Proceedings in the trial of Private ----------, Company ----------, ---------- Infantry, by the special court-martial appointed by the orders of which copies are appended marked ----------, ----------, and ----------. ![]()
Appendix VII.
Form for Record of Trial by Special Court-Martial(Note.--See 86 and note at head of App. 6. No index is required and no copy of the record need be made.)Fort --------------------, --------------------,
---------- ----------, 19---.The court met pursuant to the orders appointing it at ---------- o'clock, ----------, all the personnel of the court being present (except as follows:)
(Note.--List absentees. Reasons for absence need not be shown.)The accused and counsel introduced by him, viz, ---------- ----------, ---------- ---------- were present. (---------- was sworn as reporter and ---------- as interpreter.)
(Note.--As to employment of reporter for a special court-martial, see 46a.)The following members of the court were excused and withdrew for the reasons stated opposite their respective names.
Capt. ---------- ---------- (excused without challenge as being the accuser).
Lieut. ---------- ---------- (excused upon challenge for cause).
Lieut. ---------- ---------- (excused upon peremptory challenge).There was no contest with respect to the excusing of any of the officers named (except as follows:)
(Note.--Insert a summary of the entire proceedings had with respect to each contest.)The accused having been given full opportunity to exercise his rights as to challenge, the members of the court and the personnel of the prosecution were sworn.
(Note.--Record continues as provided for a general court-martial up to arraignment.)The accused was then arraigned upon the charges and specifications appended and marked ----------.
(Note.--The record then continues as provided for a general court-martial, except that, if no reporter is employed, a summary only of the testimony and of any oral statements made on behalf of the defense need be recorded, and the data as to service, etc., need not be copied. Any ruling on an interlocutory question, the occasion for that ruling, and the final action on the question should show.)
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