Transport Doctrine
Amphibious Forces U.S. Pacific Fleet
September 1944
Serial 0651
[Formerly] CONFIDENTIAL [subsequently Declassified]
From: The Commander, Amphibious Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet. To: Amphibious Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet. Subject: TRANSPORT DOCTRINE, AMPHIBIOUS FORCES, U.S. PACIFIC FLEET -- promulgation of. Enclosure: (A) Copy of TRANSPORT DOCTRINE, Amphibious Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet.
- The TRANSPORT DOCTRINE, Amphibious Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet, enclosure (A), is hereby promulgated. The purpose, basis and scope of the TRANSPORT DOCTRINE is set forth on the INTRODUCTION page.
- It is requested that Force, Group, Division, Flotilla, and Landing Craft Group Commanders, and Commanding Officers of APAs, AKAs, APDs, LSVs, and LSDs submit comment and recommendations for the improvement of this DOCTRINE.
- This edition supersedes the previous edition of the TRANSPORT DOCTRINE promulgated by Commander, Amphibious Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet, letter dated 1 June 1944, file A16-3/P11. The previous edition will be destroyed by burning.
(See list)
INTRODUCTION Chapter I General. Chapter II Characteristics of Landing Ships, Landing Craft, Landing Boats, Amphibian Tracked Vehicles and Amphibian Trucks. Chapter III Landing Boat Organization and Duties of Landing Boat Officers. Chapter IV The Tactical Employment of Landing Boats, LVTs and DUKWs in the Ship to Shore Movement. Chapter V Amphibian Vehicles. Chapter VI Landing Boat, LVT and DUKW plans, Diagrams and schedules. Chapter VII Landing Boat Training Chapter VIII Rubber Boat Operations. Chapter IX The Ship to Shore Control Party -- Organization and Functions. Chapter X Boat Pools. Chapter XI Maintenance of Landing Boats. Chapter XII Beach Parties -- Organization and Functions. Chapter XIII Salvage Group Organization and Operations. Chapter XIV Towing and Fueling Landing Ship Tanks, Landing Craft and Landing Boats. Chapter XV Pontoon Causeway Operating Instructions. Chapter XVI Communications. Chapter XVII The Combat Information Center. Chapter XVIII I.R. Equipment -- Installation and Operating instructions. (SECRET -- Issued in Secret Supplement). Chapter XIX Transport Quartermasters. Chapter XX Amphibious Force Loading, Embarkation, Debarkation and Unloading. Chapter XXI Type Regulations for the Government of Troops Aboard Vessels of the Amphibious Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet. Chapter XXII Life Belts and Jackets. Chapter XXIII Cargo Handling teams for APAs, AKAs, APs, AKs, XAPs, and XAKs. Chapter XXIV Type Battle Bill, Amphibious Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet. Chapter XXV Gunnery Instructions, Amphibious Forces, U.S. Pacific Fleet. Chapter XXVI Support Aircraft in Amphibious Operations. Chapter XXVII Gunfire Support. Chapter XXVIII Underwater Demolition Teams. (Confidential-enclosed as part of this publication) (Secret--Issued in Secret Supplement). Chapter XXIX Rockets. Chapter XXX Use of Smoke in Amphibious Operations. Chapter XXXI Misconduct of Naval and Military Personnel During Amphibious Landing Operations. Chapter XXXII Instructions for Personnel Transferred Ashore in Combat Areas. Chapter XXXIII Transport Squadron, Transport Division and APD Transport Division Commanders Type Staff Organization and Allowed Complement. Chapter XXXIV Instructions for Observers of Amphibious Operations. Chapter XXXV Ship Maintenance. Chapter XXXVI Camouflage and Ship Designating Letter and Number Painting Instructions. Chapter XXXVII Planning for an Amphibious Operation. (Omitted from this Edition). Chapter XXXVIII Medical Preparation and Plans. Chapter XXXIX Logistics. Chapter XL Ship's Service Instructions. (Omitted from this Edition). Chapter XLI Training exercises AGCs, APAs, AKAs, APs, AKs, LSDs, LSVs, LSTs, LSMs, Landing Craft and Landing boats. Chapter XLII Intelligence. (Confidential--enclosed as part of this publication) (Secret--Issued in Secret Supplement). Chapter XLIII Shore Party. The following Appendices were not located with the document: Appendix ONE APA and AKA Type Organization and Regulations. (RESTRICTED) (Issued under separate cover). Appendix TWO APD Type Organization, regulations. (RESTRICTED) APD Standard Operating Procedure. (CONFIDENTIAL) (Issued under separate cover). Appendix THREE Standard Operating Procedure for DDs and DEs Engaged in Amphibious Landing Force Operations, (Enclosed as part of this publication). Appendix FOUR LST Type Organization and Regulations. (RESTRICTED) LST Standard Operating Procedure. (CONFIDENTIAL) (Issued under separate cover). Appendix FIVE LCI(L)-LCI(G) Type Organization and Regulations. (RESTRICTED) LCI(L)-LCI(G) Standard Operating Procedure. (CONFIDENTIAL) (Issued under separate cover). Appendix SIX LCT Type Organization, Regulations and Standard Operating Procedure. (RESTRICTED) (Issued under separate cover). Appendix SEVEN LSD Type Organization, Regulations and Standard Operating Procedure. (RESTRICTED) (Issued under separate cover). Appendix EIGHT LSM Class Manual. (RESTRICTED) LSM Type Organization, Regulations and Standard Operating Procedure. (CONFIDENTIAL (Issued under separate cover). Appendix NINE LST TENDER Type Organization, Regulations and Standard Operating Procedure. (RESTRICTED) (Issued under separate cover). Appendix TEN ARL Type Organization, Regulations and Standard Operating Procedure. (RESTRICTED) (Issued under separate cover).