a. General.--The forms are intended as a general guide for use in the drafting of charges and specifications, not only for the offenses specifically provided for, but for other like offenses. The several forms of specifications are not mandatory and may be added to or deviated from. The serial number of an accused should not be alleged in a specification. See 24-29 (Preparation of charges). ![]()
Appendix IV.
Forms for charges and specificationsb. Numbering of charges and specifications.--When there is more than one charge the charges should be numbered, using the Roman numerals, viz, I, II, etc. When there is more than one specification under a charge the specifications under that charge should be numbered, using the Arabic numerals, viz, 1, 2, etc.
c. Name and description of accused.--The name of the accused as stated in the specification should include his Christian name, and middle name or initial, and except in a case in which the jurisdiction of the court over the person is not dependent upon his being a person subject to military law (e.g., see A.W. 81 and 82), should be accompanied by such descriptive language as will show that he is a person subject to military law and therefore subject to the jurisdiction of the court as to persons. Thus, in the ordinary case of a soldier, the specification should read "In that Private John Smith, Company A, 7th Inf. did," etc.
These forms apply whether the accused is a member of the Regular Army, or of volunteer forces accepted or mustered into the military service of the United States, or of the National Guard, or of other forces which may have been drafted, called, or ordered into, or to duty or for training in, the military service of the United States. If, however, the accused has not obeyed the call, draft, or order, his name should be followed by the words "lawfully called (drafted) (ordered) into the military service of the United States."
If the accused has not been assigned to an organization, the word "unassigned" may be employed.
In the case of a cadet, the specification should read "In that Cadet John Smith, United States Military Academy, did" etc.
In the case of a member of the Marine Corps detached for service with the armies of the United States by order of the President, the words "detached for service with the armies of the United States by order of the President" should follow the other words of identification and description. When the accused is an officer or enlisted man of the Medical Department of the Navy, serving with a body of Marines detached for service with the armies of the United States by order of the President, this fact should be alleged as follows: "In that ----------------, Medical Department of the Navy, serving with a body of Marines detached for service with the armies of the United States by order of the President, did," etc.
As to the persons made subject to military law by A.W. 2(d), the words "a retainer to the camp of United States troops without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States," or "a person accompanying the armies of the
United States without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States," or "a person serving with the armies of the United States without the territorial jurisdiction of the United States," should be employed, unless it be in time of war, when the words "a retainer to the camp of United States troops in the field," or "a person accompanying the armies of the United States in the field," or "a person serving with the armies of the United States in the field," should be used, according to the circumstances of each case. Where jurisdiction is asserted under A.W. 2(e), the name of the accused should be followed by the words "a person under sentence adjudged by court-martial," or if he is a general prisoner, he may be described as "General Prisoner John Smith."d. Use of aliases.--Where without discharge a soldier enlists two or more times, each time under a different name, he should be charged under the name, etc., pertaining to his first unterminated enlistment with the other names, etc., under aliases; thus "Private John Smith, Company B, Seventh Infantry, alias Private John Brawn, Company A, Tenth Infantry."
e. In case of change of grade.--Where the grade of the accused has changed since the date of an alleged offense, the accused should be designated by his present grade followed by a statement of his grade at the date of the alleged offense, thus: In that Private A B, Company --------, -------- Infantry, then Sergeant, Company --------, Infantry, did, etc.
f. Form of specification in joint offense.--In the case of a joint offense each accused may be charged as if he alone was concerned or the specifications may be in accordance with the principles of the following examples, depending on the decision of the person preferring the charges as to how the persons concerned should be tried:
In that Private A, Company --------, -------- Infantry, and Private C, Company --------, -------- Infantry, acting jointly, and in pursuance of a common intent, did (here allege place, time, and offense as when charging one person).
In that Private A, Company --------, -------- Infantry, and Private B, Company --------, -------- Infantry, acting jointly and in pursuance of a common intent, did, in conjunction with Private C, Company --------, -------- Infantry (here allege place, time and offense).
In that Private C, Company --------, -------- Infantry, did, in conjunction with Private A, Company --------, -------- Infantry, and Private B, Company -------- -------- Infantry (here allege place, time and offense).
g. Place and date of offense.--The place and date of the commission of the alleged offense will, as a rule, be stated in the body of each specification and not in a separate line at the end thereof. The allegations of the time and place of the commission of an offense should be stated as accurately as possible, but where the act or acts charged extend over a considerable period of time it may be necessary to cover such period in the allegation. Thus, allegations of "from March to September, 1887," and "from May to October, 1888," have been countenanced in a case in which the accused was charged with the neglect of a duty that required continuous performance. So, also, it is proper to allege that an offense mas committed while "en route" between certain points. So where the exact time or place of the commission of the offense is not known it is frequently preferable to allege it as having occurred "on or about" a certain date or time, or "at or near" a certain locality, rather than to aver it as committed on a particular day or between two specified days or at a particular place. There is no defined construction to be placed upon the words "on or about" as used in the allegation of time in a specification. The phrase can not be said to cover any precise number of days or latitude in time. It is ordinarily used in military pleading for the purpose of indicating some period, as nearly
as can be ascertained and set forth, at or during which the offenses charged are believed to have been committed in cases where the exact day can not well be named. And the same is to be said as to the use of the words "at or near" in connection with the averment of place.
SPECIMEN CHARGES Charge I: Violation of the 54th Article of War.
Specification: In that Private Richard Roe, Company A, Second Infantry, alias Private John Doe, Company F, Twenty-ninth Infantry, did under the name of John Doe, at Fort Jay, N.Y., on July 24, 1917, by willfully concealing the fact he was then a private in said Company A, Second Infantry, procure himself to be enlisted in the military service of the United States by Capt. William White, Medical Corps, and did thereafter at Fort Jay, N.Y., receive allowances under the enlistment so procured.
Charge II: Violation of the 58th Article of War.
Specification: In that Private Richard Roe, Company A, Second Infantry, alias Private John Doe, Company F, Twenty-ninth Infantry, did, at Fort Sheridan, Ill., on or about March 6, 1917, desert the service of the United States and did remain absent in desertion until he was apprehended at Fort Jay, N Y., on or about August 5, 1917.
Charge III: Violation of the 96th Article of War.
Specification 1: In that Private Richard Roe, Company A, Second Infantry, alias Private John Doe, Company F, Twenty-ninth Infantry, did at Fort Sheridan, Ill., on or about March 6, 1917, wrongfully strike Private John Brown, Company A, Second Infantry, a sentinel in the execution of his duty, in the face with his fist.
Specification 2: In that Private Richard Roe, Company A, Second Infantry, alias Private John Doe, Company F, Twenty-ninth Infantry, having received a lawful order from Private John Brown, Company A, Second Infantry, a sentinel in the execution of his duty, to halt, did at Fort Sheridan, Ill., on or about March 6, 1917, willfully disobey the same.
John Jones,
Captain, C.A.C.
A.W. 54 Fraudulent
enlistment.1.See specification under Charge I of specimen charges above, and d (Use of aliases) in instructions above. 2. In that ---------- did, at ---------- , on or about ----------, 19---, by willfully [misrepresenting that he was then (a citizen of the United States) (single) (21 years of age) (----------) when in fact he was then (not a citizen of the United States) (married) (17 years of age) (----------)] [concealing the fact (that on or about ----------, 19---, he had been convicted of a felony, to wit, ---------- by the ---------- court in and for ----------) (that from about ----------, 19---, to about ----------, 19---, he had been imprisoned in a reformatory (jail) (penitentiary) under sentence of a court) (that on or about ----------, 19---, he was discharged from the (Army)
(Navy) (----------) (on account of disability) (through sentence of a (civil) (military) (naval) court) (with character less than good) (that ----------)] procure himself to be enlisted in the military service of the United States by ----------; and did thereafter at ----------, receive (pay) (allowances) (pay and allowances) under the enlistment so procured. A.W. 55 Making
or muster.3. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, knowingly (enlist) (muster) into the military service of the United States one ----------, who, as he, the said ----------, then well knew, was (an) (insane) (intoxicated) (----------) a) person (who had been convicted of a felony) (under the age of 16 years) (----------), whose (enlistment) (muster) was prohibited by (law) (regulations) (orders). A.W. 56 False muster. 4. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, knowingly make a false muster of (----------) as (present) (----------) when the said ----------, as he, the said ----------, then well knew, was not (present) (----------), but was (absent with leave) (----------). 5. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, knowingly make a false muster of (----------) as a soldier and a member of (----------), when the said ----------, as he, the said ----------, then well knew, was not a soldier and a member of said (----------) but was a (civilian) (----------).
6. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (sign) (direct ---------- to sign) (allow ---------- to sign) the muster roll of ----------, for the period ---------- to ----------, 19---, he, the said ---------- then well knowing that the said muster roll contained the name of ---------- as (a soldier and a member of said ----------) (an officer of said ----------) (and as present for duty therewith), and that the said ---------- was not (a soldier) (a member of said ----------) (an officer of said ----------) (present for duty) but was then (a civilian) (a member of company ----------) (wholly absent from military duty) (----------).
7. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (sign) (direct ---------- to sign) (allow ---------- to sign) the muster roll of ----------, for the period ---------- to ----------, 19---, he, the said ----------, then well knowing that the said muster roll contained a false statement that ----------- (a) (private) (----------) of said (----------) was (present) (present and mustered) (----------), and that said statement was false, in that the said ---------- was not (present) (present and mustered) (----------) but was then (absent with leave) (absent without leave) (----------).
8. In that ----------did, at ----------, on or about ---------- 19---, wrongfully take from ---------- (the sum of $----------) (----------), as a consideration to him ----------, for knowingly permitting the muster-in roll of ---------- ----------on the mustering in of that ---------- falsely to show as (mustered in) (----------), ----------, who, as he, the said ----------, then well knew, was (were) not (mustered in) (----------).
9. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, wrongfully take from ---------- the sum of $----------, (----------), as a
consideration to him ----------, for allowing the muster roll of ----------, for the period of ---------- to ----------, 19---, to show ---------- as (present and mustered) (----------), when, as he, the said ----------, then well knew, he (they) was (were) not present and mustered as shown on said muster roll. 10. In that ----------, did, at ---------- , on or about ----------, 19---, knowingly muster one ---------- as (an officer) (a soldier) of ----------, when the said ----------, as he, the said ----------, then well knew was not (an officer) (a soldier) of ----------, but was then a (civilian) (----------).
A.W. 57 11. In that ----------, being in command of ----------, and it being his duty to render to ---------- a return of the state of (the troops under his command) (the ---------- thereunto belonging) for the period ---------- to ----------, 19---, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, knowingly make a false return for said period, which return was false in that it showed (one ---------- as absent with leave) (----------), when as he, the said ----------, then well knew (the said was absent without leave) (----------). 12. In that ----------, being in command of ----------, and it being his duty to render to the ---------- a return of the state of (the troops under his command) (the ---------- thereto belonging) for the period ---------- to ----------, did (on and after ----------, 19---) (from ---------- until ----------), through (neglect) (design), omit to render such return.
A.W. 58 Desertion. 13. In that ---------- did, at ----------on or about ----------, 19--- (in the execution of a conspiracy to desert the service of the United States, previously entered into with ---------- and ----------) desert the service of the United States and did remain absent in desertion until he (was apprehended) (surrendered himself) at ---------- on or about ---------- 19---.
Desertion in
execution of
conspiracy.14. In that ---------- did, at ---------- or about ----------, 19---, (in the execution of a conspiracy to desert the service of the United States previously entered into with ---------- and ----------) desert the service of the United States by (quitting) (absenting himself without proper leave from) his (organization) (place of duty), with intent (to avoid hazardous duty, to wit: ----------) (to shirk important service, to wit: ----------), and did remain absent in desertion until he (was apprehended) (surrendered himself) at ---------- on or about ----------, 19---.
Attempt to
desert.15. In that ---------- did, at ---------- on or about ----------, 19--- (in the execution of a conspiracy to desert the service of the United States previously entered into with ---------- and ----------) attempt to desert the service of the United States by (here insert the overt act done toward accomplishing the purpose to desert) with intent [permanently to absent himself without proper leave from his post and proper duties] [to (quit) (absent himself without proper leave from) his (organization) (place of duty) in order to (avoid hazardous duty, to wit: ----------) (shirk important service, to wit: ----------)].
A.W. 59 Advising
desertion.16. In that ---------- did, at ---------- on or about ----------, 19--- by (saying to him "----------" or words to that effect (----------) advise Private ---------, Company ----------, ---------- Infantry, to desert the service of the United States.
Assisting desertion. 17. In that ---------- did, at ---------- on or about ----------, 19--- by (here insert manner and form of persuasion or assistance) (persuade) (knowingly assist) Private ----------, Company ----------, Infantry, to desert the service of the United States at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---. A.W. 60 Entertaining
a deserter.18. In that ----------, having discovered that ----------, a soldier in his command, was a deserter from the (military service) (naval service) (Marine Corps) did, at ----------, from about ---------- to about ----------, 19---, retain said deserter in his command without informing superior authority or the commander of the organization to which the deserter belonged of the presence of said deserter in his command. A.W. 61 Failing to
repair.19. In that ---------- did, at ---------- on or about ----------, 19--- fail to repair at the fixed time to the properly appointed place (of assembly) for ----------.
Quitting duty. 20. In that ---------- did, at ---------- on or about ----------, 19--- without proper leave, go from the properly appointed place (of assembly) for -----------, after having repaired thereto for the performance of said duty.
A.W.O.L. 21. In that ----------, did (without proper leave, absent himself from his ---------- at ---------- from about ----------, 19---, to about ----------, 19---.
guard.22. In that ----------, being on guard as a ----------, did at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, absent himself without proper leave from his guard with intent to abandon the same. A.W. 62 Disrespect to
President, etc.23. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19--- use (orally and publicly) (----------) the following (contemptuous) (disrespectful) (contemptuous and disrespectful) words against the (President) (Vice President) (Congress of the United States) (Secretary of War) [(Governor) (Legislature) of the (State of ----------) (Territory of ----------) (----------, a possession of the United States, in which he, the said ---------- was then quartered] to wit: "---------- ---------- ----------," or words to that effect. A.W. 62 Disrespect to
superior officer.24. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, behave himself with disrespect toward ----------, his superior officer, by (saying to him ----------, or words to that effect) (contemptuously turning from and leaving him while he was talking to him the said ----------) (----------).
A.W. 64 Striking
superior officer.25. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, strike ----------, his superior officer, who was then in the execution of his office (in) (on) the ---------- with (a) (his) ----------.
Drawing, etc.
weapon against
superior officer.26. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (draw) (lift up) a weapon, to wit a ---------- against ----------, his superior officer, who was then in the execution of his office.
violence to
superior officer.27. In that ---------- did, at ---------- on or about ----------, 19---, offer violence against ----------, his superior officer, who was then in the execution of his office, in that he, the said ----------, did ----------.
Willful dis-
obedience of
superior officer.28. In that ----------, having received a lawful command from ----------, his superior officer, to ----------, did at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, willfully disobey the same. A.W. 65 Assault on
warrant officer
or n.c.o.29. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (strike) (assault) ----------, a (warrant officer) (noncommissioned officer) who was then in the execution of his office, by ---------- him (in) (on) the ---------- with (a) (his) ----------.
Attempt or
threat to strike,
etc., a warrant
officer or n.c.o.30. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (attempt) (threaten) to (strike) (assault) ----------, a (warrant officer) (noncommissioned officer) [(in) (on) the ----------] with (a) (his) ----------, while said ---------- was in the execution of his office.
Willful dis-
obedience of
warrant officer
or n.c.o.31. In that ----------, having received a lawful order from ----------, a (warrant officer) (noncommissioned officer) who was then in the execution of his office, to ----------, did at ----------, on or about ---------, 19---, willfully disobey the same.
Threats, insults,
and disrespect
toward warrant
officer or n.c.o.32. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, [use the following (threatening) (insulting) (threatening and insulting) language], [behave in an (insubordinate) (disrespectful) (insubordinate and disrespectful) manner] toward ----------, a (warrant officer) (noncommissioned officer) who was then in the execution of his office ["---------- ----------," or words to that effect] [by ----------]. A.W. 66 Mutiny, sedition. 33. In that ---------- did, at ---------- on or about ----------,19---, (attempt to create) (begin) (excite) (cause) a mutiny in ---------- by [urging the members of said ---------- concertedly to refuse to obey the lawful orders of ----------, their (commanding) (superior) officer, to ----------] [unlawfully assuming control over about ---------- soldiers of said (command) (----------), and in the execution of such control causing said soldiers concertedly to disregard and defy the lawful orders of ----------, their (commanding) (superior) officer to (assemble for drill) (----------),I [----------], with the intent to (usurp) (subvert) (override) (usurp, subvert, and override), for the time being, lawful military authority.
34. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, voluntarily join in a mutiny which had been begun in ---------- against the lawful military authority of ----------, the commanding
officer thereof, and did, with intent to (usurp) (subvert) (override) (usurp, subvert, and override) for the time being, in concert with sundry other members of said ---------- assembled on the (parade ground) (----------), refuse to (disperse) (do any further duty) (assemble for drill) (----------). A.W. 67 Failure to
suppress mutiny
or sedition.35. In that ----------, being present at a (mutiny) (sedition) among the soldiers of ----------, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, fail to use his utmost endeavor to suppress the same, in that (having commanded the men of his own company to return to their quarters, he took no means to compel their obedience or reduce them to discipline upon their refusal to obey said command) (----------). 36. In that ----------, being at ---------- and (knowing) (having reason to believe) on ----------, 19---, that a (mutiny) (sedition) was to take place in ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, did fail to give without delay information of said intended (mutiny) (sedition) to his commanding officer.
A.W. 68 Offenses against
quarrel, etc.37. In that ----------, being engaged in a (quarrel) (fray) (disorder) among persons subject to military law, and having been ordered into (arrest) (confinement) by ----------, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, [(refuse to obey) (draw a weapon, to wit a---------- upon) the said ----------] [threaten the said ---------- by (saying to him (her) ----------, or words to that effect) (----------)] [do violence to the said ----------, by ----------]. A.W. 69 Breaking arrest;
escape from
confinement.38. In that ----------, having been duly placed in (arrest at ----------) (confinement in ----------) on or about ----------, 19---, did, at ---------- on or about ----------, 19---, (break his said arrest) (escape from said confinement) before he was set at liberty by proper authority. A.W. 70 Delay in
or disposing of
a case..39. In that ----------, being then charged with the duty of investigating charges preferred against ----------, a person subject to military law, who had been placed in (arrest) (confinement), was at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, responsible for unnecessary delay in investigating said charges, in that he (did ----------) (failed to ----------). A.W. 71 Refusal to
receive or keep
prisoner.40. In that ----------, being on duty as (provost marshal) (commander of the guard) at ---------- on or about ----------, 19---, did refuse to (receive) (keep) one ----------, a prisoner duly committed to his charge by ----------, an officer belonging to the forces of the United States who, at the time of committing said prisoner, delivered to the said ---------- an account in writing, signed by himself, of the (crime) (offense) charged against said prisoner.
A.W. 72 Failure to
report Committ-
ment of prisoner.41. In that ---------- (having been) (being), on duty as commander of the guard at ----------, did, on or about -----------, 19---, fail to report in writing to the commanding officer of that (post) (----------) (as soon as relieved from his guard) (within 24 hours after the confinement of said prisoner) the name of ----------, a prisoner committed to his charge, the offense charged against him and the name of the officer committing him. A.W. 73 Releasing
prisoner without
authority; suf-
fering prisoner
to escape.42. In that ---------- did, at ---------- on or about ----------, 19---, [without proper authority release] [through (neglect) (design) suffer] ----------, a prisoner duly committed to his charge (to escape). A.W. 74 Refusal to de-
liver offenders to
civil authorities.43. In that ----------, being at the time the commanding officer at ----------, and an application having been duly made to him by the ---------- of ---------- for the (delivery) (apprehension and securing) of ----------, a (soldier) (officer) under his command, who was accused of a (crime) (offense) committed against the laws of ----------, in order that the said ---------- might be brought to trial did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (refuse) (willfully neglect) to (deliver said ---------- to said ---------- of ----------) (aid the said ---------- of ---------- in apprehending and securing the said ----------). A.W. 75 Misbehavior
before the
enemy.44. In that ----------did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, misbehave himself before the enemy, (by refusing) (failing) to advance with his command, which had then been ordered forward by ---------- to engage with ----------, which forces, the said command was then opposing (----------). 45. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, run away from his (company) (----------) , which was then engaged with the enemy, and did not return thereto until (after the engagement had been concluded) (----------).
46. In that ----------, being present with his ---------- while it was engaged with the enemy, did at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, shamefully abandon the said ---------- and (seek safety in the rear) (----------), and did fail to rejoin it until (the engagement was concluded) (----------).
47. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, while before the enemy, shamefully (deliver up) (abandon) to the enemy ----------, which it was his duty to defend.
45. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, while before the enemy, by his (misconduct) (disobedience) (neglect) endanger the safety of ----------, which it was his duty to defend, in that he (----------) (----------) (failed and neglected to post a sufficient number of sentinels).
49. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, while before the enemy, speak words inducing [(the officers) (the
soldiers) (the officers and soldiers) of ----------] [----------] (to misbehave themselves before the enemy) (to run away from ----------, which was then before the enemy) (shamefully to abandon their command, which was then engaged with the enemy) (shamefully to deliver up to the enemy, ----------, which it was their duty to defend), to wit ---------- or words to that effect. 50. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, while before the enemy speak words inducing ---------- who was then on outpost duty; (shamefully to abandon his post) (----------), to wit ---------- or words to that effect.
51. In that ----------, while before the enemy, did at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, unlawfully cast away his (rifle) (ammunition) (----------).
52. In that ---------- did, while before the enemy, quit his (post) (colors) at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, for the purpose of (plundering) (pillaging) (plundering and pillaging) (----------).
53. In that ---------- did, while on duty before the enemy, occasion a false alarm in the (camp) (garrison) (quarters) (----------) at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, by (needlessly and without authority causing the call to arms to be sounded) (----------).
A.W. 76 Compelling
surrender, etc.54. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (compel) (attempt to compel) ----------, the commanding officer of ---------, (to give it up to the enemy) (to abandon said ----------), by ----------. A.W. 77 Making known,
etc., parole or
countersign.65. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, known the (parole) (countersign) to wit, ----------, to ----------, a person who, according to the rules and discipline of war, was not entitled to receive it. 56. In that ----------, having received as the proper (parole) (countersign) the word ----------, did at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, give to ----------, a person to whom he knew it was his duty to give the proper (parole) (countersign), a (parole) (countersign) different from that which he had received, to wit ----------.
A.W. 78 Forcing
safeguard.57. In that ----------did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, force a safeguard, known by him to have been placed over the premises occupied by ----------, at ----------, by (overwhelming the guard posted for the protection of the same) (----------). A.W. 79 Neglect to
secure captured
property.58. In that ----------did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, neglect to secure the following public property of the United States, which had been taken from the enemy, viz, ---------- of the value of about $------ and ---------- of the value of about $-----. 59. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, wrongfully appropriate to (his own use) (----------) the following
public property of the United States, taken from the enemy, viz, --------- of the value of about $------ and ---------- of the value of about $-----. A.W. 80 Dealing, etc. in
captured or
property.60. In that --------- did, at --------- , on or about ---------, 19---, unlawfully (buy) (sell) (trade in) (deal in) (dispose of) the following (captured) (abandoned) property of the United States, namely: --------- of the value of about $----- and --------- of the value of about $-----, thereby (receiving) (expecting) as (profit) (benefit) (advantage) (profit, benefit and advantage) to (himself) ---------, his (brother) ---------, (the sum of ---------) (--------- of the value ---------).
Failing to give
notice, etc., of
captured or
property.61. In that --------- did, at ---------, on or about ---------, 19---, fail to give notice of and to turn over without delay to proper authority the following (captured) (abandoned) property of the United States, which had come into his (possession) (custody) (control), namely: --------- of the value of about $----- and --------- of the value of about $-----. A.W. 81 Aiding the
enemy, etc..62. In that --------- did, at --------- , on or about ---------, 19---, (relieve) (attempt to relieve) the enemy with (arms) (ammunition) (supplies) (money) (---------), by furnishing and delivering to certain members of the enemy's army ---------, of the value of about $-----, and ---------, of the value of about $-----. 63. In that --------- did, at ---------, on or about ---------, 19---, knowingly (harbor) (protect) (harbor and protect) ---------, a person whom he, the said ---------, then knew to be a member of the enemy's forces (and who was then being sought by a patrol of the United States forces), by (concealing the said member of the enemy's forces in his house) (---------). 64. In that ---------did, at ---------, on or about ---------, 19---, knowingly give intelligence to the enemy, (by informing a patrol of the enemy's forces of the whereabouts of a military patrol of the United States forces) (by ---------).
65. In that ---------did, at ---------, on or about ---------, 19---, knowingly (hold correspondence with) (give intelligence to) (hold correspondence with and give intelligence to) the enemy [(directly by writing and transmitting secretly through the lines to one ---------, whom he, the said ---------, then knew to be an (officer) (---------) of the enemy's army, a communication (in words and figures as follows) (substantially as follows)] [(indirectly by publishing in ---------, a newspaper published at ---------, a communication in words and figures as follows) (substantially as follows)], to wit: ---------, and which communication was intended to reach the enemy.
A.W. 82 Spying. 66. In that ---------,was, at ---------, on or about ---------, 19---, found (lurking) (acting) (lurking and acting) as a spy in and about ---------, the (fortification) (post) (quarters) (encampment) of the Armies of the United States there situated, (---------) for
the purpose of (collecting) (attempting to collect) material information in regard to the (numbers) (resources) (operations) of the military forces of the United States, with intent to impart the same to the enemy. A.W. 83 Suffering
to be lost, etc.67. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (willfully) (through neglect) suffer ----------, of the value of $-----, military property belonging to the United States, to be (lost) (spoiled by ----------) (damaged by ----------) [wrongfully disposed of by (sale to ----------) (----------)]. A.W. 84 Disposing of
property.68. In that ------------------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (unlawfully sell to ----------) (wrongfully dispose of by ----------) ---------- of the value of $-----, issued for use in the military service of the United States.
Injuring or
losing military
property.69. In that ------------------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, willfully) (through neglect) (injure by ----------) (lose) ----------, of the value of $-----, issued for use in the military service of the United States. A.W. 85 Drunk on duty. 70. In that ----------- was, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, found drunk while on duty as ----------. A.W. 86 Sentinel
drunk or asleep.71. In that ----------, being on guard and posted as a sentinel, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, was found (drunk) (sleeping) upon his post.
72. In that ----------, being on guard and posted as a sentinel at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, did leave his post before he was regularly relieved. A.W. 87 Taxing, etc.,
provisions.73. In that ----------, who was then commanding in ----------, where troops of the United States were serving, did, on or about ----------, 19---, for his private advantage, lay a (duty) (imposition) (duty and imposition) of (----- per cent) (----------) upon the sales of (victuals) (certain necessaries of life, to wit, ----------) brought into said ----------, for the use of the troops thereat.
Interest in
sale of
provisions.74. In that ----------, who was then commanding ----------, where troops of the United States were serving, did, on or about ----------, 19---, for his private advantage, become interested in the sale of (victuals) (certain necessaries of life, to wit ------------) (----------), brought into said ---------- for the use of the troops thereat by ----------, by (receiving) (entering into an agreement to receive) from the said ---------- (----- percent of the profits on said sales) (the sum of $-----) as a consideration for the privilege (of ----------) extended by him to said ----------.
A.W. 88 Intimidation
of persons bring----------
king provisions.75. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (abuse) (intimidate) (do violence to) (and wrongfully interfere with) ----------, a person bringing (provisions) (supplies ) (certain necessaries) to wit ----------, to the (camp) (garrison) (quarters) of the forces of the United States at ---------- by [striking and beating the said ----------] [threatening to kill the said ---------- if he continued to bring such (provisions) (supplies) (necessaries) into said camp (garrison) (quarters)] [----------I [preventing the said ---------- from passing over a road leading into said ----------] [----------]. A.W. 89 Waste, spoil
damage, riot,
etc.76. In that ----------, being with ----------, (in the (quarters) (garrison) (camp) at ----------) (while on the march from ---------- to ----------) did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, without having been ordered by his commanding officer so to do commit (waste) (spoil) upon the property of ----------, by ----------. 77. In that ----------, being with ---------- (in the (quarters) (garrison) (camp) at ----------) (while on the march from -------------------- to ----------) did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, willfully and unlawfully, and without having been ordered by his commanding officer so to do, destroy ---------- the property of ---------- of the value of ----------.
78. In that ----------, being with ----------, [in the (quarters) (garrison) (camp) at ----------] (while on the march from ----------to ----------) did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, commit a depredation upon (an) (a) (orchard) (----------) belonging to ----------, and situated at or near ----------, by unlawfully (entering the same and removing growing fruit from the trees of said orchard) (----------).
79. In that ----------, ---------- and ----------, being with ----------, [in the (quarters) (garrison) (camp) at ----------] (while on the march from ---------- to ------------) did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, commit a riot, in that they, together with certain other (soldiers) (persons) to the number of -------, whose names are unknown, did, (with force and arms) unlawfully and riotously, and in a violent and tumultuous manner, assemble to disturb the peace of ----------, and having so assembled, did (unlawfully, riotously, and in a violent and tumultuous manner disturb, enter, and break up ----------) (unlawfully and riotously assault ---------- by ----------), to the terror and disturbance of ----------.
reparation.80. In that ----------, who was then the commanding officer of ----------, at ----------, did, on or about ----------, 19---, complaint having been made to him that (damage had been done to ----------, the property of ----------) (----------, the property of ----------, had been taken by) (----------,a ----------) (---------------- soldiers) of his command, (a) person(s) subject to military law, ----------, (refuse) (omit) to see reparation made to the said ---------- so far as said ----------'s pay would go toward such reparation and as provided for in the 105th Article of War, by ----------.
A.W. 90 Provoking
speeches, etc.81. In that ---------- did at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, wrongfully use a (reproachful) (provoking) (reproachful and provoking) (speech, to wit: ---------- or words to that effect against) (gesture to ----------) (by shaking his closed fist in the face of the said ----------) (----------). A.W. 91 Dueling, etc.. 82. In that ----------(and ----------) did at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, fight a duel (with ----------) using as weapons therefor, (swords) (pistols) (----------). 83. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, promote a duel between ---------- and ---------- by knowingly acting as a messenger for ---------- and knowingly carrying from said ---------- to said ---------- a challenge to fight a duel.
84. In that ----------, being officer of the day at ---------- and having knowledge that ---------- and ---------- intended and were about to engage in a duel near that ----------, did on or about ----------, 19---, connive at the fighting of said duel by knowingly permitting ----------, one of the parties to said proposed duel to leave the post and go toward the place appointed for said duel and at the time and at the hour which he, ----------, then knew had been appointed therefor.
85. In that ----------, being officer of the day at ----------, and having knowledge on or about ----------, 19---, that a challenge to fight a duel (had been sent) (was about to be sent) by ---------- to ----------, did fail to report that fact promptly to the proper authority.
A.W. 92 Murder. 86. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, with malice aforethought, willfully, deliberately, feloniously, unlawfully, and with premeditation kill one ----------, a human being by (shooting him with a rifle) (----------).
Rape. 87. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, forcibly and feloniously, against her will, have carnal knowledge of ----------. A.W. 93 Manslaughter. 88. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, willfully, feloniously, and unlawfully kill ----------, by ---------- him (in) (on) the ---------- with a ----------.
Mayhem. 89. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, unlawfully, willfully, and feloniously cut off the (hand) (arm) (----------) of ----------.
Arson. 90. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, willfully, maliciously, unlawfully and feloniously burn the (dwelling house) (a building, to wit: a ----------, parcel of the dwelling house) of ----------.
Burglary. 91. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, in the nighttime feloniously and burglariously break and enter the (dwelling house) (---------- within the curtilage) of ----------, with intent to commit a felony, viz (larceny) (rape) (murder) (----------) therein.
Housebreaking. 92. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, unlawfully enter the (dwelling) (bank) (store) (warehouse) (shop) (stable) (----------) of ----------, with intent to commit a criminal offense, to wit, ---------- therein.
Robbery. 95; In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, by force and violence and by putting him in fear, feloniously take, steal and carry away from the (person) (presence) of ----------, ----------, the property of ----------, value about $-----.
Larceny. 94. In that ----------did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, feloniously take, steal, and carry away ----------, value about $-----, the property of ----------.
Embezzlement. 95. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, feloniously embezzle by fraudulently converting to his own use ---------- of the value of $-----, the property of ----------, entrusted to him (by the said ----------) (for ---------- by ----------).
Perjury. 96. In that ----------, having taken an oath in a (trial by ---------- court-martial of ----------) (deposition for use in a trial by ---------- court-martial of ----------) (----------), before ----------, a competent (tribunal) (officer) (person) that he would (testify) (depose) truly, did at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, willfully, corruptly, and contrary to such oath, (testify) (depose) in substance that which (testimony) (deposition) was a material matter and which he did not then believe to be true
Forgery. 97. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, with intent to defraud [falsely make in its entirety a certain (check) (----------) in the following words and figures, to wit: ----------] [falsely alter a certain (check) (----------) in the following words and figures, to wit: ---------- by ----------] which said (check) (----------) was a writing of a (public) (private) nature, which might operate to the prejudice of another.
Sodomy. 98. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, commit the crime of sodomy by feloniously and against the order of nature having carnal connection (per os) (per anum) with (----------) (a mare, the same being a beast) (----------).
Assault with
intent to com-
mit a felony or
to do bodily
harm.99. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, with intent to (commit a felony, viz, ----------) (do him bodily harm), commit an assault upon ----------, by willfully and feloniously (striking) (----------) the said ---------- (in) (on) the ----------with a ----------.
Assault with
intent to do
bodily harm with
a dangerous
weapon.100. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, with intent to do him bodily harm, commit an assault upon ----------, by (shooting) (striking) (cutting) (----------) him (in) (on) the ----------, with a dangerous (weapon) (instrument) (thing) to wit, a (pistol) (pickax) (bayonet) (----------). A.W. 94 Making, etc.,
false claim.101. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (make) (cause to be made by ----------) a claim against the [United States by presenting to ----------], [(finance officer at ----------) (----------)] an officer of the United States, duly authorized to (approve) (allow) (pay) (approve, allow, and pay) such claims, in the amount of $----- for (private property alleged to have been (lost) (destroyed) in the military service) (----------), which
claim was (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent) in that ----------, and was then known by said ---------- to be (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent).
Presenting, etc.,
false claim.102. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, (present) (cause to be presented by ----------) for (approval) (payment) (approval and payment) a claim against the [United States by (presenting) (causing to be presented) to ----------], [(finance officer at ----------) (----------) an officer of the United States, duly authorized to (approve) (pay) (approve and pay) such claims, in the amount of $-----, for (services alleged to have been rendered to the United States by ----------) (----------), which claim was (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent) in that ----------, and was then known by the said ---------- to be (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent).
Conspiracy, etc.
to defraud
United States.103. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (conspire) (agree) (agree and conspire) with ----------, to defraud the United States by (obtaining) (aiding ---------- to obtain) the (allowance) (payment) (allowance and payment) of a (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent) claim against the United States in the amount of $-----, for (supplies) (----------) alleged to have been furnished to the United States by ----------, which claim was (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent) in that ----------, and was then known by the said ---------- to be (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent)
Making, etc.,
false writing.104. In that ----------, for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others, viz, ----------, to obtain) the (approval) (allowance) (payment) (approval, allowance, and payment) of a claim against the [United States, by presenting to ----------] [(finance officer at (----------), an officer of the United States duly authorized to (approve) (pay) (allow) (approve, pay, and allow) such claims] did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (make) (use) (make and use) [(procure) (advise) the (making) (using) (making and using) of] a certain (writing) (paper) to wit: ----------, which said ----------, as he, the said ----------, then knew contained a statement that ----------, which statement was (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent) in that ----------, and was then known by the said ----------to be (false) (fraudulent) (false and fraudulent).
Making, etc.,
false oath.105. In that ----------, for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others, viz, ----------, to obtain) the (approval) (allowance) (payment) (approval, allowance, and payment) of a claim against the [United States, by presenting to ----------] [(finance officer at (----------), an officer of the United States duly authorized to (approve) (pay) (allow) (approve, pay, and allow) such claims] did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (make) [(procure) (advise) (advise and procure) the making of] an oath (by ----------) (to the fact that ----------) (to a certain (writing) (paper) to wit, ----------, to the effect that ----------) which said oath was false in that ----------, and was then known by the said ---------- to be false.
Forging, etc.,
signature.106. In that ----------, for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others, viz, ----------, to obtain) the (approval) (allowance) (payment) (approval, allowance, and payment) of a claim against
the [United States, by presenting to ----------] [ (finance officer at ----------) (----------), an officer of the United States duly authorized to (approve) (pay) (allow) (approve, pay, and allow) such claims] did, at ---------- on or about ----------, 19---, (forge) (counterfeit) (forge and counterfeit) [(procure) (advise) (procure and advise) the (forging) (counterfeiting) (forging and counterfeiting) of] the signature of ----------, upon a ----------, (----------) [by ----------] in words and figures as follows: ----------.
Using, etc.,
signature.107. In that ----------, for the purpose of (obtaining) (aiding others, viz, ----------, to obtain) the (approval) (allowance) (payment) (approval, allowance, and payment) of a claim against the [United States, by presenting to ----------) [(finance officer at (----------), an officer of the United States duly authorized to (approve) (pay) (allow) (approve, pay, and allow) such claims] did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (use) (advise the use of) (procure the use of) the signature of ---------- on a certain (writing) (paper) to wit, ---------- such signature, being (forged) (counterfeited) (forged and counterfeited), and then known by the said ---------- to be (forged) (counterfeited) (forged and counterfeited).
Paying amount
less than receipt
calls for.108. In that ----------, having (charge) (possession) (custody) (control) of (money) (----------) of the United States, (furnished) (intended) (furnished and intended) for the military service thereof, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, knowingly (deliver) (cause to be delivered) to ----------, the said ----------, having authority to receive the same, (an amount) which as he, ----------, then knew was (---------- dollars ---------- cents) (----------) less than the (amount) for which he received a (certificate) (receipt), from the said ----------.
Making receipt
without know----------
ledge of the
facts.109. In that ----------, being authorized to (make) (deliver) (make and deliver) a paper certifying the receipt of property of the United States (furnished) (intended) (furnished and intended) for the military service thereof, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (make) (deliver) (make and deliver) to ---------- a writing in words and figures as follows : ----------, without having full knowledge of the truth of the statements therein contained and with the intent to defraud the United States.
Larceny of mil----------
itary property.110. In that ---------- did, at ---------- on or about ----------, 19---, feloniously take, steal, and carry away ---------- of the value of about $-----, property, of the United States (furnished) (intended) (furnished and intended) for the military service thereof.
of military
property.111. In that ----------, being at the time ----------, did, at ----------, on ----------, 19---, feloniously embezzle by fraudulently converting to his own use ---------- of the value of ----------, the property of the United States (furnished) (intended) (furnished and intended) for the military service thereof, intrusted to him the said ---------- by ----------.
etc. of
property.112. In that ----------did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (knowingly and willfully misappropriate) (knowingly and willfully apply to his own use) (knowingly and willfully apply to his own benefit) (knowingly and willfully apply to his own use and benefit) [ (wrongfully) (knowingly and without proper authority) (wrongfully and knowingly) (sell) (dispose of by ----------)] ---------- ---------- of the value of about $-----, property
of the United States (furnished) (intended) (furnished and intended) for the military service thereof.
etc., United
States property.113. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, knowingly (purchase) (receive in pledge for an (obligation) (indebtedness) from ----------, (in) (employed in) the military service) (forces) of the United States, (----------) of the value of about $-----, property of the United States, the said ---------- not having the lawful right to (sell) (pledge) the same. A.W. 95 Making check
with insufficient
funds.114. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, [with intent to defraud] [with intent to (deceive) (injure) (deceive and injure)] wrongfully and unlawfully make and utter to ----------, a certain check, in words and figures as follows, to wit: ----------, [and by means thereof, did fraudulently obtain from ---------- ($-----) (----------) of the value of about ($-----)] [in payment of ----------], he the said ----------, then well knowing that he did not have and not intending that he should have (any account with) (sufficient funds in) the ---------- bank for the payment of said check.
Drunk, etc. 115. In that ---------- was, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, in a public place, to wit, (----------) (drunk) (disorderly) (drunk and disorderly) while in uniform.
Making false
assignment of
claim for pay.116. In that ----------, having assigned to ---------- his claim (against the United States) for pay in full for the month of ----------, 19---, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, again assign to ---------- said claim (or for the use of) against the United States for pay in full for the said month of ----------, 19---, which second assignment was by him known to be false and fraudulent.
Failure, etc., to
pay debt.117. In that ----------, being indebted to ----------in the sum of $----- for ----------, which amount became due and payable (on) (about) (on or about) ----------, did, at ----------, from ----------, 19---, to ----------, 19---, dishonorably fail and neglect to pay said debt.
Failure to keep
promise to pay
debt.118. In that ----------, having on or about ----------, become indebted to ----------in the sum of ---------- for ----------, and having debt failed without due cause to liquidate said indebtedness, and having on or about ----------, 19---, promised (in writing to) said ---------- that he would on or about ----------, 19---, (settle such indebtedness in full) (pay on such indebtedness the sum of $-----), did, without due cause, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, dishonorably fail to keep said promise.
Making false
official state----------
ment.119. In that ----------did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, with intent to deceive ----------, officially (report) (state) to the said ----------, that ----------, which (report) (statement) was (known , by the said ---------- to be untrue) (believed by the said ---------- to be untrue) (made by the said ---------- with disregard of a knowledge of the facts) (made by the said ---------- as true when he did not know it to be true) in that ----------.
False pretenses. 120. In that ----------, with intent to defraud ----------, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, unlawfully pretend to ---------- that ----------, well knowing that said pretenses were false, and by means thereof did fraudulently obtain from the said ---------- (the sum of $-----) (merchandise of the value of $-----) (----------).
A.W. 96 Abusing
animals.121. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, wrongfully (kick a public horse in the belly) (----------).
Allowing pris-
oner to do un-
authorized act.122. In that ----------, a (sentinel) (overseer) (----------), being in charge of prisoners, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, wrongfully allow ----------, a prisoner under his charge [to (go to) (enter) (go to and enter) an unauthorized place, to wit: ----------] [to (hold unauthorized conversation with ----------) (loiter) (neglect his task by ----------) (obtain) (receive) intoxicating liquor (----------)].
Appearing in
civilian clothing
authority.123. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, without authority, appear in civilian clothing
Improper or
unclean uniform,
etc.124. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, wrongfully appear (at) (on) ---------- (without his ----------) (with his ---------- not buttoned) (in an unclean ----------) (with an unclean ----------) (----------).
Assault. 125. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, wrongfully attempt to (strike) (----------) ----------(in) (on) the ---------- with ----------.
Assault and
battery.126. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, wrongfully (strike) (----------) ---------- (in) (on) the ---------- with ----------.
Malingering. 127. In that ----------did, at ---------- (on or about ----------, 19---), (between ---------- and ----------), with the intention of evading his (duty) (----------) as a (soldier) (----------) , feign (illness), (disability), (insanity), (----------).
Attempting to
escape.128. In that ----------, a prisoner lawfully in confinement in (the post guardhouse) (----------), did at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, attempt to escape from such confinement.
Breach of
restriction.129. In that ----------, having been restricted to the limits of ----------, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, break said restriction by going to ----------.
Carrying con-
cealed weapon.130. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, unlawfully carry a concealed weapon, viz, a ----------.
nuisance.131. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, wrongfully (urinate) (defecate) (----------) (on the floor of the squad room) (----------).
Mutilating, etc.,
public record.132. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, willfully and unlawfully [ (conceal) (remove) (mutilate) (obliterate) (destroy)] [attempt to (conceal) (remove) (mutilate) (obliterate) (destroy)] [take and carry away with intent to (conceal) (remove) (mutilate) (obliterate) (destroy) (steal)] a public record, to wit: (the descriptive list of ----------) (----------).
Conspiracy to
escape.133. In that ----------, a prisoner lawfully in confinement in (the post guardhouse) (----------), did at---------- , on or about ----------, 19---, conspire with ---------- and ---------- to escape from such confinement.
Destruction of
property.134. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, willfully, wrongfully, and unlawfully destroy ----------, value about $-----, property of the United States.
Careless dis----------
charge of
firearm.135. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, through carelessness, discharge a (service rifle) (----------) in his (squad room) (tent) (-).
etc.136. In that ---------- was at ----------on or about ----------, 19--- [(drunk) (disorderly) (drunk and disorderly) in (command) (quarters) (station) (camp) (----------)] [ (drunk) (disorderly) (drunk and disorderly) (in uniform in a public place, to wit ----------) (----------)].
Drinking liquor
with prisoner.137. In that ----------, a sentinel (----------) in charge of prisoners, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, drink intoxicating liquor with ----------, a prisoner under his charge.
Prisoner found
drunk.135. In that ----------, a prisoner, was, at ----------, on or about , 19---, found drunk.
Failing to
obey order.139. In that ----------, having received a lawful order from ---------- to ----------, the said ---------- being in the execution of his office, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, fail to obey the same.
Failure to pay
debts, etc..140. In that ----------, being indebted to ----------in the sum of $----- for ----------, which amount became due and payable (on) (about) (on or about) ----------, did, at ----------, from ----------, 19---, to ----------, 19---, dishonorably fail and neglect to pay said debt.
False official
report.141. In that ---------- id, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, with intent to deceive ----------, officially (report) (state) to the said ----------, that ----------, which (report) (statement) was (known by the said ----------to be untrue) (believed by the said ----------to be untrue) (made by the said ---------- with disregard of a knowledge of the facts) (made by the said ---------- as true when he did not know it to be true) in that ----------.
False swearing. 142. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (in an affidavit) (in his testimony before a ---------- court--martial at the trial of ----------) (in ----------) make under oath a statement in substance as follows : (----------) which statement he did not then believe to be true.
Gambling with
subordinate.143. In that (Sergeant) (Corporal) ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, gamble with Privates ----------and ----------.
Gambling in
quarters in vio-
lation of orders.144. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, gamble in quarters, in violation of (here insert description of order).
exposure.145. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19--- while (at a barracks window) (----------) willfully and wrongfully expose in an indecent manner to public view his (----------).
Introduction of
liquor, drugs
into command.146. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, wrongfully introduce (for sale) into (quarters) (station) (camp) (----------) (two quarts of whisky) (one ounce of heroin) (----------).
Using a drug. 147. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, wrongfully use ----------, a narcotic drug.
Possession of
drug.148. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, have in his possession ---------- ounces, more or less, of a habit-forming drug, to wit (----------), said drug not having been ordered by a medical officer of the Army.
Usury. 149. In that ---------- (for and in behalf of one ----------) did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, loan to ---------- $-----, under an agreement whereby he, the said ----------, was to receive for the use of said money for ---------- (months) (days) interest at the rate of ----- percent per (annum) (month) (the sum of $-----), thereby (demanding) (receiving) (demanding and receiving) an usurious rate of interest for said loan.
False pretense. 150. In that ----------, with intent to defraud ----------, did at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, unlawfully pretend to ----------that ----------, well knowing that said pretenses were false, and by means thereof did fraudulently obtain from the said ----------(the sum of $-----) (merchandise of the value of $-----) (----------).
Failure to take
prophylaxis.151. In that ----------, did, at ----------, on or about the ----------, 19---, neglect to take proper prophylactic treatment after illicit sexual intercourse and did thereby develop a venereal disease, to wit (----------).
Offenses against
and by sentinel.152. In that ----------did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (attempt) (threaten) to (strike) (assault) ----------, a sentinel in the execution of his duty [(in) (on) the ----------] with (a) (his) ----------. 153. In that ----------(a prisoner) did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19--- [use the following (threatening) (insulting) (threatening and insulting) language] [behave in an (insubordinate) (disrespectful) (insubordinate and disrespectful) manner] toward ----------, a sentinel in the execution of his duty ["----------," or words to that effect] [by ---------- ---------- ].
154. In that ----------, having received a lawful order from ----------, a sentinel in the execution of his duty, to ----------, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19--- (fail to obey) (willfully disobey) the same.
155. In that ----------did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, (strike) (assault) ----------, a sentinel in the execution of his duty, (in) (on) the ----------with (a) (his) ----------.
156. In that ----------, while posted as a sentinel, did; at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, loiter (wrongfully sit down) on his post.
Straggling. 157. In that ---------- did, at ----------, or about ----------, 19---, while accompanying his organization on (a practice march) (maneuvers) without just cause straggle.
of perjury.155. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about 19---, procure ---------- to commit perjury, by inducing him, the said ----------, to take an oath before a competent (tribunal) (officer) (person) in a (trial by court-martial of ----------) (----------) that he, the said ----------, mould (testify) (depose) truly and, willfully, corruptly, and contrary to such oath, to (testify) (depose) in substance that ---------- which (testimony) (deposition) was false, was (material) (a material matter) and was known by the said and the said ---------- to be false.
Breaking parole. 159. In that ----------, a prisoner on parole, did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, break his parole by ----------.
stolen goods.160. In that ----------did, at ----------, on or about ---------- feloniously receive, have, and conceal (describe property as in larceny), of the goods and chattels of (name owner), then lately before feloniously stolen, taken, and carried away; he, the said (accused), then well knowing the said goods and chattels to have been so feloniously stolen, taken, and carried away.
Uttering forged
instruments.161. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, with intent to defraud willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously (pass) (utter) (publish) (attempt to (pass) (utter) (publish) ) as true and genuine a certain ----------in words and figures as follows : ----------, a writing of a (public) (private) nature, which
might operate to the prejudice of another, which said ---------- was, as he, the said ---------- then well knew, falsely (made) (altered) and forged.
Self maiming. 162. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, willfully maim himself in the ---------- by (shooting himself with ----------) (----------), thereby unfitting himself for the full performance of military service.
Maiming, etc. 163. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about the ----------, 19---, with intent to (maim) (disfigure) (maim and disfigure), willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously [(cut) (bite) (slit) the (nose) (ear) (lip)] [(cut out) (disable) the tongue] [(put out) (destroy) the eye] [(cut off) disable) the (limb) (----------, the member)] of ---------- by ----------.
Disfiguring, etc.,
with vitriol, etc.164. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, with intent to (maim) (disfigure) (maim and disfigure), willfully, unlawfully, and feloniously, (throw) (pour) upon ----------, (scalding hot water) (vitriol) (----------, a corrosive acid) (----------, a caustic substance
perjury.165. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, in a claim for (family allowance) (compensation) (insurance) [in ----------, a document required by (regulations made under) the war risk insurance act, in the making of a claim for (family allowance) (compensation) (insurance), to wit ----------] willfully and unlawfully make a statement that -------------------- which statement was a material fact, and known by the said ---------- to be false, in that ----------.
enlistment.166. In that ----------did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, by willfully concealing the fact that he was then a private in ----------, procure himself to be enlisted in the military service of the United States by ----------.
Burning, etc.,
of building.167. In that ---------- did, at ----------, on or about ----------, 19---, maliciously (set fire to) (burn) (attempt to burn) [(destroy) (injure) by ----------] [attempt to (destroy) (injure)] (a) (an) (arsenal, armory, etc., as the case may be).
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