EA-EZ: U.S. Government Executive Departments and Foreign Governments
EA1 Secretary of Agriculture.
EA2 Director of Scientific Work.
EA3 Solicitor.
EA4 Director of Information.
EA5 Press Service.
EA6 Exhibits.
EA7 Farm Management and Farm Economics (obsolete).
EA8 Weather Bureau (obsolete).
EA9 Bureau of Animal Industry.
EA10 Bureau of Plant Industry.
EA11 Forest Service.
EA12 Bureau of Chemistry and Soils.
EA13 Bureau of Soils. (Obsolete, see EA12.)
EA14 Bureau of Entomology.
EA15 Biological Survey. (See EI35.)
EA16 Division of Accounts and Disbursements.
EA17 Division of Publications.
EA18 Library.
EA19 States Relations Service.
EA20 Bureau of Public Roads.
EA21 Bureau of Markets and Crop Estimates (obsolete).
EA22 Packers and Stockyards Administration (obsolete).
EA23 Administration of Grain Future Trading Act.
EA24 Insecticide and Fungicide (obsolete).
EA25 Federal Horticultural Board.
EA26 Fixed Nitrogen Research Board (obsolete).
EA27 Director of Personnel and Administration.
EA28 Experimental Station.
EA29 Extension Service.
EA30 Bureau of Dairy Industry.
EA31 Bureau of Agricultural Economics.
EA32 Bureau of Home Economics.
EA33 Plant Quarantine and Control Administration.
EA34 Rural Electrification Administration.
EB1 National Museum.
EB2 National Gallery of Art.
EB3 Bureau of American Ethnology.
EB4 International Exchanges.
EB5 National Zoological Park.
EB6 Astrophysical Observatory.
EB7 Regional Bureau for the United States, international catalogue of scientific literature.
EB8 Division of Radiation and Organisms.
EC1 Secretary of Commerce.
EC2 Assistant Secretary of Commerce.
EC3 Division of Appointments.
EC4 Division of Publications.
EC5 Division of Supplies.
EC6 Bureau of the Census.
EC7 Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. (See ES25.)
EC7-1 Commercial attaches.
EC8 Bureau of Standards.
EC9 Bureau of Fisheries. (See EI34.)
EC10 Bureau of Lighthouses. (See ET19.)
EC11 Coast and Geodetic Survey.
EC12 Bureau of Navigation (Department of Commerce).
EC13 Steamboat Inspection Service.
EC14 Patent Office.
EC15 Bureau of Mines. (See EI32.)
EC16 Radio commissioners (Federal Radio Commission).
EC17 Assistant Secretary for Aeronautics.
EC18 Radio Division.
EC19 Division of Simplified Practice.
EC20 Inland Waterways Corporation.
EC21 Weather Bureau.
ED1 National Research Council.
EE1 The President.
EE2 The Vice President.
EE3 National Emergency Council.
EE4 Office of Production Management.
EE5 Coordinator of Information.
EE6 Petroleum Coordinator for National Defense.
EE7 Office of Emergency Management.
EE8 Office of Civilian Defense.
EE9 Supply Priorities and Allocations Board.
EF1 Abyssinia.
EF2 Afghanistan.
EF3 Albania.
EF4 Arabia.
EF5 Argentine Republic.
EF6 Transcaucasian Federation.
Georgia} Socialist Soviet Republics. EF7 Austria.
EF8 (See EF6.)
EF9 Belgium.
EF9-1 Belgian Congo.
EF10 Bhutan.
EF11 Bolivia.
EF12 Brazil.
EF13 British Empire.
EF13-1 British Isles (England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland).
EF13-2 Isle of Man.
EF13-3 Channel Islands.
EF13-4 Gibraltar.
EF13-5 Malta.
EF13-6 Aden, Perin, Sokopra, etc.
EF13-7 Bahrain Islands.
EF13-8 Borneo (British).
British North Borneo.
Sarawak.EF13-9 Ceylon.
Maldive Islands.
EF13-10 Cyprus.
EF13-11 Hong Kong.
EF13-12 India and dependencies.
Andaman Islands.
Nicobor Islands.
Laccadive Islands, Keeling Islands.
Kuria Muria Islands.EF13-13 The Straits Settlements.
Cocos or Keeling Islands.
Christmas Island.
Labuan.EF13-14 Federated Malay States.
EF13-15 Malay States not in Federation.
EF13-16 Weihaiwei.
EF13-17 Ascension Islands.
EF13-18 British East Africa.
Kenya Colony and Protectorate.
Tanganyika Territory.
Uganda Protectorate.
Zanzibar.EF13-19 Mauritius.
EF13-20 Nyasaland Protectorate.
EF13-21 St. Helena.
EF13-22 Tristan Da Cunah.
EF13-23 Seychelles.
EF13-24 Somaliland Protectorate.
EF13-25 South Africa.
Bechuanaland Protectorate.
Rhodesia.EF13-26 Swaziland.
EF 13-27 Union of South Africa.
Cape of Good Hope.
The Transvaal.
Orange Free State.
EF13-28 Nigeria.
EF13-29 Cameroon.
EF13-30 Gambia.
EF13-31 Gold Coast.
EF13-32 Ashanti.
EF13-33 Northern Territories.
EF13-34 Togoland.
EF13-35 Sierra Leone.
EF13-36 The Protectorate.
EF13-37 Egypt.
Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.
EF13-38 Bermudas.
EF13-39 Canada.
British Columbia.
New Brunswick.
Nova Scotia.
Prince Edward Island.
Northwest Territories.EF13-40 Falkland Islands.
EF13-41 Guiana, British,
EF13-42 Honduras, British.
EF13-43 Newfoundland and Labrador.
EF13-44 West Indies.
Caymen Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands.
Leeward Islands..
EF13-45 Australia
New South Wales.
South Australia.
Western Australia.
Northern Territory.EF13-46 Fiji Islands.
EF13-47 New Guinea.
EF13-48 New Zealand.
Western Samoa.
Nauru.EF13-49 Papua.
EF 13-50 Pacific Islands.
Other Islands.EF13-51 Tasmania.
EF14 Bulgaria.
EF15 Chile.
EF16 China.
Mongolia.EF17 Colombia.
EF18 Costa Rica.
EF19 Cuba.
EF20 Czechoslovakia.
EF21 Danzig.
EF22 Denmark.
EF22-1 Iceland.
EF22-2 Greenland.
EF23 Ecuador.
EF24 Egypt.
EF25 Estonia.
EF26 Finland.
EF27 Fiume.
EF28 France.
EF28-I1 Andorra.
EF28-2 French India.
EF28-3 French Indo-China.
EF28-4 Algeria.
EF28-5 French Congo.
EF28-6 Madagascar.
EF28-7 Mayotte and the Cormero Islands.
EF28-8 Reunion.
EF28-9 Somali Coast.
EF28-10 Senegal.
EF28-11 Guinea.
EF28-12 Ivory Coast.
EF28-13 Dahomey.
EF28-14 French Sudan.
EF28-15 Upper Volta.
EF28-16 Mauritania.
EF28-17 Togo.
EF28-18 Tunis.
EF28-19 Guadaloupe and dependencies.
EF28-20 Guiana.
EF28-21 Martinique.
EF28-22 St. Pierre and Miquelon.
EF28-23 New Caledonia.
EF28-24 New Hebrides.
EF28-25 French establishments in Oceania.
EF30 Germany.
Wurttemberg.EF31 Greece.
EF32 Guatemala.
EF33 Haiti.
EF34 Honduras.
EF35 Hungary.
EF36 Italy.
EF36-1 San Marino.
EF36-2 Eritrea.
EF36-3 Somaliland.
EF3&-4 Tripolitania and Cyrenaica.
EF36-5 Tientsin (concession of).
EF37 Japan.
EF37-1 Korea.
EF37-2 Formosa (Taiwan).
EF37-3 Pescadores.
EF37-4 Sakhalin.
EF37-5 Kwantung.
EF37-6 Kiau-Chau.
EF37-7 Pacific Islands.
EF38 Latvia.
EF39 Liberia.
EF40 Liechtenstein.
EF41 Lithuania.
EF42 Luxemburg.
EF43 *Iraq.
EF44 Mexico.
EF45 Monaco.
EF46 Morocco.
EF47 Nepal.
EF48 Netherlands, The
EF48-1 Dutch East Indies.
EF48-2 Dutch West Indies.
Surinam or Dutch Guiana.
Curacao.EF49 Nicaragua,
EF50 Norway.
EF50-1 Spitsbergen.
EF51 Oman.
EF52 Palestine.
EF53 Panama.
EF54 Paraguay.
EF55 *Iran.
EF56 Peru.
EF57 Poland.
EF58 Portugal.
EF58-1 Dependencies.
EF59 Rome, see and church of.
EF60 Rumania.
EF61 Russia (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics).
EF62 Salvador.
EF63 Santo Domingo (Dominican Government).
EF64 Serb, Croat, and Slovene State (Yugoslavia).
EF65 Siam.
EF66 Spain.
EF67 Sweden.
EF68 Switzerland.
EF69 Syria.
EF70 Turkey.
EF71 Ukraine.
EF72 Uruguay.
EF73 Venezuela.
EG1 Arkansas.
EG2 Alabama.
EG3 Alaska.
EG4 Arizona.
EG5 California.
EG6 Colorado.
EG7 Connecticut.
EG8 Delaware.
EG9 District of Columbia.
EG10 Florida.
EG11 Georgia.
EG12 Hawaii.
EG12-1 Midway Islands.
EG13 Idaho.
EG14 Illinois.
EG15 Indiana.
EG16 Iowa.
EG17 Kansas.
EG18 Kentucky.
EG19 Louisiana.
EG20 Maine.
EG21 Maryland.
EG22 Massachusetts.
EG23 Michigan.
EG24 Minnesota.
EG25 Mississippi.
EG26 Missouri.
EG27 Montana.
EG28 Nebraska.
EG29 Nevada.
EG30 New Hampshire.
EG31 New Jersey.
EG32 New Mexico.
EG33 New York.
EG34 North Carolina.
EG35 North Dakota.
EG36 Ohio.
EG37 Oklahoma.
EG38 Oregon.
EG39 Pennsylvania.
EG40 Rhode Island.
EG41 South Carolina.
EG42 South Dakota.
EG43 Tennessee.
EG44 Texas.
EG45 Utah.
EG46 Vermont.
EG47 Virginia.
EG48 Washington.
EG49 West Virginia.
EG50 Wisconsin.
EG51 Wyoming.
EG52 Philippines.
EG53 American Samoa.
EG54 Guam.
EG55 Puerto Rico.
EG56 Virgin Islands.
EG57 Panama Canal Zone.
EG58 Navassa Island.
EG59 Swan Island.
EG60 Wake Island.
EG61 Insular possessions (general).
EI1 Secretary of the Interior.
EI2 General Land Office.
EI2-1 Land districts and land offices.
EI3 Indian Affairs.
EI6 Bureau of Education.
EI7 Geological Survey.
EI8 Executive Division.
EI9 Geologic Branch.
EI10 Water Resources Branch.
EI11 Topographic Branch.
EI12 Land Classification Board.
EI13 Mineral Resources of United States Division.
EI14 Alaskan Mineral Resources Division.
EI15 Library of Department of Interior.
EI16 Publication Branch.
EI17 Reclamation Service.
EI19 National Park Service.
EI20 St. Elizabeths Hospital.
EI21 Howard University.
EI22 Board of Indian Commissioners.
EI23 Freedmen's Hospital.
EI24 Alaskan Engineering Commission.
EI25 War Mineral's Relief.
EI26 Returns Office.
EI27 Alaskan Railroads.
EI28 Territorial Officials.
EI29 Southern Appalachian National Park Commission.
EI30 Solicitor.
EI31 Puerto Rico Reconstruction Administration.
EI32 Bureau of Mines.
EI33 Bureau of Insular Affairs.
EI34 Bureau of Fisheries.
EI35 Biological Survey.
EJ1 Attorney General.
EJ2 Solicitor General.
EJ3 Director, Bureau of Investigation.
EJ4 Superintendent of Prisons.
EJ5 Attorney in charge of pardons.
EJ6 Attorney in charge of titles.
EJ7 Chief of Division of Accounts.
EJ8 Solicitor of Department of State.
EJ9 Solicitor of the Treasury.
EJ10 Solicitor of Internal Revenue.
EJ13 Solicitor for the Department of Commerce.
EJ14 Solicitor for the Department of Labor.
EJ15 Federal penitentiary, Atlanta, Ga.
EJ16 Federal penitentiary, Leavenworth, Kans.
EJ17 District attorneys.
EJ18 United States marshals.
EJ19 Federal penitentiary, McNeil Island, Wash.
EJ20 Prison Industries.
EJ21 National Training School for Boys.
EK1 Public group.
EK2 Labor group.
EK3 Management group.
EK4 Chief statistician.
EK5 Supervisor of dockets.
EK6 Disbursing officer.
EL1 Secretary of Labor.
EL2 Assistant Secretary of Labor.
EL3 Division of Publications and Supplies.
EL4 Division of Conciliation.
EL5 Bureau of Labor Statistics.
EL6 Bureau of Immigration.
EL7 Children's Bureau.
EL8 Bureau of Naturalization.
EL9 Women's Bureau.
EL10 United States Employment Service.
EL11 Bureau of Industrial Housing and Transportation.
EN1 Secretary of the Navy.
EN1-1 Budgets and reports.
EN1-2 Naval petroleum and oil shale reserve office.
EN1-3 Inspectors of naval petroleum reserves, general.
EN1-4 Inspector of naval petroleum reserves, California.
EN1-5 Chief Clerk, Navy Department.
EN1-6 Inspector of naval petroleum reserve, Wyoming.
EN1-7 Civil disbursing officer (disbursing clerk).
EN1-8 Supply Division.
EN1-9 Inventions Division.
EN1-10 Quarterly Survey Office.
EN1-11 Record Division.
EN1-12 Division of Personnel Supervision and Management.
EN1-13 Coordinator of Shipbuilding.
EN1-14 Security Section, Secretary's Office.
EN1-15 Central Statistical Division.
EN1-16 Naval plant protection force (formerly naval civilian police).
EN1-17 Public relations (now under Secretary's Office).
EN1-18 Coordinator for ship repair and conversion.
EN1-19 Secretary of the naval advisory council.
EN1-20 Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy, New York, N, Y. (shipbuilding campaign).
EN1-21 Navy Office of Defense Saving Bonds.
EN1-22 Coordinator of Research and Development.
EN1-23 Space Office.
EN2 Assistant Secretary.
EN2-1 Navy yard division.
EN2-2 Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Air.
EN2-3 Under Secretary of the Navy.
EN3 Office of Naval Operations.
EN3-1 War plans division.
EN3-2 Communication division.
EN3-3 Material division.
EN3-4 Naval districts division.
EN3-5 Submarine division.
EN3-6 Inspection division, inspection and survey, and joint merchant vessel board.
EN3-7 Fleet training division.
EN3-8 Policy and liaison section.
EN3-9 Ship movements division.
EN3-10 Intelligence.
EN3-11 Naval attache's.
EN3-12 Naval library and historical section.
EN3-13 Information section, O. N. I.
EN3-14 Inspector general, naval communications.
EN3-15 Technical office including inventions section.
EN3-16 Naval reserve policy section.
EN3-17 Inspection board for naval districts.
EN4 Bureau of Navigation.
EN4-1 Inspectors of navigation material (general).
EN4-2 Brooklyn, N, Y., inspector of navigation material.
EN5 Bureau of Yards and Docks.
EN6 Bureau of Ordnance.
EN6-1 Inspector of ordnance (general).
EN6-2 Quincy, Mass,, inspector of ordnance.
EN6-3 Bridgeport, Conn., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-4 Groton, Conn., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-5 Schenectady, N.Y., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-6 New York, N, Y., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-7 Brooklyn, N.Y., inspector of ordnance, E. W. Bliss Co.
EN6-8 Brooklyn, N.Y., inspector of ordnance, Sperry Gyro Co.
EN6-9 Long Island City, N.Y., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-10 Rochester, N.Y., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-11 Erie, Pa., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-12 Munhall, Pa., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-13 Camden, N, J., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-14 Harrison, N. J,, inspector of ordnance.
EN6-15 Philadelphia, Pa., inspector of ordnance, Midvale Steel Co.
EN6-16 Philadelphia, Pa., inspector of ordnance, Cramps Shipyard.
EN6-17 South Bethlehem, Pa., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-18 Newport News, Va., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-19 Alexandria, Va., inspector of ordnance, 5th, 6th, and 7th inspection districts.
EN6-20 Chicago, 111., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-21 Mansfield, Ohio, inspector of ordnance.
EN6-22 San Francisco, Calif., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-23 Tacoma, Wash., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-24 New York, N.Y., inspector of powder.
EN6-25 Brooklyn, N.Y., inspector of ordnance, Arma Engineering Co.
EN6-26 Washington Navy Yard, experimental ammunition unit.
EN6-27 Washington Navy Yard, mine building.
EN6-28 Philadelphia, Pa., inspector of ordnance, Marine Engineering Corporation.
EN6-29 Richmond, Va., inspector of ordnance, Tredegar's.
EN6-30 Kearny, N.J., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-31 Detroit, Mich., inspector of ordnance, Vickers.
EN6~32 New York, N.Y., inspector of ordnance, Carl Norden.
EN6-33 Jersey City, N.J., inspector of ordnance.
EN6-34 Minneapolis, Minn., inspector of ordnance, Northern Pump Co.
EN6-35 Detroit, Mich., inspector of ordnance, Pontiac Division, General Motors Corporation, with additional duties at Hudson Motor Co.
EN6-36 York, Pa., inspector of ordnance, York Safe & Lock Co.
EN6-37 Pontiac, Mich., inspector of ordnance, Pontiac Motors Division of General Motors Corporation.
EN6-38 Providence, R. I., inspector of ordnance, American Oerlikon Garda Co.
EN6-39 Bath, Maine, inspector of ordnance, Bath Iron Works Corporation.
EN6-40 Detroit, Mich., inspector of ordnance, Chrysler Corporation.
EN6-41 Hamilton, Ohio, inspector of ordnance, Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co.
EN6-42 San Pedro, Calif., inspector of ordnance, Los Angeles 8. B. & D. D. Co.
EN6-43 Toledo, Ohio, inspector of ordnance, Willys-Overland Motors, Inc.
EN6-44 Los Angeles, Calif., inspector of ordnance, Consolidated Steel Corp. Ltd. of Calif.
EN6-45 Sunnyvale, Calif., inspector of ordnance, Joshua Hendy Iron Works.
EN6-46 Martins Perry, Ohio, inspector of ordnance, Blaw-Knox Co.
EN7 Bureau of Construction and Repair.
{Due to the combining of the Bureau of Construction and Repair and the Bureau of Engineering as the Bureau of Ships with symbol the EN7 group is obsolete and should not be used for current filing but only for reference to previous correspondence.)
EN7-1 Superintending constructors.
EN7-2 Inspectors of hull material.
EN7-3 Boards on hull changes.
EN7-4 Quincy, Mass., superintending constructor.
EN7-5 Bridgeport, Conn., superintending constructor.
EN7-6 Groton, Conn., superintending constructor.
EN7-7 New York, N.Y., superintending constructor.
EN7-8 Camden, N, J., superintending constructor.
EN7-9 Philadelphia, Pa,, superintending constructor. EN7-10 Newport News, Va., superintending constructor.
EN7-1I San Francisco, Calif., superintending constructor.
EN7-12 Tacoma, Wash., superintending constructor.
EN7-14 Philadelphia, Pa., superintending constructor, Marine Engineering Corporation.
EN7-15 Bath, Maine, superintending constructor.
EN7-17 Staten Island, N. Y,, superintending constructor, United Dry Docks.
EN7-18 Kearny, N.J., superintending constructor, Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock.
EN7-19 Miami, Fla., superintending constructor, Fogal Boat Yard, Inc.
EN7-20 Boston, Mass., inspector of hull material.
EN7-21 Schenectady, N.Y., inspector of hull material.
EN7-22 New York, N.Y., inspector of hull material.
EN7-23 Philadelphia, Pa., inspector of hull material.
EN7-24 Munhall, Pa., inspector of hull material.
EN7-2S New Orleans, La., superintending constructor, Higgins Industries.
EN7-26 Detroit, Mich., superintending constructor, Fisher Boat Works.
EN7-27 Stamford, Conn., superintending constructor, Luders Co.
EN7-28 Wilmington, Del., superintending constructor, American C. & F. Co.
EN7-29 Bay City, Mich., superintending constructor, Defoe Boat Engineering Works.
EM8 Bureau of Engineering (obsolete--now Inspector of Machinery).
EN8-1 Inspectors of machinery and material.
EN8-2 Quincy, Mass., inspectors of machinery.
EN8-3 Bridgeport, Conn,, inspectors of machinery.
EN8-5 Groton, Conn., inspectors of machinery.
EN8-6 Camden, N, J., inspectors of machinery.
EN8-7 Pittsburgh, Pa,, inspectors of machinery.
EN8-9 Philadelphia, Pa., inspectors of machinery.
EN8-10 Newport News, Va., inspectors of machinery,
EN8-11 Tacoma, Wash., inspectors of machinery.
EN8-12 Boston, Mass., inspectors of engineering material.
EN8-13 New York, N.Y., inspectors of engineering material,
EN8-14 Schenectady, N.Y., inspectors of engineering material,
ENS-15 Hartford, Conn., inspectors of engineering material.
EN8-16 Bethlehem, Pa., inspectors of engineering material.
EN8-17 Philadelphia, Pa., inspectors of engineering material.
EN8-18 Pittsburgh, Pa., inspectors of engineering material,
EN8-19 Cincinnati, Ohio, inspectors of engineering material.
EN8-20 Chicago, Ill., inspectors of engineering material.
EN8-22 San Francisco, Calif., inspectors of engineering material.
EN8-23 San Francisco, Calif., inspector of machinery, Bethlehem Union Iron Works.
ENS-24 Board on changes in machinery.
EN8-25 St. Louis, Mo., inspector of machinery.
EN8-26 Inspector general of machinery.
EN8-27 Shanghai, China, inspector of machinery.
EN8-28 Philadelphia, Pa., inspector of machinery, Marine Engineering Corporation.
EN8-30 New York, Central drafting office, inspector of ma- chinery.
EN8-31 Bath, Maine, inspector of machinery.
EN8-32 New York, inspector of machinery, Gibbs & Cox.
EN8-33 Staten Island, N.Y., inspector of machinery.
EN8-34 Kearny, N.J., inspector of machinery.
EN8-35 Carteret, N, J., inspector of machinery.
EN8-36 Bay City, Mich., inspector of machinery.
EN8 Inspector of Machinery.
EN8-4 Schenectady, N, Y,, inspectors of machinery.
EN8-8 South Philadelphia, Pa,, inspectors of machinery.
EN8-29 Bayonne, N.J., and Barberton, Ohio, inspector of machinery (works of Babcock & Wilcox).
EN8-37 Beloit, Wis., inspector of machinery, Fairbanks Morse Co.
EN8-38 Cleveland, Ohio, inspector of machinery, General Motors Corporation.
EN8-39 LaGrange, 111., inspector of machinery, Electro- Motive Corporation.
EN9 Bureau of Supplies and Accounts.
EN9-1 Navy purchasing and disbursing office (general).
EN9-2 New York, N. Y., navy purchasing and disbursing office.
EN9-3 San Francisco, Calif., navy purchasing and disbursing office.
EN9-4 China, navy purchasing and disbursing office.
EN9-5 Navy cost inspectors (general).
EN9-6 Boston, Mass., navy cost inspector.
EN9-7 Philadelphia, Pa., navy cost inspector.
EN9-8 Erie, Pa., navy cost inspector.
EN9-9 Norfolk, Va., navy cost inspector.
EN9-10 Tacoma, Wash., navy cost inspector.
EN9-11 San Francisco, Calif., navy cost inspector.
EN9-12 General inspector of Supply Corps.
EN9-13 Area coordinators, Army Corps (general).
EN9-14 Boston, Mass., area coordinator, First Army Corps.
EN9-15 New York, N. Y., area coordinator, Second Army Corps.
EN9-16 Philadelphia, Pa., area coordinator, Third Army Corps.
EN9-17 San Francisco, Calif,, area coordinator, Fourth Army Corps.
EN9-18 Washington, D.C., navy detail with Veterans Bureau
EN9-19 Washington, D.C., navy detail with Bureau of Budget.
EN9-20 Inspector of clothing.
EN9-21 Inspector of provisions.
EN9-22 Washington, D. C, central sales board, navy yard.
EN9-23 Newport, R. I., navy purchasing office.
EN9-24 San Pedro, Calif., navy disbursing office.
EN9-25 New York, N.Y., navy cost inspector, Gibbs and Cox.
EN9-26 Groton, Conn., navy cost inspector, Electric Boat Co.
EN9-27 Quiney, Mass., navy cost inspector, Bethlehem Steel Co.
EN9-28 San Francisco, Calif., navy cost inspector, Bethlehem Steel Co.
EN9-29 Orange, Tex., navy cost inspector, Continental Steel Co.
EN9-30 Galveston, Tex., navy cost inspector, Todd Galveston D.D. Co.
EN9-31 Oakland, Calif., navy cost inspector, Morris Ship Yard,
EN9-32 Mobile, Ala., navy cost inspector, Alabama D.D. & S.B. Co.
EN9-33 San Pedro, Calif., navy cost inspector, Los Angeles S.B. & D.D. Co,
EN9-34 Baltimore, Md., navy cost inspector, Maryland D.D. Co.
EN9-35 Harbor Island, Seattle, Wash,, navy cost inspector, Todd Seattle D. D, Co.
EN9-36 South Charleston, W. Va,, navy cost inspector, Carnegie Illinois Steel Corp.
EN9-37 Chickasaw, Ala., navy cost inspector, Gulf Ship- building Corp,
EN9-38 Bath, Maine, navy cost inspector, Bath Iron Works.
EN9-39 Manitowoc, Wis., navy cost inspector, Manitowoc S.B. Co.
EN9-40 Seattle, Wash., navy cost inspector, Seattle-Tacoma S.B. Co.
EN9-41 San Pedro, Calif., navy cost inspector, Bethlehem Steel Co.
EN9-42 Philadelphia, Pa., navy cost inspector, Cramps Ship Yard.
EN9-43 Bethlehem, Pa., navy cost inspector, Bethlehem Steel Co.
EN9-44 Camden, N.J., navy cost inspector, New York S.B. Corporation.
EN9-45 Seattle, Wash., navy cost inspector, Lake Union D.D. & Mach. Works.
EN9-46 Pittsburgh, Pa., navy cost inspector, Westinghouse Co.
EN9-47 Houghton, Wash., navy cost inspector, Lake Wash- ington Ship Yard.
EN9-48 Macon, Ga., navy cost inspector, Reynolds Metal Co.
EN9-49 Cicero, Ill., navy cost inspector, Danby Mach. Specialists, Inc.
EN9-50 Portland, Oreg., navy cost inspector, Willamette Iron & Steel Corporation.
EN9-51 Schenectady, N.Y., navy cost inspector, General Electric Co.
EN9-52 Tacony, Pa., navy cost inspector, Penna. Forge Co.
EN9-53 Bay City, Mich., navy cost inspector, Defoe Boat & Motor Works.
EN9-54 Chester, Pa., navy cost inspector, Sun Shipbuilding Co.
EN9-55 Pascaguola, Miss., navy cost inspector, Ingalls S.B. Co.
EN9-56 Newport News, Va., navy cost inspector, Newport News S.B. &D.D. Co.
EN9-57 Nieetown, Pa., navy coat inspector, Mid vale Steel Works.
EN9-58 Camden, N.J., navy cost inspector, Camden Forge Co.
EN9-59 Canton, N.J., navy cost inspector, Westinghouse E. & M. Co.
EN9-60 Indianapolis, Ind., navy cost inspector, Lukas Harold Corporation.
EN9-61 Louisville, Ky., navy cost inspector, Westinghouse E. & M. Co.
EN9-62 Detroit, Mich., navy cost inspector, Hudson Motor Car Co.
EN9-63 Great Lakes, Ill., navy cost inspector.
EN9-64 Irving, Pa., navy cost inspector, National Forge & Ordnance Co.
EN9-65 Harrison, N.J., navy cost inspector, Crucible Iron & Steel Co.
EN9-66 Titusville, Pa,, navy cost inspector, Struther-Wells Co.
EN9-67 Mingo Junction, Ohio, navy cost inspector, Carnegie Illinois Steel Corporation,
EN9-68 Erie, Pa., navy cost inspector, Erie Forge Co.
EN9-69 Munhall, Pa., navy cost inspector, Carnegie Illinois Steel Corporation.
EN9-70 Alameda, Calif., navy cost inspector, General Eng. & D.D. Co.
EN9-71 Special inspector's group.
EN9-72 Pawcatuck, Conn., navy cost inspector, United Air- craft Corp.
EN9-73 Hamilton, Ohio, navy cost inspector, General Mach. Corp.
EN9-74 Coatesville, Pa., navy cost inspector, Lukens Steel Co.
EN9-75 Birmingham, Ala., navy cost inspector, Ingalls S.B. Co.
EN9-76 Sunnyvale, Calif., navy cost inspector, Joshua Hendley Co.
EN9-77 Erie, Pa., navy cost inspector, General Electric Co.
EN9-78 York, Pa., navy cost inspector, York Safe &Lock Co.
EN9-79 Cincinnati, Ohio, navy cost inspector, King Machine Tool Co.
EN9-80 Newport, Ill., navy cost inspector, navy purchasing office.
EN9-81 Los Angeles, Calif., navy cost inspector, Consolidated Steel Corporation.
EN9-82 Tampa, Fia., navy cost inspector, Tampa S.B. Co.
EN9-83 Charleston, S. C, navy cost inspector, Charleston S.B. & D.D. Co.
EN9-84 Minneapolis, Minn., navy cost inspector, General Mills Inc.
EN9-85 Newark, N.J., navy cost inspector, Quimby Pump Co.
EN9-86 Baltimore, Md., navy cost inspector, Rustless Iron & Steel Works.
EN9-87 Birdsboro, Pa. navy cost inspector, Birdsboro Steel Foundry & Mach. Co.
EN9-88 Pontiac, Mich., navy cost inspector, General Motors Corp.
EN9-89 Buffalo, N.Y., navy cost inspector, Sterling Engine Co.
EN9-90 Tacoma, Wash., navy cost inspector, Seattle-Tacoma S.B. Co.
EN9-91 Rochester, N.Y.. navy cost inspector, Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.
EN9-92 Milwaukee, Wis., navy cost inspector, Nordberg Mfg. Co.
EN9-93 Salem, Mass., navy cost inspector, Atwood & Morrill Co.
EN9-94 College Point, N.Y., navy cost inspector, Edo Air- craft Corporation.
EN9-95 Beaver Falls, Pa., navy cost inspector, Babcock & Wilcox Co.
EN9-96 Long Island City, N.Y., navy cost inspector, Brewster Aeronautical Corporation.
EN9-97 Savannah, Ga., navy cost inspector, Savannah Mach. & Fdry. Co.
EN9-98 Elkton, Md., navy cost inspector, Triumph Ex- plosives, Inc.
EN9-99 Martin's Ferry, Ohio, navy cost inspector, Blaw- Knox Co.
EN9-100 Providence, R. I., navy cost inspector, Oerliken Ga?da Corporation.
EN9-I01 West Orange, N.J., navy cost inspector, Thomas A. Edison, Inc.
EN9-102 Toledo, Ohio, navy cost inspector, Willys-Overland Motors Inc.
EN9-103 New York, N.Y. (and Lebaron, N.J.), navy cost inspector, Excel Foundry & Machinery Co.
EN9-104 Hamilton, Ohio, navy cost inspector, Herring-Hall- Marvin Safe Co.
EN9-105 Cleveland, Ohio, navy cost inspector, Barth Stamp- ing & Machine Works.
EN9-106 Chicago Heights, Ill., navy cost inspector, American Locomotive Works.
EN9-107 Detroit, Mich., navy cost inspector, Graham-Paige Motor Co.
EN9-108 Denver, Colo., navy cost inspector, Wright Engineer- ing Supply Co.
EN9-109 Los Angeles, Calif., navy cost inspector, Automatic Machine Screw Co.
EN9-110 Torrance, Calif., navy cost inspector, National Sup- ply Plant Corp.
EN9-111 Philadelphia, Pa., navy cost inspector, Day & Zim- merman, Inc.
EN9-112 San Francisco, Calif., navy cost inspector, Union Iron Works.
EN9-113 Bridgeport, Conn., navy cost inspector, Bridgeport Brass Co.
EN9-I14 Mobile, Ala., navy cost inspector, Choctaw Boat Works, Inc.
EN9-115 Cranston, R. I., navy cost inspector, Standard Ma- chinery Co.
EN9-116 Centerline, Mich., navy cost inspector, Hudson Motor Car Co.
EN9-117 New York, N.Y., navy cost inspector, Merritt- Chapman & Scott Corp.
EN9-118 Algiers, New Orleans, La., navy cost inspector, Todd- Johnson D.D. Co.
EN9-119 San Francisco, Calif., navy cost inspector, United Engineering Co. Ltd.
EN9-120 Sidney, Ohio, navy cost inspector, Monarch Ma- chine Tool Co.
EN9-121 Boston, Mass., navy cost inspector, Hartford Elec- tric Steel Corp.
EN9-122 Detroit, Mich., navy cost inspector, Lyon, Inc.
EN9-123 Brooklyn, N.Y., navy cost inspector, Atlantic Basin Iron Works.
EN9-124 Port Columbus, Ohio, navy cost inspector, Curtis- Wright Corp.
EN9-125 New York, N, Y., navy cost inspector, Farrand Optica] Co.
EN9-126 Milwaukee, Wis., navy cost inspector, Falk Corp.
EN9-127 Plainfield, N.J., navy cost inspector, Walter Scott & Co., Inc.
EN9-128 Harrison, N, J., navy cost inspector, Worthington Pump & Machine Corp.
EN9-129 Camden, N.J., navy cost inspector, Radio Corp. of America.
EN9-130 First naval district, supervisory cost inspector.
EN9-131 Third naval district, supervisory cost inspector.
EN9-132 Fourth naval district, supervisory cost inspector.
EN9-133 Fifth naval district, supervisory cost inspector.
EN9-134 Ninth naval district, supervisory cost inspector.
EN9-135 Twelfth naval district, supervisory cost inspector.
EN9-136 Thirteenth naval district, supervisory cost inspector.
EN9-137 New York, N.Y., navy cost inspector, Bristol & Martin, Inc.
EN9-138 Chicago, Ill., navy cost inspector, Amcrtorp Corp.
EN9-139 Detroit, Mich., navy cost inspector, Vickers, Inc.
EN9-140 Waterbury, Conn., navy cost inspector, Vickers, Inc., Waterbury Tool41 Division.
EN9-141 Pittsfield, Mass., navy cost inspector, General Elec- tric Co.
EN9-142 Detroit, Mich., navy cost inspector, Federal-Mogul Corp.
EN9-143 Detroit, Mich., navy cost inspector, Ex-Cell-0 Corp.
EN9-144 Detroit, Mich., navy cost inspector, Aviation Corp., (Republic Aircraft Products Division).
EN9-145 Detroit, Mich., navy cost inspector, Bolin Aluminum & Brass Corp.
EN9-146 Santa Monica, Calif., navy cost inspector, Douglas Aircraft, Inc.
EN9-147 West Bond, Wis., navy cost inspector, West Bond Aluminum Co.
EN9-148 Milwaukee, Wis., navy cost inspector, A. 0. Smith Corp.
EN9-149 Ronton, Wash., navy cost inspector, Boeing Aircraft Co.
EN9-150 Seattle, Wash., navy cost inspector, Boeing Aircraft Co.
EN9-151 Hartford, Conn., navy cost inspector, Maxim Silencer Co.
EN9-152 Vernon, Calif., navy cost inspector, Western Gear Works.
EN9-153 Springfield, Ohio, navy cost inspector, National Sup- ply Co.
EN9-154 Port Arthur, Tex., navy cost inspector, Texasteel Manufacturing Co.
EN9-155 Muskegon, Mich., navy cost inspector, Kaydon Engi- neering Corp.
EN9-156 Philadelphia, Pa., navy cost inspector, Joyce Ma- chine Co.
EN9-157 Coatesville, Pa., navy cost inspector, By-Products Steel Corp.
EN9-158 Milwaukee, Wis., navy cost inspector, Globe-Union, Inc.
EN9-159 Millington, Morris County, N.J., navy cost inspec- tor, Asbestos Limited, Inc.
EN9-160 Brooklyn, N.Y., navy cost inspector, Sullivan D.D. & Repair Co.
EN9-161 Bayonne, N.J., navy cost inspector, Electric Boat Company.
EN9-162 Hoboken, N.J., navy cost inspector, Tietjen and Lang D.D. Company.
EN9-163 Brooklyn, N.Y., navy cost inspector, Robins D.D. & Repair Co.
EN9-164 Toledo, Ohio, navy cost inspector, The Mather Spring Co.
EN9-165 Columbus, Ohio, navy cost inspector, Bonnoy-Floyd Co.
EN9-I66 Philadelphia, Pa., navy cost inspector, American Pulley Co.
EN9-167 Philadelphia, Pa,, navy cost inspector, Phila. Non- Ferrous Fdry., Inc.
EN9-168 Norfolk, Va,, navy cost inspector, Norfolk S.B. & D.D. Company.
EN9-169 Bridgeport, Conn., navy cost inspector, Jenkins Bros.
EN9-170 San Diego, Calif., navy cost inspector, Consolidated Aircraft Corp.
EN9-171 New Orleans, La., navy cost inspector, V. M. Friede, Inc.
EN9-172 Trenton,1 N.J., navy cost inspector, DeLaval-5team Turbine Co.
EN9-173 Hamilton, Ohio, navy cost inspector, Hoovers-Owens- Rentschler Co.
EN9-174 Cincinnati, Ohio, navy cost inspector, American Tool Works Co.
EN9-175 Muncie, Ind., navy cost inspector, Durham Mfg, Co.
EN9-176 San Francisco, Calif., navy cost inspector, Enterprise Engine & Fdry. Co.
EN9-177 San Francisco, Calif., navy cost inspector, Western Pipe & Steel Co.
EN9-178 Niles, Calif., navy cost inspector, Pacific States Steel Corp.
EN9-179 Dunkirk, N.Y., Locomotive Co. navy cost inspector, American Locomotive Co.
EN9-180 Fort Wayne, Ind., navy cost inspector, Wayne Pump Co.
EN9-181 Huntington, Ind., navy cost inspector, Hosdreg & Co., Inc.
EN10 Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.
EN11 Bureau of Aeronautics.
EN11-1 Inspectors of naval aircraft (general).
EN11-2 Eastern district, N.Y., general inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-3 Dayton, Ohio, McCook Field, central division, general inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-4 Garden City, Long Island, inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-5 Keyport, N.J., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN 11-6 Hartford, Conn,, inspector of naval aircraft.
EN 11-7 Ogdensburg, N.Y., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-8 Buffalo, N, Y., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN 11-9 Hammondsport, N.Y., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-10 Dayton, Ohio, inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-11 Akron, Ohio, inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-12 Cleveland, Ohio, inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-13 Detroit (Muskegon) Mich., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-14 Santa Monica, (El Sogundo), Calif., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-15 New York, N.Y., inspector of naval aircraft, Loening.
EN11-16 Seattle, wash., inspector of naval aircraft, Boeing.
EN11-17 Buffalo, N.Y., inspector of naval aircraft, Consolidated Aircraft Co. (obsolete).
EN11-1S Paterson, N.J., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-19 Bristol, Pa., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-20 Baltimore, Md., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-21 Bethpage, Long Island, N.Y. (formerly Farmingdale, N.Y.), inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-22 Wichita, Kans., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-23 San Diego (Clmla Vista), Calif., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-24 Long Island, N.Y., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-25 Stratford, Conn., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-26 Western District, general inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-27 Tulsa, Okla., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-28 Robertson, Mo., inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-29 Port Columbus, Ohio, inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-30 Baltimore, Md., resident inspector of naval catapults.
EN11-31 Harrison, N.J., resident inspector of naval catapults.
EN11-32 Philadelphia, Pa., resident inspector of naval aircraft.
EN11-33 Dallas, Tex., resident inspector of naval aircraft.
EN 11-34 Deep River, Conn., resident inspector of naval air- craft.
EN11-35 Miami, Pla., resident inspector of naval aircraft.
EN 11-36 Norwood, Ohio, resident inspector of naval aircraft.
EN 11-37 Long Island, N.Y., College Point, inspector of naval aircraft.
EN12 Office of the Judge Advocate General of the Navy.
EN 13 Naval Consulting Board.
EN14 Compensation Board.
EN15 General Board.
EN16 Board of Medical Examiners.
EN 17 Naval Examining Board.
EN 18 Naval Retiring Board.
EN19 Naval Dispensary.
EN20 Board for Examination of Medical Officers.
EN21 Board for Examination of Dental Officers.
EN22 Hydrographic Office.
EN22-1 General.
EN22-2 Boston, Mass.
EN22-3 Portland, Maine.
EN22-4 New York, N.Y.
EN22-5 Buffalo, N.Y.
EN22-6 Philadelphia, Pa.
EN22-7 Baltimore, Md.
EN22-8 Norfolk, Va.
EN22-9 Savannah, Ga.
EN22-10 New Orleans, La.
EN22-11 Galveston, Tex.
EN22-12 Duluth, Minn.
EN22-13 Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
EN22-14 Chicago, Ill.
EN22-15 Cleveland, Ohio.
EN 22-16 Portland, Oreg.
EN22-17 San Francisco, Calif.
EN22-18 Panama, C. Z.
EN22-19 Seattle, Wash.
EN22-20 San Juan, P. R.
EN22-21 Hawaii, fourteenth naval district.
EN22-22 San Pedro, Calif.
EN22-23 Detroit, Mich.
EN23 Naval Observatory.
EN24 Inspectors of naval material, general.
EN24-1 Boston, Mass.
EN24-2 Hartford, Conn.
EN24-3 Schenectady, N.Y.
EN24-4 New York, N.Y.
EN24-5 Philadelphia, Pa.
EN24-6 Bethlehem, Pa.
EN24-7 Pittsburgh, Pa.
EN24-8 Cincinnati, Ohio.
EN24-9 Chicago, Ill.
EN24-10 Southern area.
EN24-11 Vernon, Calif. (Los Angeles district).
EN24-12 San Francisco, Calif.
EN24-13 Seattle, Wash.
EN24-14 Detroit, Mich.< 231
EN24-15 Cleveland, Ohio.
EN24 16 Monroe, Mich., resident inspector.
EN24-I7 Tecumseh, Mich., resident inspector.
EN24-I8 Minneapolis, Minn., inspector of naval material.
EN25 Supervisor of Shipbuilding.
EN25-1 Supervisor of Shipbuilding, general inspector.
EN25-2 Bayonno, N.J., Electric Boat Co.
EN25-3 Bay City, Mich., Defoe Boat & Motor Works.
EN25-4 Stamford, Conn., Luders Marine Construction Co.
EN25-5 Wilmington, Del., American Car & Foundry Co.
EN23-6 Bath, Maine, Bath Iron Works.
EN25-7 Quiney, Mass., Bethlehem Steel Co.
EN25-8 Groton, Conn., Electric Boat Co.
EN25-9 Camden, N.J., New York S.B. Corporation.
EN25-10 Newport News, Va., Newport News S.B. & D.D. Co.
EN25-11 New York, N.Y., Various S.B. Firms.
EN25-12 Kearny, N.J., Federal S.B. & D.D. Co.
EN25-13 New Orleans, La., Higgins Industries, Inc.
EN25-14 Miami, Fla., Fogal Boat Works.
EN25-15 Detroit, Mich., Fisher Boat Works.
EN25-16 Staten Island N. Y,, Bethlehem Steel Co.
EN25-17 San Francisco, Calif., Bethlehem Steel Co. (Union Plant).
EN25-18 Seattle, Wash., Seattle-Tacoma S.B. Co.
EN25-19 Orange, Tex., Consolidated Steel Corporation.
EN25-20 Manitowoc, Wis., Manitowoc S.B. & D.D. Co., branch at Chicago, Ill., Henry C. Grebe & Co.
EN25-21 Cleveland, Ohio, American S.B. Co.
EN25-22 Houghton, Wash., Lake Washington Ship Yards.
EN25-23 Portland, Oreg., Commercial Iron Works. * ;.
EN25-24 San Pedro, Calif., Bethlehem Steel Co.
EN25-2S San Pedro, Calif., Los Angeles S.B. & D.D. Co.
EN25-26 Chickasaw Ala., Gulf S.B. Co.
EN25-27 Lorraine, Ohio, American S.B. Co.
EN25-28 Philadelphia, Pa., Cramps S. B, Co.
EN25-29 Pascagoula, Miss., Ingalls S.B. Co.
EN25-30 Portland, Oreg., WiUamette Iron & Steel Corporation.
EN25 32 Pittsburgh, Pa., Dravo Corp., Neville Island.
EN25-33 Annapolis, Md., Annapolis Yacht Yard.
EN25-34 Nashville, Tenn., Nashville Bridge Co.
EN25-35 Jeffersonville, Ind., Jeffersonville Boat and Machine Corporation.
EN25-36 Tampa, Fla., Tampa S.B. Co., branch at Miami S. B, Corooration, Miami, Fla.
EN25-37 Charleston, S. C, Charleston S.B. & D.D. Co.
EN25-38 Savannah, Ga., Savannah Machine & Foundry Co., branch at Gibbs Gas Engine Co., Jacksonville, Fla.
EN25-39 Camden, N.J., R. T. C. Ship Building Corporation.
EN25-40 Alameda, Calif., Pacific Coast Engineering Co.
EN26 Citizens Naval Training Camp, inspector.
EN27 General Staff of the Navy.
EN28 Bureau of Ships.
EN28-1 Board on changes.
EN28-2 Special representative, gulf area, headquarters, New Orleans, La.
EN30 Washington, D.C. (Bethesda, Md.}., Naval Medical Center.
EP1 Postmaster Genera].
EP3 Division of Solicitor.
EP4 Division of Purchasing Agent.
EP5 Division of Post Office Inspectors.
EP6 First Assistant Postmaster General.
Division of Post Office Service.
Division of Postmasters' Appointments.
Division of Dead Letters.
Division of Correspondence.EP7 Second Assistant Postmaster General.
Division of Railway Adjustments.
Division of Foreign Mails.
Division of Railway Mail Service.
Division of Air Mail Service.
Superintendent of radio.EP8 Third Assistant Postmaster General.
Finance Division.
Money orders.
Postal savings.
Registered mails.
Stamps.EP9 Fourth Assistant Postmaster General.
Division of Rural Mails.
Division, of Engineering and Research Division of Post Office Corps.
Division of Equipment and Supplies.
Mail equipment shops.
Superintendent of Motor Vehicle Service.EP10 Comptroller.
Division of Postmasters' Accounts.
Division of Postal Service Pay Rolls.
EIectrical accounting system.EQ FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD.
ER1 Legal Division.
ER2 Economic Division.
ER3 Export Trade Division.
ER4 Trading With Enemy Division.
ER5 Administration Division.
ES1 The Secretary of State.
ES2 Undersecretary of State.
ES3 Division of Far Eastern Affairs.
ES4 Division of Mexican Affairs.
ES5 Division of Russian Affairs.
ES6 Division of Near Eastern Affairs.
ES7 Division of Latin American Affairs.
ESS Division of Passport Control.
ES9 Division of Western European Affairs.
ES10 Division of Publications.
ES11 Division of Political and Economic Information.
ES12 Division of Current Information.
ES13 Bureau of Accounts.
ES14 Disbursing clerk.
ES15 Bureau of Appointments.
ESI6 Bureau of Consular Service.
ES17 Bureau of Diplomatic Service.
ES18 Embassies, legations, ambassadors, ministers, and diplomats, special officers.
ES19 Consulates.
ES20 Bureau of Indexes and Archives.
ES21 Editor of Laws of Congress.
ES22 Officer in charge of ceremonials.
ES23 Division of Eastern European Affairs.
ES24 Division of Foreign Service Administration.
ES25 Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce.
ES26 Foreign Agriculture Service.
ET1 The Secretary of the Treasury.
ET2 The Undersecretary (in charge of fiscal affairs).
ET3 Comptroller of the Currency.
ET4 Treasurer of the United States.
ET5 National Bank Redemption Agency.
ET6 Bureau of the Budget.
ET6-1 Chief coordinator.
ET6-2 Coordinator, motor transport.
ETB-3 Federal Real Estate Board.
ET6-4 Coordinator for traffic.
ET6-5 Interdepartmental Board of Contracts and Adjust- ments.
ET6-6 Federal Purchasing Board and Procurement Division.
ET6-7 Division of Statistical Standards of Government Rsports (formerly, Federal Statistical Board).
ET7 Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
ET8 Director of the Mint.
ET9 Register of the Treasury.
ET10 Federal Farm Loan Bureau.
ET11 Bureau of Engraving and Printing.
ET12 Bureau of Public Health Service.
ET12-1 Quarantine stations.
ET13 Hygienic Laboratory.
ET14 The Coast Guard.
ET15 Supervising Architect's Office.
ET16 General Supply Committee.
ET17 Customhouse (customs).
ET18 Prohibition Bureau.
Agents and inspectors.
ET19 Bureau of Lighthouses.
ET20 Division of Disbursements.
EV1 Director General.
EV2 Assistant to Director General.
EW1 Secretary.
EW2 Assistant Secretary.
EW3 War Department General Staff.
EW3-1 Military intelligence.
EW3-2 Military attache's.
EW4 Chief of Cavalry.
EW5 Chief of Field Artillery.
EW6 Chief of Coast Artillery.
EW7 Chief of Infantry.
EW8 Chief of Chaplains.
EW9 Adjutant General.
EWIO Inspector General.
EW11 Judge Advocate General.
EWI2 Quartermaster General.
Army Transportation Service.
EW13 Chief of Finance.
EW14 Surgeon General of the Army.
Army Medical Museum and Library.
Army Medical School.
Attending surgeon.EW15 Chief of Engineers.
Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors.
Public Buildings and Grounds. (See GD.)
United States Engineer Office.
Lake Survey Office, Detroit, Mich.
Mississippi River Commission.
California Debris Commission.EW16 Chief of Ordnance.
EWI7 Chief Signal Officer.
EW18 Chief of the Air Service.
EW19 Bureau of Insular Affairs. (See EL33.)
EW20 Militia Bureau (Army).
EW21 Chief of the Chemical Warfare Service.
EW22 Inland and Coastwise Waterways Service. (See EC20.)
EW23 War Credits Board.
EW24 Army War College.
EW25 Army reproduction plant.
EW26 Citizens military training camps.
EW27 Army arsenals, etc.
EW27-1 Edgewood.
EW27-2 Frankford.
EW27-3 Picatinny.
EW27-4 Watervliet.
EW27-5 Aberdeen proving ground.
EW27-G Watertown.
EW27-7 Rock Island.
EW27-8 Pig Point ordnance depot (Nansemond).
EW27-9 Raritan.
EW27-10 Venicia.
EW28 Army schools.
EX1 President of Board.
EX2 General comptroller.
EX3 Treasurer.
EX4 General counsel.
EX5 Operation.
EX6 Allocation and charters.
EX7 Traffic.
EX8 Finances.
EX9 Ship sales and surplus property.
EX10 Department of Maintenance and Repair.
EX11 Operating Department.
EX12 Allocations Department.
EX13 Chartering Department.
EX14 Traffic Department.
EX15 Insurance Department.
EX16 Ship Sales Department.
EX17 Surplus Property Department.