Appendix II.
Forms for orders appointing courts-martiala. FORM OF ORDER APPOINTING A GENERAL COURT-MARTIAL
Headquarters -------- (Corps Area) (Division) (Department),(Place) -------- (Date) -------- 19--.
Special Orders, No. ---.
)A general court-martial is appointed to meet at --------, --------, at --------, on -------- 19--, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it.
DETAIL FOR THE COURT Col. --------, Fifth Cavalry.
Lieut. Col. --------, First Infantry.
Lieut. Col.--------, Third Field Artillery.
Maj. --------, J.A. G. D., law member.
Maj. --------, Third Field Artillery.
Capt. --------, Fourth Infantry.
Capt. --------, Fifth Cavalry.
Capt. --------,First Infantry.
Capt. --------, Third Field Artillery.
Capt. --------,Fifth Cavalry, trial judge advocate.
First Lieut. --------, Third Field Artillery, assistant trial judge advocate.
Capt. --------, Fourth Infantry, defense counsel.
First Lieut. --------, Fourth Infantry, assistant defense counsel.NOTES.--The order will be authenticated as may be prescribed in Army Regulations.
A succession of orders modifying an order appointing a court-martial is liable to result in serious errors. When practicable it should be avoided by appointing a new court. The order should name the members in order of rank. The following paragraphs of the manual are referred to in connection with the appointment of courts-martial: 4 (Composition of courts-martial); 51 (Appointing authorities); 36 (Appointment of courts-martial); 41 and 43 (Selection of trial judge advocate and defense counsel).
If travel is necessary, a paragraph directing such travel may be included in the appointing order, or a separate order or orders may be issued according to circumstances.
The order will specifically designate the law member as such.
The order appointing a general court-martial when issued by a commander specially empowered thereto by the President, may, but need not, cite the order of the President.
Special Orders, No. --------
)Headquarters --------, -------- (Place) --------, (Date) --------, 19--
A special court-martial is appointed to meet at --------, -------- at --------, --------, --------, 19--, or as soon thereafter as practicable, for the trial of such persons as may be properly brought before it.
DETAIL FOB THE COURT Maj. --------, First Cavalry.
Capt. --------, Third Cavalry.
Capt. --------, Fourth Coast Artillery.
First Lieut. --------, Third Cavalry.
First Lieut. --------, First Infantry.
Capt. --------, Fourth Coast Artillery, trial judge advocate.
Capt. --------, Third Cavalry, defense counsel.(In case the appointing authority desires that the testimony be reduced to writing the following sentence will be added: The testimony will be reduced to writing and the president is authorized to employ a reporter.)
NOTES.--See the first five notes to preceding form.
When a superior appoints a court because a subordinate commanding officer is the accuser or prosecutor, he may specify in the order the names of the person or persons to be tried.
c. FORM OF ORDER APPOINTING A SUMMARY COURT-MARTIAL This form is similar to the form for special court-martial except that only one officer is detailed, and the employment of a reporter can not be authorized. As to appointment of summary courts-martial, see 5c.
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