Adak Harbor, oil painting, by William F. Draper. In the harbor a Liberty ship lies at dock while Army Air Forces fighter planes practice maneuvers in the sky. Dwarfed by snow-clad mountains, Navy ships are at anchor in the background.
United States Navy
Combat Narrative
The Aleutians Campaign
June 1942--August 1943
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Forward to the NHC Edition
- The Geographical Factor
- Terrain
- Weather
- Preparations
- Dutch Harbor Bombed, 3 and 4 June
- The Approach
- The Bombardment
- Introduction
- Events Preceding the Action
- Preliminary Movements of the Battle
- Action is Joined
- "Stand By to Lay Smoke"
- "Execute Torpedo Attack"
- The Retirement
- Observations
- Conclusions
- Summary of Ammunition Expended
- Planning and Training
- Tactical Plan
- The Approach
- Northern Landings
- Southern Landings
- Events of 12 May
- Events of 13 May
- Events of 14 May
- Events of 15 May
- Events of 16 May
- Events of 17-18 May
- Attack on Phelps and Charleston, 22 May
- Airfields on Attu and Shemya Established
- Note of the Effect of Naval Gunfire; Air Operations
- Note of Rations Supplied by Transports
- Bombardment of 6 July
- Bombardment of 22 July
- Radar Contacts of 25-26 July
- Bombardment of 2 August
- Bombardment of 12 August
- Plans for the Assault
- Execution of the Plan
- Evacuation of Kiska by the Japanese
- Conclusion
Charts and Illustrations
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The Aleutians Campaign, June 1942-August 1943.
p. cm. -- (Combat Narratives, no. 1)
Originally published: Washington: Publications Branch,
Office of Naval Intelligence, United States Navy, 1945.
ISBN 0-945274-16-5
1. World War, 1939-1045--Campaigns--Alaska--Aleutian Islands.
I. Naval Historical Center (U.S.)
D769.87.A4A44 1993
940.54'28 93-25203
For sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office
Superintendent of Documents, Mail Stop: SSOP, Washington, DC 20402-9328
ISBN 0-16-041801-1
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April 16, 1998