders to his juniors and to perform any duty involving the exercise of command. It does not affect an officer's right to pro-motion.
Suspension from duty is analogous to suspension from command and is particularly appropriate in the case of an officer assigned to a purely administrative duty not involving the exercise of military command.
- Confinement at hard labor; hard labor.
--Confinement "without hard labor" will not be imposed. See A.W. 37 as to effect of a failure to couple hard labor with confinement. The place of confinement mill not be, designated by the court.Hard labor without confinement will not be imposed in excess of three months.
Hard labor without confinement, imposed as a punishment by court-martial, shall be performed in addition to other duties which fall to the soldier; and no soldier shall be excused or relieved from any military duty for the purpose of performing such hard labor. A sentence imposing hard labor shall be considered as satisfied when the soldier shall have performed hard labor during available time in addition to performing his military duties.
- COURTS-MARTIAL--PUNISHMENTS--Maximum Limits of Punishments.
- Persons and offenses.
--The limits prescribed herein (104) will be applied by courts-martial in cases of enlisted men only, excluding aviation cadets and including general prisoners not dishonorably discharged provided that the punishment in any case for an offense committed before the date this manual became effective will not exceed either any applicable limit prescribed in this manual or any applicable limit operative on the day before this manual became effective.
- General limitations.
--The limitations herein (104) do not exclude any other applicable limitations; for example, those set forth in 102 and 103.
A court shall not, by a single sentence which does not include dishonorable discharge, adjudge against an accused:
Forfeiture of pay at a rate greater than two-thirds of his pay per month.
Forfeiture of pay in an amount greater than two-thirds of his pay for six months.
Confinement at hard labor for a period greater than six months.
A court shall not, by a single sentence, adjudge against an accused:
Detention of pay at a rate greater than two-thirds of his pay per month.
Detention of pay in an amount greater than two-thirds of his pay for three months.
In the execution of a single sentence not including dishonorable discharge, and in the execution of two or more concurrent sentences against the same accused, none of which includes dishonorable discharge, any forfeiture or forfeitures of pay, included in the sentence or sentences shall be applied, together with other authorized stoppages or deductions, if any, excepting such as are made at the request of the accused, so as not to deprive the accused of more than two-thirds of his pay for any month.
- Maximum punishments.
-The punishment stated opposite each offense listed in the table below is hereby prescribed as the maximum limit of punishment for that offense, for any included offense if not so listed, and for any offense closely related to either, if not so listed. Offenses not thus provided for remain punishable as authorized by statute or by the custom of the service.The description of each offense listed must be construed in connection with the Article of War under which such offense is listed.
Subject to all applicable limitations, substitution for the punishments specified are authorized, at the discretion of the court, at the following rates, unless dishonorable discharge is imposed:
Forfeiture Confinement at
hard laborDetention Hard labor without
confinementRestriction to
limits1 day's pay 1 day 11/2 day's pay 11/2 days 3 days In computing what the maximum amount of forfeiture is in dollars and cents (see forms of sentences, App. 9) the soldier's base pay (of the reduced grade if the sentence carry a reduction) plus pay for length of service will be taken as the basis. The term "base pay" comprehends no element of pay other than the minimum base pay of the grade or class within grade as fixed by statute and does not include specialists' pay or extra pay for any special qualification in the use of arms or incident to an award of a decoration of honor. In computing time of absence without leave any one continuous period
of absence found that totals not more than 24 hours is counted as a day; any such period found that totals more than 24 hours and not more than 45 hours is counted as two days, and so on. The hours of departure and return on different dates are assumed to be the same if both are not found.
In determining the maximum punishment for two or more separate and distinct, but like, offenses against property, values as found in different specifications can not be aggregated.
Table of maximum punishments *NOTE.--The limitations upon punishments for violations of Articles of War 58, 59, and 86 were suspended until further order, as to offenses thereafter committed, by Executive Order 9048, February 3, 1942 (Sec. IV, Bull. 6, W.D., Feb. 9, 1942). The limitations upon punishments for absence without leave from command, guard, quarters, station, or camp in violation of Article of War 61 were suspended until further order, as to offenses committed after December 1, 1942, by Executive Order 9267, November 9, 1942 (Sec. I, Bull. 57, W.D., Nov. 19, 1942).
WarOffenses Punishments Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances due and to become due Confinement at hard labor not to exceed-- Forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month, not to exceed-- Forfeiture of pay not to exceed-- Years Months Days Months Days 54 Enlistment, fraudulent: Procured by means of willful misrepresentation or concealment of a fact in regard to a prior enlistment or discharge, or in regard to a conviction of a civil or military offense, or in regard to imprisonment under sentence of a court. Yes 1 Other cases of Yes 6 58 Attempting to desert: After not more than 6 months in service. Yes 6 After more than 6 months in service. Yes 9 In execution of a conspiracy or in the presence of an unlawful assemblage which the troops may be opposing. Yes 3 Desertion: Terminated by apprehension-- Not more than 6 months in service at time of desertion. Yes 11/2 More than 6 months in service at time of desertion. Yes 21/2 Terminated by surrender-- After absence of not more than 60 days. Yes 1 After absence of more than 60 days. Yes 11/2 In the execution of a conspiracy or in the presence of an unlawful assemblage which the troops may be opposing. Yes 5 59 Advising another to desert. 6 6 Assisting knowingly, or persuading another to desert. Yes 1 61 Absence without leave: From command, quarters, station, or camp-- For not more than 60 days, for each day or fraction of a day of absence. 3 2 For more than 60 days Yes 6 From guard-- For not more than 1 hour 15 For more than 1 hour 3 3 With intent to abandon 6 6 Failing to repair at the fixed time to the properly appointed place of-- A routine scheduled duty other than those specified below 3 March 2 2 Reveille or retreat roll call 1
Table of maximum punishments--Continued
SECTION A--Continued
WarOffenses Punishments Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances due and to become due Confinement at hard labor not to exceed-- Forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month, not to exceed-- Forfeiture of pay not to exceed-- Years Months Days Months Days 61 Leaving without permission the properly appointed place of assembly for, or place for-- A routine duty .5 Reveille or retreat roll call 2 62 Using contemptuous or disrespectful words against the President, Vice President, etc. Yes 1 63 Behaving with disrespect toward his superior officer 6 6 64 Willful disobedience except in time of war or grave public emergency of the lawful order of a commissioned officer in the execution of his office Yes 5 65 Attempting to strike or attempting otherwise to assault a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer in the execution of his office. 6 6 Behaving in an insubordinate or disrespectful manner toward a warrant officer of a noncommissioned officer in the execution of his office. 2 2 Disobedience, willful, of the lawful order of a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer in the execution of his office. 6 6 Striking or otherwise assaulting a warrant officer of a noncommissioned officer in the execution of his office. Yes 1 Threatening to strike or otherwise assault, or using other threatening language toward a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer in the execution of his office. 4 4 Using insulting language toward a warrant officer or a noncommissioned officer in the execution of his office. 2 2 68 Drawing a weapon upon a nurse, band leader, warrant officer, field clerk, or a noncommissioned officer quelling a quarrel, fray, or disorder. Yes 3 Refusing to obey a nurse, band leader, warrant officer, field clerk, or a noncommissioned officer quelling a quarrel, fray, or disorder. Yes 1 Threatening a nurse, band leader, warrant officer, field clerk, or a noncommissioned officer quelling a quarrel, fray, or disorder. 6 6 69 Breach of arrest 3 3 73 Releasing with proper authority, a prisoner committed to his charge. Yes 1 Suffering a prisoner committed to his charge to escape: Through design Yes 1 Through neglect 6 6 83 Suffering through neglect, military property to be damaged, lost, spoiled, or wrongfully disposed of: Of a value of $20 or less 3 3 Of a value of $50 or less and more than $20 6 6 Of a value of more than $50 Yes 1 Suffering, wilfully, military property to be damaged, lost, spoiled, or wrongly disposed of: Of a value of $20 or less 6 6 Of a value of $50 or less and more than $20 Yes 6 Of a value of more than $50 Yes 2
Table of maximum punishments--Continued *NOTE.--See footnote, page 97, supra.
SECTION A--Continued
WarOffenses Punishments Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances due and to become due Confinement at hard labor not to exceed-- Forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month, not to exceed-- Forfeiture of pay not to exceed-- Years Months Days Months Days 84 Injuring or losing, through neglect, horse, arms, ammunition, accouterments, equipment, clothing, or other property issued for use in the military service, or items belonging to two or more of said classes: Of a value of $20 or less. 3 3 Of a value of $50 or less and more than $20 6 6 Of a value of more than $50 Yes 1 Injuring or losing, willfully, horse, arms, ammunition, accouterments, equipment, clothing, or other property issued for use in the military service, or items belonging to two or more of said classes: Of a value of $20 or less. 6 6 Of a value of $50 or less and more than $20 Yes 6 Of a value of more than $50 Yes 2 Selling or otherwise wrongfully disposing of horse, arms, ammunition, accouterments, Of a value of $20 or less. Yes 6 Of a value of $50 or less and more than $20 Yes 1 Of a value of more than $50 Yes 5 85 Found drunk: At formation for, or on a duty other than those specified below. 20 Reveille or retreat roll call 5 On guard 6 6 86 Found sleeping or drunk on post, sentinel Yes 6 6 Leaving post before regularly relieved from, sentinel Yes 1 90 Using a provoking or reproachful speech or gesture to another. 93 Arson Yes 20 Assault: With intent to do bodily harm. Yes 1 With intent to do bodily harm with a dangerous weapon, instruments, or other thing. Yes 5 With intent to commit any felony except murder and rape. Yes 10 With intent to commit murder or rape. Yes 20 Burglary Yes 10 Embezzlement or larceny: Of property of a value of $20 or less. Yes 6 Of property of a value of $50 or less, and more than $20. Yes 1 Of property of a value of more than $50. Yes 5 Housebreaking Yes 10 Manslaughter: Involuntary, in the commission of an unlawful act not amounting to a felony, or in the commission of a lawful act which might produce death, in an unlawful manner, or without due caution or circumspection. Yes 3 Voluntary, upon a sudden quarrel or heat of passion. Yes 10 Perjury Yes 5 Robbery Yes 10
Table of maximum punishments--Continued
SECTION A--Continued
WarOffenses Punishments Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances due and to become due Confinement at hard labor not to exceed-- Forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month, not to exceed-- Forfeiture of pay not to exceed-- Years Months Days Months Days 93 Sodomy Yes 5 94 Forging or counterfeiting a signature, making a false oath, and offenses related to either of these. Yes 5 Other cases: When the amount involved is $20 or less Yes 6 When the amount involved is $50 or less, and more than $20. Yes 1 When the amount involved is more than $50 Yes 5 96 Abusing a public animal 3 3 Allowing a prisoner to receive or obtain intoxicating liquor. 3 3 Appearing in civilian clothing without authority. 10 Appearing in unclean uniform, or not in prescribed uniform, or in uniform worn otherwise than in manner prescribed. 1 1 Assault 3 3 Assault and battery 6 6 Attempting to escape from confinement Yes 6 Breach of restriction (other than quarantine) to command, quarters, station, or camp. 1 1 Carrying a concealed weapon. 3 3 Committing a nuisance. 3 3 Concealing, destroying, mutilating, obliteration, or removing willfully and unlawfully a public record, or taking and carrying away a public record with intent to conceal, destroy, mutilate, obliterate, remove, or steal the same. Yes 3 Conspiring to escape from confinement. Yes 6 Destroying willfully public property: Of a value of $20 or less. Yes 6 Of a value of $50 or less and more than $20. Yes 1 Of a value of more than $50. Yes 5 Discharging, through carelessness, a firearm. 3 3 Disorderly in command, quarters, station, or camp. 1 1 Disorderly under such circumstances as to bring discredit upon the military service. 4 4 Drinking liquor with prisoner. 2 2 Drunk and disorderly in command, quarters, station, or camp. 3 3 Drunk and disorderly under such circumstances as to bring discredit upon the military service. 6 6 Drunk in command, quarters, station, or camp. 15 Drunk under such circumstances as to bring discredit upon the military service. 3 3 Drunk, prisoner found. 3 3 Failing to obey a lawful order: Of a superior officer. 6 6 Of a noncommissioned officer. 3 3 Failing to pay a just debt under such circumstances as to bring discredit upon the military service. Yes 6 False official report or statement knowingly made: By a noncommissioned officer. 3 3 By any other soldier. 1 1 False swearing Yes 3 Gambling: By a noncommissioned officer with a person of lower military rank or grade. 3 In command, quarters, station, or camp in violation of orders. 2 2
Table of maximum punishments--Continued
SECTION A--Continued
WarOffenses Punishments Dishonorable discharge, forfeiture of all pay and allowances due and to become due Confinement at hard labor not to exceed-- Forfeiture of two-thirds pay per month, not to exceed-- Forfeiture of pay not to exceed-- Years Months Days Months Days 96 Indecent exposure of person 6 6 Introducing a habit-forming narcotic drug into command, quarters, station, or camp: For sale. Yes 2 All other cases. Yes 1 Introducing intoxicating liquor into command, quarters, station, or camp: For sale. 6 6 All other cases. 3 3 Loaning money, either as principal or agent, at an usurious rate of interest to another in the military service. 3 Obtaining money or other property under false pretenses: When the amount obtained is $20 or less. Yes 6 When the amount obtained is $50 or less and more than $20. Yes 1 When the amount obtained is more than $50. Yes 3 Sentinel: Offenses against-- Attempting to strike, or attempting otherwise to assault, in the execution of his duty. 6 6 Behaving in an insubordinate or disrespectful manner toward, in the execution of his duty. 1 1 Disobedience, willful, of the lawful order of, in the execution of his duty. Yes 1 Failing to obey a lawful order of. 3 3 Striking or otherwise assaulting, in the execution of his duty. Yes 1 Threatening to strike or otherwise assault or using other threatening language toward, in the execution of his duty. 4 4 Using insulting language toward, in the execution of his duty. 3 3 Offenses by-- Loitering or sitting down on duty. 1 1 Straggling 3 3 Subornation of perjury Yes 5 Unclean accouterment, arm, clothing, equipment, or other military property, found with. 1 1 Violation of condition of parole by general prisoner. 3
SECTION B Permissible additional punishments.--If an accused be found guilty by the court of an offense or offenses for none of which dishonorable discharge is authorized, proof of five or more previous convictions will authorize dishonorable discharge, total forfeitures, and, if the confinement otherwise authorized is less than three months, confinement at hard labor for three months.
If an accused be found guilty by the court of two or more offenses for none of which dishonorable discharge is authorized, the fact that the authorized confinement without substitution for such offenses is six months or more, will authorize dishonorable discharge and total forfeitures.
Upon the conviction of a noncommissioned officer or a private, first class, of an offense or offenses for which confinement at hard labor for a period of more than 5 days, authorized substitutions considered, may be adjudged, the court may, in addition to the punishments otherwise authorized, adjudge reduction to the grade of private. Reprimand or admonition may be adjudged in any case.
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