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Online Library of Selected Images -- Photo Albums --
(Naval History and Heritage Command Photographic Lot # S-589)

USS Philippines (ID # 1677) Collection, Album Covers and Pages 1-10

This page provides textual descriptions and thumbnails, plus links to larger images, of the covers and pages 1 through 10 of the album portion of the USS Philippines (ID # 1677) Collection.

For introductory information on this collection, see:

  • USS Philippines (ID # 1677) Collection -- General Description.

    To quickly locate relevant entries (when using "Windows" type computers): press "Ctrl-f" to open the "FIND" dialog box, type in the subject word(s) you want and click "find next".

    Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.

    Left: S-589 -- Front Cover.

    Right: S-589 -- Inside of the Back Cover, featuring the "Royal Albums" trade mark.



    Left: S-589, Page 1 -- View of Paris taken from the Eiffel Tower, 1919.

    Right: S-589, Page 2 -- USS Philippines (ID # 1677) seen from a launch returning crew members to the ship following a sightseeing trip to Paris, August 1919
    Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of this image, see Photo # NH 107078.



    Left: S-589, Page 3 -- USS Philippines crew members on railway cars, en route to Paris for sightseeing, 13 August 1919.
    Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of this image, see Photo # NH 107079.

    Right: S-589, Page 4 -- German Field Marshal August von Mackensen on horseback, during the First World War.



    Left: S-589, Page 5 -- Soissons, France, scene of a battle between Allied and German armies in July 1918.

    Right: S-589, Page 6 -- Crew members operating a winch on board USS Philippines, 1919.
    Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of this image, see Photo # NH 107080.



    Left: S-589, Page 7 -- A Lieutenant (Junior Grade) on the bridge of USS Philippines, 1919.

    Right: S-589, Page 8 -- French and American senior officers, 1918. U.S. Army General John J. Pershing is in the center. Two of the French officers are identified as Generals Pelletier and Dubrail.


    Turn page 90 degrees to the left


    Left: S-589, Page 9 -- One of the Eiffel Tower's bases, 1919.

    Right: S-589, Page 10 -- Officers of USS Philippines, 1919.
    Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of this image, see Photo # NH 107081.




  • To the best of our knowledge, the pictures referenced here are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded and used for any purpose.

  • If reproduced, images featured on these pages should be credited to the "U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command".

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the Online Library's digital images, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

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    Page made 23 November 2010