WASHINGTON 28, D.C.15 November 1944
1. This publication, Surface Plotting Manual, is issued for the information and guidance of commissioned, warrant, and enlisted personnel to provide a standard basis of information relative to surface plotting in the United States Fleet.
2. This publication is
CONFIDENTIAL[DECLASSIFIED], non-registered and shall be handled, stowed and transported as prescribed in Article 76, U. S. Navy Regulations, 1920. When no longer required for use it shall be destroyed by burning; no report of destruction 1s necessary.3. While the classification of the publication is necessarily
CONFIDENTIAL[DECLASSIFIED], Commanding Officers are urged to make certain that the book is available to all CIC and radar personnel whose duties require access to the information contained therein.4. Requests for this publication shall be made to Headquarters, Commander in Chief, United States Fleet, (Readiness Division).
Deputy Chief of Staff.
Standard Navy Distribution List No. 26 (15 September 1944)
List 1 a(5), b(5), c(3), d(6), e(5), f (5), g(6), h(3), l(l), J(5), k-COTCLant Hdqtrs(500), COTCPac HdQtrs(500) only.
List 2 d-l(2), e(2), f (2), g(2), h(2) , m(2) , n(2), q (2) , u(2), w(2).
List 3 a(6), b(l), b-l(6)fc(l)less Coast Guard, c-1 (1), d(6), e (2), f (4), r-1 (1), g(2) , h(6), 1(6), 1 (6), k(3), 1 (2), m(2), o(l) , p(2), q(l), r(l) less Coast Guard, r-1 (1) , w(2), w-l(l), y(2), aa(2), bb(2), dd(l)less Coast Guard, fr(1)AF only, gg(l), 11 (2), JJ (2), kk(lj, ll(l), nn(2)only to PCE, PCF, (R) (less Coast Guard), pp(2), qq(2), rr(2), tt(2), uu(2).
Standard Navy Distribution List No. 28 (1 October 1944)
List 4 a(6), b(l), c(l), e(2), f (4), h(6), 1 (6), J (6), k(3), 1 (2), 1-1 (1)-p(2), q(l) , r (1), y(2) AM only, dd(l), ff(l) AR only, gg(l), 11 (2), kk(l), 11 (1) , nn(2) only to PCE, PCE (R), pp (2), qq (2), rr (2), uu (Z).
List 6 a(3), b(3).
List 7 g(50) USNA only.
List 8 n-1 Radar Op. Sch., Et. Lauderdale, Fla.(300): Tactical Radar Sen.,
Hollywood, Fla. (300): Nav. Radar Tr. Sch., NAS, St. Simons Island, Ga. (200); Radar Op. Sen., Point Loma, San Diego, Calif.(300); n-10 Pac. Flt. Radar Center, Navy #91, FPO, S. F., Calif. (500).
List 11 Chnn., Gen. Board (1); BuAero (5); BuPers (12); CNO (10); BuOrd (5); BuShips (5); USMC(l); USCG(IO).
Special Addressees:
Comdt. Army & Navy Staff College (2); Radar Op. Sch., Cavalier Hotel, Virginia Beach, Va.(300); U.S. Army Air Forces(1); U.S. Army Ground Forces(1); Adjutant General, U.S. Army(l) , 0p-2O-Z(l).
NOTE: Numbers In parentheses Indicate number of copies sent to each addressee.
100 PREFACE 1000 INTRODUCTION 2000 THE NAVIGATIONAL PLOT 2100 BASIC CONSIDERATIONS 2110 Definitions 2120 Navigation as it Applies to Surface Plotting 2130 Dead Reckoning 2140 Instruments and Accessories 2200 DEAD RECKONING EQUIPMENT 2210 Explanation 2220 Pencil Carriage 2230 Latitude and Longitude Dials 2240 Latitude and Longitude Selector Switch 2250 Component Tracking Switch 2260 Clock Light Switch 2270 Scales and Adjustments 2280 Plotting Surfaces 2300 PLOTTING ON THE DRT 2310 Positioning the "Bug" 2320 Orienting Parallel Motion Protractor to DRT 2330 Developing own Ship's Track on DRT 2340 Indicating Time 2350 Plotting Bearings and Ranges with Parallel Motion Protractor 2360 Symbols and Abbreviations 2370 Data to be Recorded on Plots 2380 Determining Courses and Speeds 2390 Sample Plots 2400 READINESS AND PRECAUTIONS 2410 State of Readiness of the DRT at Sea 2420 DRT Casualties 2430 Reminders 2440 Primary vs. Secondary Targets 3000 RELATIVE MOTION AND THE USE OF THE MANEUVERING BOARD 3100 INTRODUCTION 3200 RELATIVE MOVEMENT 3300 THE MANEUVERING BOARD 3310 The Relative Plot on the Maneuvering Board 3320 The Vector Diagram 3330 Scales 3340 Illustrative Problems 3350 The Torpedo Effective Range Indicator and its Use 3360 Three Minute Thumb Rule for Determining Course and Speed 3370 The Plastic Maneuvering Board 4000 SUMMARY PLOT 4100 INTRODUCTION 4200 UTILIZATION OF THE SUMMARY PLOT 4300 TYPES OF PLOTS 4400 INFORMATION TO BE PLOTTED 4500 SOURCES OF INFORMATION 4600 KEEPING THE PLOT 5000 THE PREPARATION OF CIC PROBLEMS FOR TRAINING 5100 DRILL PROBLEMS 5110 Arithmetic Problems 5120 Dead Reckoning Problems 5130 Surface Plotting Problems 5140 Relative Movement and Maneuvering Board Problems 5200 CIC TEAM PRACTICE PROBLEMS
This Surface Plotting Manual is promulgated for the purpose of setting forth the plotting procedures, symbols, and techniques which will aid in standardizing the portrayal of the surface picture. In accomplishing this purpose you will find the background material, equipment, and aids necessary to the maintenance of the surface plot will be discussed in connection with the true and relative presentation.
The manual is written on the assumption that its readers are entering an entirely unfamiliar field and consequently introduces the necessary material in a sequence which will be most beneficial for this category of individuals. Endeavor has been made to lead the prospective plotter through the logical succession of events and explain in simple language the problems to be met and methods of solution with the following objectives in mind:
To acquaint the reader with the problem of surface plotting.
To explain to the reader how to use the plotting equipment he will be furnished.
To provide the reader with standard methods of plotting.
To acquaint the reader with standard plotting symbols and abbreviations.
To give the reader practice in laying out and completely labeling the tracks in order to present a clear understandable plot that will accurately portray the events that take place in the area within radar range of the ship.
To provide the guides for sufficient practice in the above procedure to establish proficiency.